High Time Rabbit Club Is sponsoring a Double Open and Double Youth All Breed show Shows will be held on September 13th 2014 Frontier Park, Cheyenne, Wyoming Judges: Tonna Thomas, MO Tex Thomas, MO Blaine Maier, KS Dereck Tuntland, SD Josh Underberg, SD Rosa Fields, NE Backup judge Scott Rodrigues, WY HTRC show is a pre – entry show You will need to pre entry your rabbits by doing one of the following types of entries – postage mail, email or calling your entry to the show secretary. No Day of show entries!! Mail in entry needs to be mailed no later than Saturday September 6th 2014 Call-ins or Email entries will be due no later than Tuesday, September 9th 2014 by 11:59pm Please No late entries Show starts promptly at 08:30am Mark your calendar for the HTRC's 2015 shows - May 16th and Sept 12th Wyoming State Fair - August 9th 2015 HTRC’s Show Rules 1. 2. This is an official A.R.B.A. Open and Youth sanctioned show. By submitting an entry you have indicated that you will abide by HTRC’s show rules and the rules of the A.R.B.A., which govern this show. HTRC’s reserves the right to refuse entries from all locations within 150 miles which has had a confirmed outbreak of RCD/RHD/VHD within the past 60 days of the entry. 3. ARBA Show Rule 30, All animals must be the bonafide property of the exhibitor(s) prior to entry. Each owner's personal name(s) must be listed on the entry form, but a Rabbitry name may be added, if applicable, when entering shows 4. No animals under 6 weeks of age will be allowed in the barn for this event. HTRC will be enforcing this rule. 5. Show starts promptly at 8:30 AM. HTRC will not accept day of show entries. 6. Registration Clinic will be Friday, Sept 12th 2013, from 6:30pm to 8pm. HTRC will provide dinner. HTRC will allow you to still enter for the shows during this time only. You will need to do your own paper work, entry form and comment cards and get them to the show secretary before the close of the clinic. 7. Mail in entries need to be post mark by Sept 6th, 2013. Entry fees must be included with entry. Make checks payable to High Time Rabbit Club (H.T.R.C.) Make sure your entry form is completely filled out, if you have questions please call the show secretary. Email entries to hiddenlops@rtconnect.net, Call-in entries to 307547-9247. Call-ins, or email entries will be accepted until 11:00 PM on Tuesday Sept 9th. 8. All entries must be paid before the start of the show. There will be a $35.00 charge for all NSF checks. You will not be able to show in upcoming events till all fees are paid. 9. HTRC’s Entry Fees: All entry fees are per rabbit per show Open or Youth $3.50. Fur classes $2.00. 10. Judging order will be posted Friday night but judging order may need to be rearranged. 11. Youth show is for any youth between the ages of 5 and 18 years old. Youth cannot enter the same rabbit in a open all breed show as they have entered in a youth all breed show. Youth can show in a Open shows with different animals. Youth need to handle their own animals, and be able to get their rabbits to and from the show tables. Nobody over the age of 19 years old can show in a youth show. 12. All rabbits must have A PERMANENT, LEGIBLE TATTOO IN THE LEFT EAR or they could be eliminated. 13. All fur entries must be entered in their breed class. Unless another fur class is requested, all fur entries will be judged in breed fur. 14. Exhibitors will be responsible for getting their rabbits to the judging table as soon as the class is called. Rabbits will be called three times. If they are not on the table after the third call, the class will be closed. THERE WILL BE NO REJUDGING OF A CLASS. 