
Chapter Thirteen
Global Climate
What we are going to learn?
We are going to learn the answers to the following questions
What are the factors that regular global climate?
How climates are classified?
What are the different types of climate?
What are micro-, macro- and meso-climates?
Climate: Average of the day to day weather over a long duration
Microclimate: Small climatic region near or on the ground
Mesoclimate: Climate of a small area of the earth’s surface
Macroclimate: Climate of a much larger area (state or a country)
Global Climate: Climate extending over the entire earth
Two important weather elements: temperature & precipitation
Climate Controls are:
Intensity of sunshine and its latitudinal variations
Ocean currents and thermohaline circulation systems
Relative distribution of land and water
Wind intensity and direction
Position of high- and low-pressure areas
Mountain barriers
Global Temperatures
Global temperatures – contd.
Isotherms are oriented East-West (same latitude locations receive same amount of solar energy)
Bending of isotherms along the coastal margins is partly due to the unequal heating & cooling of land & water
Variation in temperature between summer and winter will be far greater over continental interiors than along the
west coastal margins of continents; climates of interior continental regions will be more extreme (higher summer
temp and lower winter temp) than their counterparts in the west coast; west coast climates are typically quite mild
for their latitude
Highest mean temperatures occur in the tropics, but rather in the subtropical deserts of the Northern Hemisphere
Global Temperatures – contd.
Lowest mean temperatures occur over large land masses at high latitudes; coldest areas of the world is the Antartic
Snow and ice reflect ~80% of the sunlight that reaches the surface; much of the unreflected solar energy is used to
transform the ice and snow into water vapor
Southern hemisphere is cooler than Northern Hemisphere because:
Cold Antarctic
Polar regions of the southern hemisphere reflect more incoming sublight
Less land area found in the tropical and subtropical areas
Global Precipitation
Global distribution of precipitation is closely tied to the general circulation of the atmosphere and to the distribution
of mountain ranges & high plateaus
Equatorial regions are typically wet, while the subtropics and the polar regions are relatively dry
Precipitation is most abundant where the air rises; least abundant where it sinks
In tropical regions, the trade winds converge along the ITCZ producing rising air --- heavy precipitation all year
long; near 30 deg, the sinking air of the subtropical highs produces a ‘dry belt’ around the globe – presence of
Sahara Desert of North Africa in this region
Annual global pattern of precipitation
Global Precipitation – contd.
In the cold air of the polar regions there is little moisture --- winter storms drop light, powdery snow that remains
on the ground for a long time because of the low evaporation rates; in summer a ridge of high pressure tends to
block storm systems that would otherwise travel into the area --- precipitation is low in the arctic
Heaviest precipitation is concentrated in the eastern states, as moisture from the Gulf of Mexico moves northward;
cities on the plains receive more rainfall in summer ; those on the west coast have maximum precipitation in winter
Cities in the midwest and East usually have abundant rainfall all year long
Annual global pattern of precipitation
Vertical cross section along a line running N-S illustrating mian global regions of rising and sinking air
Global climate – contd.
Hottest places on earth generally occurs in the subtropical deserts of the Northern Hemisphere, where clear skies and
sinking air
The coldest places on earth tend to occur in the interior of high-latitude land masses; The coldest areas of the Northern
Hemisphere are found in the interior of Siberia and Greenland; coldest area of the world is Antarctic
Wettest places in the world are located on the windward side of mountains where warm, humid air rises upslope
Variations in annual precipitation for three Northern Hemisphere cities
Effect of topography on average annual precipitation along a line from the Pacific Ocean through CA and western
Climatic Classification – The Köppen System
Similarity in climate (temperature and precipitation) in an area forms the basis for classification
Köppen related distribution & types of vegetation to climate; five major climatic types designated by A (tropical
moist Climate), B (dry climate), C (moist mid-latitude climates with mild winters), D (moist mid-latitude climates
with severe winters) & E (polar climates)
Tropical Moist Climate (A): Monthly average temp above 18°C; no real winter season and year around warm
temp.; abundant rainfall (>150 cm); extends from equator to ~15-25 ° N or S;
Examples: Amazon lowland of South America, the Congo River Basin of Africa, and the East Indies from Sumatra
to New Guinea;
Key to map of precipitation records thoughout the world
Some precipitation records
Type – A Climatic zone – contd.
