Resources - Surrey Healthy Schools

Mathematics Weekly Plan Year 5
Term 200
Strand: Unit B – Securing Number Facts, Understanding Shape
Recognise reflective symmetry including irregular shapes
Complete a pattern with up to two lines of symmetry
Recognise parallel and perpendicular lines in grids and shapes
Read, choose, use and record standard metric units to estimate and measure length to a suitable degree of accuracy
Convert larger to smaller units using decimals to one place
Measure lines to the nearest millimetre
Identify, visualise and describe properties of rectangles, triangles, regular and irregular polygons
Estimate angles
Solve problems in the context of linear measurement involving all four operations, choosing and using appropriate strategies including calculator use (interpreting the display
correctly in the context of measurement)
2-D shape names
Regular, irregular
Angle – acute, obtuse, right – degree
Parallel, perpendicular
Length, millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre
2-D shapes
Road sign flash cards or pictures
Powerpoint resources
Different grid papers
Cross curricular opportunities
ICT – LOGO program the screen turtle to travel from place to place on
a road map (photocopy map onto acetate and blu-tac onto the computer
Geography – reading symbols on a map, understanding scale
Mental/Oral (review)
Explain that this week’s maths is going to be linked to road safety. How many different shaped road signs can children think of? Why do we
have road signs? What do each of the shapes mean i.e. round – order, rectangle – information, triangular – warning. Show children Powerpoint
slide of triangular road sign. (Slide 1) Ask them to work in pairs to write down as many facts about triangles as they can. Take feedback and
Main Activity (review)
Focus on symmetry. Which regular shapes are symmetrical? How many lines of symmetry do they have? Show children three road signs. (Slide
2) Ask them what they have in common? Answer: they all have one line of symmetry. Ask children to draw the line of symmetry on each sign.
Show ‘half’ a sign. (Slide 3) How would you complete this sign to make it symmetrical? Explain to the children that they are going to complete
shapes drawn on different types of grid paper that have one or more lines of symmetry.
Complete shapes that have one line of
Complete shapes that have at least one line
Complete shapes that have more than one line of
of symmetry
Success Criteria
I can recognise reflective symmetry in
regular shapes and draw a shape with a
line of reflective symmetry
Success Criteria
I can recognise reflective symmetry in
regular and irregular shapes and draw shapes
with at least one line of reflective symmetry
Success Criteria
I can recognise reflective symmetry in regular
and irregular shapes and draw shapes more than
one line of reflective symmetry
Use a Venn diagram to sort shapes according to their lines of symmetry. Ask children to think, pair, share about where they think shapes should
be place in order to satisfy criteria. Take feedback. Encourage reasoning using appropriate mathematical language. (slide 4)
Evaluation/Next Steps
Mental/Oral (rehearse)
Repeat activity from previous day with a different shape e.g. road sign for no through road – T shape is an irregular octagon. (Slide 5) In feedback focus
on angles, perpendicular and parallel sides.
Main Activity (rehearse and teach)
Recap on previous day’s activity where children where expected to complete a shape with one or more lines of symmetry. Explain that today they are
going to create their own road sign which must have at least one line of symmetry that would encourage road safety. Decide whether it is to be an
information, order or warning sign. What symbols might they use that are symmetrical? Use different grid papers.
Use squared paper to draw signs that have
Use different grid papers to draw shapes with at
Use different grid papers to draw shapes with more
one line of symmetry (horizontal or vertical
least one line of symmetry. Vary the position of
than one line of symmetry. Vary the position of the
mirror line)
the mirror line e.g. horizontal, vertical, diagonal
mirror line e.g. horizontal, vertical, diagonal
Success Criteria
I can draw shapes that has one line of
symmetry on squared paper
Success Criteria
I can draw shapes that have at least one line of
symmetry on different grid papers
Success Criteria
I can draw shapes that have more than one line of
symmetry on different grid papers
Use a Carroll diagram to sort shapes according to set criteria relating to angles. Ask children to think, pair, share about where they think shapes should
be place in order to satisfy criteria. Take feedback. Encourage reasoning using appropriate mathematical language. (Slide 6)
Mental/Oral (teach and rehearse)
Revise units of linear measurement – millimetre, centimetre, metre and kilometre, their abbreviations and the relationship between them e.g. 10 mm
= 1 cm. Answer simple questions using these facts e.g. how many millimetres are therein two centimetres?, how many centimetres in ½ a metre etc.
Main Activity (teach and rehearse)
Show children road layout. (Slides 7-9) Explain that this is going to be part of a new road layout in a new town. Go through the key, asking to
question to ensure they understand it. What does the arrow mean? (one way street) Why might this street be one way? (For the safety of the
children at the school.) Explain that over the next few days they are going to decide upon street furniture for the new layout. Share with them the
cards that say there must be street lighting at a certain distance. Look at the scale of the map. How are they going to work out where the street
lamps should go? Model and demonstrate how to use the scale to do this.
Give children a copy of Map A (scale 2cm = Give children a copy of Map B (scale 3cm = 300 m) Give children a copy of Map C (scale 3cm = 200 m)
100 m) and street lamp card A – street
and street lamp card A – street lamps every 150
and street lamp card B – street lamps every 100
lamps every 100 m. Ask the children to use m. Ask the children to use a ruler and the scale to m. Ask the children to use a ruler and the scale to
a ruler and the scale to put crosses on
put crosses on either side of the roads to show
put crosses on either side of the roads to show
either side of the roads to show where
where street lighting should go.
where street lighting should go.
street lighting should go.
Success Criteria
I can interpret a scale and use it to solve a
problem. I can use a ruler to measure
accurately in centimetres and record
measurements using appropriate
mathematical notation
Success Criteria
I can interpret a scale and use it to solve a
problem. I can use a ruler to measure accurately
in millimetres, convert these to centimetres and
record using appropriate mathematical notation.
Success Criteria
I can interpret a scale and use it to solve a
problem. I can measure accurately in millimetres,
convert these to centimetres and record using
appropriate mathematical notation
Ask children to feedback on the number of street lamps they have positioned on particular roads. What difficulties did they encounter and how did
they overcome these?
Evaluation/Next Steps
Revise linear units of measurement and the relationships between them. Solve mentally, problems involving linear measurement and all four
Main Activity
Look again at the road layout map from the previous day. Introduce cards that give instructions as to where other street furniture is to be
positioned. Think carefully why things are positioned where they are. Invite the children to work in pairs to discuss, reason and justify where the
respective street furniture should be positioned.
Children to use the SAME maps that they did the previous day. They should think of symbols to represent the different pieces of street
furniture. They should name the roads and record how far down each road they position each piece e.g. telephone box 200m from junction of
….and … (Give children as many or as few street furniture cards as appropriate to their ability)
Success Criteria
I can measure accurately using a ruler to a
suitable degree of accuracy and record
measurements using appropriate abbreviations
Success Criteria
I can measure accurately using a ruler to a
suitable degree of accuracy and record
measurements using appropriate
abbreviations. I can use a scale to convert
between units of measurement.
Success Criteria
I can measure accurately using a ruler to a
suitable degree of accuracy and record
measurements using appropriate
abbreviations. I can use a scale to convert
between units of measurement
Invite children to feedback on their choices asking them for reasoning and justification.
Revise linear units of measurement and the relationships between them. Solve mentally, problems involving linear measurement and all four
Main Activity
Look again at the planned road layout. Today the children are going to investigate routes. Archie lives in house A. He walks to school. What is his
quickest route to school if he walks? What would be his quickest route if he cycled or went in a car? What is the difference between the two
journeys? Extension: If Archie visited the bakers on his way home from school what would be the total distance of his journey walking? Cycling or
going in a car?
