Basic computer skills (includes vocabulary, language and operation)

Name: _____________________________________ -- HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Education -Technology Standards Checklist
(Based on the Virginia Instructional Personnel Standards and Grades 3, 5, and 12 Technology Standards)
Basic computer skills (includes vocabulary, language and operation)
The student will develop basic technology skills to include:
o Basic vocabulary
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Keyboarding/touch-typing skills ___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Use of related peripheral devices ___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Communicate with appropriate use of terminology ___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Explore use of imaging devices
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
Network and Internet
 The student will communicate through local and worldwide network communication systems.
o Develop hypermedia “home page” documents accessible by networks ___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Use networks to deliver and access information from electronic sources ___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Explore the difference between local and worldwide network systems ___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Use telecommunication tools for storing and sharing information
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Demonstrate distance learning applications ___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Describe how computers are connected to form a network
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
Search and research strategies
 The student will process, store, retrieve and transmit electronic information; will use technology appropriately to gather, analyze and report data.
o Use search strategies and electronic storage systems to retrieve information
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Evaluate usefulness and validity of electronically published information
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
Word processing/Information database
 The student will use application software to enhance communication and accomplish a variety of learning tasks.
o Create documents using word-processing and writing process ___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Integrate simple graphics, spreadsheets, databases, charts, etc. to word processed documents ___ Completed ___ Not Completed
Context: _________________________
o Edit multi-page documents
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Produce page layouts using publishing software, graphics and peripherals
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Organize and generate data reports using spreadsheets and databases ___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
Using hardware and peripherals
 The student will demonstrate a basic understanding of fundamental computer operations through use of electronic devices and related peripherals.
o Demonstrate interactive use of laser disc (or DVD) ___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Integrate specific purpose devices to content instruction
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Successfully operate multimedia system with peripheral devices
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Troubleshoot simple hardware/software problems
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
Technology Standards Checksheet – School of Education/VA Tech DH/SS
Name: _____________________________________ -- HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Education -Technology Standards Checklist (Continued)
(Based on the Virginia Instructional Personnel Standards and Grades 3, 5, and 12 Technology Standards)
Project and Integration
 Instructional personnel should be able to locate, integrate and use appropriate instructional hardware and software to support VA SOL’s and to meet the diverse needs of
learners in a variety of educational settings.
o Select and use audience and content-appropriate technology for communicating and presenting information
___ Completed ___ Not Completed
Context: _________________________
o Create multi-media presentations using video and graphics
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Integrate technologies to problem solving and critical thinking tasks
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
Copyright and legal issues
 Instructional personnel shall demonstrate knowledge of ethical and legal issues relating to use of technology.
o Apply Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines in reporting information
___ Completed ___ Not Completed Context: _________________________
o Explain legal, personal safety, network etiquette and ethical behaviors regarding the use of technology and information
___ Completed ___ Not Completed
Context: _________________________
Student Signature: _______________________________________________
Advisor’s Signature:
Technology Standards Checksheet – School of Education/VA Tech DH/SS
Date: __________________________