Instructional Core Building Action Plan Licking Valley High School Version 3.0 “The primary work of schooling occurs inside the classrooms, not in the organizations and institutions that surround the classrooms.” --Richard Elmore Area 1: Rigorous, guaranteed curriculum “If you raise the level of teachers’ knowledge and skill without anchoring it in content, you get high-level practice disconnected from a clear understanding of what students are actually learning…” “Description before analysis, analysis before prediction, prediction before evaluation.” --Richard Elmore GOAL: Licking Valley High School teachers and administrators will improve our delivery of a uniform, guaranteed curriculum aligned with state standards, college readiness standards and district courses of study in all classes by focusing on the academic tasks that students are being asked to perform. ACTION PLAN Action step 1. Licking Valley High School teachers will make learning targets clear to students by writing them on handouts or on the board daily. Responsible personnel Teachers Timeline Starting the first day of class, throughout the year. Documentation of completion Performance in this area will be documented in formal and informal observations and reported quarterly in department meetings. Progress will be reported in Principal’s meetings after the end of each quarter and to the board at the end of the school year. 2. LVHS teachers and administrators will participate in ‘learning walks’ that focus on curriculum – lesson – academic task alignment. Teachers,administrators Teachers: once per month, during planning time. Administrators: at least twice per week. Reported quarterly to the staff, district administration and the public as a percentage of teacher learning walks actually done. Administrators compile and publish ‘learning walk’ notes for observed teachers. Area 2: Student engagement “Here (in the U.S.) we spend a great deal of time worrying about what we’re teaching and how it is being taught. In other places, I notice that people also spend a great deal of time worrying about whether students are actually interested in, actively engaged in, and able to explain how they think about what adults are trying to teach them.” “Description before analysis, analysis before prediction, prediction before evaluation.” --Richard Elmore GOAL: Licking Valley High School teachers and administrators will improve the level of academic engagement among our students by making what we do in the classroom – and the work the students do outside the classroom – more engaging to students. ACTION PLAN Action step 1. LVHS administrators will find and/or develop sample student interest surveys to be reviewed by teachers on Inclusion Day. Responsible personnel Administrators Timeline Done by Inclusion Day Documentation of Completion Sample surveys and activities given to teachers on Inclusion Day. 2. Teachers will choose a student interest survey or ‘getting to know you’ activity to use and use it. 1. LVHS administrators will present data from the student engagement surveys to teachers by Inclusion Day. 1. LVHS teachers and administrators will participate in ‘learning walks’ that focus on student engagement and developing a common vocabulary to describe engagement. All teachers Survey or activity Teachers will e-mail used within the survey or activity to first week of school administrators by the end of the second week of school. Administrators Done by Inclusion Day Viewable web presentation or copy of handout. Teachers, administrators Teachers: once per month, during planning time. Administrators: at least twice per week. Reported quarterly to the staff, district administration and the public as a percentage of teacher learning walks actually done. Administrators compile and publish ‘learning walk’ notes for observed teachers. Area 3: Teacher knowledge and skill “If you raise the level of content without changing the level of knowledge and skill that teachers bring to the content, you get what we see with considerable frequency in American classrooms: low-level teaching of high-level content.” “Description before analysis, analysis before prediction, prediction before evaluation.” --Richard Elmore GOAL: Licking Valley High School teachers and administrators will work to build the knowledge and skill of every teacher by spreading best practices among teachers in the building. ACTION PLAN Action step 1. LVHS teachers and administrators will participate in ‘learning walks’ that focus on instructional strategies. 1. LVHS administrators will identify ‘best practices’ among LVHS staff and plan professional development time that focuses on spreading those best practices. Responsible personnel Teachers, administrators. Administrators. Timeline Teachers: once per month, during planning time. Administrators: at least twice per week. Monthly focus of one or two best practices that will be shared in staff meetings. Documentation of Completion Reported quarterly to the staff, district administration and the public as a percentage of teacher learning walks actually done. Administrators compile and publish ‘learning walk’ notes for observed teachers. Staff meeting handouts and agendas. Reported quarterly to parents as newsletter / email summaries. Progress will be reported in Principal’s meetings after the end of each quarter and to the board at the end of the school year.