1 1 2 3 4 5 Population density and territory size in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus 6 mykiss: implications for population regulation 7 8 9 Jacquelyn L.A. Wood1, James W.A. Grant, and Moria H. Belanger 10 Department of Biology, Concordia University, 11 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montréal, Québec, H4B 1R6, Canada 12 1 13 Fax: 514-848-2881 14 Email: J.L.A. Wood: jackiewood7@gmail.com (corresponding author) Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 3439 15 J.W.A. Grant: grant@alcor.concordia.ca 16 M. H. Belanger: noahwebstersloj@hotmail.com 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 24 Abstract: We manipulated population density of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 25 across a range of realistic densities in artificial stream channels, while controlling food 26 abundance in two different ways: in Experiment 1, the total amount of food was held constant 27 over a three-fold increase in density, whereas in Experiment 2, the per capita amount of food was 28 held constant over an eight-fold increase in density. We tested the contrasting predictions that 29 territory size (1) is not affected by population density; (2) decreases with population density as 30 1/n, where n = the local population size; or (3) decreases with population density but towards an 31 asymptotic minimum size. In Experiment 1, territory size decreased with increasing population 32 density. With the broader range of densities used in Experiment 2, territory size initially 33 decreased with density and then leveled off at a minimum territory radius of 20-30 cm. Our 34 results suggest an asymptotic minimum size of about 0.2m2 for a 5-cm rainbow trout, similar to 35 what is observed for high-density conditions in the wild. This minimum territory size could 36 potentially set an upper limit on local population density and help regulate the population size of 37 stream salmonids. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Key words: territoriality, population regulation, density dependence, trout 3 47 Introduction 48 Whether or not territorial behaviour exerts strong population-regulating effects depends on how 49 individual territory size is adjusted in response to changes in environmental conditions, such as 50 food abundance and intruder pressure. At one extreme, an absolutely fixed territory size will set 51 the upper limit of individuals that can settle in a particular habitat (Grant and Kramer 1992; 52 Rodenhouse et al. 1997). At the opposite extreme, if there is no minimum acceptable territory 53 size, then territory size will decrease as 1/n, wherein n is the local population size, with respect to 54 the territory size at n=1. According to the latter hypothesis, territories serve only to space 55 individuals within habitats (Fretwell and Lucas 1970; Maynard Smith 1974), and territoriality 56 will play no role in population regulation. Intermediate between these two extremes, the elastic 57 disc model (Huxley 1934) predicts that territories will initially decrease with increasing density 58 until a minimum acceptable territory size is reached, which sets the maximum density for a 59 particular habitat (Wilson 1975; Adams 2001). The minimum territory size in any given habitat 60 may be affected by environmental conditions, such as food abundance, so that the maximum 61 density is higher in optimal than in suboptimal habitats (Maynard Smith 1974). For example, 62 warblers preferentially settle in flooded vs. dry habitats in response to prey abundance, leading to 63 smaller minimum territory sizes in the preferred habitat (Petit and Petit 1996). 64 Stream dwelling salmonids have been a popular model system for investigating the 65 population consequences of territoriality because juveniles defend feeding territories (Elliott 66 1990; Keeley and Grant 1995) and frequently exhibit density dependent growth, mortality, or 67 emigration (Imre et al. 2005; Lobon-Cervia 2007; Utz and Hartman 2009). Hence, territoriality 68 has frequently been implicated in the regulation of salmonid populations in the literature (e.g. 69 Chapman 1966; Elliott 1994; Cattaneo et al. 2002). For example, Elliott (1993) demonstrated 4 70 that mortality of brown trout was density dependent during early life stages as a result of 71 competition for feeding territories among newly emerged fish, after which mortality was density 72 independent (also see Milner et al. 2003; Einum and Nislow 2005). Indeed, studies of stream 73 salmonids have often revealed regular, negative relationships between abundance and average 74 body size (“thinning rules”, Grant and Kramer 1990; Elliott 1993; Bohlin et al. 1994) which have 75 been taken as indirect evidence of density regulation (Jenkins et al. 1999), with territoriality as 76 the mechanism. 