(Company name) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN January 2009 This document is subject to change and is correct at time of printing Contents Preface…………………………………………………………………………………………… Policy, Aim, Authority……………………………………………………………………….. Distribution Schedule……………………………………………………………………….. Amendment Distribution Schedule……………………………………………………… 4 5 6 7 Part 1 - Emergency Contacts Emergency Contact Telephone Numbers……………………………………………… Company Staff Contact List………………………………………………………………… Fire Wardens List……………………………………………………………………………… First Aider List………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 10 11 13 Part 2 - Emergency Situations & Response Procedures Emergency Situations (coded) …………………………………………………………… Emergency Shutdown Procedure………………………………………………………. In case of Emergency Evacuation ……………………………………………………… Using Two-Way System, Marshalling, Egress, All-Clear ………………………. Incident Action Flow Chart ……………………………………………………………… Office Building Fire Safety – low rise (extinguishers)…………………………… Chemical Product Spills……………………………………………………………………. Fire……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Hazardous Materials……………………………………………………………………….. Gas Leakage…………………………………………………………………………………… Personal Threat………………………………………………………………………………. Bomb Threat ………………………………………………………………………………… Floods/Severe Storms…………………………………………………………………….. Earthquake…………………………………………………………………………………….. Medical Emergency ………………………………………………………………………… DRABC Procedure …………………………………………………………………………… Confined Spaces …………………………………………………………………………….. Ammonia Leak ………………………………………………………………………………… Fall From Height ……………………………………………………………………………… 15 16 17 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 36 38 - Page 2 - Part 3 - Warden Responsibilities Chief Warden (CW) Responsibilities……………………………………………………… 41 Deputy Chief Warden (DCW) Responsibilities………………………………………… 42 Gatehouse Warden (GW) Responsibilities…………………………………………….. 43 Floor Warden (FW) Responsibilities……………………………………………………… 44 Deputy Floor Warden Responsibilities………………………………………………….. 45 First Aider(FA) Emergency Responsibilities…………………………………………… 46 Table of Contents cont’d Part 4 - Reporting and Recording Bomb Threat Checklist……………………………………………………………………… Chief Warden Post Incident Report Form…………………………………………. Emergency Management Plan Exercise – Observer’s Checklist……………… Offender Description Form ………………………………………………………. Evacuation Resources Checklist………………………………………………………… Fire Equipment Checklist………………………………………………………………… Risk Analysis Proforma…………………………………………………………………… Risk Management Matrix………………………………………………………………… Part 5 - Site Plans and Assembly Areas Site Plan, Section Plans…………………………………………………………………… (Company name) Site Plan Section 1: Sheep Lairage & Skin Salting Facility Section 2: Administration & Amenities Section 3: Co-Product Floor, Process Floor Section 4: Further Processing Area Section 5: Chiller Area Section 6: Workshop Area 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 - Page 3 - Appendices Emergency Preparedness Checklist……………………………………………….. Training Programs (Wardens, ERT, First Aider)………………………………… Chemical Register………………………………………………………………………… Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)………………………………………………… List of Fire Extinguishers and Hose Reels………………………………………… (Company name) Traffic Management Diagram…………………………………………………… PREFACE This Emergency Management Plan was created by the Emergency Planning Committee of (Company name), for the site at (Company Address) The plan is based upon recognised risk management principles, and provides the occupants of this site with specific guidance during times of emergency. Pictorial representations of the site, and each floor of the buildings on the site are also contained at the rear of this folder for reference by both employees, and attending emergency services. (Company name) (recognises that the value of this plan is greatly enhanced with the incorporation of fire safety training. As such, the plan will serve as a precursor to fire training, and as a benchmark to which the students of this training may relate their learning back to. It is expected that over time all members of the Emergency Control Organisation will receive professional competency based training in the use of this plan, and the role of their position (in general). This plan will be reviewed on a yearly basis by the Emergency Planning Committee to ensure relevance, and to also to ensure that the employees are both comfortable and informed in their respective roles during emergency - Page 4 - situations. Emergency Management Plan Policy, Aim and Authority Policy for Emergencies (Company name) have produced this Emergency Management Plan as part of their commitment to the safety and well being of all persons who may have occasion to enter onto the site, and to the welfare and general good of the surrounding community. Aim of this Plan The aim of this plan is to reduce the potential for loss and injury to life and property, as a result of an incident that may occur at the above mentioned address, by the implementation of standard procedures. Authority The management of (Company name), have given the members of the Emergency Planning Committee, the Emergency Control Organisation and other employees who may act in such roles, full authority to implement the provisions of the Emergency Management Plan for (insert location), and shall hereby be indemnified against civil liability resulting from practice or emergency evacuation of the building or site where those persons act in good faith in accordance with policies and procedures of the company cited with due regard to any relevant Federal or State law and in the course of their - Page 5 - duties. Emergency Management Plan Distribution Schedule Gatehouse - Master Security staff Administration Master First Aid - Master OHS Coordinator OHS Nurse Stores/Supplies Supply Manager Manager Process Floor Hook Room Skin Shed Switch Room Further Processing Co Products Manager Maintenance Manager Maintenance Manger Cleaning crew Manager Manager Workshop Manager Laundry Manager Chemical Store Cleaners shed Name of receiver Date Initials of receiver Issuer’s Initials - Company Position Page 6 - Section Emergency Management Plan Amendment Distribution Schedule Amendment No.