The Action Strategy

1st e-update for the 8th Conference
The 8th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas
(PICNCPA) will be held in Alotau from 22nd-26th October 2007. The nature
conservation programs in the Pacific island countries and territories are guided by this
regional conservation conference that meets every four-five (4-5) years since 1977, and
has become the principal gathering of government agencies, NGOs, community-based
organizations, aid agencies and individual experts concerned with conservation science
and practice in the Pacific Islands region. The theme of the Conference is “Conservation
Serving Communities in a rapidly changing world”. This Conference will confirm a
revised Action Strategy for Nature Conservation for the Pacific island region.
Activities to date
SPREP and the Government of Papua New Guinea have signed a Letter of Agreement in
relation to this conference and both parties are committed to making it a success. The
Milne Bay Provincial Government is also involved in the arrangements for Alotau. The
Roundtable for Nature Conservation has also discussed the conference and has inputted
into the development of a draft agenda and related activities.
A number of conference organizing committees have been set up and fundraising to
ensure Pacific island participation is underway.
The theme
Back in 1989 in Vanuatu at the 4th Conference and after much debate, Pacific
conservationists flagged a fundamental change in thinking about conservation. This
agreement saw a shift from Protected Areas for nature conservation to Protected Areas
for the sustenance of people and had as its theme the role of Protected Areas in sustaining
Pacific island societies. The conference decided that the term "conservation area" was
more appropriate than 'protected area' because it incorporated people and use into
conservation and emphasized management for resource conservation rather than
Eighteen years later the theme of this conference is Conservation serving communities in
a rapidly changing world and restates the agreement made back in 1989 that conservation
in the Pacific is about people. This year the Pacific conservation community has an
opportunity to take stock and reflect on whether progress has been made - has
conservation really been serving communities?
Conference program
The conference will have plenary and parallel sessions. A number of side events will be
taking place and will be confirmed closer to the conference. The detailed program
including keynote speakers will be available on the website soon. If you are interested in
a side event please contact Seiuli Vainuupo Jungblutt ( for the
application form.
Develop a shared understanding of the value of nature conservation to island
communities and people and secure significant commitments to action by Pacific island
nations and partners.
This will be done through:
 Reviewing Action strategy progress, identifying constraints and priorities
 Celebrating achievements and Leadership at all levels
 Exchanging/sharing lessons and best practices
 Facilitating networking and partnerships
 Making a commitment to action
The Action Strategy
The Action Strategy for Nature Conservation in the Pacific Islands Region for 20032007, arose out of the 7th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and
Protected Areas which was held in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, in July 2002. It was then
endorsed by the 26 member country representatives of the South Pacific Regional
Environment Programme at the September 2003 SPREP Meeting and it is meant to
represent a consensus on the priority concerns for conservation and ways in which these
can be addressed.
For nearly two years a monitoring and evaluation consultant has been working with
SPREP and the Roundtable for Nature Conservation to develop a monitoring process for
the Action Strategy for Nature Conservation. This consultant is preparing the final papers
that will be presented to the conference which have reviewed progress on the Action
Strategy for Nature Conservation 2003 – 2007, which proposes changes to the Action
Strategy and which will indicate a monitoring process. All of these issues will be
discussed at the Conference in particular the changes to the Action Strategy. These
changes are the result of extensive consultation and reflection on implementation of the
current Action Strategy with the resulting suggestions now reflecting a review of
completed National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans in the region (or similar
documents), the new Island Biodiversity Programme of Work (from the Convention on
Biological Diversity, Goal 7 of the Millennium Development Goals and the region’s
Pacific Plan.
About the Venue
Alotau is the capital of Milne Bay province and is located on the southern tip of the
island of New Guinea as shown by an arrow on the map1 inserted. It is home to many
small islands including the famous Trobriand group of islands also known as the “Islands
of Love”. The province also hosts terrific dive sites, trekking paths and other interesting
tourist activities. It also has good marine and terrestrial ecosystems housing endemic
species of birds, insects, plants, fish and other marine life.
The conference plenary session will take place at the Main Hall of Cameron High School,
which has a large area for parking and displays. There are approximately 10 breakout
rooms located in nearby hotels, lodges and education institutions, which will be used for
the conference.
Internet and e-mail facilities, wireless internet, ph and fax available, mobile phone to be
installed in July
Security at the venue
Alotau has a friendly environment and hardly has security issues as other major centres of
Papua New Guinea. You will never get lost in Alotau and you can communicate with
anyone as English is widely spoken.
The venue is accessible by air and sea. The conference mode of transport to the venue
would be by air using the National Flag Carrier, Air Niugini.
Accommodation on site
The details of accommodation will be posted on the website. Alotau has a range of
accommodation from budget/backpacker (USD 80+) to luxury (USD 120+) with airport
transport provided. There will also be other options identified by the Milne Bay
Provincial Government and Government of Papua New Guinea.
More information on the venue would be available by the end of April on the website. All
bookings for accommodation will be coordinated by the Milne Bay Provincial
A conference fee will be payable for registration. The type of registration includes:
1. International Participant (USD 200) and early bird (USD 100)
2. Pacific Island nationals (USD 100) and early bird (USD 50)
3. Local Participant (PNG) No Fee
4. Student No Fee
Dead lines for Early Bird and payment is May 25 2007
Regular registration and payment is September 14 2007
A registration form is available on the website www. or request by
e-mail to .
Organizing Committees
The SPREP conference organizers are:
Kate Brown: Conference Manager:
Ruth Pune: Conference Coordinator:
Vainuupo Jungblut: Conference Side Events Coordinator:
Tamara Logan: Conférence Communications Coordinator :
Round table organizing Committee consists of Roundtable members
PNG Organizing Committee includes PNG Department of Environment and
Conservation and Milne Bay provincial committee
PNG Contact Person: Dr Gae Gowae, Deputy Secretary, Conservation, DEC
PNG Conference Coordinator: Prof Chalapan Kaluwin, University of PNG