77 Territory size data for stream salmonids have generally supported the two key predictions 78 of optimal territory size models (e.g. Schoener 1983; Adams 2001): territory size decreases with 79 increasing food abundance and population density (Slaney and Northcote 1974; Dill et al. 1981; 80 Keeley 2000). However, Keeley’s (2000) elegant experiment used only three levels of population 81 density, making it difficult to determine the actual shape of the territory size vs. density curve. 82 Furthermore, most experimental studies have often used densities greater than 100 fish·m-2 83 (Slaney and Northcote 1974; Imre et al. 2004), much higher than found in the wild (e.g. Grant 84 and Kramer 1992). Hence, the transferability of these results to natural situations is problematic. 85 Our goal was to determine how population density affects territory size while holding 86 food density constant in two different ways. In Experiment 1, we tested whether territory size 87 decreased with increasing population density when the total food supply was held constant, with 88 two advances over previous studies: densities typically found in nature were used and fish were 89 not allowed to emigrate so the densities were held constant in a trial. Because total food 90 abundance was kept constant across a three-fold increase in density in Experiment 1, the per 91 capita food abundance was actually decreasing as density increased. In nature, this experiment 92 might be analogous to a situation where the initial density of young-of-the-year salmonids is set 5 93 by the proximity to a redd, and is independent of food abundance (e.g. Teichart et al. 2011). In 94 Experiment 2, we modified the experiment in two important ways: the per capita food supply 95 was maintained at a constant level among density treatments and the range of density treatments 96 used was increased to an eight-fold range, in an attempt to determine the shape of the territory 97 size vs. density curve. Under natural conditions, a situation where the per capita food abundance 98 remains relatively constant among different local population densities might be equivalent to an 99 ideal free distribution between adjacent sites within a stream that differ in food abundance (i.e. 100 an adjacent pool and riffle). If fish density is directly proportional to food abundance, then 101 population density will vary while per capita food abundance is held constant. In summary, we 102 conducted two different experiments by holding food constant in two different ways to test the 103 contrasting predictions that territory size (1) is not affected by population density; (2) decreases 104 with population density as 1/n; or (3) decreases with population density but towards an 105 asymptotic minimum size. 106 107 Material and Methods 108 Test Fish 109 Young-of-the-year rainbow trout were obtained from Pisciculture des Arpents Verts, Ste- 110 Edwidge-de-Clifton, Quebec, Canada. The trout were maintained in 133 L holding tanks on a 12 111 hour light: 12 hour dark cycle (08:00-20:00). Water temperature varied over the course of the 112 experiments (from 11oC in winter to 21oC in summer), but was still within the range of preferred 113 temperatures for rainbow trout (Kerr and Lasenby 2000). The fish were fed ad libitum daily with 114 ground trout chow pellets (Vigor #4, Corey Feed Mills). 115 6 116 Artificial Stream Channels 117 In order to simulate natural conditions, all trials were conducted in 1.92 m x 0.76 m (l × w; 1.47 118 m2) artificial stream channels. However, only 1.08 m2 of space downstream from the automatic 119 feeder was suitable space for foraging. Water temperature in the stream channels varied with the 120 outdoor temperature, and was recorded daily for each trial (mean ± SD temperature = 12.1 ± 121 3.1oC). Water depth, measured at the centre of each channel, was 24.5 ± 1.4 cm (mean ± SD), 122 whereas current velocity, measured at 40% of the water depth at 20 positions, was 0.056 ± 0.033 123 m·s-1 (mean ± SD). The substrate of each stream channel consisted of a layer of light colored 124 aquarium gravel overlaid by a four by eight grid of river stones (mean max. diameter = 7.84 cm; 125 range = 5.7-10.5 cm). The stones were spaced at equal distances (15.3 cm apart horizontally, and 126 21.3 cm apart vertically) from each other, acting as visual markers to aid fish in establishing 127 territories, and to provide a frame of reference for recording the positions of focal fish during 128 observations. 