Lecture Test 1 Spring 2011

1. Repetitive sedimentary sequences are termed A.mylonites B.melanges C.tombolos D.cratons E.cyclothems
2. Ga represents ? of years in the radioisotopic time scale. A.thousands B.millions C.billions D.trillions
3. Barrier islands are built primarily by A.waves B.tides C.all of the above D.none of the above
4. A ? is an unconformity between essentially parallel strata that may be recognized in outcrop.
A.nonconformity B.paraconformity C.angular unconformity D.disconformity
5. Crossbeds are ? sedimentary structures. A.primary B.secondary C.crossbeds may be either primary or
secondary sedimentary structures
6. In Big Bend National Park, the Santa Elena Formation consists of several hundred feet of nearly featureless
homogeneous limestone. From this description, this limestone most likely exhibits A.graded bedding
B.cross-bedding C.massive bedding D.all of the above E.none of the above
7. A ? is an erosion surface between sedimentary and plutonic igneous or regional metamorphic rocks.
A.nonconformity B.paraconformity C.angular unconformity D.disconformity
8. Metamorphic rocks ? melt and recrystallize and remain classified as metamorphic rocks. A.can B.cannot
9. The fractionation process is one way in which many types of ? rocks are formed. A.igneous B.metamorphic
C.sedimentary D.all of the above E.none of the above
10. Terrigenous means ?-derived sediments. A.land B.marine C.terrigenous sediments can be derived from
either land or marine environments
11. A ? is an unconformity that is unrecognizable in outcrop without the use of fossils or absolute dating
techniques. A.nonconformity B.paraconformity C.angular unconformity D.disconformity
12. The ? the number of fission tracks, the older the sample. A.fewer B.greater
13. One of the best ways to determine the characteristics of an ancient clastic beach would be to study the
features of modern beaches in areas like the Gulf of Mexico. This approach utilizes primarily the concept of
A.correlation B.subduction C.deduction D.anagenesis E.uniformitarianism
14. Organic reefs A.are constructed by living organisms B.are usually formed in tropical or subtropical
climates C.are created at shallow ocean depths D.require a solid "substrate" in order to develop E.all of the
above are true concerning organic reefs
15. Below the CCD in deep marine environments primarily ? sediments would be destroyed through acid
dissolution. A.calcareous B.siliceous C.both siliceous and calcareous sediments would be destroyed in
equal numbers
16. In backbarrier environments wave action is typically A.very important B.insignificant
17. Most graded beds ?-upward in grain size. A.coarsen B.fine
18. ? isotope pairs have a half life of about 1.25 billion years. A.rubidium-strontium B.potassium-argon
C.uranium-235/lead-207 D.Carbon-14 E.uranium-238/lead-206
19. Igneous rocks with large crystals form from magmas that cool relatively A.slowly B.quickly C.you cannot
tell the cooling rate of magmas by crystal sizes in igneous rocks
20. Which rock type would most likely be created along the "surf side" of barrier island beaches? A.mudstone
B.shale C.limestone D.quartz sandstone E.dolomite
21. Foliated textures are found in ? metamorphic rocks. A.contact B.regional C.all of the above D.none of the
22. The Earth's magnetic field is probably due to motions of the A.crust B.mantle C.core D.all of the above
E.none of the above
23. The Wentworth Scale is used in the textural description of ? rocks. A.igneous B.metamorphic C.carbonate
D.clastic E.evaporite
24. Halite and gypsum are classified as ? rocks. A.carbonate B.clastic C.phaneritic D.aphanitic E.evaporite
25. Within tidally-influenced environments A.grain size tends to increase upward B.there is widespread
influence by waves C.oolites, stromatolites and evaporites are commonly deposited D.all of the above are
true concerning tidally-influenced environments
26. Epeiric, or epicontinental platforms ? important sedimentary environments today. A.are B.are not
27. Most deserts form at about ? degrees north and south latitude. A.10 B.25 C.40 D.55 E.65
28. Magma forms ? rocks. A.sedimentary B.metamorphic C.igneous
29. Which of the following is not true concerning index fossils? A.should have existed for a long time span
B.should have a broad geographic range C.should be independent as possible of facies D.should be
30. In an angular unconformity, deformation ? occurred to at least one of the beds. A.has not B.may have
31. ? describes where the sediment was formed and the effects of weathering on the sedimentary composition.