Success Criteria
I can use a simple scale to convert units of
measure. I can solve simple problems involving
linear measurement.
Success Criteria
I can use a scale to convert units of measure.
I can solve problems involving linear
Success Criteria
I can use a scale to convert units of measure.
I can solve more complex problems involving
linear measurement.
Feedback possible solutions and strategies used to solve the problem. How did they tackle it? Did they encounter problems and adapt their way of
working? How did they record their findings?
Possible home learning: complete Friday’s activity OR calculate the distance of their journey to school.
Mathematics Weekly Plan Year 5
Term 200
Strand: Unit B – Securing Number Facts, Understanding Shape
Revise names and properties of 3-D shapes
Visualise 3-D shapes from 2-D drawings
Identify and draw nets of 3-D shapes
Read, choose, use and record standard metric units to estimate and measure length
Draw angles using a protractor to a suitable degree of accuracy
Use a set-square and ruler to draw shapes with perpendicular and parallel sides
3-D shape names
Faces, edges, vertex, vertices
3-D shapes
Selection of boxes for disassembly e.g. cereal packets,
Parallel, perpendicular
cubes, toblerone, cylinders etc.
Centimetre, millimetre
Clixi or Polydron
Angles, degrees
Powerpoint resources
Cross Curricular Opportunities
D.T. – design and make a prototype for a waste paper bin
Literacy – persuasive letter to companies to produce waste paper bin
Evaluation/Next Steps
Explain that this week’s maths is going to be linked to road safety. Show children Powerpoint slides of everyday objects. What 3-D shapes are
these? Show children Powerpoint slide of telephone box. Ask children, in pairs, to write down as many facts as they can about this shape. Take
feedback and annotate shape. How many other 3-D shapes can they name with quadrilateral faces?
Main Activity
Refer back to the previous week’s work on the road map. Explain that they are going to design and make a prototype for a bin that will be used
in the area. First they are going to investigate the different shapes that the bin might take and the nets needed to create this shape. This
could be by disassembly of packaging, using Clixi or Polydron and/or looking at 3-D shapes. They should then draw and label possible nets.
Success Criteria
I can visualise and name different 3-D shapes and draw nets for these shapes
Think of a shape – Teacher to think of a 3-D shape and the children to ask questions to reveal the shape. How few questions need to be asked
before the shape can be determined. Challenge children to think of a shape.
As yesterday. Show children Powerpoint slides of everyday objects. What 3-D shapes are these? Show children Powerpoint slide of
Ask children, in pairs, to write down as many facts as they can about this shape. Take feedback and annotate shape. How many other 3-D
shapes can they name with triangular faces?
Main Activity
Model, step-by-step, how to draw a net for a cube using a set square and a ruler. Children to complete their own net and fold to make a cube.
Success Criteria
I can draw a net for a cube
How many different nets are there for a cube? How about a cuboid?
Evaluation/Next Steps
Hide the shape – 3-D shapes. Cover a 3-D shape and reveal it bit by bit. Ask the children in pairs to predict what the shape will be and draw it on
their whiteboard. Each time more of the shape is revealed the children have the opportunity to change their mind and amend their decision. Focus
on correct use of mathematical language.
Evaluation/Next Steps
Main Activity
Explain that the children have been requested to design a bin for the streets of the new road layout. They must consider what the ‘best’ shape
would be – what will be the most practical design? What will hold the most rubbish but not take up too much space? Design and draw the net for
the wastepaper bin. Give reasons and justification for choices. Extension: Children should be encouraged to experiment with different nets for
the same shape. Which is the most effective for this purpose?
Success Criteria
I can draw the net for a simple 3-D shape
and justify my choices using mathematical
Success Criteria
I can draw the net for a 3-D shape and
justify my choices using mathematical
Success Criteria
I can draw nets for 3-D shapes, consider different
possibilities and justify my choices using
mathematical language
Ask children to present their bin designs and justify the choices they have made using appropriate mathematical language.
Odd one out? Look at the odd one out slides and decide which of the nets will not make the solid shape. Challenge children to reason and justify
their choice using appropriate mathematical language. Draw another net that has a circle.
Main Activity
Children should make their prototype bins. Ask them to consider what the real size of the bin would be. (They could research this by going around
the school grounds and measuring real bins.) Extension: Can they work out the scale of their model bin?
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
I can make a 3-D shape (cube or cuboid) from
a net, measuring accurately using a ruler
I can make 3-D shapes from nets, measuring
accurately using a ruler and protractor
I can make 3-D shapes from nets, considering
different possibilities and making decisions,
measuring accurately using a ruler and protractor
Ask children to present their bin designs and justify the choices they have made using appropriate mathematical language.
Evaluation/Next Steps
Odd one out? Look at the odd one out slides and decide which of the nets will not make the solid shape. Challenge children to reason and justify
their choice using appropriate mathematical language. Draw another net that incorporates a triangular face.
Main Activity
Go back to the road layout map. If they are going to put bins around this layout where would they put them? The bins will be manufactured in
three sizes – large, medium and small. What size bins will be positioned in different areas – why? Think about the costing. Make up a price for
each bin size and ask the children to calculate how many bins of each size they need and how much this would cost. They should itemise their
calculations to show the different bin sizes and record their calculations systematically. Model a possible layout for the children so they can
see how this might be presented.
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
I can make decisions and explain my
reasoning. I can solve problems involving
money using a calculator showing and
explaining my working and checking that my
answer is sensible
I can make decisions and explain my
reasoning. I can problems involving money
using a calculator showing and explaining my
working and checking that my answer is
I can make decisions and explain my
reasoning. I can problems involving money
using a calculator showing and explaining my
working and checking that my answer is
Ask children to feedback the strategies they sued to tackle the problem, how they overcame any difficulties they faced. Model their
calculations and explain reasoning behind decisions.
Evaluation/Next Steps
Mathematics Weekly Plan Year 5
Term 200
Unit C – Handling Data
Construct frequency tables, pictograms (where symbols represent more than one) and scaled bar and line graphs (horizontal and vertical) to represent the frequencies of events
and changes over time
Construct line graphs to represent the frequencies of events and changes over time e.g. interpret line graphs that represent journeys – speed against time, time against distance
Find and interpret the mode of a set of data
Plan and pursue an enquiry; present evidence by collecting, organising and interpreting information; suggest extensions to the enquiry
bar graph/bar-line graph – horizontal, vertical
interpret, interrogate
plot, origin, axis, axes
Powerpoint of resources
Cross curricular opportunities
Science – friction – time how long it takes an object to travel
down a ramp covered in different surfaces
ICT – Using data handling packages
Mental/Oral (review)
Use a counting stick or similar to count on and back in steps of a constant size starting from zero and then from any number. Count on and back
in unusual step sizes e.g. 15s, 25s. Link to scale on a graph.
Main Activity (review)
Look at the graph on the slide 1. In pairs, Babble Gabble i.e. select one of the pair to start and ask them to tell their partner all they can about
the graphs they can see in 30 seconds. Swap and repeat. Take feedback. Repeat with the graph on slide 2. Hopefully children will come up with
the fact that they are showing the same data but one is vertical and one is horizontal. They are scaled so there are intermediate points that
have meaning. What might the name of the graph be? What would a bar-line graph look like? Invite a child to model. How would the bar graphs
be represented as bar line graphs? Think, pair, share and sketch on whiteboard.