________ Page Numbers: _____________ Date____ Issuer______ Comments:___ _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Name Company Position Date Received Receiver’s Signature Gatehouse - Master Administration - Master First Aid - Master Stores/Supplies Process Floor Hook Room Skin Shed Switch Room Chemical Store Cleaners shed Further Processing Workshop - Page 7 - Laundry Part 1 - Page 8 - Emergency Contacts Emergency Contact Telephone Numbers External Agencies Fire Brigade …………………………………………………… 000 Police ……………………………….…………………………… 000 Ambulance …………………………………………………….. 000 Local Police ………………………………………………. 5231 5599 State Emergency Service (SES) ………………..…. 5231 2535 Work Safe ……………………………………………….. 5226 1200 Emergency Staff Contact List To make an external call press “0” before dialling POSITION NAME Extension Mobile - General Manager - CCED General Manager - Finance General Manager – GPI Page 9 - Chief Warden – Universal Chief Warden Global Deputy Chief G Warden (24hrs) Maintenance (After hours) Maintenance CEO IT Manager OH&S Project Co-ordinator First Aid Nurse Co-Products Manager Human Resources Co-ordinator Reception PROCESS FLOOR OFFICE CO-PRODUCTS TRAINING ROOM WORKSHOP AQIS – Vet CANTEEN FURTHER PROCESSING OFFICE REFRIGERATION ROOM Floor Wardens Chief Warden Universal: Chief Warden Global: Gatehouse Warden: Section 1: Livestock lairage & skin salting facility Universal Global – Section 4a: Further processing Room Universal – - Section 3: Process floor – stick, chain, trim/retain Universal – Global – Page 10 - Section 2: Admin block, all staff amenities, and training room Universal – Global – Section 3: Co-product floor – all ground floor rooms in process area eg. Offal, hook, paunch, skins, chemical storage, pet food rooms and boilers Universal – Global – Global – 4b: Carton Store, box room, tote room and triton area Universal – Global – 4c: Further processing office and downstairs amenities Universal – Global – 4d: Production offices and down stairs amenities Universal – Global – Section 5: All chillers, stimulation area, engine Universal – Global – Section 6: Maintenance workshop, office block & Trucks Universal – Global – Section 7: Load Out Global – Deputy Fire Warden List Deputy Chief Warden Universal: Deputy Chief Warden Global: Section 1: Livestock lairage & skin salting facility Universal – Global – Section 2: Admin block, all staff amenities, and training room Universal – Global – Section 3: Co-product floor – all ground floor rooms in process area eg. Offal, hook, paunch, skins, chemical storage, pet food rooms and boilers Universal – Global – Section 3: Process floor – stick, chain, trim/retain Universal – Global – 4c: Carton store, box room, tote room and triton areas Universal – Global Further processing office and downstairs amenities - 4b: Page 11 - Section 4a: Further processing Room Universal – Global – 4d: Universal – Production offices and down stairs amenities Universal – Global – Section 5: All chillers, stimulation area, engine room Universal – Global – Section 6: Maintenance workshop & office blocks Universal – Global Section 7 Load Out Global – (Company name) First Aiders October 2008 ADMINISTRATION - (insert number) CANTEEN - (insert number) CO-PRODUCTS UNIVERSAL SHIFT – EXT (insert number) CO PRODUCTS GLOBAL SHIFT - (insert FURTHER PROCESSING UNIVERSAL SHIFT – (insert number) FURTHER PROCESSING GLOBAL SHIFT – LIVESTOCK-(insert number) SOUTH WEST TAFE – (insert number) MAINTENANCE UNIVERSAL SHIFT – MAINTENANCE GLOBAL SHIFT - (insert (insert number) number) PROCESS FLOOR GLOBAL SHIFT - (insert number) TECHNICAL SERVICES UNIVERSAL SHIFT - TECHNICAL SERVICES GLOBAL SHIFT - (insert number) (insert number) * First Aiders qualified to administer asthma medication - PROCESS FLOOR UNIVERSAL SHIFT – (insert number) Page 12 - (insert number) number) - Page 13 - Part 2 Emergency Situations and Response Procedures Emergency Situations by definition Emergency Situations Australian Standards AS 3745 – 2002 and AS 4083 – 1997 define an emergency as: “Any event that arises internally or from external sources, which may adversely affect the safety of persons in a building or the community generally and requires immediate response by the occupants.” Coding Australian Standard 3745 – 2002 defines colour codes for seven types of emergencies (no other colour codes should be used for emergencies): RED BLUE PURPLE YELLOW BLACK BROWN ORANGE = = = = = = = Fire / Smoke / Gas / Ammonia Medical Emergency Bomb Threat Internal Emergency- Illegal Occupancy Personal threat External emergency Evacuation Fire or threat of fire Hazardous material spills or other exposures Gas leakage or other noxious exposure Attack by deranged persons or other civil disturbance Floods / severe storms Earthquakes Medical emergency Confined Spaces Rescue - Page 14 - The fire services suggest that colour codes should only be used for internal identification of emergencies to reduce the likelihood of irrational behaviour by occupants when emergencies are being announced via EWS or PA systems. There is no requirement to use these colour codes when notifying emergency services. Generic emergency advice is included within this section, on the following situations: Falls from Heights Ammonia Leak Emergency Shutdown Procedure Refrigeration and Boiler On being notified by two-way radio the Chief Warden is to decide whether to shut down equipment. DO NOT ENDANGER YOUR OWN LIFE If fire is substantial evacuate. If not, and if deemed warranted proceed to isolate hot water supply and isolate refrigeration in that area. Shut down refrigeration plant and isolate compressors, receivers, towers and as much of the plant as possible