Chapter 10 Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

Chapter 11: DNA and Genes
Objectives, Standards and Assignments
A. Knows how DNA carries all genetic information in the units of heredity called genes,
including (NM – II.II.II.1): 281-287, 288-295, 306, 307
 the structure of DNA (e.g., subunits A, G, C, T)
 information-preserving replication of DNA
 alteration of genes by inserting, deleting, or substituting parts of DNA.
B. Knows how genetic variability results from the recombination and mutation of genes,
including (NM – II.II.II.5): 296-301, 306, 307
1. sorting and recombination of genes in sexual reproduction result in a change in
DNA that is passed on to offspring
 radiation or chemical substances can cause mutations in cells, resulting in a
permanent change in DNA.
C. Knows that DNA directs protein building (e.g., role of RNA) (NM – II.II.III.6). 288-295,
302-303, 306
Read Chapter 11. Use objectives p. 281, 288 & 296 to focus reading.
Notes with Vocabulary highlighted, Know vocabulary Ch. 11.
Notebook- keep assignments in order by number/date. Record assignment grades.
Start-Ups- do start ups and review for important information.
Classwork and Homework
Tests and Quizzes
Extra Credit (due before Test)
Chapter 11: DNA and Genes
Standards and Objectives
D. Know how DNA carries all genetic information in the units of heredity called genes,
including the structure of DNA, information preserving replication of DNA, alteration of
genes by inserting, deleting, or substituting parts of DNA. 281-287, 288-295, 306, 307.
1. Explain the principal function of DNA.
2. Describe the structure of a nucleotide. Include the terms: deoxyribose, phosphate
group, and nitrogenous base
3. Describe the structure of DNA. Include the terms: nucleotides, phosphate groups,
nitrogenous bases, hydrogen bonds, covalent bonds.
4. What are the base pairing rules?
5. Explain the role of complimentary base pairing in DNA replication.
6. Summarize the main features of DNA replication. Include the terms: helicase,
DNA polymerase and hydrogen bonds.
E. Know that DNA directs protein building (e.g., role of RNA). 288-295, 302-303, 306
7. Compare the structure of RNA with that of DNA.
8. Describe the structure and function of each type of RNA.
9. Summarize the process of transcription. Include the terms: nucleus, DNA,
mRNA, RNA polymerase, and cytoplasm.
10. Distinguish between a codon and an anticodon, and state where each is found.
11. Explain the roles of the start and stop codons.
12. Summarize the process of translation. Include the terms: cytoplasm, mRNA,
codon, tRNA, anticodon, rRNA, amino acids and protein (polypeptide).
F. Know how genetic variability results from the recombination and mutation of genes,
including the sorting and recombination of genes in sexual reproduction result in a change
in DNA that is passed on to offspring and that radiation or chemical substances can cause
mutations in cells, resulting in a permanent change in DNA. 296-301, 306, 307.
13. Distinguish between point mutations (substitution), and frameshift mutations
(insertion, and deletion).
14. Compare the consequences of mutations in body cells to those in sex cells.
G. Define Vocabulary Ch. 11 p. 305 (14 words)
H. Read Chapter 11. Use objectives p. 281, 288 & 296 to focus reading.
I. Review and study notes, highlight and know vocabulary.
J. Start-Ups- do start ups and review for important information.
K. Extra Credit: Complete Sentences or Q & A- Due before test!!!
HW- p. 306 #1-13; Lab- p. 306-307 # 14-18; Test- p. 307 # 20-24.