Analysis of Formal School-Based Assessment (SBA) Tasks Subject: Home Languages: Grade 1 Programme of Assessment as per Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) GRADE 1 TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 Number of assessment 1 2 2 2 Tool(s) of assessment Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording TOTAL MARKS 100% CASS :Equal weighting of all components Time allocation 1 hour (at least 20 minutes per Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording recording written demonstration, oral, Observation, recording written demonstration, oral, Observation, recording written demonstration, oral, Observation, recording written demonstration, oral, Form of assessment Observation, tasks Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording 30-45 mins 1 hour 30-45 mins 1 hour 30-45 mins Week 5 1 hour component) Date of completion Week 8-9 Week 5 Week 8-9 Week 5 Week 8-9 Content Focus: Knowledge and Skills Reading:comprehension Handwriting: letters and words Writing: two sentences about a picture/object Listening and speaking: perform action rhymes and songs, respond to a story Phonics: initial Listening and speaking : relate personal experienc e and Reading : read short texts Handwriting: lower case letters Listening and speaking: retell a story in sequence. Phonics: initial sounds Listening and speaking: role-play situations and dialogues Phonics: Week 8-9 Reading: Comprehens ion Handwriting: copy at least 2 sentences 1 GRADE 1 TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 Number of assessment 1 2 2 2 tasks sounds and a few blends discuss a text Reading:respond to visual texts Handwriting: lower case letters Phonics: initial sounds and blends Writing:one simple sentence Writing: one simple sentence about an object and blends initial sounds and blends Writing: 3 sentences about a picture 2 Analysis of Formal School-Based Assessment (SBA) Tasks Subject: Home Languages: Grade 2 Programme of Assessment as per Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) GRADE 2 TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 Number of 1 2 2 2 Tool(s) of assessment Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording TOTAL MARKS 100% CASS :Equal weighting of all components Time allocation 1 hour (at least 20 minutes per component) 1 hour Week 8-9 of Term 1 By Week 5 Content Focus: Knowledge and Skills Phonics: vowel blends, consonant digraphs, spell 3-4 letter words Listenin g and speakin g: Listen to a text and respond 1 hour 1 hour By Week 5 Reading : comprehensio n Listening and speaking: Participate in a discussion and respond to a set of 1 hour Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording 1 hour By week 8-9 recording written demonstration, oral, Observation, recording written demonstration, Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording By week 8-9 Handwriting: transcribe words and oral, Observation, recording written Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording Date of completion Listening and speaking:, respond to instructions, retell a story demonstration, oral, Observation, recording written assessment demonstration, Form of oral, Observation, assessment tasks 1 hour By Week 5 Reading:comprehension Handwriting: write letters in joined script Writing: 3 to 4 sentences on a topic using a writing Listening and speaking: Listen for details and respond appropriately By week 8-9 Reading: Comprehens ion Handwriting: Write words in the joined 3 GRADE 2 TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 Number of 1 2 2 2 assessment tasks appropria tely Reading:Comprehensio n Handwriting: transcribe words and sentences Writing: 3 to 4 sentences on a topic using a writing frame. Phonics: consona nt blends and digraphs, spell common words sentences legibily Writing: 3 to 4 sentences on a topic using a writing frame(punctuat ion, grammar and spelling) instructions Phonics: vowel and consonant digraphs and spelling of phonic words frame(punctuation, grammar and spelling) to texts script Phonics: initial sounds and blends Writing: 5sentences on a topic using a writing frame(punct uation, grammar and spelling) 4 Analysis of Formal School-Based Assessment (SBA) Tasks Subject: Home Languages: Grade 3 Programme of Assessment as per Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) GRADE 3 TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 Number of 1 3 3 2 assessme Tool(s) of assessme nt Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording TOTAL 100% CASS :Equal weighting of all components Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording recording written demonstration, oral, Observation, recording written demonstration, oral, Observation, recording written demonstration, oral, Observation, recording written nt demonstration, assessme oral, Form of Observation, nt tasks Rubrics , checklist, observation sheet, written recording MARKS Time 1 hour (at least 20 allocation minutes per 45 minutes 45 minutes 45 minutes 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour component) Date of completio n Week 8-9 Week 3-4 Content Focus: Knowledg Listening and speaking: Respond to oral Listening and speaking: Week 5-6 Reading :comprehe Week 8-9 Writing: 5 to 6 sentence Week 3-4 Listening and speaking: Week 5-6 Reading: compreh Week 8-9 Writing 8 sentences on a topic. Week 5-6 Listening and speaking: Week 8-9 Reading: Comprehen 5 e and Skills texts(instructions, stories,dialogue) Phonics: vowel and consonant digraphs and spelling of phonic words Reading: Word recognition and fluency Handwriting: Transcribe sentences in a joined script Writing: 5 to 6 sentences on a topic. (punctuation, grammar and spelling Role-play parts of a story Phonics: silent letters, spelling and dictation nsion Handwriti ng: Transcribe in a paragraph in joined script. s on a topic. (punctuat ion, grammar and spelling) Engage in an interview/ dialogue Phonics: homophon es, spelling and dictation ension Handwrit ing: Transcrib e in 2 paragrap hs in joined script. (punctuatio n, grammar and spelling) Present an oral text(show and tell. Mime etc) sion Phonics: homophone s, spelling and dictation Handwritin g: Transcribe in a paragraph in joined script. Writing: 2 paragraphs , 8-10 sentences on a topic (punctuatio n, grammar and spelling) 6