depending on the area of the fire. shut down ammonia lines shut down air compressors check location of spare ammonia bottle and remove if safe to do so remove Oxy Acetylene equipment from threat of fire If fire is too close, evacuate immediately. On arrival of emergency services offer your assistance - Page 15 - If time allows: In Case of Emergency Evacuation Remember: don’t panic – move and speak calmly place knives in pouches remove yourself and others from danger alert Floor Warden and other persons nearby stop machines prepare for radiant heat, smoke inhalation, hazardous gases, odourless gas, and carbon monoxide gather & assemble as directed to marshalling area by Floor Warden Raising the Alarm: Ring extension (insert number) Gatehouse are to contact the Chief Warden/s Universal: (insert number), contact Deputy Chief Warden on Universal: (insert number), Global: (insert number). In the absence of the CW or DCW contact emergency services as required. The Chief Warden or Deputy Chief Warden will use the (insert name of room) as the communication centre and will be assisted by Gatehouse Warden in contacting emergency services. If immediate evacuation is required in the event of fire, explosion, smoke, etc. The following steps need to be followed: Inform: 1. Floor Warden 2. Gatehouse Warden 3. Chief Warden The Chief Warden will conduct a radio check with Floor Wardens via the two way system. The Floor Wardens will check that department & report back to the CW. If the evacuation is sounded (emergency, emergency, emergency), all employees are to assemble near an emergency exit, and will be directed by the Floor Warden as to which exit to use and where to evacuate. Promote no running – as this prevents panic. - Managers will hand two-way radios to Floor Wardens. Page 16 - All Floor Wardens, CW, DCW, GW and First Aiders are to don their emergency hats/vests. Using Two-Way System In An Emergency Chief Warden, Deputy Chief Warden, Gatehouse Warden and Floor Wardens are all to carry two-way systems. Managers to hand twoways to Floor Wardens. Once alarm has been raised, Chief Warden to call “Emergency, Emergency, Emergency” over the two-way system. Upon hearing this all personnel other than Wardens carrying twoway systems must not use them for any other reason other than the emergency. Use correct radio protocols, including coding the type of emergency. Marshalling to Egress The Chief Warden will assess the emergency situation and inform the Floor Wardens of the appropriate evacuation area. When an emergency is identified, exit to the evacuation area stipulated by the Chief Warden. The route taken to reach this area is to be determined by the floor warden Evacuation Areas Once in the evacuation area, Floor Wardens will conduct a roll call using the roster of people in their work area. Any missing persons will be reported to the Chief Warden. Deputy Chief Warden will conduct a roll call of contractors & visitors. Employees will be informed of further instructions once the Chief Warden has assessed the situation and briefed the wardens. If you move to another area, repeat the roll call. - Evacuation Area 1 Evacuation Area 2 Page 17 - Please Note: All contractors and maintenance staff are to evacuate to the Emergency Command Centre Re-occupation of the Building Permission to re-enter an evacuated area can only be given by Emergency Services, the Chief Warden, or Deputy Chief Warden after a thorough inspection has declared the area safe to re-enter. All Clear The “All Clear”, (when given) will be broadcasted via two-way radio with - Page 18 - reference to the particular emergency’s colour code. (See section 2-1) The “All Clear” declaration should only be given by the Chief Warden after consultation with the emergency services. Incident Action Flow Chart (for all employees and emergency services) Incident Notify Manager Notify Chief Warden Notify Wardens Notifies emergency services Evacuate area Roll Call Emergency Services dispatched Emergency Services arrive Emergency services clear evacuated area Emergency Services inspect all areas Notifies Chief Warden - Chief Warden organises a debrief and reports to CEO/OHSC Page 19 - Declares area safe to re-enter Office Building Fire Safety-Low Rise as at 18.05.04 Fire Prevention 1. Do not place cups on or near computers. This will lead to spills and fires. 2. Discard faulty leads. 3. Tell contractors of fire safety rules in the workplace. 4. Switch off faulty equipment. 5. Turn off computer monitors 6. Clean bins. Fire Detection 1. 2. 3. 4. Heat Detectors Smoke & Fire Alarms Wire to central panel / security monitor alarms EWS – emergency warning system via two-way radio Facing the Fire 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Don’t panic Close doors & windows to isolate fire (Do not lock doors & windows) Report fire to designated person. Repeat information twice, including location, type of fire, Get down low and crawl if smoke & fumes fill the air. Touch door and handle with back of hand before opening, if hot seek alternative way out. 7. If clothes are burning drop and roll, smother clothes to extinguish flames. 8. Move calmly and carefully - 1. Locate & memorise extinguishers and hoses. 