129 Since stream-dwelling salmonids feed primarily on drifting aquatic invertebrates (e.g. 130 Keeley and Grant 1995), food was presented in a manner simulating stream drift. The daily 131 ration of food was spread evenly over the belt of an automatic belt feeder, which delivered the 132 food at a constant rate over a period of 12 hours (08:00-20:00). To promote growth over the 133 course of the experiment, fish received a daily ration of food (Optimum 0.7 granulated fish feed, 134 Corey Feed Mills) that was equivalent to 5% of the biomass of four fish for each treatment in 135 Experiment 1 (i.e. 5% × 4 × mean mass of a fish at the beginning of the trial), and approximately 136 5% of the total fish biomass in the stream channel in Experiment 2. Each morning the feeder 137 belts were checked for any food that had not fallen into the stream channel during the previous 138 day (mean ± SD % food = 25.23 ± 6.48 %); this amount was weighed and subtracted from the 7 139 original planned ration. Planned and actual ration of food were highly correlated across trials 140 (linear regression: actual ration (g) = 0.743 planned ration (g) + 0.001, r2 = 0.971, n = 191, P < 141 0.001). 142 143 Density Treatments 144 Each stream channel was stocked with juvenile rainbow trout (Experiment 1; mean ± SD mass = 145 1.01 ± 0.38 g, mean ± SD fork length = 3.55 ± 0.52 cm, and Experiment 2; mean ± SD mass = 146 1.31 ± 0.38 g; mean ± SD fork length = 4.95 ± 0.52 cm) in one of three different density 147 treatments (4, 8, or 12 fish) in Experiment 1, and in one of five different density treatments (2, 4, 148 8, 12, or 16 fish) in Experiment 2. Five replicates of each density treatment were rotated 149 successively through each of three artificial stream channels to control for any differences 150 between channels. 151 152 Experimental Protocol 153 In Experiment 1, 15 trials were carried out between 1 May and 21 July, 2006, with each trial 154 lasting 7 days. In Experiment 2, 25 trials were carried out between 21 January and 21 June, 2007, 155 with each trial lasting for 8 days. On the morning prior to the first day of each trial, fish were 156 chosen and randomly assigned to a density treatment, anaesthetized using clove oil (Keene et al. 157 1998), and the initial fork length (± 0.1 cm) and mass (± 0.0001 g) were recorded. Each fish 158 received a unique mark by subcutaneous injection of a small amount of fluorescent red, green, or 159 yellow elastomer in either the dorsal or caudal fin rays (Dewey and Zigler 1996), which allowed 160 us to monitor the movements of focal animals in the stream channel. The fish were allowed 15- 161 20 minutes to recover from anaesthesia before being released into a small mesh enclosure 8 162 (diameter = 18.0 cm) within the stream channel. After 2 hours, the enclosure was removed, and 163 the fish were able to enter the main body of the stream channel. A 6-hour conditioning period 164 then followed, during which a small amount of food (approx. 1% of fish biomass) was spread on 165 the belt feeders to allow fish to acclimate to the method of food delivery. New test fish were 166 selected for each trial and there was no mortality during any trial for either of the experiments in 167 this study. 168 Beginning the next day, Day 1 of each trial, scan samples were conducted 3 times per day 169 at approximately 10:00, 13:00, and 16:00 h; the position of each fish in each stream channel was 170 recorded on a schematic map. On Days 6 or 7 of each trial in Experiment 1, we conducted 20- 171 minute observations of territory size and space-use of 4 focal fish for each density treatment. 172 Because the rates of aggression were not extremely high in Experiment 1, we collected more 173 information about space use for each focal fish in Experiment 2. Hence, one 15-minute 174 observation was conducted on day 4 of each trial, and one 30-minute observation was conducted 175 on Days 7 or 8. At the conclusion of each trial, all fish were captured, and the final fork length 176 and mass were recorded to determine % specific growth rate (100 × [loge final weight of fish – 177 loge initial weight of fish] · trial length in days-1). 178 During observations, the grid of river stones was used to estimate the relative position of 179 fish within the channel (± 5.1 cm horizontally, and ± 7.1 cm vertically). The location of each 180 foraging station, and the direction (1-12 o’clock, with 12 o’clock as directly upstream) and 181 distance (in body lengths) of aggressive acts initiated from each foraging position (see 182 Steingrímsson and Grant 2008) were recorded on a digital voice recorder. We defined foraging 183 stations as locations where the fish held its position against the current for at least 5 seconds. All 184 of the aggression recorded in this study was either nipping, when one fish bites another, charges, 9 185 when a fish swims quickly and directly at an intruder usually ending with a nip, or chases, when 186 a fish repeatedly charges while attempting to nip at the tail of the retreating fish (Keenleyside 187 and Yamamoto 1962). 