RYE TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES PR06 Minutes of a Meeting of the Policy, Resources & General Purposes Committee, held at the Town Hall, Rye, on Monday 8 April 2013 PRESENT Councillors Lord Ampthill, Granville Bantick, Gemma Blumire, Jonathan Breeds, Mike Eve (Committee Chairman), Bernardine Fiddimore (Deputy Mayor), Sonia Holmes, Jo Kirkham, Shaun Rogers (Mayor) Richard Farhall - Town Clerk; Peter Cosstick – Heritage Centre Manager [part]; 5 members of the public _________________________________________________________________________ IN ATTENDANCE The meeting commenced at 6.45pm. 69 APOLOGIES Apologies for absence – and the reasons (lodged with the Clerk) - were accepted from Cllrs John Breeds, Ian Potter (Committee Vice Chairman) and Sam Souster. 70 CODE OF CONDUCT a) Declarations of interest The interests following were disclosed: Cllr Jonathan Breeds personal item 81 Father provided the map artwork a) Requests for dispensation Member Jonathan Breeds 71 Item 81 Interest Father drew the map Time period 8.4.13 Speak? Yes Vote? No Reason Involved in the tourism industry and aware of the popularity of the ‘free Rye map’ Decision Speaking yes MINUTES RESOLVED To adopt the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2013 (PR05) as an accurate record of the proceedings. 72 MATTERS ARISING Page 1 78 Work Programme – arranging another priority setting session Outstanding. 82 Town Hall maintenance (seeking structural survey quotations) One obtained thus far. 17(b) Flag flying – Landgate Tower (providing RDC with two appropriate flags to fly during the main visitor season) RDC has advised that one of the two poles is not safe enough to continue to use. Confirmation that RDC is prepared to fly a RTC- supplied flag from the other pole is awaited. 8 April 2013 (PR06) 1 Page 2 34 Thwarting gulls (ascertaining the cost of a suitable bag to protect plastic sacks – and asking RDC if it would consider introducing a scheme similar to Thanet DC’s) Outstanding. 53 Public Conveniences (establishing a working group) This had yet to meet. 55 Spirit of Rye Millennium Wall (advising SGN that RTC would accept ownership if SGN arranged for it to be capped) Actioned – see main agenda item 77. Page 3 68 Reproduction Rights Request RTC would receive a credit but not a copy because the book would be published electronically. 73 FINANCE 73.1 Town Hall a) Schedules of Authorised Payments and Statements of Income RESOLVED That the Schedule of Authorised Payments and Statement of Income for January-February 2013 be received and adopted. b) 73.2 Budget Monitor RESOLVED That the Statement of actual income and expenditure to 28 February 2013, against that budgeted, be received and noted. Heritage Centre a) Progress report The report of the Heritage Centre Manager, Peter Cosstick (PC) included: (Subject to end of year accounting adjustments) Forecast total revenue to 31 March 2013 is down 7%. It has been a difficult trading year for the HC and other businesses in the town. Because staff costs had been reduced during the year (to address the trading downturn) it was likely that the HC would report a net profit of c£10,000 – generating £5,000 for RTC. Groups had begun to return and the recent few days of fine weather had been helpful. The HC had excellent reviews on Trip Advisor – and was ranked third amongst Rye attractions (with St Mary’s taking the top spot) The decision to close mid-Nov to 31 January (except for w/e’s and Christmas-New Year) looked like the right one – it does not make sense to open when operating expenses exceed trading receipts. The HC would continue to operate flexible hours in order, for example, to accommodate group Model bookings outside of normal opening hours. 6.55 Cllr Blumire arrived. The Chairman reported that UK coach tours were up c10% and represented a growing market. 8 April 2013 (PR06) 2 PC advised that foreign students are the HC’s target customer group – they generally spend well after viewing the Model and lead to repeat business. However, they are often in Rye for a short time only (90 mins) whilst they stop off on their way to host families in Eastbourne or Brighton. He added that the relatively high cost of coach parking in Rye (£14 for 2 hours) discourages coach drivers. b) Payments and Income RESOLVED That the Income by Customer Summary and Expenses by Supplier Summary for January-February 2013 be received and noted. c) Budget Monitor RESOLVED That the Statement of actual income and expenditure 28 February 2013, against that budgeted, be received and noted. 