2. Extinguish small fires – look for green labels on extinguishers which identify use. 3. Evacuate if at risk. 4. Keep calm. 5. Check gauge is full. 6. Approach fire with care. 7. Always have another person to assist when extinguishing a fire. 8. Ensure exits are clear. Page 20 - Extinguishing the Fire Office Building Fire Safety-Low Rise cont’d as at 18.5.04 Extinguishers: Water: All red in colour. Use for wood, paper & plastic rubbish fires. Do not use on electricity, gas or liquid fires. Foam: Blue band. Use on flammable & combustible liquids, oil, petrol. Do not use on electric, gas or oil fats. Dry Chemical Powder: White band. Use on most fires including electrical. Not for cooking fat or oil. Carbon Dioxide: Black band. Use on electrically energised equipment. Not for flammable gas, small wood, paper or rubbish fires or for outdoor use. Wet Chemicals: Oatmeal Band. Only use on cooking oils and fats. Follow PASS Pull pin on extinguisher. Aim at base of flames. Squeeze the trigger holding extinguisher upright. Sweep from side to side at base of fire until extinguished. Fire Wardens Fire Wardens are in control of everyone when there is a fire. Wardens will wear a helmet with identifiable markings. Chief Wardens wear a white helmet with appropriate markings. They contact wardens and give instructions and are responsible to evacuate each area. Keep list of employees with disabilities & health problems. Practice a buddy system to ensure safe evacuation of these people. - 1. All personnel must know the exits and location of the manual alarm. 2. When the emergency warning system EWS sounds via two-way radios, turn off equipment, - Close doors & windows (do not lock them), - keep calm & orderly, no talking or yelling, - proceed down stairs staying close to hand rail, - go to the designated evacuation area, - do not re-enter building until it has been cleared by Emergency Services. Page 21 - Evacuation Chemical / Product Spills Consult Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for information on protective clothing and respiratory protection requirements. They are available in the work areas and QA Office. If you do not have the correct personal protective equipment to contain the spill contact the fire Brigade. Evacuate the area of all non-required and/or unprotected personnel. Contain the spill, using sand, earth or other suitable materials (do not allow the spill to enter drains etc). Ventilate the area if possible to allow fumes to disperse. Stop the leak if it is safe to do so. Contact the emergency number on the MSDS for any further help and advice of the spill occurring. Decant the material into a clean holding drum (contact the number on the MSDS to ensure the product doesn't react with what was last stored in the holding drum). All contaminated products used to absorb the spill are to be placed into sealed containers and labelled ready for disposal as required by local authorities. - Page 22 - In the Event of Chemical / Product Spills: Fire In the Event of a Fire: Fire Wardens should: alert all persons nearby and request assistance assist any person in immediate danger (only if safe to do so) notify the Chief Warden & DCW with the following information: - location & size of fire - known hazards / or causes - any injuries - missing persons - alternative means of entry or approach - never enter a “fire zone” alone if you are not trained to do so. Always have ‘back-up” and ensure persons in authority are aware of your location close the door on the fire to contain the spread of fire, smoke & radiant heat extinguish the fire (only if safe & trained to do so) if threats to life exist, evacuate immediately check that all areas have been cleared & inform the Chief Warden marshall staff & direct them to appropriate evacuation assembly area maintain control of persons at the evacuation assembly area Page 23 - Hazardous Materials In the event of hazardous material spill: Emergency control personnel should : If the spill may give off toxic or noxious fumes: Notify the Chief Warden who will call Emergency Services & Barwon Water. Provide as much information about the hazardous material as possible Contain the spill, using sand, earth or other suitable materials (do not allow the spill to enter drains etc). Turn off air conditioning and recirculating fans – ventilate to open air if possible Notify all persons in the building to evacuate, under instruction from the Chief Warden, (ensure Evacuation Assembly Area is upwind) AND If the spill is suspected to be flammable material: - Remove any ignition sources Evacuate all persons in immediate danger under instruction from the Chief Warden Do not attempt to re-enter the area Control the movement of occupants to the Evacuation Assembly Area Remain at the Evacuation Assembly Area until advised by Emergency Services or CW + DCW Page 24 - Gas Leakage In the event of a gas leak: Emergency personnel should – - ensure that the Chief Warden is notified isolate the gas supply at the source (if safe to do so) shut down the air conditioning to prevent the spread of flammable and/or toxic gases remove all ignition source (if safe to do so) and turn off the electrical supply report to the Chief Warden regarding any actions taken control the movement of occupants to the Evacuation Assembly Area remain at the Evacuation Assembly Area until further advised by emergency services or CW + DCW Page 25 - Personal Threat In the Event of a Civil Disturbance: Emergency control personnel should ensure the Chief Warden is notified immediately do not do or say anything that may encourage irrational behaviour alert any other Wardens in your vicinity initiate actions to – I. Restrict entry to the building if possible II. Confine or isolate the presence from building occupants report to the Chief Warden regularly regarding the status of the occupant’s safety evacuation should be considered (only if safe to do so) have as many people as possible to complete the “DESCRIPTION OF OFFENDER” form do not try to be heroic do what the offender says but no more keep calm be courteous, converse and answer questions when you have to move step away from the offender not towards him move slowly and carefully keep your hands where the offender can see them persons out of danger should remain out of danger and raise the alarm if they can do so safely remember what the offender looks like as soon as is safe contact the Chief Warden and the police observations made during the hold up should be recorded immediately in all hold ups use delay tactics but never at the expense of safety - Page 26 - REMEMBER Bomb Threat In the event of receiving a telephone bomb threat: The recipient should keep the caller talking (do not hang up at any time), and