188 189 Quantifying Space Use 190 In Experiment 1, we focused primarily on the dominant fish in each trial because too few 191 subordinates engaged in aggressive behaviour. To estimate the territory size of each focal fish, 192 we first calculated the mean aggressive radius for each dominant fish in Experiment 1, and for 193 each focal fish in Experiment 2 that exhibited agonistic behaviour. Aggressive radius was the 194 distance between the defender and the intruder when the former initiated the attack. These 195 defended areas overlapped little and were stable over time. 196 To provide an independent estimate of the tank area successfully monopolized by the 197 dominant fish in Experiment 2, we applied the minimum convex polygon (MCP) method to the 198 coordinates of the positions of all subordinate fish obtained from the daily scan samples (i.e. 24 199 for each fish). Digital maps of the stream channels and territories of each focal fish were created 200 using ArcView GIS 3.2, in conjunction with the Animal Movement Extension (Hooge and 201 Eichenlaub 2000). Each stream channel was treated as a simple x-y coordinate system with the 0, 202 0 (x, y) position in the downstream, left corner of the stream channel. 203 204 Statistical Analysis 205 Prior to analysis, all continuous variables were subjected to one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov 206 tests for normality; all variables met the assumptions for parametric tests. Because each tank 207 contained one dominant individual that defended a relatively large portion of the stream channel 10 208 compared to other fish, two-way ANOVAs were used to determine whether there was a main 209 effect of either dominance status (dominant versus subordinate) or density treatment on patterns 210 of space use and growth rate among test fish. Average water temperature was also added as a 211 covariate in all analyses. However, there was no significant effect of water temperature on any 212 variable except specific growth rate in Experiment 2, so we reported the results of the two-way 213 ANOVAs only, except in the section on growth rate where we reported the results of the two- 214 way ANCOVA. In instances where aspects of space use for dominant or subordinate fish were 215 considered separately, one-way ANOVAs were used. Finally, we used quadratic and piecewise 216 regression models to investigate whether the territory size of focal fish leveled off with 217 increasing population density, and used Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) to determine the 218 best-fit model. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS v.19 statistical software with 219 the exception of AIC model selection which was carried out using R v.2.14.0. (R Development 220 Core Team 2011). 221 222 Results 223 General Behaviour 224 At the beginning of all trials in both experiments, fish initially congregated at the downstream 225 end of the stream channel. Within 24 hours, a dominant fish moved forward in the stream 226 channel and adopted a central upstream station, directly downstream of the feeder, and initiated 227 the majority of forages and chases from this position. Depending on fish density, subordinates 228 began adopting positions further upstream soon after. In general, it took 1-3 days for fish 229 behaviour to stabilize within the stream channels. On average, dominant fish were 25.0% heavier 230 than the average subordinate in the tank at the beginning of trials in Experiment 1 (two-way 11 231 ANOVA: F1, 24 = 5.78, P = 0.024), and 17.5% heavier than the average subordinate in the tank in 232 Experiment 2 (two-way ANOVA: F1, 38 = 1.74, P = 0.20). 233 Foraging by the dominant fish was concentrated in a forward direction, in the immediate 234 area where food dropped from the feeders. However, the dominant fish defended much of the 235 stream channel, particularly in the low-density treatments, and rarely tolerated subordinate 236 individuals in the extreme upstream end of the stream channel. In the 2 and 4-fish treatments, 237 few chases were observed by the dominant individual, presumably because of low encounter 238 rates with the subordinate fish. However, subordinate fish were still effectively confined to the 239 downstream end of the stream channel by the dominant, which frequently patrolled the tank, 240 periodically chasing subordinates that attempted to move farther upstream. At these densities, 241 dominant individuals easily monopolized available food and space. In the higher-density 242 treatments, dominant fish were initially able to defend a large area of the stream channel as at 243 lower densities. As the trial progressed, however, subordinate individuals gradually spread out 244 and moved upstream, encroaching on the dominant’s foraging area. Dominant individuals still 245 effectively defended the extreme upstream end of the stream channel, but subordinate fish were 246 able to dart in from outside the central feeding area of the dominant to intercept food items as 247 they fell from the feeder. 