Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum (CTAC)

LaGuardia Center for Teaching and Learning
Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum (CTAC)
2009/10 Faculty Development Seminar
The Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum (CTAC) program at LaGuardia is based on the
assumption that thinking is a process that can be understood and improved through proper
study and practice. Participating faculty explore the cognitive process and develop new
classroom activities and assignments that help students develop higher order thinking, problemsolving and reasoning abilities. Faculty revise curriculum to integrate critical thinking skillbuilding activities into targeted courses, and engage students in the use of ePortfolios to share
and reflect on critical thinking activities and assignments.
Led by Professor John Chaffee, a national leader in the field of intellectual development, the
year-long Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum seminar will include bi-weekly seminar
meetings, classroom experimentation with new approaches, incorporation of ePortfolio into
coursework, curriculum and syllabi revision, and reflective discussion.
This seminar is designed to support enhanced teaching effectiveness and to create opportunities
for participants to make significant contributions to key College-wide goals identified in the
LaGuardia Strategic Plan. These goals include: advance faculty development to support
excellent teaching; strengthen general education, including the interdisciplinary focus on core
competencies, holistic assessment, and ePortfolio as an integrative learning tool; and, improve
student learning as mandated by the CUNY Campaign for Success.
The program is open to full-time faculty and CLTs from the division of Academic Affairs. Adult
and Continuing Education faculty and administrators are also welcome, and will receive an
application under separate cover. Part-time faculty who have long-term teaching histories at
LaGuardia are also eligible. Due to funding requirements, preference will be given to faculty
who teach a capstone course or any course that is required for degree completion by any
vocational program.
Applicants must:
1. Be available and committed to attendance at all seminars and institutes (see seminar
schedule below);
2. Submit the application and a one page statement (see below); and
3. Obtain the signature of their departmental chairperson or program director.
Each Academic Affairs faculty participant will receive an honorarium of $1,000 in addition to a
separate budget of $500 which can be used for professional development expenses such as
books, conference registrations, supplies, etc.
Monday afternoons: Participants should arrange with their department chairs to be free of
teaching responsibilities after 2:15 pm on Mondays in Fall I, Fall II and Spring I. Seminar
Meetings will be held bi-weekly from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
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Return application to Ros Orgel by April 20, 2009. If you would like to send the application
electronically, please attach it to an email to . Please be sure to also
mail a copy of the application form with your signature and the signature of your chairperson or
department head to Room M-414.
For more information, contact John Chaffee, x5699,
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Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum Application 2009/10
NAME________________________ DEPARTMENT/DIVISION______________
TITLE (POSITION)_________________________________________________
_________ IF SO, WHICH PROGRAM(S)? ____________________
I certify the following:
1. I commit to taking an active part in the program as detailed in the seminar schedule, during
which I will:
Participate in all regular seminar meetings during the 2009-10 academic year;
Learn about, experiment with, and integrate critical thinking strategies into a
targeted course curriculum;
Experiment with ways to incorporate ePortfolio as a tool for deepening students
critical thinking skills;
Pilot, test, and revise course syllabus of a targeted course; and,
Participate in documentation activities designed to assess the impact of the
program on learning and teaching at LaGuardia.
2. I have attached a one-page statement (see attached instructions) as well as a copy of my
tentative schedule for next semester.
We ask that before signing this application, both the applicant and the chairperson
or program director please take careful note of seminar dates and times. We
expect faculty participants to honor these dates and times as a professional
commitment, significant to their own learning, the collective success of the
seminar, and its value to the College. Seminars are rich in activities, discussions and
collegial sharing. It is crucial that all participants coordinate their 2009-10
schedules with chairs or directors in order to be able to attend on time and be
present for each seminar. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and for your
interest in the Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum seminar.
Signature of applicant ___________________________Date_____________
Signature of Chairperson _________________________Date_____________
Or Program Director
Return to Ros Orgel in Room M414 by April 20, 2009
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Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum 2009/10 Application Essay
Please write a one-page essay that helps us understand your interest in taking part in this
program. You may address the following questions in your essay.
 How would you summarize your philosophy or approach to learning and teaching?
 What interests you about CTAC? What aspect or area of critical thinking skills building
would you like to explore as a participant in this program?
 Based on what you know, what do you see as the advantages and challenges of
integrating skill-building in critical thinking into your course curriculum?
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