Course description Course No. 0510305W Teacher Lu Yonghua Course Name English Measurement Techniques Chinese 测试技术 Course hours Total Theory Experiment Self-study Practice Course design 48 44 4 0 1. Yes College College Mechanics Electronics 0 of and Dept. Dept. of Mechanical and Electronical Engineering 2. No Course description:Describe the nature, academic status, and aims of the course (theory, ability and technique) 1. Course nature and academic status The study of any subject matter in engineering should be motivated by an appreciation of the uses to which the material might be put in the everyday practice of the profession. Measurement systems are used for many detailed purposes in a wide variety of application areas. Our approach will be to start with some specific applications in a specific industry and then generalize this picture by developing classification schemes that apply to all possible situations. This is an introductory course to mechanical measurements. Types of applications of measurement instrumentation will be introduced, and generalized configurations and functional descriptions of measuring instruments will be presented. Then, the course will analyze generalized performance characteristics of instruments, and tell students how to measure the motion and dimension, force, torque, and shaft power. At last, manipulating, computing, and compensating devices will be introduced in the course. Measurement Techniques is a three credit class. 2. Course aims (theory, ability and technique) By the end of this course the students are expected to: understand and use the instrument technical specifications have the basis for the calibration procedure used in typical measurement systems. assess the uncertainties of a measurement system, put together the components of a measurement system and manipulate, compute data got by sensors. Requirements for courses; ability and knowledge in advance Due to the nature of the course, the student is advised to review the fundamentals of Electricity, signals, control, and ordinary differential equations. Although normal statistical analysis will be used, prerequisites on statistics are not required. Course structure explanation: Make clear the necessary parts, optional parts, distribution of hours. Courses with experiments or practice are expected to explain hours needed, content, scheme and functions. Chapter 1 Types of Applications of Measurement Instrumentation 1.1 Why Study Measurement Systems? 1.2 Classification of Types of Measurement Applications 1.3 Computer-Aided Machines and Processes 1.4 Conclusion Problems 10 Bibliography Chapter 2 Generalized Configurations and Functional Descriptions of Measuring Instruments 2.1 Functional Elements of an Instrument 2.2 Active and Passive Transducers 2.3 Analog and Digital Modes of Operation 2.4 Null and Deflection Methods 2.5 Input-Output Configuration of Instruments and Measurement Systems Methods of Correction for Interfering and Modifying Inputs 2.6 Conclusion Problems Chapter 3 Generalized Performance Characteristics of Instruments 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Static Characteristics and Static Calibration Meaning of Static Calibration Measured Value versus True Value Some Basic Statistics Least-Squares Calibration Curves Calibration Accuracy versus Installed Accuracy Combination of Component Errors in Overall System-Accuracy Calculations Theory Validation by Experimental Testing Effect of Measurement Error on Quality-Control Decisions in Manufacturing Static Sensitivity Computer-Aided Calibration and Measurement: Multiple Regression Linearity Threshold, Noise Floor, Resolution, Hysteresis, and Dead Space Scale Readability Span Generalized Static Stiffness and Input Impedance: Loading Effects Concluding Remarks on Static Characteristics 3.3 Dynamic Characteristics Generalized Mathematical Model of Measurement System Digital Simulation Methods for Dynamic Response Analysis Operational Transfer Function Sinusoidal Transfer Function Zero-Order Instrument First-Order Instrument Step Response of First-Order Instruments Ramp Response of First-Order Instruments Frequency Response of First-Order Instruments Impulse Response of First-Order Instruments Second-Order Instrument Step Response of Second-Order Instruments Terminated-Ramp Response of Second-Order Instruments Ramp Response of Second-Order Instruments Frequency Response of Second-Order Instruments Impulse Response of Second-Order Instruments Dead-Time Elements Logarithmic Plotting of Frequency-Response Curves Response of a General Form of Instrument to a Periodic Input Response of a General Form of Instrument to a Transient Input Frequency Spectra of Amplitude-Modulated Signals Characteristics of Random Signals Requirements on Instrument Transfer Function to Ensure Accurate