note as many details as possible on the Bomb Threat Checklist Important details include – exact wording of the threat location of the device time of detonation sex and other details of the caller, such as estimated age details of speech, accent, delivery, and background noises Action to be taken by recipient of phone call: complete bomb threat checklist (DO NOT HANG UP THE PHONE) notify the CW or DCW who will notify the Police but do not do anything that may encourage irrational behaviour Emergency Services will take any further action if required Action to be taken by Emergency Control Personnel ensure the Chief Warden is notified immediately or dial 000 do not do or say something that may encourage irrational behaviour the Chief Warden will organise the Wardens to conduct a routine search based on the available information search to be conducted systematically, concentrating on the most likely places such as: rest rooms, equipment rooms, stairwells, fire hose cabinets, potted plants, and ceilings when tiles are out of place. ensure that all doors are left open DO NOT TOUCH any suspicious objects found Wardens should report back to the Chief Warden after the completion of the search if a suspicious object is found, or the wording of the threat identified a particular place, then the decision to evacuate may be exercised do not touch/disturb object clear the area notify a warden immediately follow the instructions given prevent all persons from entering the area - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page 27 - If a suspected explosive device is found Floods/Severe Storm In the Event of a Flood or a Severe Storm: Emergency Control Personnel should – store or secure all loose items external to the building, such as outdoor furniture etc. secure all windows (closing all curtains and blinds) and external doors tape windows and glass entrances, and protect them with boards and sand bags (if necessary) isolate/shut off electricity, water, and gas services protect valuables, disconnect electrical equipment, and cover and/or move it away from the windows after the storm, evaluate the need to evacuate if uncontrolled fires, gas leaks, or structural damage has occurred as a result of the storm report to the Chief Warden regarding the status of the occupant’s safety - Page 28 - Earthquake In the Event of an Earthquake: Emergency Control Personnel should – instruct occupants to keep away from windows and seek shelter under table or desk protect your head from falling objects remain in building until the earthquake stops unless this presents a greater danger AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE evaluate the need to evacuate if uncontrolled fires, gas leaks or structural damage has occurred Evacuation Assembly Area (if required) is to be clear of trees, powerlines, buildings, etc. isolate/shut off electricity, water and gas services if necessary arrange medical assistance where required report to the Chief Warden regarding the status of the occupant’s safety, and to seek instruction tune in radios and follow any emergency instructions by CW or DCW - Page 29 - Medical Emergency In the event of required medical emergency: Emergency Control Personnel should – check for any threatening situation and remove or control it (if safe to do so) remain with the casualty notify the Chief Warden or DCW if qualified to do so commence DRABC in the case of unconsciousness if not notify a qualified first aider notify the ambulance service by dialling “000” designate someone to meet the ambulance and direct it to the location of the casualty Note - try not to leave the casualty alone unless the emergency assistance arrives - provide support and appropriate assistance - DO NOT move the casualty unless they are in immediate danger - Page 30 - Remember DRABC only to be performed by qualified first aider D.R.A.B.C Procedure Updated: 1.10.04 Approach if safe to do so Check for any immediate danger to the patient Danger Can you hear me? Response Open your eyes? What’s your name? Squeeze my Hands (BOTH HANDS) Check that the airways aren’t blocked by the tongue, foreign material etc. If unconscious, remember the recovery position. Airways Look for the rise and the fall of their chest & upper abdomen Breathing Listen for the breathing Feel for their breath on your cheek If no breathing is present roll victim onto the back, and commence EAR expired air resuscitation Feel for the pulse at the carotid artery in the neck Circulation If there is no circulation commence CPR 2 people If there is circulation but no breathing commence EAR 1 person 2 breathes every 15 compression done in 15 seconds - 1 breathe every 5 compressions done in 5 seconds Page 31 - 1 breath every 4 seconds Check the pulse after 1 minute (15 breaths) Confined Spaces Various hazards mostly invisible are associated with Confined Spaces including: fire & explosion from flammable liquids & gases, toxic gas build up, flooding, asphyxiation due to a lack of oxygen, manual handling injury due to lack of space, fumes from welding & combustion engines & vapours from solvents & paints, restricted entry & exit openings. Hazards Associated with confined spaces at (Company name) include: Save-all pits – fumes, gases, flooding, drowning Salt mixers – fumes, asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen Septic pits – fumes, gases, flooding, drowning Sprinkler pit – fumes, gases, flooding, drowning Fire water tank – drowning Air conditioning ducts – falling from a ladder, dust inhalation, dust in eyes Chutes – falling, slipping, manual handling injuries Raising the Alarm: In the event of an incident in a confined space: Emergency Control Personnel should – Ring extension (insert number) Deputy Chief Warden at Security Gatehouse. Gatehouse DCW are to contact the Chief Wardens on (insert number) or (insert number), or in his/her absence, contact Deputy Chief Warden on (insert number). In the absence of the CW or DCW contact Emergency