15. Ear number substitutions will be done at the show table when the class is called. Please let the ramrod know of your ear number change at the time you put your rabbit in the judging coop otherwise you may have your rabbit disqualified. Substitutions may be made only in the same Breed, Variety, Class, and Sex. Please do not ask to change classes for different varieties or sex etc., this would be considered a new entry and we are not allowing day of show entries. Fur substitutions will be allowed only in the same breed and variety. 16. H.T.R.C. reserves the right to add or substitute judges, if necessary. There will be no payback for this show. HTRC ribbons will be awarded to 3rd place. Please pick up your comment cards at the show table they will not be mailed. 17. DO NOT enter any other buildings on the fair grounds. Please keep track of your children. Anybody caught vandalizing property will be asked to leave and your entry fees and placing will be forfeited. You will be liable for the cost of repairs. Parking is allowed only in designated areas 18. NO SMOKING WILL BE ALLOWED IN ANY OF THE BUILDING! If you do smoke please pick up your cigarette butts when finished with your cigarettes!! This would be greatly appreciated!!! HTRC members have to clean up after you. So please be considerate and pick up your butts. 19. HTRC members are required to clean the barn and surrounding areas after the show is over and we would appreciate your help in cleaning your area when finished showing. 20. Neither the H.T.R.C. nor the owner, agent, management, of the show facility, or any other organization will be responsible for any type of theft, accident, or injury to any person or personal property, (whether owned, borrowed, or rented) due to neglect or any other cause. Exhibitors will show at their own risk. Parents are responsible for their children and their actions. Directions to Frontier Park FROM SOUTH OF CHEYENNE- Take I-25 North, to Exit 11, to Hynds Blvd., go North paralleling I-25, you will turn right, into Frontier Park, at the double gates (just past the main grandstands) FROM NORTH OF CHEYENNE- Take I-25 South, to Exit 12, turn left on Central Ave., turn right on Kennedy Rd., it will turn sharply to the left and become Hynds Blvd. You will turn left, into Frontier Park, at the double gates. WHEN IN FRONTIER PARK- follow the blacktop to your left, past the horse barns and then make a sharp turn to the right, 2nd large metal building on the left. Registration Clinic Friday Evening, Sept 12th 2013 6:30pm to 8pm Don’t normally have time to register your rabbits thru ARBA during the show, come down Friday night and have dinner with HTRC’s members and get your rabbits registered without the rush of a show day. Registrations will be done by Marion Kamm. Dinner will be provided by HTRC. RSVP appreciated, but not necessary, Call 307-547-9247 or you can email me at hiddenlops@rtconnect.net Friday Night Barn Hours Barn will be open for anybody wishing to come in Friday evening till 9pm. Barn will be unattended after 9pm, please make sure your carriers are secured before leaving for the night. Can still Register for show If you missed the entry dead line you may still enter HTRC’s show during the registration clinic, be prepared to fill out your own comment cards and entry forms, if entering your breed’s fur class you will also need to fill out a separate comment card for this class. All paper work must be turned in by the close of the registration clinic, 8pm. No entries will be accepted Saturday, the day of show, and no class changes will be allowed. No exceptions, so please do not ask!! HTRC’s rabbit supplier will be Kammalop Specialties - Dwight & Marion Kamm If you would like to preorder your supplies you can contact them thru email at kammalop@tctelco.net Or call Dwight at 1-877-244-5797 (toll free) Sanction Breed & Other info Open & Youth shows Open Shows: A B All Angora’s X X American Fuzzy Lop X X Youth A B American Sables A Concession stand will be available. Show helpers will receive lunch provided by HTRC to thank you