73.3 Account Balances RESOLVED That the Statement of Account Balances as at 28 February 2013 be received and noted. 73.4 Earmarked Reserves RESOLVED That the Statement of Earmarked Reserves as at 28 February 2013 be received and noted. 73.5 Grant Applications Members were invited to consider the applications following: (a) Hastings & Rother Mediation Service Request: £1,000 towards the Neighbourhood Mediation project. Comments included: previous unsatisfactory experience of using the service; relatively high proportion of the total expenditure (£148,000) in 2011-12 was spent on salaries (£116,000); Sussex Police, AmicusHorizon (and other RSLs) are more appropriate grant funders. RECOMMENDATION Not to award a grant. (b) Rother Responders Request: £1,400 per volunteer (currently 3) towards the purchase of an emergency kit containing a defibrillator. Comments included: as its budget reduces, the Ambulance Service is likely to encourage further voluntary provision; there is a defibrillator located permanently in Battle High Street (an access code is obtained after ringing 999); if the Ambulance Service is aware that a defibrillator has been accessed it is likely that an ambulance will not arrive as quickly; medical treatment within the first few minutes of a stroke or heart attack is considered essential; the Responder volunteers are trained to a high standard; the Ambulance Service has provided 5 defibrillators for Rye and surrounding villages – insufficient if Rye is to have access to 3; The League of Friends will be funding 2 defibrillators; the Ambulance Service struggles to cope in the snow; Responder volunteers have fitness and CRB checks. 8 April 2013 (PR06) 3 RECOMMENDATION That RTC awards the sum of £4,200 to fund 3 kits – each containing a defibrillator. Statutory power: Localism Act 2011, s1(1) (c) Rye Maritime Festival Request: £500 towards the 2013 Festival. It was agreed generally that the Festival should be self-financing by now – and that it should be possible to increase the revenue derived from bar and food sales. RECOMMENDATION Not to award a grant. 74 WORK PROGRAMME The Clerk advised that the new external auditor, Littlejohn had set an earlier audit date than anticipated – meaning that the Annual Return would need to be ready for the start of the public inspection period on 10 May (instead of 25 June). Given councils’ workload at this time of the year, the Clerk considered that the timescale could not be achieved. SALC would be meeting with Littlejohn to discuss councils’ concerns. RESOLVED To receive and consider a summary of the status of key tasks/projects as at 2 April 2013. 75 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (13 MARCH 2013) Members were invited to review the venue, format and arrangements – and considered the comments made on the feedback forms made available at the meeting. The Clerk advised that most of the parishioners who had mentioned the lack of refreshments had done so because an old version of the form had been used – and this sought views on the refreshments provided. Those Members who were present at the meeting observed few parishioners from the New Road/Kings Avenue area. The main concern was the temperature (even though the heating had been turned on earlier in the day). A number of Members suggested selling glasses of wine at the next meeting – although it was noted that a TEN might be required. The Clerk advised that, at next week’s Council meeting, Members would be asked to consider changing the date of the 2014 ATM in order to avoid clashing (for the third year running) with the Rye & District Bonfire Society AGM. RESOLVED To ask the ATM WG to consider further arrangements for the 2014 ATM. Clerk 76 YPRES TOWER - LAND ADJACENT The Clerk reminded Members that, from October 2012, RDC had ceased to maintain the (unregistered) grassed area adjacent to the Tower. RTC had made provision within its 2013-14 Budget for the purchase on grass cutting equipment; however, the Clerk had concerns about finding sufficient space to store the items – as well as any grass cuttings being considered commercial (and controlled) waste. Cllr Kirkham advised that the Museum had twice approached RDC, offering to maintain the grassed areas, in return for RDC transferring the land to the Museum. Cllr Ampthill offered to help facilitate a response. The Clerk observed the that grassed areas adjoin a public highway. 