Explain that they are going to have the bar graphs and they must convert them into bar-line graphs. (Photocopy slide 3) For the more able they
will have an extra challenge to double the values and draw the graph with an appropriate scale. If this data was collected on a Monday what
might it look like on a Saturday? Why?
Success Criteria
I can draw a bar-line graph to represent
the frequencies of events
Success Criteria
I can draw a bar-line graphs (horizontal and
vertical) to represent the frequencies of
Success Criteria
I can draw a bar-line graph to represent the
frequencies of events and changes over time
Look again at the graphs used at the start of the lesson. Use the graphs to answer questions such as …
How many more … than …
How many fewer … than …
What’s the difference between …
What might happen if …
How many … altogether?
Estimate …
Evaluation/Next Steps
Mental/Oral (rehearse)
Use a counting stick or similar to count on and back in steps of a constant size starting from zero and then from any number. Count on and back in unusual
step sizes e.g. 15s, 25s. Link to scale on a graph.
Main Activity (rehearse and teach)
Look at the pictogram on the screen. In pairs, quickly ‘Babble Gabble’ to explore what it shows. Now working as a four, split into pairs to devise questions
about the graph displayed. The children should not only think of the question but be able to answer it!! Challenge the children to ask questions that start
in different ways e.g. … (Question starters could be displayed or printed out to help them)
How many more … than …
How many fewer … than …
What’s the difference between …
What might happen if …
How many … altogether?
Estimate …
Discuss, model and demonstrate how to construct a pictogram from a frequency table. What would a suitable value be for each picture? Children to
construct a pictogram from a table of values differentiated according to their ability. (The same table might be used but the values changed)
Success Criteria
I can construct a pictogram where symbols
represent more than one
Success Criteria
I can construct a pictogram from a frequency
table where symbols have multiple values
Success Criteria
I can construct a pictogram from a frequency table
where symbols have multiples values
Look at the graphs on the screen. Look at the possible titles for the graphs. Which ones might match? Which ones would not? Why?
Mental/Oral (teach and rehearse)
Use a counting stick or similar to count on and back in steps of a constant size starting from zero and then from any number. Count on and back in unusual step sizes
e.g. 15s, 25s. Link to scale on a graph.
Main Activity (teach and rehearse)
Look at the pie charts on the screen. (Slide 6) Babble Gabble. Now reveal some more information. Does this affect the perceptions the children had? How? E.g.
different numbers of cars were counted for each one so they might look the same but are interpreted differently.
Answer questions such as …
How many more … than …
How many fewer … than …
What’s the difference between …
What might happen if …
How many … altogether?
Estimate …
Challenge children to formulate and ask questions.
Use data handling ITP or a similar ICT program to enable children to produce pie charts of given data. (Slide 7) Answer given questions. (Slide 8)
Success Criteria
I can use ICT to present data. I can answer
questions and identify further questions to ask.
Success Criteria
I can use ICT to present and compare data. I can answer
questions and identify further questions to ask.
Feedback answers to questions. Encourage reasoning.
Success Criteria
I can use ICT to present and compare data. I can
answer questions and identify further questions to ask.
Look at the graphs. (Slide 9) Work in pairs to discuss what each graph shows and match each title to the relevant graph and justify their decision.
Main Activity
Look at a line graph that shows the speed of a cyclist over a journey. (Slide 11) Discuss what might be happening at each point of the journey e.g.
fast section (covering a distance in a short time) might be when he/she was going down hill, slow section (when a distance takes a long time) the
road may have been winding or going uphill etc. Do points that are not in line with the numbers on the axis have a value? How do you read these?
Discuss, model and demonstrate.
Explain to the children that they are going to be given another line graph with questions to answer. (Slides 12 and 13)
Success Criteria
I can interpret a simple line graph reading
intermediate points
Success Criteria
I can interpret line graphs, read
intermediate points and use the data
displayed to make predictions
Success Criteria
I can interpret line graphs, read
intermediate points and use the data
displayed to make predictions
Look at the line graph on slide 14 and make up a story for the graph. Take feedback.
Target board. (Slide 15) Use the target board to answer questions such as: how many numbers are there greater than …, less than …, what’s the
difference between the largest and the smallest number, what is the sum of the four corner numbers? Etc.
Main Activity
Explain that we are going to be finding the mode of sets of data. Introduce/revise what mode means. Use the target board in the starter to
model how to find the mode of the data. What would the mode of this target board be? Discuss what would happen if there was an equal amount
of more than one number. According to ability children to be given set of data to find the mode. (Slide 18) (N.B. Middle and higher abilities will
have to duplicate and then amalgamate sets of data before finding the mode)
Success Criteria
I understand and can find the mode of a set
of data
Success Criteria
I can collate data from different sources. I
understand and can find the mode of sets of
Success Criteria
I can collate data from different sources. I
understand and can find the mode of sets of
data where the value is whole and decimal
Use more target boards (slides 16 and 17) to find modes including ones where there are more than one mode. Ask children to give the mode and
their reasoning behind it to reinforce the definition of the mode. e.g. the mode is 3.5 because this appears the most times
Week 2: Invite the children to pursue an enquiry related to road safety where they have to collect, present,
interpret and draw conclusions from data to answer questions. Could use data from graphs on slides 19 - 23
Children should be encouraged to ask their own questions.
Mathematics Weekly Plan Year 6
Term 200
Strand: Unit B – Securing Number Facts, Understanding Shape
Describe, identify and visulaise parallel and perpendicular edges or faces
Use properties to classify 2-D shapes and 3-D solids
Make and draw shapes with increasing accuracy ad apply knowledge of their properties
Visualise and draw on grids of different types where a shape will be after reflection or after rotation through 90° or 180° about its centre or one of its vertices
Estimate angles, and use a protractor to measure and draw them
Select and use standard metric units of measure and convert between units using decimals up to two decimal places
Solve simple problems by scaling quantities up and down
Solve problems involving measures
, choosing and using appropriate calculations at each stage including calculator use
2-D shape names
Regular, irregular
Angle – acute, obtuse, right – degree
Parallel, perpendicular
Length, millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre
2-D shapes
Road sign flash cards or pictures
Powerpoint resources
Different grid papers
Arrow pictures
Cross curricular opportunities
ICT – LOGO program the screen turtle to travel from place to place on
a road map (photocopy map onto acetate and blu-tac onto the computer
Geography – reading symbols on a map, understanding scale
Mental/Oral (review)
Explain that this week’s maths is going to be linked to road safety. How many different shaped road signs can children think of? Why do we have road
signs? What do each of the shapes mean i.e. round – order, rectangle – information, triangular – warning. Show children Odd one Out Powerpoint slide
1. Which is the odd one out? Why? (the first arrow is a nonagon, second is an octagon, third is a heptagon) How many other arrows can they draw?
(Encourage them to look out for arrows on the road and on road signs)How many sides do these have? What is the name of the shape? What properties
do they have? Encourage the use of mathematical language.