for helping. Show Superintendents Britannia Petite Checker Giant Terri King Matthew Stevenson Champagne D’Argent Show Registrars Californian TBA - Day of show Registrar clinic - Marion Kamm Sept 12th 2013 Details in the catalog Dwarf Hotot Dutch English Spot Florida White Flemish Giants X X French & English Lop X X X X Giant Chinchilla Entry fees are per rabbit per show Chinchilla (STD) Havana Himalayan X X Holland Lop Lionhead Entry Fees for all shows X X X X X X Rex X X Satin & Mini Satin X X X X X X X X X Open or Youth show $3.50 Fur Classes $2.00 Mini Lop Mini Rex Netherland Dwarf New Zealand Palomino Polish Silver Fox Tan The above listing is for information on whether a breed is sanctioned thru the national breed club. If there is an ‘X’ next to the breed then your breed is sanctioned for that particular show. If your breed is not sanctioned and you would like to sanction your breed please call Laurie at 307-547-9247 or send me an email at hiddenlops@rtconnect.net As long as you are entering an ARBA recognized rabbit breed or a breed with a working certificate your breed does not need to be sanctioned thru it National Breed Club to show that breed at an ARBA sponsored shows. 91st ARBA Convention Fort Worth TX November 1-5th, 2014 Will Roger Memorial Center Fort Worth... the place to be in 2014 American Rabbit Breeders Association PO Box 5667 Bloomingtion, IL 61702 Phone: 30-664-7500 email:info@arba.net Membership: 1 Yr - Adult $20, Youth $12, H/W $30 Membership 3Yr – Adult $50, Youth $30, H/W $75 Website: www.arba.net American Dwarf Hotot Rabbit Club Club Website: http://www.adhrc.com/ Tonna Thomas, 22267 Highway ZZ, Marionville, MO 65705 Phone: 417-463-7146 Email: tthomas00@sbcglobal.net Membership 1Year: Adult $10 Yth $7 H/W $15 Family $15+$2 Foreign: $10.00 service charge. Life membership: $150.00 for 1 person or $200.00 for 2 people. Phone: 828-668-6110. Email: hotot45@aol.com. American Dutch Rabbit Club Club Website: http://www.dutchrabbit.com/ Janet Bowers, 3520 Baker Rd, Olivet, MI 49076 Phone: 517-449-8341 Email: amdutchclub@aol.com Membership New: Adult $15 Yth $13 H/W $19 Family $25 Membership Renew: Adult $10 Yth $8 H/W $14 Family $20 Canadian add $5.00 per year mailing fee ($7.00 for 1st class) All other Foreign add $8.00 per year. American Federation of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders Club Website: http://www.newzealandrabbitclub.net/ John T Neff, 1351 Halder Ln, Geneva, FL 32732 Phone: 407-349-0450 Email: newzealand1121@aol.com Membership New: Adult $15 Yth $13 H/W $17 Family $28 Membership Renew: Adult $13 Yth $8 H/W $15 Family $23 Canadian: New $16.00, Renew $14.00 - All other Foreign $40.00. American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit Club Club Website: http://users.connections.net/fuzzylop/ Paula Grady PO Box 267 Elbert Co 80106 Phone 303-648-9976 email fuzzythinking@att.net Membership 1 Year New: Adult $17 Family $22+$2 per child Membership 1 Year Renew: Adult $12 Family $17+$2 per child Membership 3Year New: Adult $37 Family $54+$6 per child Membership 3 Year Renew: Adult $32 Family $48 +$6 per child Canada $22.00 - All other Foreign $35 American Himalayan Rabbit Association Club Website: http://www.himalayanrabbit.com/ Errean Kratochvil, 7715 Callan Ct, New Port Richey, FL 34654 Phone: 727-847-1001 Email: himi1@yahoo.com Membership 1Year: Adult $10 Yth $8 H/W $12 Family $12 Membership 3Year: Adult $25 Yth $20 H/W $30 Family $30 American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club Club Website: http://www.andrc.com/ Susan Clarke Smith, 864 Barkers Creek Rd, Whittier, NC 28789 Phone: 828-586-9698 Email: andrcsecy@yahoo.com Membership 1 Year New: Adult $15 Yth $ 10 Family $20/$25 Membership 1 Year Renew: Adult $13 Yth $8 Family $15/$20 Membership 3Year New: Adult $40 Yth $25 Family $45/$50 Membership 3 Year Renew: Adult $35 Yth $20 Family $37/$42 Canada & Mexico add $8.00 per year - Other Foreign add $15.00 per year (US Funds). American Polish Rabbit Club Club Website: http://www.polishrabbitclub.com/ Patti Walthrop, 2405 Greenridge Ct, Euless, TX 76039 Phone: 817-312-0305 Email: pwalthrop@tx.rr.com Membership 1Year: Adult $10 Yth $8 *2 Adults $12 Family $15 Membership 3 Year: Adult $25 Yth $20 2 Adults $30 Family $35 *2 Adults living in the same household.Foreign: Add $10.00 processing fee to above amounts American Satin Rabbit Breeders Association Club Website: http://www.asrba.org/ Gina Cavender, PO Box 5, Jamestown, IN 46147 Phone: 765-894-2223 Email: Membership 1 Year New: Adult $17 Yth $14 H/W $19 Family $22 Membership 1 Year Renew: Adult $12 Yth $9 H/W $14 Family $17 Membership 3Year New: Adult $35 Yth $28 H/W $40 Family $46 Membership 3 Year Renew: Adult $25 Yth $20 H/W $30 Family $35 Foreign add $10.00 per year surcharge American Standard Chinchilla Rabbit Breeders Association Club Website: http://www.ascrba.com/ Patricia Gest, 1607 9th St W, Palmetto, FL 34221 Phone: 941-729-1184 Email: cgest@aol.com Membership 1Year: Adult $8 Yth $5 H/W $12 Membership 3 Year: Adult $22 Yth $12 H/W $27 Foreign service charge $3.00 per year Californian Rabbit Specialty Club Club Website: http://www.nationalcalclub.com/ Susan Yeary, 3201 North Alamo Rd, Edinburg, TX 78541 Phone: 956-383-2228 Email: yearycals@att.net Membership 1Year: Adult $10 Yth $5 H/W $15 Family $15 Membership 3Year: Adult $28 H/W $43 Family $43 Foreign add $10.00 surcharge per year Havana Rabbit Breeders Association Club Website: http://havanarb.org/ Tanya Zimmerman, N9487 Walnut Rd, Clintonville, WI 54929 Phone 715-823-5020 email: havanasecretary@yahoo.com Membership 1Year: Adult $8 Yth $6 H/W $11.50 *Family $11.50 Membership 3Year: Adult $20 Yth $14.50 H/W $29.50 *Family - Add $3.50 per child at same address Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club Club Website: http://www.hlrsc.com/ Pandora M Allen, 2633 Seven Eleven Rd, Chesapeake, VA 23322 Phone: 757-421-9607 Email: hlrscsec@aol.com Membership 1Year: Adult $15 Yth $12 H/W $19 Family $22 Canada & Mexico service charge $5.00 - All other Foreign service charge $10.00 National Silver Fox Rabbit Club Club Website: http://www.nsfrc.com Deb Dvorak, 11405 West Farmington Rd, Hanna City, IL 61536 Phone 919-353-9200 email nsfrc.sec@gmail.com Membership 1 Year New: Adult $10 Yth $7.50 H/W $12 Family $12+$3 addtl members Lop Rabbit Club of America, Inc Club Website: http://www.lrca.us/ Sandy Bennett, 323 Macedon Dr, Lexington, SC 29073 Phone: 803-755-3122 Email: lrcasec@gmail.com Membership New: Adult $11 Yth $10 H/W $15 Membership renew: Adult $8 Yth $7 H/W $12 2Year New Adult $16 Yth $14 H/W $24 Youth dues are $5.00 per year if joining with an adult/parent at same address. Foreign add $6.00 per year service fee National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club, Inc. Club Website: http://www.nationalangorarabbitbreeders.com/ Margaret Bartold, 909 Highway E, Silex, MO 63377 Phone: 573-384-5866 Email: tomar5866@windstream.net Membership 1Year: Adult $10 Yth $5 *2P15 Family $20 Membership 2 Year: Adult $18 Yth $10 *2P $25 Family $30 Membership 3 Year: Adult $27 Yth $15 *2P $35 Family $40 *2 people at same address Canada add $8.00, all other foreign add $10.00 National Federation of Flemish Giant RB, Inc Club Website: http://www.nffgrb.com/ Wayne Bechdel 117 Hollow Rd Lockhaven, PA 17745 Phone: 570-769-6059 Email: wbechdel@wildblue.net Membership: Adult/Youth - (New) $20, (Renewal) $15; Husband/Wife - (New) $20, (Renewal) $15; Family - (New) $22 + $3.00 per child , (Renewal) $20 + $2.00 per child ; Canada (Single) - (New) $30, (Renewal) $20; All other foreign (Single) - (New) $40, (Renewal) $35; AMERICAN MINI LOP RABBIT CLUB Donna Mallory 6890 W Pickard Rd Mt Pleasant, MI 48858 donnamallory02@yahoo.com