8 April 2013 (PR06) 4 It was noted that a number of Members offered their services personally in respect of maintaining the grassed area. RESOLVED To agree that the preferred outcome was for the Museum to take on the maintenance of the grassed areas. 77 MILLENNIUM WALL RECOMMENDATION To note that Southern Gas Networks has agreed to refurbish the wall (including adding a concrete cap) subject to its ownership and future maintenance transferring to the Town Council – and to authorise the Clerk to instruct the Council’s solicitors, as and when necessary. 78 ACCESSIBILITY Cllr Foster had asked the Committee to consider access to the Town Hall by those with mobility difficulties. She had suggested that, as a minimum, RTC should consider installing a suitable handrail on the Buttermarket steps – and to replace the handrope on the main stairway with a solid handrail. The Clerk advised that an access audit of the Town Hall had been undertaken in 2004. It had identified numerous access issues but few practical solutions. Cllr Kirkham confirmed that there is little structural strength either side of the stairway (with partitions on both sides of the first flight of stairs). The provision of a lift and (two) stair lifts had been considered impracticable. However, she recalled the RTC had commissioned (prior to 2000) a scheme to ‘glaze in’ the Buttermarket and to create usable (more accessible) space. 79 RESOLVED To seek advice when obtaining further Town Hall structural survey estimates – and to explore further the provision of hand rails. Clerk ADVERSE WEATHER RESPONSE It was noted that AmicusHorizon does not always keep its grit bins filled with salt – or keep them properly secured. RECOMMENDATION To invite AmicusHorizon to transfer the ownership – and responsibility for maintenance – of its 3 (green, lockable) grit bins, located on Tilling Green Estate. 80 EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS RESOLVED in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 (1)(2) to exclude the public and press from item 81 because it has the potential to form the basis of a legal action. 81 RYE TOWN TRAIL MAP Members were invited to compare the Rye Town Trail Map published this year by Domain Support Ltd with the map produced by Joy Harland on behalf of the Town Council in 1979 – and to agree a course of action. The Clerk advised that there were two considerations – does the RTT map breach RTC’s copyright? and was the use of a device resembling the Confederation coat of arms acceptable? The sale of the RTT map had the potential to affect adversely sales of RTC’s map. It was noted that Cllr Potter had suggested that: the maps serve different purposes (ie one is functional – the other, decorative); there is no copyright breach because the 8 April 2013 (PR06) 5 RTT map is not ‘substantially similar’ to the RTC map. He had further identified 42 dissimilarities. Members noted also the artist’s statement that he had drawn the RTT map ‘entirely freehand’. He had referred to a poor b&w copy of the RTC map at an early stage; however, his main reference source had been Google Earth. On the matter of the Confederation coat of arms, he had set the demi-lions and demi-ships device on a different background to that used typically by the Confederation – and had coloured the demi-ships silver (as is the practice in Rye) rather than gold. The Clerk explained the protocol for the use of the Confederation coat of arms: Member towns may use it freely; non-profit bodies in Member towns may use it with the Confederation’s formal approval – and permission is never granted to commercial organisations. Comments included: the RTT and RTC maps are clearly intended for different purposes; maps, by their very nature, are likely to have similarities. Cllr Jonathan Breeds reported that Cllr Potter had expressed the opinion that RTC’s map was, in fact, similar to the ‘Winter’ map of 1939. He reported also that Cllr John Breeds had visited the HC that morning but had been unable to find RTC’s map displayed (for sale). RESOLVED 1 To accept that the two maps are intended for different purposes. RESOLVED 2 To refer the use of the device similar to the Confederation’s coat of arms to the Confederation’s Registrar. Clerk The meeting ended at 7.50pm. Date ................................ 8 April 2013 (PR06) Chairman ......................................................... 6