SHS Student Council Constitution Article I Name and Purpose Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Swampscott High School Student Council. Section 2. The purpose of this organization shall be to develop leadership skjills; promote harmonious relations throughout the entire school; improve student-teacher relationships; improve school spirit and morale; provide a forum for student expression; provide orderly direction of school activities; promote community involvement and promote the general welfare of the school/community. Article II The Principal Section 1. The principal shall reserve the right to approve all activities and decisions of this chapter. Section 2. The principal shall meet with the President or other Executive Council member biweekly, as needed, or when possible. Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 1 Section 3. The principal may decide on the eligibility of any officer of the membership, based on an evaluation of grades, disciplinary record, or other that (s)he deems relevant. Article III Faculty Advisor Section 1. The Advisor(s) shall be responsible for the direct, day-to-day supervision of the Council and act as liaison between Faculty, Administration, Students, and Community. Section 2. The Advisor(s) shall maintain files on membership, chapter history, activities, and financial transactions. Section 3. The Advisor(s) shall review grades of all Members at the end of each quarter to insure that academic eligibility for participation is maintained. Sections 4. The Advisor(s) shall help the Officers understand and carry out their duties. Article IV Membership Section 1. The Class Councils shall consist, when possible, of a minimum of: A. Four (4) senior officers and five (5) senior representatives. B. Four (4) junior officers and five (5) junior representatives. C. Four (4) sophomore officers and five (5) sophomore representatives. D. Four (4) freshman officers and five (5) freshman representatives. Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 2 Section 2. If any member leaves or is dismissed from the Council, the full Student Council may vote on a replacement within two weeks to fill the vacancy. Section 3. The Officers shall not be counted as Class Representatives. Section 4. In order to maintain a position as a Student Council Member, a student must meet the Academic Eligibility Requirements as listed in the MIAA Athletic Handbook. Article V Qualification of Officers Section 1. The Officers of the Student Council shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Junior Vice President. Section 2. These Officers shall not be on Class Council or be officers of National Honor Society. They shall have been members of the Student Council for at least one year. Section 3. The President shall be a member of the Senior Class. Junior Vice President will be a member of the Junior Class. Other offices may be filled by students in the Junior or Senior Class. Section 4. All Officer Position will be determined through popular election by the full Student Council. Elections will be held annually in May on a date to be determined by the Executive Board and the Advisor(s). Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 3 Article VI Duties of Class and Executive Council Officers Section 1. The President shall: A. Preside over all meetings and functions. B. Appoint all necessary Committees and Chairpersons. C. Call special meetings when necessary with the Advisor’s consent. D. Liaison with School Administrator(s). E. Oversee of all Council records. F. Act as a member of all Committees. G. Prepare all agendas. H. Perform additional duties as directed by the Advisor(s). Section 2. The Vice-President shall: A. Assume the duties of the President if necessary. B. Maintain order during meetings. C. Act as coordinator to all Committees/Chairpersons. D. Record, publish and report (to Advisor(s), Executive Board and Solicitor) names of Members who have not met Community/Council Services Hours requirements on a quarterly basis. E. Act as Co-Administrator of all Council functions. F. Be responsible for all paperwork from all Committees. G. Perform additional duties as directed by the Advisor(s). Section 3. The Secretary shall: A. Give proper notice for all meetings. B. Take and record attendance at all meetings. C. Notify members after two meetings have been missed. D. Be responsible for all record keeping. E. Record all minutes of all meetings. Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 4 F. Assist with creation of signs, posters, etc. for Student Council events. G. Perform additional duties as directed by Advisor(s). Section 4. The Treasurer shall: A. Make financial reports on the request of President or Advisor(s). B. Manage Council Fund Raising events and activities. C. Monitor all financial matters. D. Perform additional duties as directed by the Advisor(s). Section 5. The Junior Vice President (Executive Board only) shall: A. Prepare ballots for elections. B. Prepare and collect nomination forms for elections. C. Organize and oversee election speeches and Election Day. D. Assist all other members of the Executive Council with their duties. E. Perform additional duties as directed by the Advisor(s). Section 6. The Representative shall: A. Coordinate all publicity for upcoming events, in the manner of bulletin boards, announcements, cable TV, signs, and other such mediums. B. Arrange for photographers at any Council events when necessary. C. Submit articles to school/local/region newspapers when necessary. D. Assist all Student Council Officers in completing their duties. E. Perform additional duties as directed by the Advisor(s). Section 7. Officers will be issued passes to be used within the building for Council business only. Section 8. All Members will perform any/all additional duties as directed by the Advisor(s). Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 5 Article VII Discipline of Members Section 1. Any deviation from the Student Council laws outlined in this Constitution may merit punishment to be determined by the Council Advisor(s) or the School Principal. The Council Advisor(s) or Principal may investigate any Member to determine if the Member is guilty of wrongdoing. In the event that the Advisor(s) or Principal finds a complaint justified, the Advisor(s) or Principal may decree that the Member’s pass be revoked; that the Member be forced to perform extra hours of Community Service; that the Member be suspended for no more than one month; or ultimately, be impeached from the Student Council. Article VIII Removal and Punishment of Members and Officers Section 1. The temporary leave or removal, as well as punishment, of an Executive Officer or any Council Member may be deemed necessary if he or she is not performing the required duties of his/her position(s). Offenses meriting suspension/removal/expulsion include academic ineligibility, failure to complete required quarterly Community Service hours, or any other offense by which the Council Member doe snot honors their commitment to the Council. Section 2. Student Council Ethics/Rules/Policy Violations Complaint(s) Procedures. 