High temperature and abundant rainfall --- dense, broadleaf, evergreen forest – tropical rain forest with vegetation;
abundant sunlight allows for the growth of tangled shrubs forming impenetrable jungle
Major types are tropical wet (Af) and tropical monsoon (Am) and tropical wet and dry (Aw);
Tropical wet climate: seasonal temperature variations are < 3° C; greater variation in temperature between day &
night (average high ~32°C & average low ~22°C); towering cumulus clouds form every day to produce heavy,
localized showers in the afternoon; annual rainfall > 150 cm (windward side can exceed 400 cm/yr); high humidity
& cloud cover tend to keep maximum temp from reaching very high values
Temperature and Precipitation data for Peru (latitude 4°S; tropical wet climate, Af)
Climate A Type – contd.
In Peru, monthly rainfall variations are more than the temperatures --- due to migrating position of the intertropical
convergence zone (ITCZ) & associated wind patterns
Laterite: A soil formed under tropical conditions where heavy rainfall leaches soluble minerals from the soils
leaving soil hard and poor for growing crops
Tropical Monsoon Climate: When precipitation totals drop below 6 cm for perhaps one or two months; a tropical
climate with a brief dry period of perhaps one or two months; examples coasts of southeast Asia, India, and in
northeastern South America
Climate A Type – contd.
Tropical wet and dry climate (Aw): Distinct dry season prevails; annual rainfall >100 cm, but monthly rainfall for
more than 2 months is <6 cm --- rainforests cannot survive to this ‘drought’ giving rise to coarse savanna grass,
scattered with low, drought-resistant deciduous trees
Examples of Aw climate are: western Central America, north and south of the Amazon Basin (South America),
southcentral Asia and northern Australia
Dry Climate: Evaporation (E) + Transpiration (T) > Precipitation (P)
Climate data for Timbo, Guinea (11°N) – tropical wet-and-dry climate (Aw)
Dry Climates (Group B)
Deficient Precipitation [(E+T) > P] and irregular
Subtropical deserts extend from ~15-30° (often surrounded by mountains)
~26% of land area falls in this group
Major types: Arid (BW; 12% of the land) and Semi-arid (BS; 14% of the land)
Arid region is divided as follows: a) BWh or BSh: Climate is hot & dry with a mean annual temp of above 18°C; b) BWk or BSk:
Climate is cold (in winter) and dry with mean annual temp < 18°C
Examples for Arid region: West coast of South America, Africa and over much of the interior of Australia
In North America, arid climate extends from northern Mexico into the southern interior of the US
Most of the native plants are xerophytes (capable of surviving prolonged periods of drought)
Rain streamers (virga) in dry climates, as falling rain evaporates into the drier
Bushes and cactus found in the arid southwestern American deserts (BWh)
Dry climate – B – contd.