Main Activity (review)
Show children slide with bock arrow. Explain to the children that they are going to be given a picture of an arrow and they are going to have to explain
to a partner (who can not see the arrow) how to draw it exactly. Think about and discuss how they would go about this. What equipment will they need
(protractor and ruler)? Where will they start? What mathematical language will they need to use e.g. parallel, perpendicular, right angle, degrees, cm,
mm, left, right, horizontal, vertical etc. Model and demonstrate with the children how to draw the arrow with you, the teacher, giving instructions (less
able could use squared paper). Turn your paper longways (landscape). Draw a horizontal line 10cm long a third of the way up the paper ……
Challenge children to draw a simple arrow
In pairs take it in turns to describe the arrow
In pairs take it in turns to describe the arrow shape
shape on squared paper perhaps with
shape to a partner. They should try to draw an
to a partner. They should try to draw an identical
Teaching Assistant support.
identical replica and compare it with the original
replica and compare it with the original at the end
at the end to see how accurate theirs is.
to see how accurate theirs is.
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
I can name 2-D shapes and discuss their
properties. I can draw a 2-D shape on
squared paper. I can understand and use
mathematical language associated with 2shape.
I can name 2-D shapes and discuss their
properties. I can draw a 2-D shape measuring
accurately with a ruler and a protractor. I can
understand and use mathematical language
associated with 2-shape.
I can name 2-D shapes and discuss their properties.
I can draw a 2-D shape measuring accurately with a
ruler and a protractor. I can understand and use
mathematical language associated with 2-shape.
How successful were the children in following instructions? What were the difficulties? How did they overcome these? What are their next steps in
Mental/Oral (rehearse)
Focus on symmetry. Which regular shapes are symmetrical? How many lines of symmetry do they have? Show Odd one out (2). Which is the odd one out?
Why? Give reasons and justification using mathematical language. Invite the children to draw the line(s) of symmetry on each sign. Show ‘half’ a sign. How
would you complete this sign to make it symmetrical? Show Odd one out (3) Which is the odd one out? Why? Give reasons and justification using
mathematical language. (Two signs have rotational symmetry about their centre) How could the centre sign be changed to enable rotational symmetry?
Main Activity (rehearse and teach)
Explain that today they are going to create their own road sign which must have at least one line of symmetry that would encourage road safety. Decide
whether it is to be an information, order or warning sign. What symbols might they use that are symmetrical? Use different grid papers.
Use squared paper to draw signs that
Use different grid papers to draw shapes with at
Use different grid papers to draw shapes with more than
have one line of symmetry (horizontal or least one line of symmetry. Vary the position of
one line of symmetry. Vary the position of the mirror line
vertical mirror line)
the mirror line e.g. horizontal, vertical, diagonal
e.g. horizontal, vertical, diagonal. For an extra challenge
they could try a sign that has rotational symmetry!
Success Criteria
I can draw shapes that has one line of
symmetry on squared paper
Success Criteria
I can draw shapes that have at least one line of
symmetry on different grid papers
Success Criteria
I can draw shapes that have more than one line of
symmetry on different grid papers
Use a Venn diagram to sort shapes according to their lines of symmetry. Ask children to think, pair, share about where they think shapes should be place
in order to satisfy criteria. Take feedback. Encourage reasoning using appropriate mathematical language AND/OR Use a Carroll diagram to sort shapes
according to set criteria relating to angles. Ask children to think, pair, share about where they think shapes should be place in order to satisfy criteria.
Take feedback. Encourage reasoning using appropriate mathematical language.
Mental/Oral (teach and rehearse)
Revise units of linear measurement – millimetre, centimetre, metre and kilometre, their abbreviations and the relationship between them e.g. 10 mm
= 1 cm. Answer simple questions using these facts e.g. how many millimetres are there in two centimetres?, how many centimetres in ½ a metre etc.
Main Activity (teach and rehearse)
Show children road layout. Explain that this is going to be part of a new road layout in a new town. Go through the key, asking to question to ensure
they understand it. What does the arrow mean? (one way street) Why might this street be one way? (For the safety of the children at the school.)
Explain that over the next few days they are going to decide upon street furniture for the new layout. Share with them the slide that says there
must be street lighting every 100m. Look at the scale of the map. How are they going to work out where the street lamps should go? Model and
demonstrate how to use the scale to do this.
Give children a copy of Map A (scale 2cm = 100
Give children a copy of Map B (scale 3cm = 300
Give children a copy of Map C (scale 3cm = 200
m) and street lamp card A – street lamps every
m) and street lamp card A – street lamps every
m) and street lamp card B – street lamps every
100 m. Ask the children to use a ruler and the
150 m. Ask the children to use a ruler and the
100 m. Ask the children to use a ruler and the
scale to put crosses on either side of the roads scale to put crosses on either side of the roads scale to put crosses on either side of the roads
to show where street lighting should go.
to show where street lighting should go.
to show where street lighting should go.
Success Criteria
I can interpret a scale and use it to solve a
problem. I can use a ruler to measure
accurately in centimetres and record
measurements using appropriate mathematical
Success Criteria
I can interpret a scale and use it to solve a
problem. I can use a ruler to measure
accurately in millimetres, convert these to
centimetres and record using appropriate
mathematical notation.
Success Criteria
I can interpret a scale and use it to solve a
problem. I can measure accurately in
millimetres, convert these to centimetres and
record using appropriate mathematical notation
Evaluation/Next Steps
Ask children to feedback on the number of street lamps they have positioned on particular roads. What difficulties did they encounter and how did
they overcome these?
Revise linear units of measurement and the relationships between them. Solve mentally, problems involving linear measurement and all four
Main Activity
Look again at the road layout map from the previous day. Introduce cards that give instructions as to where other street furniture is to be
positioned. Think carefully why things are positioned where they are. Invite the children to work in pairs to discuss, reason and justify where the
respective street furniture should be positioned.
Children to use the SAME maps that they did the previous day. They should think of symbols to represent the different pieces of street
furniture. They should name the roads and record how far down each road they position each piece e.g. telephone box 200m from junction of
….and … (Give children as many or as few street furniture cards as appropriate to their ability)
Success Criteria
I can measure accurately using a ruler to a
suitable degree of accuracy and record
measurements using appropriate abbreviations
Success Criteria
I can measure accurately using a ruler to a
suitable degree of accuracy and record
measurements using appropriate
abbreviations. I can use a scale to convert
between units of measurement.
Success Criteria
I can measure accurately using a ruler to a
suitable degree of accuracy and record
measurements using appropriate
abbreviations. I can use a scale to convert
between units of measurement
Invite children to feedback on their choices asking them for reasoning and justification.
Revise linear units of measurement and the relationships between them. Solve mentally, problems involving linear measurement and all four
Main Activity
Look again at the planned road layout. Today the children are going to investigate routes. Archie lives in house A. He walks to school. What is his
quickest route to school if he walks? What would be his quickest route if he cycled or went in a car? What is the difference between the two
journeys? Extension: If Archie visited the bakers on his way home from school what would be the total distance of his journey walking? Cycling or
going in a car?
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
I can use a simple scale to convert units of
measure. I can solve simple problems involving
linear measurement.
I can use a scale to convert units of measure.
I can solve problems involving linear
I can use a scale to convert units of measure.
I can solve more complex problems involving
linear measurement.
Feedback possible solutions and strategies used to solve the problem. How did they tackle it? Did they encounter problems and adapt their way of
working? How did they record their findings?
Possible home learning: complete Friday’s activity OR calculate the distance of their journey to school.
Mathematics Weekly Plan Year 6
Term 200
Strand: Unit B – Securing Number Facts, Understanding Shape
Describe, identify and visualise parallel and perpendicular edges or faces
Use properties to classify 3-D solids
Make and draw shapes with increasing accuracy and apply knowledge of their properties
Select and use standard metric units of measure
Visualise and draw where a shape will be after rotation through 90° or 180°, about its centre or one of its vertices
Solve problems involving measures and money, choosing and using appropriate calculations at each stage including calculator use
3-D shape names
Cross Curricular Opportunities
Faces, edges, vertex, vertices
3-D shapes
D.T. – design and make a prototype for a waste paper bin
Selection of boxes for disassembly e.g. cereal packets, Literacy – persuasive letter to companies to produce waste paper bin
Parallel, perpendicular
cubes, toblerone, cylinders etc.
