Chronic Pain Service Improvement –– Progress Monitoring Template Name Organisation NHS GGC Chronic Pain MCN Reporter Dr. C. Rae Lead Clinician for MCN, Heather Harrison Primary Care Project Manager, Camilla Young, MCN Co-ordinator Date of report February 2015 Part one - Key Achievements Scoping exercise completed to plan implementation of Scottish pain model in primary care - stakeholder days and mapping exercise Feb 2014 Development of referral criteria and patient pathways underway - piloting services in one geographical area November 2014 Discussions underway to agree Outcome Measures –- liaising nationally to agree tools that can be used universally across all services Training needs analysis done with GPs and education delivered in one locality - to be rolled out to other areas Building on work of MCN Education subgroup to develop learning strategies to meet primary care needs- rolling educational programme delivered on a 3 monthly basis GP education evenings are videoed and added to the MCN website Work ongoing to bring together and develop the primary care multi-disciplinary team Integration of Professionals’ perspectives Continue to work together to improve the communication between primary and secondary care services – regular MCN pathways meetings held Engagement and motivation of primary care professionals is vital, ensuring the perspectives of professionals working in primary care are integral in the development of the primary care model. Primary care subgroup formed from multi professions, patient and third sector Improved adherence to the GG&C Primary Care Chronic Pain Management Guidelines – GGC chronic non malignant opioid guidelines reviewed, ratified and posted March 2014, Neuropathic guidelines for publication May 15, primary care chronic pain management guideline review group to meet March 2015. Feasibility of incorporating chronic pain in to a chronic disease Local Enhanced Service Feasibility study facilitated by development of an EMIS template for chronic pain detailing how chronic pain patients can be incorporated into a local enhanced service – in discussion with LTC steering group. Patient Information Standardised patient information leaflets have been developed for commonly used drugs. Self Management booklet “Persistent Pain” has been developed and translated in to a number of non English languages. All patient information is available on the MCN website Recording has started on a number of patient focused videos. Aimed at new patients and also as a reminder for those who have been through the service. Quality Dept at GG&C have looked at the transcripts and are happy. Research MCN developing a data log of ongoing chronic pain research and potential future projects. Research study day planned for Spring 2015 Priority is to improve core data collection Standards Chronic Pain Service standards have been developed and the service is planning a rolling monitoring programme against these Impact Evaluation Baseline audit of chronic pain management in primary care - in development. Currently considering outcome measures and assessment tools Pain and Dependency Ongoing work to submit a business plan to set up a specialised service to support patients with complex high dose analgesic problems or a history of 533566934 addiction and chronic pain. Recent event held and ongoing involvement from stakeholders and Health Board. Work ongoing to analyse health care utilisation of this population compared to general chronic pain clinic attenders and clarify potential economic impact/benefit of proposed service model. Key risks to implementation Fragmented chronic pain service in primary care currently- difficult to obtain an overview of what services currently provide. We aim to communicate with all the relevant stakeholders and collaborate with service development. Lack of agreed outcome measures or assessment tools- Seeking national agreement on core measures that can be used universally across all sectors involved in pain. Lack of IT development means that a number of work strands cannot be developed Part two - Progress against actions to implement the Scottish service model/ Board workplan Action Lead / contact Primary care service development Heather Harrison Progress Assessment of current services Stakeholder engagement Process monitoring and gap analysis completed Timescale / Key milestone March 2014 March 2014 Identification of referral criteria and pathway around MSK physio and link October 2014 with community pharmacists pilot LES ( new action 8/2014) Develop a visualisation of the West Dun Chronic Pain Patient pathway Identify outcome measures and tools to be used in CP/GP pain clinics BPI, sLANSS, September /October 2014( new action 8/2014) EQ5D5L- national group to negotiate use Design and implement Service Pharmacist led Pain clinics specification in development. Clinics to start Aug 2014 in pilot areas Design and pilot CP LES To pilot October 2014. 533566934 RAG Status Started Sep 2014 Specification has been produced. On target for April 2015 Develop a training package to educate MSK physio’s/ pharmacist/ nurses/GPs in chronic pain November 2014 for Training package testing in pilot complete Oct 2014 areas Design and deliver a chronic pain service for MSK physio’s to deliver Service specification in development Service to start in November 2014 On target for Feb 2015 Develop a short PMP/ education programme in collaboration with the third sector for testing in pilot area Update opioid guidelines Update neuropathic pain guidelines Update Primary Care Chronic Pain Guidelines Primary Care education Guideline development group Guideline development group Guideline Development group Education Subgroup Patent Info Videos Education Subgroup February 2015 in pilot area Primary care classes have started. Third sector funding secured. On target Completed Consultation [period has finished, due for publication December 2014 December 2014 Final approval from ADTC expected April 15 Group has been established to take this forward. March 2015 2014 programme drawing to a close. Education subgroup to set dates and topics for 2015. Ongoing Published on staffnet August 2014 All evenings are videoed and added to the MCN YouTube channel Recording has started on a number of patient focused videos explaining different aspects of chronic pain management. Aimed at new patients and also those who have been through the service. Patient drug information leaflets currently being updated in light of recently published GG&C guidelines. March 2015 Patient info leaflets Education Subgroup Promote Chronic Pain research Research Subgroup Study afternoon planned Spring 2015. Links being developed with University department of Anaesthesia March 2015 PFPI Health Improvement Systematic promotion of the Health Improvement Service Directory to raise awareness of support services Ongoing PFPI Health Improvement Identify opportunities for discussion re peer support/social isolation to support systematic referrals/signposting to peer support activity Ongoing Service redesign Pathways Subgroup Sub group focussing on redesign of service both in primary care and March 2015 secondary care to improve patient journey and respond to large increase in referral rate to secondary care service. Pain and Dependency Pain and Dependency Subgroup Set up new service for patients with complex analgesic management and/or addiction issues 533566934 December 2014 July 2015