Services on 000 as required. Rescue Kit – includes: - Page 32 - safety harness, safety life line, air line, self-contained breathing apparatus SCBA, air respirator, PPE (hearing protection, safety helmets, protective clothing, hand & feet protection, eye protection, masks), fire extinguishers, fire-proof blanket, buoyancy vests, waders, water pump, torches, extension lights, extension leads, safety nets, extractor fans & ducting, & appropriate rescue gear - retrieval mechanisms (tripod & winches) as required, first aid kit. Confined Spaces cont’d Rescue Procedure: If immediate evacuation is required in the event of confined spaces emergency. The following steps need to be followed: Inform: 1. Floor Warden 2. Gatehouse 3. Chief Warden Person in Confined Space: If you detect or suspect a dangerous gas, feel eye irritation, headache, dizziness, and shortness of breath or nausea, exit immediately using self-rescue apparatus if appropriate. If unable to exit by yourself, signal distress to the surface attendant. Stand-by Person: If someone working in the confined space gives a distress signal, follow the emergency procedures below. Emergency Procedures: If a person in a confined space requires assistance: a) DO NOT attempt a rescue if you cannot protect yourself from the same hazard(s) that have overwhelmed your workmate. b) DO NOT attempt any form of rescue by entering a confined space on your own. A rescue can be attempted on your own if it consists of just raising a person on a lifeline by the use of a hand winch. c) SUMMON HELP from: 1. the rest of the work group or any other person in the area 2. from CW, DCW or emergency response team ERT 3. alternatively from Emergency Services, Fire Brigade, SES, Ambulance Service d) The Rescue - measure air levels using approved monitor prior to entry, during occupancy & exit of confined space - check for hazards within confined space & in wider environment supply rescue kit - Page 33 - - Confined Spaces cont’d The Rescue cont’d: - maintain adequate communication with responsible stand-by person & CW - apply airline or breathing apparatus, safety harness & lifeline upon entry & other PPE whilst inside & upon exit of confined space Apply First Aid - commence DRABC f) Obtain medical treatment. 1. If the rescued victim is unconscious or otherwise incapacitated summon an ambulance. If the victim has been only mildly affected, they may be driven to the nearest public hospital or doctor. 2. Medical opinion must be obtained in every case of gas attack or suspected gas attack. 3. Gassing or suspected gassing victims must never be permitted to drive until declared fit by a doctor. 4. Once the needs of the patient have been attended to, report the circumstances to your Chief Warden or Co-ordinator. An Accident/Incident report or Near Miss/Unsafe Condition Form must be completed to allow the incident to be fully investigated. 5. An Incident Notification must also be forwarded to the local Worksafe office in accordance with OHS Act 1985. - e) Page 34 - - erect appropriate signage, bollards, barricades around confined space during rescue Ammonia Leak Anhydrous ammonia is used at (Company name) to operate the refrigeration system. This chemical is hazardous. ALL SAFETY PROCEDURES MUST BE FOLLOWED when attending to any leak from the tank or line. Fire Fighting Measures -Specific Hazards: Flammable gas. May form flammable mixtures with air. Avoid all ignition sources. Presence of oil or other combustible material will increase the fire hazard. If involved in a fire, keep containers / tank cool with water spray. If safe to do so, remove containers from path of fire. Fire fighters must wear full body protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus. Consider evacuation. In the event of an incident of ammonia leak: Emergency Control Personnel should – Ring extension (insert number) Deputy Chief Warden at Security Gatehouse. Gatehouse DCW are to contact the Chief Wardens on (insert number) or (insert number), or in his/her absence, contact Deputy Chief Warden on (insert number) In the absence of the CW or DCW contact Emergency Services on 000 as required. Accidental Release Measures: shut off all possible sources of ignition work up-wind increase ventilation switch off coolers or fans to prevent ammonia leak spreading clear area of all unprotected personnel wear protective equipment to prevent skin & eye contamination & inhalation of vapours stop leak if safe to do so if contamination of crops, sewers or waterways has occurred advise Emergency Services or State Department of Agriculture - Page 35 - GAS for small gas leak increase ventilation & allow gas to vent to safe area for larger gas leaks use fire hoses equipped with fog nozzles to disperse gas down-wind DO NOT spray water directly on the leak or ammonia container In the event of an incident of ammonia leak cont’d: LIQUID large volumes of gas will evaporate from liquid spill. Contain using sand or soil – prevent run-off into drains or waterways for small liquid spillages, allow vapourisation & treat as for gas for large spills, cover liquid with protein foam 150mm thick DO NOT HOSE LIQUID AMMONIA TO DRAIN; contact with water will accelerate vapourisation due to liberation of heat upon mixing with water Apply First Aid: commence DRABC Fall From Height In the event of a fall from height: Emergency Control Personnel should – Ring extension (insert number) Deputy Chief Warden at Security Gatehouse. Gatehouse DCW are to contact the Chief Wardens on (insert number) or (insert number), or in his/her absence, contact Deputy Chief Warden on (insert number). In the absence of the CW or DCW contact Emergency Services on 000 as required. Rescue Kit – includes: if the injured worker is ‘dangling’ from a fall from height, and still in their harness, it is imperative they are rescued within 10 minutes, as - Rescue from height procedure: Page 36 - safety harness, safety life line, soft rope, pressure bandage for