Centimetre, millimetre
Clixi or Polydron
Angles, degrees
Powerpoint resources
Evaluation/Next Steps
Explain that this week’s maths is going to be linked to road safety. Show children Powerpoint slides of everyday objects. What 3-D shapes are
these? Show children Powerpoint slide of telephone box. Ask children, in pairs, to write down as many facts as they can about this shape. Take
feedback and annotate shape. How many other 3-D shapes can they name with quadrilateral faces?
Main Activity
Refer back to the previous week’s work on the road map. Explain that they are going to design and make a prototype for a bin that will be used
in the area. First they are going to investigate the different shapes that the bin might take and the nets needed to create this shape. This
could be by disassembly of packaging, using Clixi or Polydron and/or looking at 3-D shapes. They should then draw and label possible nets.
Success Criteria
I can visualise and name different 3-D shapes and draw nets for these shapes
Think of a shape – Teacher to think of a 3-D shape and the children to ask questions to reveal the shape. How few questions need to be asked
before the shape can be determined. Challenge children to think of a shape.
As yesterday. Show children Powerpoint slides of everyday objects. What 3-D shapes are these? Show children Powerpoint slide of
Ask children, in pairs, to write down as many facts as they can about this shape. Take feedback and annotate shape. How many other 3-D
shapes can they name with triangular faces?
Main Activity
Model, step-by-step, how to draw a net for a cube using a set square and a ruler. Children to complete their own net and fold to make a cube.
Success Criteria
I can draw a net for a cube
How many different nets are there for a cube? How about a cuboid?
Evaluation/Next Steps
Hide the shape – 3-D shapes. Cover a 3-D shape and reveal it bit by bit. Ask the children in pairs to predict what the shape will be and draw it on
their whiteboard. Each time more of the shape is revealed the children have the opportunity to change their mind and amend their decision. Focus
on correct use of mathematical language.
Evaluation/Next Steps
Main Activity
Explain that the children have been requested to design a bin for the streets of the new road layout. They must consider what the ‘best’ shape
would be – what will be the most practical design? What will hold the most rubbish but not take up too much space? Design and draw the net for
the wastepaper bin. Give reasons and justification for choices. Extension: Children should be encouraged to experiment with different nets for
the same shape. Which is the most effective for this purpose?
Success Criteria
I can draw the net for a simple 3-D shape
and justify my choices using mathematical
Success Criteria
I can draw the net for a 3-D shape and
justify my choices using mathematical
Success Criteria
I can draw nets for 3-D shapes, consider different
possibilities and justify my choices using
mathematical language
Ask children to present their bin designs and justify the choices they have made using appropriate mathematical language.
Odd one out? Look at the odd one out slides and decide which of the nets will not make the solid shape. Challenge children to reason and justify
their choice using appropriate mathematical language. Draw another net that has a circle as one of its faces.
Main Activity
Children should make their prototype bins. Ask them to consider what the real size of the bin would be . (They could research this by going around
the school grounds and measuring real bins.) Extension: Can they work out the scale of their model bin? Show the children the recycling logo.
What do they notice about this? (It has rotational symmetry) Why might this be? Challenge them to design a logo for their company that has
rotational symmetry
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
I can make a 3-D shape (cube or cuboid) from
a net, measuring accurately using a ruler
I can draw a logo that has rotational
symmetry about its centre
I can make 3-D shapes from nets, measuring
accurately using a ruler and protractor. I
can draw a logo that had rotational
symmetry about its centre or one of its
I can make 3-D shapes from nets, considering
different possibilities and making decisions,
measuring accurately using a ruler and protractor
I can draw a logo that has rotational symmetry
about its centre or one of its vertices
Ask children to present their bin designs and justify the choices they have made using appropriate mathematical language.
Evaluation/Next Steps
Odd one out? Look at the odd one out slides and decide which of the nets will not make the solid shape. Challenge children to reason and justify
their choice using appropriate mathematical language. Draw another net that incorporates a triangular face.
Main Activity
Go back to the road layout map. If they are going to put bins around this layout where would they put them? The bins will be manufactured in
three sizes – large, medium and small. What size bins will be positioned in different areas – why? Think about the costing. Make up a price for
each bin size and ask the children to calculate how many bins of each size they need and how much this would cost. They should itemise their
calculations to show the different bin sizes and record their calculations systematically. Model a possible layout for the children so they can
see how this might be presented.
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
I can make decisions and explain my
reasoning. I can solve problems involving
money using a calculator showing and
explaining my working and checking that my
answer is sensible
I can make decisions and explain my
reasoning. I can problems involving money
using a calculator showing and explaining my
working and checking that my answer is
I can make decisions and explain my
reasoning. I can problems involving money
using a calculator showing and explaining my
working and checking that my answer is
Ask children to feedback the strategies they sued to tackle the problem, how they overcame any difficulties they faced. Model their
calculations and explain reasoning behind decisions.
Home learning – complete company logo for bin that has rotational symmetry
Evaluation/Next Steps
Mathematics Weekly Plan Year 6
Term 200
Unit C – Handling Data
Construct frequency tables, bar charts(horizontal and vertical) with discrete data; interpret pie charts
Construct line graphs to represent the frequencies of events and changes over time e.g. interpret line graphs that represent journeys – speed against time, time against distance
Find and interpret the mode, range, median and mean of a set of data
Plan and pursue an enquiry; present evidence by collecting, organising and interpreting information; suggest extensions to the enquiry
bar graph/bar-line graph – horizontal, vertical
interpret, interrogate
plot, origin, axis, axes
mode, range, median, mean
Cross curricular opportunities
Powerpoint of resources
Science – friction – time how long it takes an object to travel
down a ramp covered in different surfaces
ICT – using data handling packages
Mental/Oral (review)
Use a counting stick or similar to count on and back in steps of a constant size starting from zero and then from any number. Count on and back
in unusual step sizes e.g. 15s, 25s. Link to scale on a graph.
Main Activity (review)
Look at the graph on slide 1. In pairs, Babble Gabble i.e. select one of the pair to start and ask them to tell their partner all they can about the
graph they can see in 30 seconds. Swap and repeat. Take feedback. Repeat with the graph on slide 2. Hopefully children will come up with the
fact that they are showing the same data but one is vertical and one is horizontal. They are scaled so there are intermediate points that have
meaning. What might the name of the graph be? What would a bar-line graph look like? Invite a child to model. How would the bar graphs be
represented as bar line graphs? Think, pair, share and sketch on whiteboard.
Explain that they are going to have the bar graphs and they must convert them into bar-line graphs. For the middle and more able groups they
will have an extra challenge to double the values and draw the graphs appropriate scales. (Photocopy slide 3) If this data was collected on a
Monday what might it look like on a Saturday? Why?
Success Criteria
I can draw a bar-line graph to represent
the frequencies of events
Success Criteria
I can draw a bar-line graphs (horizontal and
vertical) to represent the frequencies of
Success Criteria
I can draw a bar-line graph to represent the
frequencies of events and changes over time
Look again at the graphs used at the start of the lesson. Use the graphs to answer questions such as …
How many more … than …
How many fewer … than …
What’s the difference between …
What might happen if …
How many … altogether?