248 249 Experiment 1: total food held constant 250 Dominant fish were more frequently aggressive than the average subordinate fish (Fig. 1a; two- 251 way ANOVA: F1, 24 = 96.11, P = 0.001). Subordinates did not initiate any aggression in the 4-fish 252 treatment, and for the remaining treatments dominant fish initiated, on average, 6.7 times more 253 chases than the average subordinate. Across density treatments, rates of aggression increased 12 254 significantly with increasing density (Fig. 1a; two-way ANOVA: F2, 24 = 8.96, P = 0.001). The 255 average aggressive radius of focal fish decreased with increasing density (Fig. 1b; one-way 256 ANOVA: F1, 24 = 47.91, P = 0.001; Linear regression: t1 = -6.92, P = .001). For all density 257 treatments, dominant fish had a higher specific growth rate than subordinate fish over the course 258 of the seven-day trials (Fig. 1c; two-way ANOVA: F 1, 24 = 5.26, P = 0.031). Specific growth rate 259 tended to decrease with increasing density, but the difference was not significant (two-way 260 ANOVA: F2, 24 = 1.98, P = 0.161). 261 262 Experiment 2: per capita food held constant 263 The collective space used by the subordinate fish in Experiment 2 increased with increasing 264 density (Fig. 2a; one-way ANOVA: F4, 19 = 7.89, P = 0.001). A polynomial regression yielded a 265 marginally non-significant quadratic term (Fig. 2a; t1 = -1.98, P = 0.06) after the linear term was 266 included in the model, suggesting that subordinate fish collectively used more space with initial 267 increases in density, but this space use leveled off at about 0.85 m2. We confirmed this result 268 using a piecewise regression model which revealed a significant increase in subordinate space 269 use with increasing density up to the 8-fish treatment (t1 = 5.11, P = 0.001), after which space 270 use remained constant (t1 = -0.27, P = 0.79). The piecewise regression was the best fitting model 271 with an AIC value of -1.88, lower than either the linear (AIC = 2.20) or the quadratic (AIC = 272 0.080) models. 273 Dominant fish were more frequently aggressive than the average subordinate fish (two- 274 way ANOVA: F1, 38 = 8.21, P = 0.007), even when one extremely aggressive fish in the 12-fish 275 treatment was not included (Fig. 2b; two-way ANOVA: F1, 37 = 11.39, P = 0.002). Subordinates 276 did not initiate any aggression in the 2-fish treatment, and for the remaining treatments dominant 13 277 fish initiated, on average, 3.2 times more chases than the average subordinate. Across density 278 treatments, rates of aggression increased significantly with increasing density (Fig. 2b; two-way 279 ANOVA: F4, 37 = 7.21, P = 0.001). The proportion of aggression initiated by the dominant fish, 280 however, decreased with increasing density (Fig. 2c; one-way ANOVA: F3, 18 = 12.83, P = 0.001) 281 before leveling off at 8-fish per tank (Piecewise regression: ≤ 8 fish per tank: t = -3.85, P = 282 0.003; ≥ 8 fish per tank: t = -0.78, P = 0.452). We confirmed that the piecewise regression was 283 the best fit model with AIC (linear: 5.05; quadratic: 0.90; piecewise: -2.59). 284 Dominant fish had greater chase distances than subordinate fish (data not shown; two- 285 way ANOVA: F1, 32 = 17.78, P = 0.001) across all trials. The average aggressive radius of focal 286 fish defending territories decreased with increasing density (Fig. 3a; two-way ANOVA: F4, 32 = 287 8.98, P = 0.001) and appeared to level off at high population densities, as indicated by a 288 significant quadratic term in a polynomial regression ( t1 = 2.16, P = 0.037) and AIC (linear: 289 361.55; piecewise: 361.22; quadratic: 358.81) Tukey’s post-hoc tests confirmed that the 290 aggressive radius in the 16-fish treatment was not significantly different from either the 12-fish 291 (P = 0.876) or 8-fish treatments (P = 0.389). 292 Dominant fish had a higher specific growth rate than subordinate fish over the course of 293 the eight-day trials (Fig. 3b; two-way ANOVA: F 1, 38 = 27.84, P = 0.001). Water temperature 294 had a significant positive effect on growth rate (two-way ANCOVA: F1, 37 = 4.64, P = 0.038), but 295 there was still a significant main effect of dominance status after statistically removing the effect 296 of water temperature (two-way ANCOVA: F1, 37 = 30.50, P = 0.001). Growth rate also tended to 297 increase with density (two-way ANCOVA: F4, 37 = 2.87, P = 0.036). 