MAT_SCI 360 Introduction to Electron Microscopy Fall 2013 TEM Laboratory 3: TEM Bright field and Dark field imaging Introduction This laboratory is designed to introduce two of the basic TEM techniques, bright field and dark field imaging. In this laboratory, you will learn to acquire bright-field, darkfield, especially the central-beam dark-filed images from a single crystal. Diffraction spots in a diffraction patterns represent electron beams diffracted to different directions by their corresponding lattice planes, as we learnt in the previous lab. The objective aperture can be used to select a certain diffraction beam, or several beams, to form an image. Such an image formed by electron beams diffracted to only desired directions shows diffraction contrast. When only the electrons transmitted forward along the TEM optical axis (without diffraction) are selected (experimentally by selecting only the transmitted spot by using objective aperture), the image formed is called bright filed image. Normally a bright-filed image has better contrast comparing to normal TEM image formed without using an objective aperture. When only electrons diffracted to a certain direction (defined by diffraction spots in the pattern) are selected (experimentally by selecting only one diffraction spot or several diffraction spots by using the objected aperture) to form an image. Such images are called dark-field images. Dark-field imaging has many advantages in studying defects, such as dislocations, stacking faults, etc. to reveals subtle microstructural features. Learning Objectives: By the end of this laboratory session, you should be able to: 1. Do bright-field imaging by putting in an objective aperture. 2. Do normal dark-field imaging by selecting a diffraction spot by moving the objective aperture. 3. Do the central dark-field imaging by tilting the beam in the “Dark-Field” mode. 4. Tilt a single crystal inside the TEM by using a double tilt holder to align the crystal to 2beam condition. 5. Under the 2-beam condition, tilt the beam to center –g in the “Dark-field” mode to acquire centered-dark imaging. Lab procedure: Aims: The aim of this lab is to familiarize you with TEM Bright field and Dark field imaging. This lab covers Simple BF/DF imaging by positioning objective aperture BF/CDF imaging under 2-beam condition TEM: Hitachi 8100 TEM Sample: Al-Cr based alloy I. Simple bright field (BF)/ dark field (DF) imaging by positioning objective aperture Simple Bright field imaging: a) Find and center an interesting area and Focus it with objective lens. b) Focus the illumination on the area and press Diff. c) Make sure that specimen shifts are not higher than 800, specimen tilts are not higher than 15 degrees and specimen is at eucentric height. d) Insert objective Aperture and center it around the transmission beam Note: Please do not adjust the height of the aperture. If you can not find the aperture you want to use, load other apertures first. You should find that one aperture is nearly centered. Then change and center apertures one by one to find the aperture you want to use. Ask for help if you cannot find any apertures. e) Press Zoom f) Focus the specimen image using (fine) Focus. Note: The image has the high diffraction contrast now because the objective aperture is in. g) Correct Obj. astig. Note: You may use CCD camera to correct Obj. Astig. Please do not press Diff when CCD camera is being used. Record image by using CCD camera See instruction in TEM room separately Simple Dark field imaging: a) Follow a)- c) described in bright field imaging. b) Insert objective Aperture and center it around a diffraction beam c) Return to imaging mode by press Zoom d) Focus the specimen image using (fine) Focus. e) Correct Obj. astig. Note: Fine focus and minor objective astigmatism correction may be needed because of spherical aberration. f) Adjust Brightness so that the beam is homogeneously illuminated. g) Select appropriate exposure time and take image by using CCD. II. Bright/Dark field imaging under 2-beam condition: a) Make sure that the illumination is centered in both bright field and dark field modes. b) Find and center a crystalline area and form a convergent beam diffraction pattern from the area. Make sure the diffraction pattern remains the same in Bright and Dark field modes. If not, adjust the Beam Tilt in dark field mode. c) Check a) and b) till both the illumination and diffraction pattern remain the same when Bright and Dark knobs are pressed alternatively. d) Form an electron diffraction pattern from an interesting area in Bright field mode and center the transmission beam. e) Tilt the specimen so that the pattern is under or nearly under a required twobeam condition (one transmission disc and one strong diffraction disc g). Note: Make sure that tilts are not higher that the maximum values (15 degree with Obj aperture, 45 degree without the aperture).Your specimen may move during tilting (especially for the second tilt). You should keep the sample at the screen center. f) Press Dark field knob. Adjust Beam Tilt to shift the –g weak disc to the screen center. Note: the –g weak disc will become strong one when it is centered. Make sure that the illumination is not shifted when it is tilted. g) Make sure that the tilts are not higher than 15 degree h) Insert and center Obj. aperture. Press Zoom to get a dark field image. i) Press Bright field knob to get a Bright field image under the two-beam condition. Focus the specimen image and correct Obj Astig. j) Select right exposure time to record a few dark field images. (The exposure time to record a dark-field image is normally longer than that of a bright field). Laboratory Questions: In your laboratory report you should provide a description of all micrographs taken and concise discussion of differences you see. The handouts and your textbook should be sufficient for you to interpret your results, but you should provide an explanation in your own words. It is recommended to section your report into different sections including Introduction, Experimental, Results, and Discussion etc. In your Experimental section, you will need to 1). Record one normal TEM image. 2). Record one bright-field image showing bending contours; recording one bright-field and one normal dark-field image showing dislocations. 3). Tilt the crystal to havea 2-beam condition; and then tilt the beam in dark-field mode to center the –g spot. Acquire a bright-field image and a central dark-field image showing dislocations, under the 2-beam condition. In addition to a discussion about methods of acquiring the diffraction patterns, your lab report should provide answers to the following questions: 1. Compare normal dark-field imaging technique to the central-beam dark-field imaging technique. What are the pros and cons of each method? 2. You observed also thickness fringes and bend contours in the lab. What is the origin of such contrast? Please use the “extinction distance” to derive the equation to describe how the thickness fringes are generated. 3. Hollow-cone dark-field imaging is also a useful dark-field imaging technique, which is not covered in the lab. Please draw a ray-diagram to show how a hollow cone darkfiled image is formed. You may also compare the hollow-cone dark-field imaging to a image with a scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) collected using an annular dark-filed detector. 4. The micrograph below shows some precipitates (bright streaks). Is this a BF image or DF image? Please describe how the micrograph was recorded. 5. Design a TEM experiment to determine displacement vector R of a stacking fault in a material with fcc crystal structure