Estimate …
Evaluation/Next Steps
Mental/Oral (rehearse)
Use a counting stick or similar to count on and back in steps of a constant size starting from zero and then from any number. Count on and back in unusual step sizes e.g.
15s, 25s. Link to scale on a graph.
t Steps
Main Activity (rehearse and teach)
Look at the pie charts on the screen. (Slide 6) Babble Gabble. Now reveal some more information. Does this affect the perceptions the children had? How? E.g.
different numbers of car were counted for each one so they might look the same but are interpreted differently.
Answer questions such as …
How many more … than …
How many fewer … than …
What’s the difference between …
What might happen if …
How many … altogether?
Estimate …
Challenge children to formulate and ask questions.
Use data handling ITP or a similar ICT program to enable children to produce pie charts of given data. (Slide 7) Answer given questions. (Slide 8)
Success Criteria
I can use ICT to present data. I can answer
questions and identify further questions to ask.
Success Criteria
I can use ICT to present and compare data. I can
answer questions and identify further questions to ask.
Success Criteria
I can use ICT to present and compare data. I can answer
questions and identify further questions to ask.
Feedback answers to questions. Encourage reasoning.
Mental/Oral (teach and rehearse)
Look at the line graphs. Explain that each of the line graphs tells a story. Reveal the possible stories. Work in pairs to match each story to the relevant line graph and
justify their decision. (Slide 10)
Main Activity (teach and rehearse)
Look at another line graph that shows the speed of a cyclist over a journey. (Slide 11) Discuss what might be happening at each point of the journey e.g. fast section
(covering a distance in a short time) might be when he/she was going down hill, slow section (when a distance takes a long time) the road may have been winding or
going uphill etc. Do points that are not in line with the numbers on the axis have a value? How do you read these? Discuss, model and demonstrate.
Explain to the children that they are going to be given another line graph with questions to answer. (Slides 12 and 13)
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
I can interpret a simple line graph reading
intermediate points
I can interpret line graphs, read intermediate points and
use the data displayed to make predictions
I can interpret line graphs, read intermediate points
and use the data displayed to make predictions
Challenge the children to draw a line graph to represent a given story. Ask for feedback. Focus on reasoning.
Target board (Slide 15). Use the target board to answer questions such as: how many numbers are there greater than …, less than …, what’s the
difference between the largest and the smallest number, what is the sum of the four corner numbers? What is the difference between the total of
the first and last columns? Etc.
Main Activity
Explain that we are going to be finding the mode and range of sets of data. Introduce/revise what mode and range mean. Use the target board in the
starter to model how to find the mode and range of the data. What would the mode and range of this target board be? In relation to the mode
discuss what would happen if there was an equal amount of more than one number. According to ability children to be given set of data to find the
mode and range (Slide 18). (N.B. Middle and higher abilities will have duplicate and then amalgamate sets of data before finding the mode and range)
Success Criteria
I understand and can find the mode of a set of
Success Criteria
I can collate data from different sources. I
understand and can find the mode of sets of data
Success Criteria
I can collate data from different sources. I
understand and can find the mode of sets of
data where the value is whole and decimal
Use more target boards (Slides 16 and 17) to find the mode and the range including ones where there are more than one mode. Ask children to give
the mode and the range and their reasoning behind it to reinforce the definition of the mode and the range. e.g. the mode is 3.5 because this appears
the most times and the range is 20 because that’s the difference between the largest and smallest numbers
Target board (Slide 15). Use the target board to answer questions such as: how many numbers are there greater than …, less than …, what’s the
difference between the largest and the smallest number, what is the sum of the four corner numbers? What is the difference between the total
of the first and last columns? Etc.
Main Activity
Use the target board in the starter to model and demonstrate how to find the mean (may need to use calculator) and the median of sets of data.
Explain what median means and how to find it. Order the first row of numbers on the target board and find the median. Discuss what happens if
there are two middle numbers. Repeat using other rows on the target board. Now model how to find the mean (average). Use the rows of the
target board as before to practise calculating the mean (average). Using the same data as the previous day invite children to calculate the mean
and median of each set of data.
Success Criteria
I am beginning to work out the mean and
median of a set of data.
Success Criteria
I can work out the mean and median of a set
of data
Success Criteria
I can work out the mean and median of a set of
data including when the values are decimals
Discuss how the range, mode, mean and median might be used to help statisticians with particular respect to road safety
Week 2: Invite the children to pursue an enquiry related to road safety where they have to collect, present,
interpret and draw conclusions from data to answer questions. (Could use data from graphs on slides 19 – 23.)
Children should be encouraged to ask their own questions.
Road Safety and Mathematics
Curriculum materials have been developed from statistics about Road Safety. These materials are widely available on the
web – and some greater detail of local area statistics is also available. The suggested lessons involving the materials are
designed to encourage discussion among the pupils. The resulting discussions and activities aim to promote a greater
awareness of the issues and also promote the importance of mathematics in helping society to identify problems and solve
them. Through the use of real data, many KS3 mathematics ideas can be tackled by pupils.
Mathematics sample medium-term plan: Year 7 Road Safety Materials
Autumn term
NC Unit
Handling data 1
(6 hours)
Handling data
(256–261, 268–
Teaching Objectives
(Support) Solve a problem by representing, extracting and interpreting data in
tables, graphs, charts and diagrams, for example:
- line graphs;
- frequency tables and bar charts.
(Core)Interpret diagrams and graphs (including pie charts), and draw conclusions
based on the shape of graphs and simple statistics for a single distribution.
(C)Break a complex calculation into simpler steps, choosing and using
appropriate and efficient operations, methods and resources, including ICT.
(C)Solve word problems and investigate in a range of contexts: handling
(C)Decide which data would be relevant to an enquiry and possible sources.
(C)Plan how to collect and organise small sets of data; design a data collection
sheet or questionnaire to use in a simple survey; construct frequency tables for
discrete data, grouped where appropriate in equal class intervals.
(C)Collect small sets of data from surveys and experiments, as planned.
(Extension)Plan how to collect the data, including sample size
Lessons and Resource
Maths 1: Weekdays vs
Maths 2: Representative?
Spring term
NC Unit
Handling data 2
(5 hours)
Handling data
(248–255, 262–
265, 268–271)
Teaching Objectives
Number and
measures 3
(8 hours)
Solving problems
Algebra 3
(6 hours)
Integers, powers
and roots
Lessons and resource
(S)Solve a problem by representing, extracting and interpreting data in tables,
graphs, charts and diagrams.
(C )Construct, on paper and using ICT, graphs and diagrams to represent data,
including- bar, -line graphs; use ICT to generate pie charts.
(C)Interpret diagrams and graphs (including pie charts), and draw conclusions
based on the shape of graphs and simple statistics for a single distribution.
(E)Construct on paper and using ICT: - pie charts for categorical data
(C)Decide which data would be relevant to an enquiry and possible sources.
(C)Plan how to collect and organise small sets of data; design a data collection
sheet or questionnaire to use in a simple survey
(C)Collect small sets of data from surveys and experiments, as planned.
(E)Plan how to collect the data, including sample size; construct frequency tables
with given equal class intervals for sets of continuous data.
Maths 1: Weekdays vs Weekends
(or alternative data offered)
(S)Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively.
(S)Use, read and write standard metric units of length and time.
(S)Use all four operations to solve word problems, including time.
(C)Make and justify estimates and approximations of calculations.