A.Sedimentary process B.Sedimentary provenance
32. Which of the following environments might be associated with glaciers? A.fluvial B.eolian C.lacustrine
D.shallow marine E.all of the above may be associated with glaciers
33. Lithology refers to A.sedimentary texture B.sedimentary structure C.rock type D.all of the above E.none
of the above
34. Pelagic marine environments typically receive sediments from a ? direction. A.vertical B.horizontal
C.pelagic environments often receive sediments from both vertical and horizontal directions
35. A "key bed" or "marker bed" is one that is useful for A.mapping or correlation B.fossil identification C.all
of the above D.none of the above
36. Within north-central Texas, a series of rocks have been referred to as the Trinity Group, Thorp Spring
Member, or Glen Rose Formation. The smallest of these units is the A.Trinity Group B.Thorp Spring
Member C.Glen Rose Formation D.you cannot determine which of these is the largest or smallest geologic
37. A sand grain was well-rounded, well-sorted and with high sphericity. This description concerns the ? of the
grain. A.texture B.structure C.all of the above D.none of the above
38. A sedimentary ? is a body of sediment or rocks with distinctive characteristics. A.texture B.lithology
C.environment D.fissure E.facies
39. Usually, braided streams have a ? sheet-like morphology and are ? coarse-grained than meandering streams.
A.more B.less
40. The difference between matrix and cement in a clastic sedimentary rock is that cement is fine-grained ?
material. A.primary B.secondary
41. In order for contact metamorphism to occur A.igneous intrusions have to be in relatively close proximity
B.mountain-building, or tectonic, events have to be present within the region C.all of the above are true
concerning contact metamorphism
42. ? rocks are most important for interpreting Earth history. A.igneous B.metamorphic C.sedimentary
43. Major unconformities are most often due to a marine A.transgression B.regression
44. If climate became wetter in a region, you would expect the facies of a clastic lake to ?-upward in grain size.
A.coarsen B.fine
45. Which rock type would most likely be created within a lagoon environment? A.quartz sandstone B.arkose
C.shale D.conglomerate E.lithic sandstone
46. Tides are primarily due to the gravitational attraction between the Earth's oceans and the A.Moon B.Sun
47. A wadi would be most similar to a ? in terms of its sedimentary characteristics. A.lacustrine environment
B.backbarrier environment C.meandering stream D.braided stream E.turbidite
48. A conformity is defined as having ? in the rock record. A.gaps B.no gaps
49. During a transgression A.sea level may rise B.land level may rise C.all of the above are true D.none of the
above is true
50. During field studies a red paleosol with abundant shrink-swell clays and duricrusts was found lying on top
of a dark, organic rich paleosol. This may indicate that the paleoclimate became A.wetter B.drier
51. Groundwater forms ? sedimentary structures. A.primary B.secondary C.groundwater can form either
primary or secondary sedimentary structures
52. Climate factors A.greatly influence lacustrine environments B.have little influence on lacustrine
53. A subdivision of rocks considered solely as the record of a specific interval of geologic time defines the
concept of A.biostratigraphy B.lithostratigraphy C.chronostratigraphy D.all of the above E.none of the
54. The fundamental unit of world-wide Time-Stratigraphic classification is the A.stage B.series C.system
D.erathem E.eonothem
55. Playa lakes are typical of relatively ? climates. A.dry B.wet
56. Meandering river facies usually ?-upward in grain size. A.fine B.coarsen
57. Sedimentary particles A.are only found in clastic sedimentary rocks B.may be found in clastic and other
types of sedimentary rocks
58. Turbidites are especially characteristic of ? facies. A.carbonate shelf B.terrestrial shelf C.reef D.pelagic
E.continental slope
59. ? rivers are perennial. A.meandering B.braided
60. In a regressive sequence, terrigenous shelf facies typically ? upward in grain size. A.fine B.coarsen
C.terrigenous shelf facies often fine and coarsen upward in grain size during regressions
61. Alluvial fans are typical of relatively ? climates. A.arid B.wet
62. Physical load transported within sedimentary environments creates ? rocks. A.carbonate B.evaporite
C.clastic D.all of the above are created from physical load E.none of the above is created from physical
63. ? defines rock units on the basis of their physical features. A.biostratigraphy B.chronostratigraphy
C.lithostratigraphy D.all of the above E.none of the above
64. The basic geological mapping unit is the A.group B.supergroup C.member D.bed E.formation
65. A sedimentary facies consisted of very coarse to fine sand-size, very well sorted grains of quartz that form
crossbeds several hundred feet high. The particles creating this rock were probably transported by
A.glaciers B.water C.gravity D.wind
66. ? refers to the degree of curvature of the corners of sedimentary particles. A.sphericity B.roundness C.all
of the above refer to the degree of curvature of the corners of sedimentary particles
67. The stoping process explains how ? materials may be moved from one place to another. A.metamorphic
B.igneous C.sedimentary D.all of the above E.none of the above
68. Paleocurrent directions can be determined best by utilizing A.massive beds B.graded beds C.crossbeds
D.all of the above give good indications of paleocurrent direction
69. Nodules and concretions often look very similar, but ? are created by replacing or forcing aside the
surrounding sediments. A.nodules B.concretions
70. Lake basins may be created due to A.faulting B.glaciation C.crustal warping D.all of the above E.none of
the above
71. For radioactive decay to serve as a basis for absolute dating, the parent isope ? decay to the daughter isotope
at a constant rate. A.has to B.does not have to
72. ? is the smallest unit of formal chronostratigraphic classification. A.stage B.series C.system D.erathem
73. This test number is A. Please answer "A" for question # 73.