Measurement Sensor Selection Using Computer Simulation Numerical Correction of Dynamic Data Experimental Determination of Measurement-System Parameters Loading Effects under Dynamic Conditions Problems Bibliography Chapter 4 Motion and Dimensional Measurement 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Fundamental Standards 4.3 Relative Displacement: Translational and Rotational Calibration Resistive Potentiometers Resistance Strain Gage Differential Transformers Synchros and Resolvers Variable-Inductance and Variable-Reluctance Pickups Eddy-Current Noncontacting Transducers Capacitance Pickups Piezoelectric Transducers Electro-Optical Devices Photographic and Electronic-Imaging Techniques Photoelastic, Brittle-Coating, and Moiré Fringe Stress-Analysis Techniques Displacement-to-Pressure (Nozzle-Flapper) Transducer Digital Displacement Transducers (Translational and Rotary Encoders) Ultrasonic Transducers 4.4 Relative Velocity: Translational and Rotational Calibration Velocity by Electrical Differentiation of Displacement Voltage Signals Average Velocity from Measured _x and _t Mechanical Flyball Angular-Velocity Sensor Mechanical Revolution Counters and Timers Tachometer Encoder Methods Laser-Based Methods Radar (Microwave) Speed Sensors Stroboscopic Methods Translational-Velocity Transducers (Moving-Coil and Moving-Magnet Pickups) DC Tachometer Generators for Rotary-Velocity Measurement AC Tachometer Generators for Rotary-Velocity Measurement Eddy-Current Drag-Cup Tachometer 4.5 Relative-Acceleration Measurements 4.6 Seismic- (Absolute-) Displacement Pickups 4.7 Seismic- (Absolute-) Velocity Pickups 4.8 Seismic- (Absolute-) Acceleration Pickups (Accelerometers) Deflection-Type Accelerometers Null-Balance- (Servo-) Type Accelerometers Accelerometers for Inertial Navigation Mechanical Loading of Accelerometers on the Test Object Laser Doppler Vibrometers 4.9 Calibration of Vibration Pickups 4.10 Jerk Pickups 4.11 Pendulous (Gravity-Referenced) Angular-Displacement Sensors 4.12 Gyroscopic (Absolute) Angular- Displacement and Velocity Sensors 4.13 Coordinate-Measuring Machines 4.14 Surface-Finish Measurement 4.15 Machine Vision 4.16 The Global-Positioning System (GPS) Problems Bibliography Chapter 5 Force, Torque, and Shaft Power Measurement 5.1 Standards and Calibration 5.2 Basic Methods of Force Measurement 5.3 Characteristics of Elastic Force Transducers Bonded-Strain-Gage Transducers Differential-Transformer Transducers Piezoelectric Transducers Variable-Reluctance/FM-Oscillator Digital Systems Loading Effects 5.4 Resolution of Vector Forces and Moments into Rectangular Components 5.5 Torque Measurement on Rotating Shafts 5.6 Shaft Power Measurement (Dynamometers) 5.7 Gyroscopic Force and Torque Measurement 5.8 Vibrating-Wire Force Transducers Problems Bibliography Chapter 10 Manipulating, Computing, and Compensating Devices 10.1 Bridge Circuits 10.2 Amplifiers Operational Amplifiers Instrumentation Amplifiers Transconductance and Transimpedance Amplifiers Noise Problems, Shielding, and Grounding Chopper, Chopper-Stabilized, and Carrier Amplifiers Charge Amplifiers and Impedance Converters Concluding Remarks Filters Low-Pass Filters High-Pass Filters Bandpass Filters Band-Rejection Filters Digital Filters A Hydraulic Bandpass Filter for an Oceanographic Transducer Mechanical Filters for Accelerometers Filtering by Statistical Averaging 10.4 Integration and Differentiation Integration Differentiation 10.5 Dynamic Compensation 10.6 Positioning Systems 10.7 Addition and Subtraction 10.8 Multiplication and Division 10.9 Function Generation and Linearization 10.10 Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation 10.11 Voltage-to-Frequency and Frequency-to-Voltage Converters 10.12 Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters; Sample/Hold Amplifiers 10.13 Signal and System Analyzers (Spectrum Analyzers) Problems Bibliography Teaching methods (Lectures, practice, etc) Giving lectures is the mainly teaching method, and doing experiments is the secondary method. Forms of examination and requirements Structure of the final grade(including presence, class performance, ), focus of exam, forms of exam(test, interview, final report, etc) Grading is include: Final Exam 70% Homework 20% Attendance 10% Exam Format: Test (Open book or Close book) Textbook References Website Name Publisher Author Year Price 测 量 系 统 应 用 与 设 计 (Measurement Systems Application and design 5th ed)上下册 机械工业出 版社 Ernest O. Doebelin 2008 88.00 Name Publisher Author Year Price Figliola and Beasley 2000 Charles Wright 1995 Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements Applied Measurement Engineering Prentice-Hall, Inc. P. Course members Lu Yonghua, Zhao Zhuanping, Yang Ming, Yu Houyun, Ye Ming College The College of Mechanics and Electrics