1) An Ethics/rules/policy Violations Complaint must be filed by an Advisor. 2) The Complaint must include all relevant information. 3) The Complaint must specify alleged offense. Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 6 4) All Advisors will meet to decide whether an impeachment hearing should be held. 5) The Hearing procedure is as follows: A. The Advisors all meet with the Member being accused. B. Charges are read by an Advisor. C. Advisor(s) presents case/evidence/closes. D. Defending Member presents case/evidence/closes. E. Questioning period may proceed at the discretion of the Advisor. F. Secret ballot taken on guilt/innocence (majority vote). G. Votes counted/verdict read by Executive Board Advisor/punishment read. 6) If appealed, decision sent to floor for vote of full Student Council. 7) If 2/3 majority votes to acquit, charges dropped. 8) If more than 1/3 votes to convict/expel, Student is removed from the Council, suspended, etc. 9) All hearings, documents, and activities will be recorded and entered into the record by the Secretary. Section 3. In the event that a Member should be impeached, the Student Council will appoint a new Officer. not hold office the following year. An impeached Member may Exceptions to this rule may be made at the discretion of the Advisor(s). Article IX Committees Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 7 Section 1. Special Committees may be formed by order of the Officers, Executive Board and/or Advisor(s) to direct certain activities. The Committees shall consist of volunteers/appointees from the Council body. The President shall be a Member of all committees. Article X Meetings and Attendance Section 1. The Student Council shall meet at a time, day and place to be determined by the Advisor(s) and the Executive Board. Section 2. Special Sessions may be called at any time by the President, Advisor(s), or Principal. Special sessions may also be held by attaining a vote from two-thirds of the Student Council Members, upon the notification of the Advisor(s). Section 3. A Member can be impeached if he or she missed three (3) unexcused meetings in the course of one school year. This includes the SHS Student Council meets and events AND class council meetings and events. Section 4. At Class Council meetings, the Secretary shall take attendance and by the next day, report attendance to the Executive Board Secretary. Article XI Voting Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 8 Section 1. Before any vote can occur in Council, the issue must be presented on the floor by the Council President. Section 2. All votes will be cast from the floor, unless a secret ballot is deemed necessary by the members of Executive Board and/or Advisor(s). Section 3. Simple majority votes are required for passage of any item on the agenda, with the exception of amending this Constitution. Section 4. The Secretary will record and log the results of all votes taken. Article XII Executive Board Elections Section 1. Officers for the next school year shall be elected by plurality Section 2. Each Candidate for running for Executive Board Membership vote of the present Council not later than the first full week of May. in the Student Council shall meet the Academic Eligibility Requirements set forth in the Student Handbook (via or the Athletic Handbook) before taking out nomination papers. Section 3. Each Candidate for Executive Board Membership shall file nomination papers with the Advisor(s0 not later than one weekend prior to the election date. Section 4. Each nomination paper shall be processed by the Executive Board and/or Advisor(s), which shall have the power to declare any invalid nomination paper null and void. Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 9 Section 5. Elections for Council Members shall beheld during the month of May, the exact date to be determined by the Executive Board/Advisor(s). Section 6. Not less than fifteen (15) signatures of Council Members in good standing must be submitted on a nomination paper (Standard form) before a Member is allowed to run of an Executive Board Position/elected office. Article XIII State Organization Section 1. The SHS Student Council shall be a member of the Massachusetts Association of Student Councils. Section 2. Representatives to state organizations will be Executive Council members unless separate election is required. Article XIV Community and Council Service Hours Section 1. Consistent with the purpose of this organization (see Article 1 Section 2), Student Council Members will be required to perform three (3) community service hours per quarter. Section 2. Student Council will organize participation in on community serbice event (cancer walk, My Brother’s Table, etc.) per quarter. Section 3. Members who do not attend the community service event must complete independent Community Service Hours, and approve the Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 10 service with an Advisor. The Vice-President will be responsible for counting and reporting the number of Community/Council Service Hours submitted on a quarterly basis. Article XV Evaluations & Recommendations Section 1. At the conclusion of each year, Student Council members will complete a survey created by the Executive Board and advisors. The surbey shall include an evaluation of the previous year’s Student Council experience and recommendations for the following year. Section 2. Recommendations made on the evaluation forms may be considered as amendments to the Student Council for the following year. Article XVI Amendments Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those present at a meeting called for that purpose, provided that the proposed amendment has been presented to the membership at least one meeting prior to the meeting at which it is to be voted upon. (The format of this Constitution was based upon the Blackstone-Millville Regional Senior High School Council Constitution.) Document re-typed but content was not revised on 07/27/12 by Ms. Bryanos, 11