(C)Check a result by considering whether it is of the right order of magnitude
and by working the problem backwards.
(C)Use names and abbreviations of units of measurement to measure, estimate,
calculate and solve problems in everyday contexts involving length, area, mass,
capacity and time;
(C)Present and interpret solutions in the context of the original problem; explain
and justify methods and conclusions, orally and in writing.
(E) Know rough metric equivalents of imperial measures in daily use.
(E)Give solutions to an appropriate degree of accuracy in the context of the
(S)Recognise and extend number sequences.
(C)Generate sequences from practical contexts and describe the general term in
simple cases.
(C)Express simple functions in words, then using symbols; represent them in
(E)Generate terms of a linear sequence using term-to-term and position-to-term
definitions, on paper and using a spreadsheet or graphical calculator.
Maths 5: Public Transport
Maths 3: Child & Adult Casualties
Maths 4: Stopping Distances Reaction times
Maths 2: Representative?
Maths 6: Environmental Costs
Maths 4: Stopping Distances
functions and
(E)Begin to use linear expressions to describe the nth term of an arithmetic
(E)Express simple functions in symbols; represent mappings expressed
Summer term
NC Unit
Handling data 3
(8 hours)
Handling data
Algebra 5
(8 hours)
functions and
Teaching Objectives
(S)Solve a problem by representing, extracting and interpreting data in tables,
graphs and charts.
(C)Decide which data would be relevant to an enquiry and possible sources.
(C)Plan how to collect and organise small sets of data; design a data collection
sheet or questionnaire to use in a simple survey; construct frequency tables for
discrete data, grouped where appropriate in equal class intervals.
(C)Construct, on paper and using ICT, graphs and diagrams to represent data,
including: - bar-line graphs; - frequency diagrams for grouped discrete data; use
ICT to generate pie charts.
(E) Construct on paper and using ICT: - pie charts for categorical data; simple line graphs for time series.
(C)Interpret diagrams and graphs (including pie charts), and draw conclusions
based on the shape of graphs and simple statistics for a single distribution.
(E)Interpret tables, graphs and diagrams for both discrete and continuous data.
(C)Write a short report of a statistical enquiry and illustrate with appropriate
diagrams, graphs and charts, using ICT as appropriate; justify the choice of what is
(C)Use simple formulae from mathematics and other subjects, substitute positive
integers in simple linear expressions and formulae and, in simple cases, derive a
(C)Generate sequences from practical contexts and describe the general term in
simple cases.
(C)Express simple functions (in words, then) using symbols; represent them in
Lessons and resource
Maths 4: Stopping Distances
Maths 2: Representative?
Revisit and evaluate impact
Maths 3: Child & Adult Casualties
Maths 1: Weekdays vs Weekends
(or alternative data offered)
Maths 2: Representative?
Revisit and evaluate impact
Maths 4: Stopping Distances
(E)Begin to use linear expressions to describe the nth term of an arithmetic
Unit title:
Handling Data 1, 2 or 3
Key Stage 3:
Year Group: Year 7
Weekdays vs Weekends
A Starter activity or an activity for part of a main session
Learning Objectives
Possible Learning Experiences
Key Vocabulary
Through the learning experiences,
pupils should learn:
As a Starter
How to
Interpret diagrams and
graphs and draw
conclusions based on
the shape of graphs and
simple statistics for a
single distribution.
Show the weekday graph to the group. Ask pupils to work in
pairs and find three statements that the graph illustrates.
Repeat the activity using the weekend graph
Continuing in pairs ask for a statement that tells us what is
the SAME about the two graphs, and a statement that tells us
something that is DIFFERENT about them
As a Main activity:
bar charts
Graphs: TSGB 2006 - List of
Casualties by Type data tables
Sheet 8.4
IWB version of two graphs
Mini white boards
Sets of both graphs
A4 paper for Final Report
Alternative Surrey data Graphs:
Term time vs Holiday time
A roads vs D Roads
Write a short report of a
statistical enquiry and
illustrate with appropriate
diagrams, graphs and
Produce copies of the two graphs for the group
Ask pupils to work in pairs and find three statements that
each graph illustrates.
Ask each pair to compare the graphs carefully and list three
important differences they illustrate.
Each pair of pupils now shares their work with another pair,
and the four produce a final report of the comparisons
NB: A similar activity for either a starter or main might be based on
Surrey specific data. Comparative graphs are included in the
Term time vs Holiday time ( Pie chart comparisons)
A Roads vs D Roads (3-toned Bar chart comparisons)
Teaching Points
Group discussion is a key learning strategy in the use of
this resource to address the L.O. It will be important to
blend the mathematics with the pupils’ understanding of
the real situations that are being illustrated.
The scale labelling may be revised in order to make its
information more accessible to some pupils. E.g.
average no. per hour, while correct, may not convey the
message strongly
The detail provided in definitions of e.g. hour is
important to convey accuracy and can be used to make
the work more sophisticated for more able pupils.
Key points to draw out in alternative graph comparisons
are included in each of the data resource sheets
Unit title:
Handling Data 1 and/or 2 or 3
Key Stage 3:
How representative are we? Has our Campaign worked?
An activity for a number of main sessions
Learning Objectives
Possible Learning Experiences
Key Vocabulary
Year Group: Year 7
Through the learning experiences,
pupils should learn:
How to
Break a complex calculation
into simpler steps, choosing
and using appropriate and
efficient operations, methods
and resources, including ICT.
Solve word problems and
investigate in a range of
contexts: handling data.
Explain that the group are going to be involved in monitoring
the impact of the school Road Safety Campaign. In order to
do this the pupils will need to design and use questionnaires
in order to find out how much is known about road safety both
before, and after the campaign.
To help with the questionnaire design pupils can examine and
try out some simple ones found in the DfES Data library about
travel to and distances from school.
Travel to school results can be compared with the Census in
School data to see how representative the pupils’ own school
DfES Handling Data Pack:
Data Source Library, Data Unit
Library, Minipack (Y8)
Travel to school
distance to school
Computer suite with approp.
Spreadsheet recording systems
for questionnaire responses
Sample questionnaire
Decide which data would be
relevant to an enquiry and
possible sources.
Plan how to collect and organise
small sets of data; design a data
collection sheet or questionnaire to
use in a simple survey; construct
frequency tables for discrete data,
grouped where appropriate in
equal class intervals.
Collect small sets of data from
surveys and experiments, as
Plan how to collect the data,
including sample size
Teaching Points
is with national data. Ask pupils to discuss whether the
results of such a survey help in identifying the needs of a
Road Safety Campaign.
To investigate pupil knowledge of road safety detail suggest
that a simple multiple choice questionnaire on some of the
facts will be helpful. Be clear about which facts will be used in
the campaign so that specific questions on these areas can
be asked. Keep the number of questions to less than 10 .
(Why?) The final questionnaire used could involve a question
or two from each group of pupils draft ideas.
Consider carefully how the questions will be marked and the
results recorded
Who will be included? Forms, one per year? Or…
How will pupils compile the results from such questionnaires
e.g. spreadsheet entries
Identify when and how a retest will be carried out for
comparison in order to evaluate the campaign’s effectiveness
(at least one term later)
Unit title:
Handling Data 2 or 3
Discuss the problems of questionnaires – the honesty of
answers; if taking too long not completed; etc
Discuss how to get such information – what process will
be used to collect the information; will individual pupils
be asked for their answers and these recorded, or
questionnaires distributed; allocating different samples
to different groups of pupils; etc
Decide how ICT will help to keep and process all the
data collected by pupils – and prepare sheets
appropriately for both adding data and for reading only
Make sure that the pupils feel that they have ownership
of the survey by including contributions from each small
group of pupils
The sample questionnaire can be used, adapted and
personalised to the school’s campaign – what messages
have been given? What are the pupils’ perception of the
Consider what the final report will look like and what will
be each pupil’s contribution to it?