298 299 To examine the effect of food abundance on territory size, we compared the aggressive radius for focal fish in the 4, 8, and 12-fish treatments in both experiments. Territory size was 14 300 greater in Experiment 1 than in Experiment 2, but the result was not significant (Fig. 3c; two- 301 way ANOVA: F1, 48 = 2.69, P = 0.107). As already reported, territory size decreased with 302 increasing density over the range from 4 to 12 fish per tank (Fig. 3c; two-way ANOVA: F2, 48 = 303 10.90, P = 0.001). 304 305 306 Discussion In our study, territory sizes were neither incompressible nor followed the 1/n curve. 307 Rather, territory size decreased with increasing population density, when food density was held 308 constant in two different ways. The lack of a significant difference in territory size between the 309 two experiments was surprising given that food was more abundant in Experiment 2 than in 1. 310 While previous studies indicated a negative relationship between territory size and food 311 availability (Slaney and Northcote 1974; Keeley 2000), our data were consistent with the general 312 finding that the magnitude of decrease in territory size is small, even when food abundance is 313 doubled (Grant et al. 1998; Imre et al. 2004). In Experiment 2, two lines of evidence were 314 consistent with the prediction that territory size approached an asymptotic minimum size of 315 about 0.2m2 as density increased. If salmonid territories are approximately circular (see Keeley 316 and Grant 1995), then the minimum territory radius of 20-30 cm translated into a minimum 317 territory size of 0.13-0.28m2. In addition, the collective space used by subordinates leveled off at 318 about 0.85m2, implying that the dominant monopolized 0.23m2 (i.e. 1.08-0.85). Both curves 319 leveled off between densities of 8 to 16 fish, or 7.4-14.8 fish· m-2. 320 At low densities in both experiments, dominant fish were despotic, monopolizing most of 321 the usable area of the stream channel, and restricting subordinates to the downstream corners of 322 the channel. Because food items arrived asynchronously, dominant fish were able to use the 15 323 “free” time available between the arrival of food items to patrol its territory, intimidate 324 subordinates, and discourage them from stealing food (Grant and Kramer 1992; Praw and Grant 325 1999). As the density of individuals increased, the subordinate fish shared the costs of the 326 dominant’s aggression, were able to more effectively intercept food items, and eventually 327 established a foraging space or even a territory in the stream channel. In Experiment 2, the total 328 food abundance increased with density, so there was less free time available between the arrival 329 of food items for the dominant to spend on aggressive behaviour. The per capita rate of 330 aggression did not peak at intermediate densities as expected (Grant 1993), but increased with 331 increasing population density. This result was likely because the social system shifted from a 332 despotic society, with the dominant individual defending the entire tank, to a territorial mosaic 333 (sensu Keenleyside 1979), where the dominant and several subordinates each defended 334 individual territories. Consistent with this interpretation, the dominant’s share of the aggressive 335 behaviour decreased from 100% in the 2-fish treatment to about 15% in the 16-fish treatment in 336 Experiment 2. 337 In stream salmonids under experimental conditions, relative competitive ability of 338 individuals is usually determined by body size (Chapman 1962; Noakes 1980), and the most 339 profitable foraging sites are often occupied by dominant individuals that grow faster than 340 subordinates (Chapman 1962; Fausch 1984; Metcalfe et al. 1989). In our experiments, dominant 341 individuals adopted a central upstream station, directly beneath the feeder, where they had 342 priority of access to falling food items. While dominant fish were not always the largest fish 343 initially, they were more aggressive, had a larger chase radius, and a higher growth rate than 344 subordinates. One upstream source of food in this study may have made the longitudinal 345 hierarchy more pronounced than it would be in nature. However, the situation is not entirely un- 16 346 natural because food primarily originates in the fast upstream riffles for fish in slower raceways 347 and pools (Elliott 1967; Allan and Russek 1985; Nakano 1995). 