Sponsorship Form - Beech Brook Farm Equine Rescue

Save a Horse Ride a Rescue
Beech Brook Farm Equine Rescue
77 Ocean View Ave, Mystic CT 06355
beechbrookfarm.homestead.com 860-705-8456
Sponsorship Agreement
City State Zip_________________________
I _____________________________
Agree to Sponsor ________________
For the donation of _________dollars a month. Beginning _________Thru________
I agree to make a payment by the 10th of each month for a period of at least ____ months. After
which time I can elect to renew my sponsorship.
I understand and agree to the following:
1. Sponsorship donation is to cover the estimated expenses for feed, farrier, routine
healthcare (vaccines, worming) and other applicable expenses such as supplements or
training fees
2. As part of my sponsorship I will receive a Certificate of Sponsorship, regular updates
and photos of my sponsored horse.
3. I can visit the farm and see my sponsored horse by appointment. As a Business, I may
use photos of my sponsored horse in advertising or promotional materials.
4. I will have first option to renew sponsorship of my rescue.
5. In the event that the horse is adopted out during my sponsorship I understand the
balance of my commitment will be deposited in the Angel Fund.
6. In the event that sponsored horse must be humanely euthanized, I understand BBFER
will notify me (Email, FB or phone), Beech Brook Farm volunteers and the public
regarding the situation.
Save a Horse Ride a Rescue
Beech Brook Farm Equine Rescue
77 Ocean View Ave, Mystic CT 06355
beechbrookfarm.homestead.com 860-705-8456