ORDER FORM Please complete this form and mail it to: Cripplebush Valley Models 264 Saddlemire Hill Road Sloansville, NY 12160-2408 Check or money order made out to Cripplebush Valley Models must be included. We only accept credit cards via our website (http://www.cripplebush.net). Ship To: Street Address: City, State, Zip code: Phone Number: If we need to contact you, is this phone number for Daytime or Evening ? E-mail address: Item Name (dimensions: width x height, inches) Price/Item Blocky Rock 1 (31 x 9) $50.00 Blocky Rock 2 ( 16 x 4) $30.00 Rounded Beds (32 x 8) $50.00 Granite 2 (20 x 10) $45.00 Granite 3 (10 x 6) $15.00 Granite 4 (22 x 8) $45.00 Granite 5 (20 x 15) $50.00 Quarry 1 (21 x 7) $40.00 Limestone Bluff (25 x 9) $50.00 Santa Fe Canyon 1 (30 x 12) $70.00 Santa Fe Canyon 3 (26 x 6) $40.00 Santa Fe Tunnel (32 x 8) $50.00 Shale 1 (8 x 5) $25.00 Shale 2 (12 x 4) $20.00 Shale 4 (20 x 4) $35.00 Shale 6 (10 x 3) $20.00 Shale 8 (17 x 3) $20.00 Shale 9 (15 x 4) $20.00 Shale 10 (23 x 4) $35.00 Shale 15 (9 x 9) $20.00 Shale 17 (16 x 7) $25.00 Shale 18 (32 x 7) $50.00 Shale Cut (24 x 6) $40.00 Rotten Shale Hilltop (9 x 5 x 3 high) $30.00 Quantity Total Price V07032009 Weathered Mesa (19 x 9 x 6 high) $80.00 Basalt 1 (31 x 7) $50.00 Basalt Columns (8 x 8) $20.00 Pinnacles (10 x 5 x 3 high) $30.00 Stream Bed 1 (32 x 12 to 3) $50.00 Sheer Cliff 1 (13 x 7) $20.00 Sheer Cliff 3 (11 x 6) $20.00 Sheer Cliff 4 (11 x 6) $20.00 Urban Outcrop (6 x 28) $50.00 NEW! CHEAP JUNK FROM CRIPPLEBUSH VALLEY MODELS! HO scale Tire Piles $20.00 HO scale Oil Drum Dump $20.00 Subtotal $ NY Residents add sales tax (8.25%) $ U.S. Shipping and Handling (USPS Priority Mail or UPS Ground): Subtotal under $29.99 Subtotal $30.00-$49.99 Subtotal $50.00-$199.99 Subtotal $200.00 and over $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 FREE SHIPPING! International Shipping and Handling (USPS International Priority Mail): Subtotal under $80.00 Subtotal $80.00-$200.00 Subtotal $201.00-$400.00 Subtotal $401.00-$600.00 Subtotal $601.00 and up Canada All other countries $14.00 $20.00 $24.00 $35.00 $36.00 $45.00 $50.00 $60.00 CONTACT US! Shipping and Handling TOTAL DUE $ $ V07032009