NOVENA TO THE UGANDA MARTYRS FOR 3 RD JUNE 2011 1. Vision: Making the Uganda Martyrs’ Shrine an International place of Holistic Renewal in Jesus Christ (cf.Eph.3:13-19) through the new evangelization. 2. Theme: “Let us be rooted in and built upon Jesus Christ, on the model of the Uganda Martyrs”. (cf.Col.2:6-15) 3. The Origin of the Theme Pope John Paul II’s message in Haiti, 1983 Pope John Paul II’s encyclical: Redemptoris Missio (The Mission of the Church 1990) Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter 2001, 29: Let us start afresh on Jesus Christ. Cardinal Wamala’s bold and prophetic message 2002, Saturday 10 th August at Lubaga Cathedral. Synodal resolution 2006: Grassroot evangelization Archbishop Dr. C.K. Lwanga: revival and innovation of the Uganda Martyrs Guild. 4. Order of the celebrations DAY ONE: WEDNESDAY 25TH MAY 2011 St. Denis Ssebugwawo Wasswa: a. Patron of Church Choirs, Musicians and Instrumentalists b. Animating groups: Choirs, Musicians, Instrumentalists, c. Main Celebrant : Rev. Fr. Dr. James Kabuye d. Animating Choir : Kamwokya Parish e. Chief Pilgrim : Mr. Joseph Mayanja (Chameleon) f. Readings : 1st Rom. 1:18-32, Psalm 85:1-9, Gospel Mt. 10:16-20 DAY TWO: THURSDAY 26TH MAY 2011 St. Andrew Kaggwa (Kahwa), St. Adolfu Ludigo, Blessed Daudi Okello and Jildo Irwa a. Patrons of Catechists, teachers, Farmers, Herdsmen and Hunters. b. Animating groups: Catechists, teachers, Farmers, Herdsmen and Hunters, St. Daniel Comboni’s Family, Gulu Ecclesiastical Province and all people from Bunyoro. c. Main Celebrant : Rev. Fr. Peter Alenyo d. Animating Choir : Mbuya Parish e. Chief Pilgrim : Mr. Tony Mukasa Lusambu f. Readings : 1st 1Pt. 1:22-25, 2:1-10 Psalm 119:97-106 Gospel Mt. 5:3-16 DAY THREE: FRIDAY 27TH MAY 2011 St. Ponsiano Ngondwe a. Patron of Police, Prison Wardens and Army b. Animating groups: Uganda Police, Uganda Prisons, UPDF, members of Nnyonyi clan, members of Mbogo clan (mothers of the Saint), and Lugazi Diocese. c. Main Celebrant : Rev. Msgr. Dr. Richard Kayondo 1 d. Animating Choir e. Chief Pilgrim f. Readings : Lugazi Cathedral Choir : Lt. Col. Felix Kuraigye :1st Col. 1:3-14 Psalm 119:129-135 Gospel Mt. 10:22-33 DAY FOUR: SATURDAY 28TH MAY 2011 St. Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe and St. Athanasias Bazzekuketta a. Patrons of Politicians, chiefs, Lawyers, Magistrates, Treasurers, Banks and Co-operatives b. Animating Groups: Politicians, chiefs, Bankers, Treasurers, Lawyers, Magistrates, members of Nkima and Kayozi clans. c. Main Celebrant : Rev. Fr. Isdore Mbaleeba d. Animating Choir : CACEMCHO e. Chief Pilgrim : Lt. Hon. Edward K. Ssekandi f. Readings : 1st Eph. 4:1-16 Psalm 68:1-12 Gospel Mt. 14:1-12 DAY FIVE: SUNDAY 29TH MAY 2011 St. Yoanna Maria Muzeeyi a. Patron of Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals and Dispensaries. b. Animating groups: Medical Personnel (both traditional and conventional), Kitukukutwe SubParish, Good Samaritans, Uganda Martyrs Support Centre and members of Mbogo and Nkima clans. c. Main Celebrant : Rev. Fr. Musisi / Rev. Fr. Bro. Anatoli Wasswa d. Animating Choir : Nsambya Hospital Choir e. Chief Pilgrim : Dr. Martin Nsubuga f. Readings : 1st 1Cor. 12:1-11 Psalm 119:33-40 Gospel Lk. 4:14-22 DAY SIX: MONDAY 30TH MAY 2011 St. Matia Mulumba Kalemba a. Patron of Chiefs and Families b. Animating groups: Catholic Families, Old Kampala Parish and all Basoga. c. Main Celebrant : Rt. Rev. Charles Wamika d. Animating Choir : Mbikko Parish e. Chief Pilgrim : Archdiocesan Ssabafumbo and Nnabafumbo f. Readings : 1st 1:14-31 Psalm 8:1-19 Gospel Jn. 19:1-3. 28-30 DAY SEVEN: MONDAY 31ST MAY 2011 St. Kizito and St. Noe Mawaggali a. Patrons of children, Primary Schools, Workers, the poor, Artists and Technicians. b. Animating groups: Bannakizito, children in Schools and outside schools, workers, artists, technicians, members of Mmamba and Ffumbe clans. c. Main Celebrant : Rev. Fr. Joseph Luzindana d. Animating Choir : Namugongo Girls Boarding Primary School e. Chief Pilgrim : Mr. Aloysius Matovu Joy f. Readings : 1st Jer. 18:1-8 Psalm 139:1-4. 13-16 Gospel Lk. 2:41-52 2 DAY EIGHT: TUESDAY 1ST JUNE 2011 St. Gonzaga Gonza a. Patron of Prisoners and the Afflicted. b. Animating groups: Infected and Affected by HIV, singles searching for partners and those suffering in any way. c. Main Celebrant : Prisons Chaplain d. Animating Choir : Namugongo Shrine Choir e. Chief Pilgrim : Maj. Rubaramira Ruranga f. Readings : 1st 1Cor. 1:1-14 Psalm 7:1-12 Gospel Jn. 1:40-51 DAY NINE: WEDNESDAY 2ND JUNE 2011 St. Charles Lwanga a. Patron of Youth and Catholic Action. b. Animating groups: Youths, Karolines, Young Professionals, St. Peter the Apostle, members of Ngabi and Akasimba clans, Catholics from Masaka. c. Main Celebrant : Rev. Fr. Charles Ssengendo d. Animating Choir : St. Augustine Makerere e. Chief Pilgrim : Hon. Jessica Alupo f. Readings :1st 1Pt. 4:12-19 Psalm 27:1-4. 12-14 Gospel Lk. 10:1-3. 17-20 3