In low-latitude deserts (BWh), maximum daytime during the summer can >50°C (40-45°C; (104-113°F) are more common); RH
in the middle of the day 5-25%; minimum temp can drop below 25°C
Mid-latitude deserts (BWk): Summer maximum temp reaches 40°C (104°F); winters are extremely cold with minimum temp
below -35°C (-31°F); lie in the rain shadow of an extensive mountain chain (Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountains in North
America), Himalayan mountains and Andes in South America
Around the margins of the arid regions, where rainfall amounts are greater, the climate is gradually changes into semi-arid (BS);
examples: Most of the Great Plains, southern coastal sections of California, & northern valleys of the Great Basin; annual
precipitation 20-40 cm; examples are: Denver, Colorado
Arid (BWh) Climate – Phoenix, AZ (33.5°N)
Cumulus clouds in a semi-arid climate (BS) in Western North America
Climatic data for Denver, CO (40°N) – a semi-arid climate (BSk)
Moist subtropical mid-latitude climates (Group C)
Humid with mild winters with the average temp of the coldest month -3°C to 18°C (27-64°F); commonly found on
the eastern and western regions of most continents, 25-40° latitude
Major types: Humid subtropical (Cfa), marine (Cfb) and dry-summer subtropical or Mediterranean (Cs)
Humid subtropical climate (Cfa): Found principally along the east coasts of continents, ~25-40° latitude; summer
is hot and muggy; summer dew-point temp and RH are high (exceeding 23°C or 73°F); Mobile, AL
In winters, frost, snow, and ice storms are more common, but heavy snowfalls are rare
Rainfall: 80-165 cm/yr, fairly well distributed in an yr
Climatic data for Mobile, Alabama (30°N) – a humid subtropical climate (Cfa)
Moist subtropical - Marine
Marine (Cfb): Along western side of most continents from 40 to 60°; winds from the oceans moderate the climate;
summers are quite cool
The low annual temperature range in high latitude region – ocean’s influence keeps daily temp ranges low
Coastal Mediterranean Climate: Precipitation: 30-90 cm/yr; summer afternoon temp climb above 34°C(93°F) and
occasionally above 40°C (104°F);
San Francisco, CA & Sacremento, CA is only 130 km apart (inland) and average July temp is 9°C (16°F) higher
Climatic data for Port Hardy, Canada (51°N) – marine climate
Comparison of a coastal Mediterranean climate (Csb; San Francisco) with an interior Mediterranean
climate (Csa) Sacromento
Moist Continental Climates (Group-D)
Warm-to-cool summers and cold winters (warmest month average temp >10°C (50°F) & coldest monthly average
temp drops below -3°C (27°F); D climates are controlled by large land masses; found only in the Northern
hemisphere; D climates extend across North America and Eurasia (40° - ~70°)
Major types: Humid continental with hot summers (Dfa; long and hot summer; mid-day temp exceed 32°C (90°F;
nights are usually warm & humid)), humid continental with cool summers (Dfb; less humid; temp can exceed 35°C
(95°F)) and subpolar (Dfe)
Comparison of a humid continental hot summer climate, Dfa (Des Moines) with a humid continental cool summer climate
Subpolar climate (Dfc) – Fairbanks, AK (65°N); winters are severe, summers are short & cool, 1-3 months exceed
mean temp of 10°C (50°F)
Polar Climate – Group E
Year-round low temp (average temp of the warmest month < 10°C (50 °F), but above freezing;
Two major types: Polar tundra (ET) and Polar ice caps (EF)
Polar tundra: ground is permanently frozen (Permafrost)
Annual precipitation < 20 cm (in lower latitudes, would constitute desert, but in the cold polar regions, evaporation
rates are very low and moisture is adequate
Polar ice cap: Temp for every month is below freezing, plant growth is impossible & the region is covered with
snow and ice – Greenland and Antartica; precipitation < 10 cm/yr
Climate data for Barrow, Alaska (71°N) – polar tundra climate (ET)
Highland Climates (Group H)
Varying climate with altitude – 300 m elevation is equivalent to horizontal traveling 300 km northward (3°N)
Ascending on a mountain, one can travel through many climatic regions in a relatively short distance
Elevation in the central Sierra Nevada: Base of the mountain: semi-arid conditions; foothills: Mediterranean and the
vegetation changes; higher elevations: subpolar and vegetation changes; near the summit, permanent patches of ice
and snow, with some glaciers (in less than 4 km), the climate has changed from semi-arid to polar
Climatic data for Eismitte, Greenland (71°N); polar ice cap climate; ~ 3000 m above MSL
Vertical view of changing vegetation and climate due to elevation in the central Sierra Nevada
Chapter Summary
Micro-, meso-, and macro-climate with examples
Rainshadow desert and rainiest places
Rainforests exist in what climatic conditions?
What is a dry summer? Explain why it is a dry summer
Lowest temperature and precipitation in the world
Koppen classification system – type A, B
Characteristics of tropical wet climate, wet-and-dry climate
Most abundant climate type in the planet
Humid Subtropical climate; mediterranean climate; D-type climate where it is found in US;
Which climate type normally has the larges and smallest annual range in temp; subpolar temperature; polar ice cap climate; tundra