Role Profile - Draft - University of Greenwich

University of Greenwich
Job Title:
Professor of Spatial Informatics
Grade: AC5
Computing and Mathematical
Dean of School
Date of Job Evaluation:
Role reports to:
Direct Reports
Indirect Reports:
Other Key contacts:
Heads of Department
School Director of Research and Enterprise
University Director of Research and Enterprise
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)
This role profile is non-contractual and provided for guidance. It will be updated and amended from time to time
in accordance with the changing needs of the University and the requirements of the job.
The school and university currently has several research groups that undertake work related to spatial
informatics and is now seeking a dynamic, research active and forward thinking academic to take on the role of
Professor, and to lead and develop, research activity in this area, helping to establish an international
reputation in this field. The Successful candidate will be expected:
To facilitate and engage in internationally leading, cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research,
maintaining a high research reputation, income generation and publication output.
To support the research programme in the School, leading on applications for research funding,
consultancy (including short course development), and activities beneficial to the reputation of the
school and wider university within the discipline area.
To play a leading role in promoting the profile of the School, nationally, internationally and on a world
stage in this area.
To promote and develop the teaching agenda within these subject areas, within the School, with a view
to establishing a route into research for high quality students.
Team Specific:
 Nurturing and supporting the research portfolios of colleagues and students, including highlighting
networking, collaborative and interdisciplinary opportunities
 Supervising the recruitment, coursework and research programmes of postgraduate students
 Developing research strategy, policy and plans at both School and University level which are aligned to
wider School and University strategies and resources
 Continuing personal commitment to, and achievement, in their specialist area of scholarly activity, as
evidenced by:
 Publications in refereed books, journals and other scholarly works
 Election to learned societies, academies, and professional bodies
 Lectures, presentations and addresses at international conferences and meetings
 Membership of expert bodies, committees and editorial boards
 Receipt of awards, prizes and honours
 Taking a proactive approach to ethical, good practice and methodological issues
 The generation of sustained research and consultancy income which contributes to the strategic
objectives and funding available to the University
 Securing grant and other forms of research funding to support research staff and students
 Developing links with local, national and international businesses and commercial partners
University of Greenwich
Developing knowledge transfer and the commercialisation of research outcomes
 Developing the curricula, course design and educational policy of Schools
 Promoting continuous improvement and innovation in the delivery of teaching and learning
 Delivering high quality lectures, seminars, tutorials, and workshops at both undergraduate and
postgraduate levels
 Marking and assessment activities, both internally and externally.
Managing Self
 Membership of (including potentially chairing) and attendance at senior management and committee
meetings at both School and University levels
 Contributing to the formulation of strategies, policies and plans relating to research, teaching and
learning, management, administration, and enterprise activities.
 Representing your discipline, the School or University in appropriate fora
 Management and leadership of staff in research teams
 Acting as a mentor, providing motivational leadership and promoting positive behaviours and attitudes
among staff and students
Core Requirements
The University of Greenwich looks to its professors to provide academic leadership and to set standards of
excellence. This is expected across the full range of their activities, including research, management,
enterprise, teaching and other professional responsibilities. Professors are expected to encourage and support
the attainment of the same in others.
Professors are expected to have, and maintain, a record of distinguished scholastic achievement, and to have
an international profile in their specialist field or discipline.
Professors are required to demonstrate the appropriate behavioural and attitudinal qualities that go with being
leaders and standards setters.
Professors are expected to adhere to the highest standards of ethical practice and governance in everything
they do and to ensure their continuing professional development.
 Publications in refereed books, journals and other scholarly works
 Lecturing and giving presentations and addresses at international conferences and meetings
 Election to learned societies, academies, and professional bodies
 Membership of expert bodies, committees and editorial boards
 Receipt of awards, prizes and honours
Additional Requirements:
 Generation of sustained research and consultancy income which contributes to the strategic objectives
and funding available to the University
 Securing grant and other forms of research funding to support research staff and students
 Developing links with local, national and international businesses and commercial partners
 Developing knowledge transfer and the commercialisation of research outcomes
 Professors are expected to play a full part in the communal life of the University, including attendance
at award ceremonies
 They are expected to act as ‘ambassadors’ locally, nationally and internationally by promoting a
positive image of the University
 They are expected to take part in public communication activities, such as
 promoting their work and discipline
 promoting the work of their colleagues
 participating in public debate (especially in the press and television)
 broadcasting
 Horizon-scan, monitor and advise the Dean of School in respect of national and international
Professors are expected to undertake all of these activities. The exact balance of research, enterprise, teaching
University of Greenwich
and administrative activities that best suits a professor’s skills and competencies is however subject to
negotiation with Deans of School and may change over time.
 Develop and manage a research group incorporating existing academic staff, existing research
students and new research students.
 Establish external and internal links with appropriate research groups, to support both disciplinary and
inter-disciplinary research activities.
 Author at least three journal papers rated at REF 3* or better in appropriate quality journals.
 Author at least two conference papers at internationally excellent and relevant conferences.
 Contribute one day per week to the teaching effort, developing new courses and improving existing
courses in their key subject area.
 Be awarded at least 600K in external research and enterprise grants with at least 75% in research
 Have three PhD students per year at various stages of development, with one PhD student at or near
to completion.
 Number of existing CMS staff who become research-active through collaboration with the incumbent
 Research collaborations with companies generated by the incumbent and involving a range of
academic staff
 International research collaborations generated by the incumbent and involving a range of academic
KEY RELATIONSHIPS (Internal & External):
Reporting to the Dean of School and Directors of Research and Enterprise.
Professional bodies and other relevant organisations within the spatial informatics communities.
University of Greenwich
Experience and Skills
International reputation in research as
evidenced by a portfolio of high quality
international journal papers in spatial
Clear and evidenced ability of significant
income generation from a variety of sources
within an academic environment.
Significant experience of teaching and
programme development in an academic
Substantial experience in leading
multidisciplinary teams.
Significant experience of PhD student
supervision to completion.
Experience of leading and developing a
research team.
Experience of working in partnership with
business and industry.
PhD in a relevant discipline.
Date of issue……………… …..
Experience and Skills
World-leading track record of research and
enterprise in spatial informatics.
Excellent understanding of the spatial
informatics sectors in academia, industry and
government in the UK
Experience in academic programme
Ability to provide academic and pastoral
A strong interest in developing new courses
and novel ways of delivering such courses
Experience in developing input to RAE/REF
and QAA documentation;
Successful completion of KTP projects;
Experience of marketing and promotion