SEC: 一种在对等存储网络中的安全纠删码方案

SEC: A Practical Secure Erasure Coding
Scheme for Peer-to-Peer Storage System
Jing Tian, Zhi Yang, Yafei Dai, Yong Liu
Peking University, Beijing, China
Report No PKU_CS_NCIS_TR2006001
November 27, 2006
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Lab
Peking University
Beijing, China 100871
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Lab, Peking University
SEC: 一种在对等存储网络中的安全纠删码方案
田 敬+
杨 智+
信息科学与技术学院, 100871)
刘 勇*
信息安全实验室, 100871)
本文提出一个新的安全的纠删码方案(SEC)来解决上述的安全问题。SEC 方案将敏感数据编码到多个数据碎
片中,进而将不同的数据碎片存储在不同的对等节点上。从理论上讲,SEC 方案保证碎片级别的无条件安全性。换
言之,SEC 从理论上保证即便一个恶意节点拥有无穷的计算能力并且已经获得了密钥,他/她也绝对不可能从本地
存储的一个密文碎片中获得任何明文的任何子部分数据。通过利用对等网络的大规模特性,SEC 进而使得恶意节点
通过搜集足够数量的密文碎片以解密成为几乎不可能。SEC 方案可以被单独使用,同时起到数据加密和冗余的作用;
SEC 也可以和传统的分组密码算法结合使用,解决对等存储网络中的安全问题。实验表明,SEC 方案有较高的编码
关键词: 对等存储网络;机密性;纠删码
SEC: A Practical Secure Erasure Coding Scheme for Peer-to-Peer Storage System
Jing Tian+, Zhi Yang+, Yafei Dai+
CNDS Lab, Peking
Yong Liu*
InfoSec Lab, Peking University*
Abstract: Though conventional block cipher is widely used in Peer-to-Peer storage systems, it is insufficient to ensure the
confidentiality of long-term archive data because of the inherent Peer-to-Peer storage vulnerability that data is stored on
other untrusted peers. There are two potential security weak spots: (1) sensitive data may be exposed from the encrypted
data stored on an adversary peer when the weakness of block cipher is discovered or there is a leakage of secret key; (2)
even when a user realizes the security threats, he/she cannot destroy the encrypted data stored on an adversary peer to
minimizing the loss.
This paper proposes a novel secure erasure code (SEC) scheme to solve the above security problems. The SEC scheme
encodes the sensitive data into several fragments, and then stores the fragments onto different peers. In theory, SEC ensures
unconditional confidentiality at the fragment level, which means that an adversary cannot obtain any portion of sensitive
data from local stored encrypted fragment even if he/she has the secret key and infinite computation power. By leveraging
the large scale property of Peer-to-Peer systems, SEC further makes it infeasible for the adversary to collect enough
fragments for decrypting. SEC can be used alone or together with block cipher to solve these potential security problems.
The performance results show that the SEC scheme is practical for the real-world applications.
Key words: Peer-to-Peer storage system, confidentiality, erasure codes
 This work is supported by National Grand Fundamental Research 973 program of China under Grant No.2004CB318204, National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant No.90412008
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Lab, Peking University
In recent years, the Peer-to-Peer technology has been shown to be promising in constructing large scale
persistent storage. Many Peer-to-Peer storage systems are proposed, such as [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]. Extensive
research efforts have focused on providing stable overlay network and long-term data durability. However,
there has been little research reported on the confidentiality of the data.
Reed-Solomon Codes Preliminaries
As opposed to replication scheme, erasure codes provide a more flexible redundancy scheme to tolerate
storage component failures. Erasure codes divide a data object into m fragments, and encode them into n
fragments, where all the fragments have same size and n  m , so the redundancy rate r is n/m. When
decoding, erasure codes only need any t ( t  m ) fragments out of all the n encoded fragments to reconstruct
the data. The original data fragments can be viewed as a vector D  ( D1 , D2 ,..., Dm ) , and the encoding function
Enc maps the original data fragments onto the encoded fragments Enc( D)  E , E  ( E1 , E2 ,..., En ) . The
decoding function Dec maps a subset of E back to the original data, Dec( Ei , Ei ,..., Ei )  D .
The SEC Scheme
The Construction of GSEC
In the key generation procedure, there are two constraints of the parameters as follows,
L  log 2 (m  n)  log 2 (m  (1  r ))
lk  L  (m  n)  L  m  (1  r )
generateMatrix(string key, int m, int n)
for i←1 to (m+n)
if ((there exits prior element E[j]) && (E[i] = = E[j]))
pseudo_random.setSeed (E[i]);
E[i]←pseudo_random.nextInt(2L - 1);
until no prior element equals E[i];
return true;
Fig1: The pseudocode to construct the GSEC
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Lab, Peking University
Performance Evaluation
Table 1. The computation overheads, lk=512, r=1, m=16, L=16
log/inverse log tables in GF(2L)
encoding matrix from key
inverse matrix for decoding
Fig 1: Optimal m for different key length lk
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