NSSI Information Exchange Workshop Breakout Session Worksheet 3 What inventory, monitoring and research projects and programs are you aware of that are occurring on the North Slope? 1. List 2. Note the temporal and spatial scales. Inventory Monitoring Research Gary Kofinas, UAF-NSF funded- Sustainability of Arctic Communities, simulation model and integrated assessment -US Canada Arctic Borderlands Ecological Monitoring Co-opcommunity based ecological monitoring -UAF- Regional Resilience and Adaptation- EIGERT program Adaptive Management course BP- Bill StreeverNRDA Bill Streever- BP-Fish monitoring, sea ducks, Restoration of 40 sites BP-Caribou moving on pipelines with remote cameras Whales- impacts of subsea noise from Northstar facility using directional hydrophones Tundra bird/predator study BLM-Historic contaminated sites- site investigation reports by Defense agencies -Inventory of contaminated fish in Colville River -Initiation of airborne contaminant study in NE NPR-A -watershed assessments -starting to interview natives on life history of fish -archeological and paleontological inventories BLM- monitoring shoreline erosion 3 points: -E. Teshekpuk, Lonely and Kogru -vegetation monitoring and effects of ice roads on vegetation in NPR-A -monitoring impacts of natural effects on arch. and pal. Sites BLM-effects on seismic operations on fish in lakes and streams -excavation of sites, and paleoecological research- early climate change studies in Pleistocene era. Looks at permafrost degradation and other climactic changes Bernie Zak- ARM – Climate Change Research Project (Barrow) Understand influence of clouds in radiance of transfer- how clouds evolve, predict clouds NSF- Aerosan project- automated aircraft, collects data MTI- DOE satellite, demonstration spy satellite- North Slope MTI projectimagery. Has base data, wants to establish archives USFWS- Arctic fish monitoring USFWS project -nearshore habitat overall- relate -temperature and salinities nat. fluctuations w/ nearshore -Canning River Overwintering habitat habitat study -Monitoring and research program -Dolly Varden Enumeration on the for threatened Steller’s eiders Hulahula River breeding at Barrow -small mammal inventory on Coastal -large mammal data sets- muskox, Plain caribou -caribou movements and -seismic trails distribution, overwintering -veg. disturbance of recreation sites -snow goose distribution and -public use monitoring abundance -cliff-nesting raptors monitoring -Barrier island bird distribution and -predator studies abundance NPS USFWS- temperature and salinities -biological impedance analysis -contaminants in peregrine falcons -vascular plants, upper nesting shorebirds- will turn into long-term monitoring effort -wolvering/moose distribution and productivity study -subsistence use pattern oral history projects -POPs-high lat and high altitude baseline works with lakes within Brooks Range for baseline I’d -Airborne heavy metal deposition USGS Water resources Go to Google and type in NWIS CRRELBrooks Range-snow depths/chemistry/contaminants USGS-Water resources -4 stream gauges for stage and discharge -mass balance program on McCall glacier w. UAF -Inventory on lake depths on lakes in North Slope, including chemical data Audubon -2 yr. review and synthesis of Western Arctic (published project) - tundra bird predator study, see WCS website Audubon -Jon Bart- USGS (ID)- project on developing protocol for monitoring shorebird distribution and productivity Toolik Field Station (over 300 researchers during summer) See Arctic LTER homepage - Research and monitoring- fish, population studies, plankton, trophic studies, lake trout, limnology, lake chemistry, atmospheric deposition in mercury and pollutants -GTH project- watershed substratestructure of watershed influencing lake ecology -Bathymetry work -Nutrient dynamics in rivers and streams -populations of fish and arthropods -hydrology -land-water interactions- linkage bet. Terrestrial and aquatic processes -ecology of warm and hot springs across N. Slope -atmospheric processes and hydrology linkages across N. Slope -Vertebrate work on birds, small mammals -plant ecology, physiology, microbial communities -algae/soil work -soil processes and how micro- ISER- disturbance affects ecology-remote sensing across landscapevariability -geology-glacial -mineral geology ISER- UAA (Matt Burman) - study of changes in employment patterns in Nuiqsit post- Alpine -changes in human demographic of villages in North -alcohol policy on suicide and homicide rates ARCUS- index of Arctic Researchers Naval Arctic Research Lab