Curriculum Vitae

John Joseph Renger, Ph.D.
Center for Learning and Memory • Brain & Cognitive Sciences Department
Massachusetts Institute of Technology • Cambridge • MA 02139
(617) 258-8128 [phone] • (617) 452-2573 [fax]
Research Experience
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999 - current
Postdoctorate, Center for Learning and Memory
Depts. of Biology, Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge, MA, 02139
Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, 1997-1999
Staff Scientist, Neuronal Function Group
Inst. for Chem. and Phys. Research, Wakoshi, 351-1098
Ph.D., Biological Sciences, 1997
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242
B.S., Biology, Pre-medicine, minor Psychology, 1991
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242
High School Diploma, 1987
St. John High School, Bancroft, Iowa 50517
Research Techniques
- Extracellular field recording from cortical slices
- Optical recording of cortical activity with voltage-sensitive dyes
- In vivo single unit extracellular recording of cortical neurons
- Patch-clamp recording/ single synapse stimulation/ iontophoresis
Neuronal cell culture
- Acute hippocampal neurons
- Organotypic thalamocortical mixed cultures
- Voltage-sensitive dyes
- FM dyes
- Nissl, fluorescence, precipitate
Small animal surgery
- Anesthia protocols
- Monocular deprivations/ tracheotomies
Articles, Chapters, Reviews
1. Renger, J., Egles, C. and Liu, G. (2001). A developmental switch in neurotransmitter flux enhances
synaptic efficacy by affecting AMPA receptor activation. Neuron 29: 469-484.
2. Hensch, T., Renger, J., and Nakanishi, S. (2001). Synaptic depression and the sensory plasticity of
developing visual cortex. (submitted).
3. Renger, J., and Hensch, T. (2001). Role of GABA in cortical development and refinement. (in
4. Renger, J., Ueda, A., Govind, C., Atwood, H., and Wu, C.-F. (2000). Role of cAMP cascade in
synaptic stability and plasticity: Ultrastructural and physiological analyses of individual synaptic boutons in
Drosophila memory mutants. J. Neuroscience 20: 3980-3992.
5. Fan, G., Egles, C., Sun, Y., Minichiello, L., Renger, J., Klein, R., Liu, G., and Jaenisch, R. (2000).
Knocking the NT4 gene into the BDNF locus rescues BDNF deficient mice and reveals distinct NT4 and
BDNF activities. Nature Neurosci. 3: 350-357.
6. Renger, J., Sokolowski, M., Yao, W., and Wu, C.-F. (1999). Neuronal polymorphism among natural
alleles of cGMP-dependent kinase gene in Drosophila. J. Neurosci. 19: RC28: 1-8.
7. Renger, J. (1997). Genetic dissection of neuronal plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster: Roles for
calcium-activated second messengers in the modulation of neuronal connectivity and synaptic transmission.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Iowa, pp. 1-280.
8. Wu, C.-F., Renger, J., and Engel, J. (1997). Activity-dependent functional and developmental plasticity
of Drosophila neurons. Adv. in Insect Phys., 27: 385 - 440.
9. Wang, J., Renger, J., Griffith, L., Greenspan, R., and Wu, C.-F. (1994). Concomitant alterations of
physiological and developmental plasticity in Drosophila CaM kinase II-inhibited synapses. Neuron 13:
10. Stewart, B., Atwood, H., Renger, J., Wang, J., and Wu, C.-F. (1994). Drosophila larval neuromuscular
preparation's performance in improved physiological solutions. J. Comparative Phys. A. 175: 179-191.
Abstracts (selected)
1. Renger, J., and Liu, G. (2001). Functional maturation of CNS glutamatergic synapses. (in press,
Keystone symposia).
2. Renger, J., Egles, C., and Liu, G. (2000). Switch in mechanism of transmitter release occurs during
maturation of new synapses. Neuroscience Abstracts 519.5, p. 1386.
3. Hensch T., Renger J., Fagiolini M., Hartman K., Yokoi M., and Nakanishi S. (2000). Synaptic
depression and experience-dependent plasticity in developing visual cortex: Discrimination by
metabotropic glutamate receptors. Eur. J. Neurosci.12: 30 Suppl.
4. Renger, J., Fujishima, S., Obata, K., and Hensch, T. (1999). GABA circuit control of spatial activation
in developing mouse visual cortex. Neuroscience Abstracts 604.4, p. 1515.
5. Hensch T.K., Renger J., Hartman K.N., Yokoi M., and Nakanishi S. (1999). Synaptic depression and
the experience-dependent refinement of visual cortex: Role of mGluRs. Neuropharmacology 38: (10) A19.
6. Hartman, K., Renger, J., Yokoi, M., Nakanishi, S., and Hensch, T. (1998). Development of Short-term
synaptic plasticity in the mouse visual cortex. Neuroscience Abstracts 419.4, p. 1049.
Awards, Grants, and Scholarships
1999 RIKEN-MIT Center for Learning and Memory, MIT, Fellowship
1996 Univ. of Iowa Seed Grant for Image Analysis
1995 Univ. of Iowa Seed Grant for Image Analysis
1992 Honorable Discharge, United States Army
1987 Iowa Science Award
1987 University of Iowa Honors Society
Teaching Experience
1996 Neurophysiology, Lecture Course
1996 Principles of Neuroscience, Lecture Course
1996 Introduction to Animal Biology, Laboratory Course
1995 Principles of Animal Biology, Laboratory Course
1994 Principles of Neuroscience, Lecture Course
1993 Principles of Animal Biology, Laboratory Course
1992 Principles of Animal Biology, Laboratory Course
Committee Positions Held
1997 Biological Sciences Faculty Search Committee
1996-97 U. of Iowa Biol. Sciences Initiative Committee
1996-97 U. of Iowa Biol. Sciences Post-Doc Grant Rev. Committee
1996 Biological Sciences Faculty Search Committee
1993-97 Natural Sciences Coordinating Committee
1992-93 Graduate Student Steering Committee, elected
Seminars and Lectures
Center for Learning and Memory, MIT, " Switch in mode of transmitter release underlies silent
synaptic transmission."
Neuronal Function Group, RIKEN, Japan, "Altered neuronal plasticity associated with learning
and memory mutants of Drosophila."
35th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Chicago, IL, "Altered Synaptic Structure and
Function of Synapses within the Learning Mutants, dunce and rutabaga."
Biological Sciences Dept., Univ. of Utah, "Learning and Memory and Second Messenger
Systems: What Have We Learned From the Drosophila Larval Neuromuscular Junction?"
Biological Sciences Dept., Univ. of Iowa, Neuronal plasticity and the mechanisms of LTP/LTD.
Fundamental Neuroscience
Sigma Xi, member
Society for Neuroscience, member