Streets to streams survey

Streets to Streams Survey
Please take a moment to answer the following questions about water resource issues. Don't
worry if you don't know the answer - some of these questions are hard! Your answers will help
us to develop educational programming and outreach materials.
(Place a check  in the box next to your answer.)
1. Where do you think water goes once it enters a storm sewer?
 To a wastewater treatment facility
 To a stormwater pond, wetland, lake or river
 I don’t know
2. What do you think is the biggest source of water pollution in Minnesota?
 Pollution from industry
 Run-off from farms
 Run-off from residential areas
 Recreational use of lakes and rivers
 Other ___________________________________________________________
3. A Watershed District is a local unit of government whose goal is to conserve
natural resources through land use planning, flood control, and other
conservation projects within a given watershed. What do you think a
 An area of land that drains towards a given river, lake or wetland
 A system of interconnected lakes and rivers
 A large wetland or marshy area
 I don't know
4. Some things we do at home are good for water quality and some are bad.
Which of the following things do you think are GOOD?
(Please check all that apply.)
 Using lots of fertilizer to grow a thick lawn
 Directing downspouts from your roof directly to your driveway
 Planting native grasses and flowers
 Feeding geese
 Mowing your lawn to the edge of a lake or river
 Composting your yard waste
 Sweeping grass and leaves out of the street
 Picking up dog poop when walking your dog
 Planting shade trees
5. Research has shown that one pound of excess phosphorus in a lake can
feed five hundred pounds of algae. Which of the following things contribute
phosphorus to our lakes?
Please  all that apply.
 Fertilizer
 Sediment
 Grass
 Leaves
 Dog poop
 Engine oil
6. Approximately what percentage of lakes and rivers in Minnesota are listed
as impaired (fail to meet water quality standards)?
 10%
 30%
 40%
 75%
We want to know your opinions about water resource issues. There are no right or wrong
agree nor
7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
All people living in Minnesota create some
water pollution
All people living in Minnesota are responsible
for preventing water pollution
I create some water pollution
I am responsible for preventing water
If everyone in Minnesota makes a few
changes, our water quality will improve
If I make a few changes, our water quality
will improve
We want to know what things people are already doing and are willing to do, so that we know
where to focus our educational programming. Be honest when answering these questions!
Does not
apply to me
8. How often do you do the following things at your home?
Sweep grass out of the street after
mowing my lawn
Pick up dog poop when walking my dog
Compost my yard waste
Drop off household hazardous waste at
my community collection center
Dispose of used engine oil in the storm
Wash my car in the driveway
Sweep or rake leaves out of the street in
the fall
Wash off paint brushes or cans in the
driveway or street
Does not
apply to
will do
will do
won't do
will not do
9. How likely are you to do the following things at your home?
Compost my yard waste
Redirect my downspout to the
lawn or garden
Sweep grass and leaves out of
the street
Drop off household hazardous
waste at my community
collection center
Pick up dog poop when walking
my dog
We want to know a little more about you.
10. How do you use lakes and rivers in Minnesota?
Please  all that apply.
 I swim or visit beaches
 I go boating
 I fish
 I hunt
 I camp
 I participate in nature study (bird watching, rock collecting, etc.)
 I participate in water sports (jet skiing, water skiing, etc.)
 I like to walk or bike near the water
 I like to drive around the rivers and lakes
 I live near the water
 I don’t use lakes and rivers in Minnesota
How large is your yard?
 I rent or live in a condominium
 Less than ½ acre
 Between ½ and 1 acres
 Between 1 and 3 acres
 Larger than 3 acres
How old are you?
 Under 18
 18 - 22
 22 - 65
 Over 65
Are you female or male?
 Female
 Male