blood loss, pocket knife with lanyard, stretcher constriction caused by the harness to blood flow through arteries in their groin can cause serious injury or death Rescuer should fit correctly adjusted harness attach lanyard to suitable anchor point strong enough for both rescuer and injured worker rescuer should tie into this anchor point using the climbing rope and then descend to the injured climber make sure injured worker is still secure in their equipment and not likely to fall commence DRABC, call for ambulance if injured worker is conscious, try to ascertain extent of injury remove unnecessary equipment form injured worker rescuer must connect the front of their harness to the front of the injured worker’s. The injured worker being positioned between the rescuer’s legs rescuer then removes as much slack as possible in their line / lanyard now supporting both rescuer and injured worker discard or cut free climber’s ropes keep injured worker upright descend slowly, avoiding jarring movements once on the ground, continue to administer DRABC Rescue after fall to ground procedure: First Aid – commence DRABC - Page 37 - In the event of a fall from height cont’d: Part 3 Warden Responsibilities Chief Warden (CW) Responsibilities work closely with the OHS Project Coordinator to do the following: Support the activities of all other wardens Assist with determining emergency management policy Regularly review the emergency management plan Appoint personnel to all positions Determine training strategies for all personnel Co-ordinate all drills and exercises Attend appropriate training / workshops - To Page 38 - Chief Warden’s Normal Responsibilities Chief Warden’s Emergency Responsibilities After notification of a fire from the gatehouse: 1. Apply CW identified clothing / helmet 2. Attend the emergency control point (gatehouse) 3. Determine the area and nature of the emergency, grading incident and decide on appropriate action 4. Check wind direction using wind sock, and identify safe evacuation route 5. Initiate evacuation procedures as required 6. Notify managers to pass two-way radios to floor wardens 7. Do radio check with each Warden and use correct radio protocols 8. Communicate directly with floor wardens to establish local situation 9. Brief emergency services personnel upon arrival of the nature and location of the emergency and status of the evacuation, providing them with manifest of site plans for overall plant, and each section, also material safety data sheets (MSDS) for the affected section (chemical manifest) 10. Keep Floor Wardens informed with changing developments 11. Respond to any requests made by the emergency services 12. Ensure all departments rosters have been completed and all people are accounted for. (If anyone is missing, inform Emergency Services) 13. Liaise with emergency services to decide when it is safe to allow employees to return to their work area 14. Complete incident report, ensuring details of the incident, injury registers etc. are completed and deliver to (Company name) senior management 15. Complete floor warden evacuation feedback form prior to evac debrief 16. Attend de-brief session with all Wardens and emergency response team 17. Prepare statement for media officer ((Company name) CEO) if required Other Chief Warden Emergency Responsibilities 18. Seek assistance from Deputy Chief Warden as required 19. Contact local police if required 20. Prevent traffic entering site during emergency incident Deputy Chief Warden’s (DCW) Responsibilities Deputy Chief Warden’s Emergency Responsibilities After notification of a fire from the gatehouse: - Assist Chief Warden in the following areas: Oversee and support the activities of all floor wardens in training Assist management with determining emergency management policy Regularly review the emergency management plan Assist in determining training strategies for all personnel when required Assist in co-ordinating all drills and exercises Ensure log books and checklists are accurate and kept within secure area Attend appropriate training / workshops Page 39 - Deputy Chief Warden’s Normal Responsibilities 1. If Chief warden unavailable, automatically assume the role of the Chief Warden 2. Apply DCW identified clothing / helmet 3. Attend the emergency control point (gatehouse) 4. Obtain rosters from the gatehouse and distribute to departments when evacuated. 5. Assist Chief Warden when required 6. Conduct a role call of all contractors and visitors 7. Complete floor warden evacuation feedback form prior to evac debrief 8. Attend de-brief session with all wardens Gatehouse Warden’s (GW) Responsibilities Gatehouse Warden’s Normal Responsibilities Assist Chief Warden in the following areas: Assist management with determining emergency management policy Regularly review the emergency management plan Assist in determining training strategies for all personnel Assist in co-ordinating all drills & exercises Ensure log books & checklists are accurate and kept within secure area Attend appropriate training / workshops Gatehouse Warden’s Emergency Responsibilities When fire bell sounds: 1. Apply GW identified clothing / helmet 3. Open Boom Gates 4. Place no entry, Emergency Vehicles only signs on either side of gatehouse, ensuring enough space is left for emergency vehicles to enter and leave site. 5. Prevent traffic entering site during emergency incident – except emergency vehicles 6. Contact via radio chief Warden and/or deputy chief warden. (When neither - 7. Contact on call maintenance member 8. Using the TITAN system print rosters for all departments 9. Assist Chief Warden by logging all communications from Emergency Services to Chief Warden, and from Chief Warden to Floor Wardens, and Emergency Services. The log is to include times, people communicated with, every phone call and every radio message. 