Key Stage 3:
Year Group: Year 7
Children and Adult Casualties
An activity for part or all of a main session
Learning Objectives
Through the learning experiences,
pupils should learn:
Possible Learning Experiences
Key Vocabulary
How to
Construct, on paper and
using ICT, graphs and
diagrams to represent
data, including- bar, -line
graphs; use ICT to
generate pie charts.
Interpret diagrams and
graphs (including pie
charts), and draw simple
conclusions based on
the shape of graphs.
Pupils are to examine table of information with a view to
presenting the data in a graph form.
Discuss the important features of any graph to help show
data clearly; e.g. would it be better to show pedestrians and
cyclists in separate graphs; how can child and adult
comparison be made clearly on one graph; use of colour and
clear labelling, and so on.
If encouraging pupils to use ICT, check pupils knowledge of
EXCEL options, including customising where appropriate.
Resulting graphs should be displayed. Select some for class
discussion to emphasise points made earlier about the
importance of presentation in giving messages to the
Use copies of selected graphic versions of the data for small
group discussion – interpreting the key messages of the data.
Groups should draft and present observational statements
about what the graphs show.
Widen the context and its interpretation by asking some key
questions of the class or groups, e.g. is it more likely that an
adult or a child is a casualty? Is it more or less likely to be
serious? How do we know? Draw on some of the media
campaigns on National TV, such as car speed & seriousness,
etc. What might be the reasons behind the trends?
Alternative/Additional Resource data tables included for similar
Road Casualties by mode of transport
Surrey Road Child Casualties by age & mode
Unit title:
Algebra 3or 5 and/or Handling Data 3
bar chart
line graph
pie chart
Key Stage 3:
An activity for part or most of a main session – or a series of main sessions.
As above but round to 10s
Computer suite with spread sheet of above
entered as Read Only for pupil use on
Alternative tables:
Road Casualties by mode of transport
Surrey Road Child Casualties by age &
Teaching Points
Stopping Distances
Adult & Child Casualties from TSGB 2006 List of Casualties by Type data tables sheet
Class discussion can draw out important points about
the presentation of the graph: labelling, titles etc. by
focusing on the audience of the final graphs – perhaps
the pupils work is going to be used in the school, or local
primary, or school newsletter….
If pupils are drawing graphs by hand the scale choice
will be an area that requires differentiation. The most
able will be able to cope with the simplified table. A
table with values given to the nearest 10 is also provided
for core pupils. Weaker pupils may need scales
prepared for them following discussion about the
More able pupils might be encouraged to consider using
computer generated pie charts to show the adult-child
comparisons more powerfully
Year Group: Year 7
Learning Objectives
Possible Learning Experiences
Key Vocabulary
Through the learning experiences,
pupils should learn:
How to
Generate sequences from
practical contexts and
describe the general term
in simple cases.
 Use the table of stopping distances in good conditions with some
columns of data missing. Pupils are to complete the table.
Average and below average pupils will find completing
information in the second row a challenge. It may be appropriate
to offer this section only for more able pupils.
Express simple functions in
words, then in symbols.
Decide which data would be
relevant to an enquiry and
possible sources.
Plan how to collect and
organise small sets of data;
design a data collection sheet
or questionnaire to use in a
simple survey;
Compare stopping distances in good and poor conditions. Ask
pupils to work in pairs to help give explanations of where and why
the changes occur. The mathematical connection in the values is
simple – have the pupils spotted it? Can they complete this table
given the first one?
Include the third table of a mathematical model of stopping
distances and ask pupils to work in pairs to examine the
differences and the implications of these differences.
Handling Data
 Reaction times are the key to stopping distances. Paired or small
groups of pupils can be set the challenge of devising a test to
explore reaction times, and possible hypotheses about reactions
times, which can then tested and conclusions made.
Measure and estimation
Use the table of distances and ask small group of pupils to
estimate the actual stopping distances for 30 mph and 40 mph.
Measure the estimates and compare with the true lengths. This
activity can be done in a hall or outside.
Unit title:
Number & Measures 3
3 Tables of stopping distances:
In good conditions;
In poor conditions
In mathematics models
Teaching Points
Having real life material for sequence work can strengthen
the appreciation of its importance. Introducing this task by
getting small groups of pupils to estimate the length on a
track, then comparing the estimate with the real length will
add to the impact of the distances required.
Differentiate appropriately by giving tables of distances with
different blanks to fill in.
Paired work for reasoning & explanations will encourage
greater risk taking, and may help pupils towards
generalising. Encourage taking pupils onto general cases.
There are some important messages to be made in the
comparison of the standard distances given and the
mathematical models. Pupils will enjoy and value drawing
these out for themselves.
If pupils are limited in ideas about reaction testing suggest
the ‘ruler’ drop model, with finger and thumb ready at zero of
the ruler. 12 inch rulers at least are best for this. Pupils
might be encouraged to compare different groups of people,
or same people at different times of the day.
Key Stage 3:
Public Transport - How Far Can You Go?
Year Group: Year 7
An activity for a main session – or a series of main sessions.
Learning Objectives
Possible Learning Experiences
Key Vocabulary
Through the learning experiences,
pupils should learn:
How to
Use names and
abbreviations of units of
measurement to
measure, estimate,
calculate and solve
problems in everyday
contexts involving length,
and time;
read and interpret
tables of information
Break a complex
calculation into simpler
steps, choosing and
using appropriate and
efficient methods and
resources, including ICT.
Present and interpret
solutions in the context
of the original problem;
explain and justify
methods and
conclusions, orally and
in writing.
Decide on an amount of time in which to set the challenge
appropriate for the timescale of the work: e.g. 4 hours; 10 hours;
Use the time to give an example of travelling in terms of distance
via a car at average speeds – this will help to give a target for the
challenge. At this time alternative public transport methods can
be shared through discussion, as well
Discuss with the whole class the problems of each of us travelling
by car – economically, environmentally and road congestion
Pupils should work in small groups of about 3 or 4 in order to
come up with an itinerary which could result in the group being the
furthest away in the given time frame from the school.
Consider carefully –and share with the pupils – what you expect
the group’s work to look like when finished.
Discuss ‘difficult’ parts of the journey – for example how to change
from bus to train, what is sensible and possible
Make sure that the results of the journeys are shared with all the
class: display itineraries; ask each group to briefly present their
journey to the class
Extend this work to include the costs of the travel involved.
24-hr clock
Timetables of local transport
systems, including bus & trains
Flight information – web links
Teaching Points
It will be important for pupils to read and interpret
timetables, but not all will be confident in this. If
necessary, use the opportunity for some simple t/t
reading and calculating, for example in the starter of the
Weaker pupils may find 24hr clock hard to cope with.
Consider how the small groups of pupils are made up,
and if necessary add certain parameters or scaffolding
to assist certain pupil groups. Allocating a LSA to
certain groups may help.
Further challenge can be added by costing the journey –
who gets furthest for least money; what is the cost per
mile; etc
Other extension work might include calculating which
modes of transport are best for the environment –
ecologic footprints. See Environmental Costs lesson
+Fuel Consumption Sheet