Role Profile - Draft - University of Greenwich

University of Greenwich
Job Title:
Role reports to:
Direct Reports
Indirect Reports:
Postdoctoral Research
Assistant in Spatial Informatics
(Fixed Term – 1 Year)
Smart Systems Technologies
Prof Mike Worboys
Grade: AC2
Date of Job Evaluation:
Other Key contacts:
Academic and administrative colleagues
This role profile is non-contractual and provided for guidance. It will be updated and amended from time to time
in accordance with the changing needs of the University and the requirements of the job.
This post is for someone who wishes to pursue a high-level research career with a focus in spatial informatics.
You will work in a research team led by Professor Worboys, with an international reputation in mathematical
and computational aspects of spatial informatics and geographic information science.
You will be expected to assist Professor Worboys in the development of the team, working with PhD students,
contributing to papers and systems development, outreaching to industry, and generally developing the profile
of GIS both within the University and internationally.
You will also work as an independent researcher, with the ability to develop your own research themes and
connections to the research community.
It is expected that you will support the School’s ethos of fostering innovation and maintaining quality in its
Team Specific:
 To be part of a research team in the area of spatial informatics, able to work with members of the team
in producing a variety of types of research outputs: refereed conference and journal papers, and
presentations at conferences and seminars, both internally and externally.
 Have skills in and be willing to develop geographic information system software.
 Have skills in a high-level programming language that can interface with GIS software.
 Be familiar with the computational foundations of spatial databases.
 Have a research record in some area of geographic information science, with emphasis on the
computational or formal foundations.
 Be skilled at developing algorithms and software to demonstrate research concepts.
 Develop and deliver high quality research outputs, including refereed conference and journal papers,
presentations at conferences and seminars, both internally and externally.
 Assist in the supervision of projects, MPhil, PhD, as required
 Participate in the research and enterprise activity of the School, developing your own scholarly profile,
including a programme of research disseminated primarily in refereed academic journals
Managing Self
 Commitment to team work with an ability to work independently
 Ability to communicate well with colleagues at all levels of the University, students and outside
 Excellent time management and organisational skills
 Ability to work effectively and deliver under pressure
Core Requirements
University of Greenwich
The School is looking for a candidate with excellent research skills in the area of spatial informatics or
computational/formal aspects of geographic information science.
A successful candidate will have a completed of be near completion of a doctoral degree in a subject closely
related to spatial informatics or computational/formal aspects of geographic information science.
A successful candidate will be committed to developing spatial informatics research at Greenwich at the
individual and team level.
A successful candidate will be interested not only in producing pure research but also considering the societal
benefits of the work, and be committed to knowledge transfer and collaboration with industry.
In addition, the candidate will be expected to:
 Adhere to and promote the University’s Equality and Diversity policies
 Ensure compliance with Health & Safety regulations
 Support and promote the University’s Sustainability policies, including the Carbon Management
Plan, and carry out duties in a resource efficient way, recognising the shared responsibility
of minimising the university's negative environmental impacts wherever possible.
 High quality individual research output in the form of refereed journal and conference articles.
 High quality collaboration in the form of jointly authored refereed journal and conference articles.
 Effective communication and relationship with colleagues,
 Effective communication with external organisations
 High quality technical output, that may include systems development
In addition to the above, additional performance indicators will be established in consultation with the Head of
Department in line with specific roles undertaken
KEY RELATIONSHIPS (Internal & External):
Spatial informatics research group
Academic colleagues
Employers and local business practitioners
Head of Department
Dean of School
School administrative staff
Research community in area of subject specialism
 Active research experience in some field
closely related to spatial informatics, or
computational aspects of geographic
information science
 Experience with GIS software, including
programming or database management
 Experience in working in industry, commercial
or public sector with GIS products.
Good writing ability
High level communication and interpersonal
University of Greenwich
Ability to write programs in a high-level
language and/or database management
Ability to work flexibility under pressure
Good team working ability
 PhD in computer science or related discipline,
or close to completion
Date of issue……………… …..