TCE Contamination and Cleanup Curriculum Love Canal: Efficient Waste Disposal Author: Laura Ziegenhirt Modifications/Edits: Rachel Hughes & Stephanie Nardei Time: 4 class periods Preparation 4 hours Time: Materials: Love Canal Power Point Information from URLs provided throughout this lesson Abstract Students will understand the need for efficient waste disposal and become aware of the hazards of waste not disposed of properly. Using their knowledge of chemistry, they will make informed choices and consider waste disposal issues in Tucson, Arizona. During this exercise, students will use nomenclature and make a link between chemical structures and the real life affect of these chemicals when not properly handled. TAKEN FROM: University of Buffalo Libraries Objectives Students will be able: 1. Evaluate scientific reports 2. Use nomenclature to understand scientific reports 3. Understand the importance of EPA guidelines and the role of superfund National Science Education Standard: Content Standard E – Science and technology SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN LOCAL, NATIONAL, AND GLOBAL CHALLENGES Individuals and society must decide on proposals involving new research and the introduction of new technologies into society. Decisions involve assessment of alternatives, risks, costs, and benefits and consideration of who benefits and who suffers, who pays and gains, and what the risks are and who bears them. Students should understand the appropriateness and value of basic questions – “What can happen?” – “What are the odds?” – And “How do scientists and engineers know what will happen?” Teacher Background A recent survey by Toxics Link, a non-government organization, found that every household has some hazardous products stored inside and that most are thrown away without adhering to proper disposal of waste norms. 1 TCE Contamination and Cleanup Curriculum "Chemicals are poured down the drain with the harmful substances flowing into storm sewers. Other times these dangerous chemicals are dumped into open bins. Though the dangers of such disposal methods may not be immediately obvious, improper disposal of these wastes can pollute the environment and pose a threat to human health,'' says Prashant Pastore of Toxics Link. TAKEN FROM: The improper disposal of household wastes can cause problems for the entire community. Wastes can be explosive or highly flammable. Sewers have exploded and garbage trucks have burned because people have carelessly discarded flammable or reactive wastes. Hazardous wastes can also be corrosive. The acid from discarded auto batteries can eat away many substances. Some wastes are poisonous to humans or wildlife, while others can cause cancer, birth defects or other serious problems. Related and Resource Websites Love Canal Love Canal on Wikipedia EPA on Love Canal Hazardous Waste Disposal Baton Rouge Government Website Recycling Office Household Hazardous Waste'tdo.htm WAAC Newsletter Hazardous Waste Disposal Fact Sheet: Disposal of Household Hazardous Materials Scientific Notation How to use scientific notation Convert from Scientific Notation to Real Number and vica versa Scientific Notation on Wikipedia QuickMath on Scientific Notation mbers&s2=scientific_notation&s3=basic Activity Day 1 Watch Waste Management power point Watch Love Canal Power point presentation 2 TCE Contamination and Cleanup Curriculum Love Canal Read the following sections of the Report: Chemicals identified and History Day 2 Write the chemical formulae for each chemical and convert the contamination to grams using scientific notation. If students need practice and assistance with scientific notation conversion, you may refer them to the websites listed under the Related and Resource Websites [above] for Scientific Notation. Make a list of chemicals, formulae, structures, maximum contamination, EPA guidelines and health effects. Day 3 Read Animal toxicological studies and Epidemiological studies and chronology. Make a power point to communicate the report. What is superfund? Day 4 Students use ARC explorer to construct a map of Tucson which includes superfund sites and underground hazard plumes: Link to “Using Geographical Information systems to investigate chemical waste hazards in Tucson”. Students use the internet to investigate the superfund sites in Tucson: Day 5 Students communicate the importance of safe disposal of chemical waste using power point or podcast. Embedded Assessment 1. Questions throughout the exercise allow for assessment of students’ understanding of nomenclature. 2. The presentations for an assessment of understanding. Homework None Assigned. 3