Membership: Adult - (New) $15, $40 3 yr, (Renewal) $12, $30 3 yrs; Youth - (New) $12, $30 3 yr, (Renewal) $8, $20 3 yrs; Husband/Wife (New) $19, $52 3 yr, (Renewal) $15, $40 3 yrs; Family - (New) $25, $70 3 yr, (Renewal) $20, $55 3 yrs; National Mini Rex Rabbit Club Club Website: http://www.nmrrc.net/ Doug King 2719 Terrace Ave Sanger CA 93657 Phone: 559-787-2588 Email: nmrrcsecretary@gmail.com Membership 1 Year: Adult $25 Yth $25 H/W $30 Membership 3Year: Adult $40 Yth $40 H/W $50 Membership Foreign 1Year: Adult $ 50 National Rex Rabbit Club Club Website: http://www.nationalrexrc.org/index.html Arlyse Deloyola, PO Box 1465, Cave Junction, OR 97523 Phone: Email: nationalrex@yahoo.com Membership 1 Year New: Adult/Yth $15+$5 per addtl person Membership 1 Year Renew: Adult/Yth $10+$5 per addtl person Membership 3Year New: Adult/Yth $30+$12 per addtl person Membership 3 Year Renew: Adult/Yth $25+$12 per addtl person Membership Foreign New: Adult/Yth $25 +$5 per addtl person Membership Foreign 3 Year new: Adult/Yth $60+$12 PALOMINO RABBIT CO-BREEDERS ASSOC Cathy Dunkle PO Box 84 Latah, WA 99018 509-286-3034 palominoclubsec@yahoo.com Membership: Adult - $8, $20 3 yr; Youth - $5, $12 3 yr; Husband/Wife (or 2 adults) - $12, $30 3 yr; Family - $12 plus $2.50/child; $30 plus $7.50/child 3 yr; Foreign - Add $2 extra/person/year; BREEDERS OF THE AMERICAN RABBIT, NSC Kathryn Shea 1302 Pine Swamp Rd Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 kashea01@gmail.com Membership: Individual, Adult - $10; 3 Yrs Adult - $25; Husband/Wife - $15; 3 Yrs - $40; Family - $15 + $1/child; 3 yrs - $40 + $3/child No animals under 8 weeks of age will be allowed in the barn for this event. HTRC will be enforcing this rule. ***Attention****Attention***Attention*****Attention****Attention****Attention*** Anybody bringing in items for sale other than rabbits must contact Laurie at 307-547-9247 or email hiddenlops@rtconnect.net before September 1st 2014 or you will not be allowed to sell your items. ***Attention****Attention***Attention*****Attention****Attention**** Mark your calendar for the HTRC's 2015 shows - May 16th and Sept 12th Wyoming State Fair - August 9th 2015 High Time Rabbit Club Entry Number: Entry fees are per rabbit per show Open or Youth shows $3.50 Fur Classes $2.00 Send entry to: Laurie Hauska 3926 Paradise Rd Exhibitor Name_______________________________ Carpenter, Wy 82054 Address ____________________________________ Call ins: 307-547-9247 after 7pm City, State ____________________Zip Code________ Email: hiddenlops@rtconnect.net Phone Number ________________________________ **Email Address: __________________________________________________________ Please include a valid email address (if you have one) with entry Please print your email address Fill in and mark the appropriate boxes for each rabbit then circle the show(s) you’re entering Fur 6/8 Sr Doe Buck Ear # Breed Variety Jr Open Youth Yth Fur A B A B A B A B Entry form must be completely filled out. Make checks payable to HTRC If you need help filling out this entry form give me a call. Entry Fee $ A B A B A B A B $ A B A B A B A B $ A B A B A B A B $ A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B $ $ A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B $ $ A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B $ $ $ A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B $ $ A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B $ $ A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B $ $ A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B $ $ A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B $ $ Total Entry Fees: $_______ Sanction fee: $_________ Total due: $________ No day of show entries will be accepted Mail in entries no later than Saturday, September 6th 2014 Email and Call in entry dead line Tuesday September 9th 2014