348 Even though our experiments were conducted in laboratory stream channels, our results 349 likely have implications for field conditions. The minimum territory size of about 0.2m2 in our 350 study was comparable to those predicted by allometric regressions for similar sized fish in wild 351 populations: 0.08m2 for brown trout (Elliott 1990); 0.28m2 for steelhead trout (Keeley and 352 McPhail 1998); and 0.31m2 for Atlantic salmon (Keeley and Grant 1995). Before the advent of 353 non-invasive tagging techniques, most measurements of territory size in the wild were of 354 sedentary individuals in high density populations. The similarity between these field data and our 355 results suggest that the contiguous territories observed in territorial mosaics in the wild (sensu 356 Keenleyside 1979) are at or near the asymptotic territory size. Using elastomer tags, 357 Steingrímsson and Grant (2008) quantified the territory size of more mobile fish at lower 358 densities; their YOY Atlantic salmon defended the largest territories yet documented (0.9m2), 359 equivalent to a 50-cm territory radius in our study. Hence, the range in territory radii observed in 360 our study encompass the range of territory sizes observed in the wild for juvenile salmonids of 361 about 5cm in length. 362 Our results suggest that an asymptotic minimum territory size can limit the maximum 363 local density of individuals, independent of food supply. The individuals who were unable to 364 establish territories in our experiments would presumably have lost weight and died in longer- 365 term experiments (e.g. Imre et al. 2004). In laboratory experiments with a small number of 366 confined fish, differences between dominant and subordinate fish are often magnified compared 367 to field conditions (reviewed in Sloman et al. 2008). On the other hand, when fish are free to 368 disperse in the wild, local competition is often manifested in terms of density dependent 17 369 emigration rather than by mortality (Einum et al. 2006). Hence, it is conceivable that a relatively 370 inelastic minimum territory size might trigger density-dependent dispersal and have profound 371 effects on the population regulation of wild populations. 372 Our results contribute to the growing literature suggesting that territorial behaviour can 373 limit the density of individuals settling in a habitat in a wide variety of taxa (Adams 2001; 374 Lopez-Sepulcre and Kokko 2005). In most other taxa, however, adult individuals defend 375 relatively permanent all-purpose territories that are insensitive to changes in population density, 376 so that excess non-breeding individuals exist as floaters in the population (Tricas 1989; Newton 377 1998; Both and Visser 2003; Mougeot et al. 2003). By contrast, data for stream-dwelling 378 salmonids suggest that similar dynamics can occur, even when juveniles defend feeding 379 territories that shift in size and location as the individuals grow (Keeley and Grant 1995). 380 Because the population regulation of juvenile salmonids appears to be primarily density- 381 dependent in freshwater habitats (Elliott 1994; Jonsson et al. 1998), an asymptotic minimum 382 territory size during critical periods of habitat limitation (Elliott 1990) can play an important role 383 in population regulation. 384 385 Acknowledgements 386 We thank Grant Brown and Jae Woo Kim for logistical support and the Associate Editor and 387 anonymous referees for helpful comments on the manuscript. This study was financially 388 supported by a Discovery Grant to J.W.A.G, and an Undergraduate Student Research Award to 389 M.H.B from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. 390 391 References 18 392 393 394 395 396 Adams, E.S. 2001. 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The dotted lines in a) 533 and c) are the piecewise regression models (Y = 0.097X + 0.12 (X≤8) - 0.0046X + 0.85 (X ≥8), 534 F3,20 = 7.80, r2 = 0.47, P = 0.001) and (Y = -0.11X + 1.07 (X≤8) - 0.011X + 0.36 (X ≥8), F3,18 = 535 12.83, r2 = 0.63, P = 0.001), respectively. 536 537 Figure 3. Mean (± SE, N=5) a) aggressive radius of all focal fish in Experiment 2, b) specific 538 growth rate of dominant (●) and the average subordinate fish (■) in Experiment 2 and c) 539 aggressive radius of focal fish in Experiment 1 (■) and for the 4, 8, and 12 fish treatments in 540 Experiment 2 (●). 541 542 543 544 545 546 25 547 Figure 1. (a) -1 Aggressive rate (chases· min ) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Aggressive radius (cm) 80.0 (b) 60.0 40.0 20.0 -1 % specific growth rate (g· day ) 0.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 548 (c) 4.0 8.0 12.0 Number of fish 16.0 26 549 Figure 2. 2 Area used by subordinates (m ) 1.4 (a) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 (b) -1 Aggressive rate (chases·min ) 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Proportion of aggression initiated by dominant 0.0 1.2 (c) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 550 5.0 10.0 15.0 Number of fish 20.0 27 551 Figure 3. Aggressive radius (cm) 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 -1 % specific growth rate (g·day ) 0.0 8.0 (b) 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 70.0 Aggressive radius (cm) (a) (c) 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 552 5.0 10.0 15.0 Number of fish 20.0