10. log area affected and detail of the hazard / risk and its potential 11. liaise with Floor Wardens, Emergency Services as directed by Chief Warden 12. prevent personnel leaving site until checked off attendance roll Page 40 - global nor universal wardens are on site, the gatehouse member automatically assumes the role of the Chief Warden) 13. assist first aiders with injured employees & required reporting 14. When all clear given by Emergency Services, return signs and equipment to correct places. Have notes ready for chief warden and/or deputy chief to use in their report. 15. Complete floor warden evacuation feedback form prior to debrief 16. attend de-brief session with all wardens Floor Warden (FW) Responsibilities Floor Warden’s Normal Responsibilities Become familiar with their assigned area A working knowledge of two-way radios Do radio checks with DCW using correct radio protocols (weekly training) Note all exits and escape routes are always clear Possess working knowledge of fire fighting equipment Possess knowledge of all impaired persons working in their area Monitor first aid supplies are adequate Attend appropriate training / workshops - When an emergency is called over the radio: (If an emergency is found in your area, notify Chief Warden of emergency situation) 1. Take possession from managers of working hand-held two-way radios and use correct radio protocols 2. Perform radio check with Chief Warden (emergency) 3. liaise with Chief Warden for instructions and evacuation area 4. Direct Manager to shut-down all equipment 5. Begin safe and orderly evacuation as directed by Chief Warden. (Remember it is up to you to decide on a safe route to evacuate your people. If there is risk associated in reaching your designated evacuation area, communicate this with the chief warden and evacuate a different way.) 6. Check all areas in your section to ensure all employees are safely evacuated including impaired persons. Call for assistance if required. 7. Survey area for smoke, fire or any other hazards whilst evacuating employees. 8. Keep abreast of current situation in your section and report to Chief Warden as required 9. Notify Chief Warden when evacuation is completed 10. Obtain roster from Gatehouse to check off staff evacuated from attendance roster. (If someone is missing from your roster, communicate with the chief warden so this can be communicated to the CFA. Do not attempt to go back and find them) 11. Wait with employees at designated evacuation area for further instructions from Chief Warden 12. When all clear given by chief warden, return to work area and survey all areas to confirm it is safe Page 41 - Floor Warden’s Emergency Responsibilities 13. Complete floor warden evacuation feedback form prior to debrief 14. Attend de-brief session with Chief Warden and other Wardens 15. Wardens to use Emergency Evacuation Checklist Other Floor Warden’s Emergency Responsibilities 1. Don’t Panic, act calmly and with authority 2. look after self, then others 3. Communicate regularly with the Deputy Warden Please Note: All contractors and maintenance staff must evacuate to the Emergency Command Centre Deputy Floor Warden (FW) Responsibilities Deputy Floor Warden’s Normal Responsibilities Become familiar with their assigned area A working knowledge of two-way radios Do radio checks with DCW using correct radio protocols (weekly training) Regularly check their area for abnormal obstructions using Emergency Note all exits and escape routes are always clear Possess working knowledge of fire fighting equipment Possess knowledge of all impaired persons working in their area Monitor first aid supplies are adequate Attend appropriate training / workshops Preparedness Checklist Deputy Floor Warden’s Emergency Responsibilities In the Floor Wardens absence, the deputy floor warden is to fulfil the role of the Floor Warden 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Notify Chief Warden of emergency situation Liaise with Floor Warden for instructions Begin safe and orderly evacuation as directed by Floor Warden Man the bootwash and ensure the quick and steady movement of people Keep abreast of current situation in your section and report to Floor Warden as required 6. Assist injured and physically impaired personnel to evacuate 7. Assist Floor Warden to check off staff evacuated from attendance roster 8. Wait with employees at designated evacuation area for further instructions from Chief Warden 9. When returning to work area survey area to confirm it is safe 10. Attend de-brief session with Chief Warden, other Wardens Please Note: All contractors and maintenance staff must evacuate to the Emergency Command Centre - 1. Don’t Panic, act calmly and with authority 2. look after self, then others 3. Communicate Regularly with the Floor Warden Page 42 - Other Deputy Floor Warden’s Emergency Responsibilities First Aider (FA) Emergency Responsibilities - Page 43 - 1. Apply FA identified clothing / helmet 2. Attend to first aid requirements as directed by the Chief Warden, Deputy Chief Warden or Floor Wardens 3. Assist injured and treat in order of priority. Provide DRABC if required 4. Assist injured and physically impaired personnel to be evacuated 5. Remain with injured and assist ambulance service upon arrival 6. Assist with reporting injuries in register and other reporting requirements 7. Senior First Aider communicates with doctor / hospital 8. Attend de-brief session with Chief Warden, DCW and Floor Wardens - Page 44 - Part 4 Reporting and Recording - Page 45 - Bomb Threat Checklist Chief Wardens Post Incident Report Form - Page 46 - Emergency Management Plan Exercise - Observer - - Offender Description Form cont’d Page 47 - Offender Description Form - Page 48 - Evacuation Resources Checklist DATE CHECKED - ITEM LOCATION Page 49 - QTY Fire Equipment Checklist SITEPLAN GRID REFERENCE DATE CHECKED - LOCATION Page 50 - TYPE i.e. Sprinkler systems, extinguishers, etc. - Page 51 - Risk Analysis Proforma - Page 52 - Risk Management Matrix Part 5 - Page 53 - Site Plans and Assembly Areas - Page 54 - Appendices