Job and Person Specification Approval

Job and Person Specifications
Title of Position: Technical Officer
Administrative Unit: SA Pathology
Classification Code: MeS - 1
Directorate: Haematology – Transfusion Medicine
Discipline Code:
Site: RAH
Type of Appointment
 Permanent
Position Number:
 Temporary
Term: 12 Months
 Other
Job and Person Specification Approval
All excluding Executive positions
Executive Positions
Commissioner for Public Employment
Job Specification
Summary of the broad purpose of the position in relation to organisation goals
(Its expected outcome and how it is achieved)
Contributes to the diagnostic and therapeutic activities of both the State Red Cell Serology Reference Laboratory and
Diagnostic Laboratory of the Transfusion Medicine Unit to ensure effective provision of high quality test results to clients
and safe transfusion to patients.
Principally responsible for the performance of serological investigation of abnormal pre-transfusion compatibility testing
results and perinatal screening for haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn, as well as the performance of diagnostic
tests for other immuno-haemolytic anaemias.
Reporting/Working Relationship
(To whom the person reports, staff for whom the person is responsible for and other significant connections and working relationships within the organisation)
Reports to the Supervising Medical Scientist responsible for the State Red Cell Serology Reference Laboratory.
Assists the Suupervising Medical Scientist to supervise the activities of the State Red Cell Serology Reference Laboratory,
and provides support for the Diagnostic & Therapeutic Laboratory.
Deputises for the Supervising Medical Scientist in his/her absence with support from the Laboratory Manager and other
senior staff within the Unit.
Special Conditions
(such as non-metropolitan location, travel requirements, frequent overtime etc)
Required to participate in State Red Cell Serology Reference Laboratory shift roster, covering 0700-1900 hours Mon-Fri.
Overtime may be required
Depending on workload and staffing levels, may be required to participate in shift work on a 24 hour, 7 days a week roster
in the Diagnostic Laboratory.
Depending on work requirements the appointee may be transferred to other locations within SA Pathology to perform work
of a similar nature appropriate to the classification either on a permanent or temporary basis.
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Appointment is subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Report obtained through Screening and Licensing Branch,
DFC, to be renewed every three years thereafter from date of issue.
Statement of Key Outcomes and Associated Activities
(Group into major areas of responsibility/activity and list in descending order of importance)
Contribute to the provision of an effective and high quality State Red Cell Serology Reference Laboratory service by:
Performing serological investigation of abnormal pre-transfusion compatibility testing results to ensure the correct
selection of blood for transfusion.
Performing serological investigation of abnormal perinatal screening tests to assist in the diagnosis and prevention of
haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn.
Performing other specialised laboratory investigations associated with other immunohaemolytic diseases and other
diagnostic tests, as required.
Monitoring and prioritising workload, in liaison with the Supervising Medical Scientist.
Supervising the work of the Technical Officers who work in the laboratory
Providing advice to staff of SA Pathology Regional Laboratories, staff of the Royal Adelaide Hospital, medical
practitioners and other clients of SA Pathology in relation to interpretation of test results and the provision of blood for
Performing, reporting and validating test results.
Assisting the Supervising Medical Scientist to ensure an adequate supply of reagents for use by the Transfusion
Medicine Unit and other SA Pathology transfusion services.
Supports the provision of an effective and high quality service offered by the Diagnostic & Therapeutic Laboratory by:
Performing routine pre-transfusion compatibility testing enabling the selection of compatible blood for transfusion, and
performing other routine diagnostic tests, as required.
Performing the clerical and administrative duties associated with the issue of blood products, as required.
Assists with the supervision and performance of the quality management and quality assurance activities by:
- Assisting with document control, including performance of procedure audits and reviews.
- Performing and supervising quality assurance and quality control activities associated with equipment and reagents,
including calibration of equipment, as required.
Participates in the training and continuing education programs provided for new and existing staff members, SA Pathology
Regional staff members and Medical Officers by providing lectures, tutorials and practical training.
Participates in the continual improvement of the quality of services by assisting or supervising the development, evaluation
and implementation of new reagents, test procedures and equipment, as required.
Contributes to Occupational Health and Safety within SA Pathology by taking reasonable care to protect personal health
and safety and the safety of other staff, wear protective clothing and use safety equipment as directed
Provide services for the South Australian community consistent with the policies of the elected Government by complying
with the Code of Conduct for South Australian Public Sector Employees, the SA Pathology Code of Conduct and with all
other policies contained in the SA Pathology Corporate Manual.
Comply with the Principles of the Code of Fair Information Practice, adopted by the Department of Health, which regulate
the collection, use, disclosure, storage and transfer of all personal patient/client information within the Organisation and
throughout its funded service providers.
Acknowledgement by Occupant:……………………………………………………….
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Person Specification
Essential Minimum Requirements (Those characteristics considered absolutely necessary)
Educational / Vocational Qualifications
(Include only those listed in the Department of Health, Human Resource Manual 3.1 as an essential qualification for the specific classification group)
A recognised B. App. Sc.[Medical Laboratory/Biomedical Science], B.Sc., or equivalent.
Personal Abilities / Aptitudes / Skills
Ability to understand work procedures and policies and to perform complex serological procedures.
Ability to provide high quality test results.
Good oral communication skills, enabling effective communication within a work team and with clients.
Good written communication skills.
Positive and enthusiastic personality.
Ability to work under the pressure of emergency service provision.
Ability to manage personal workflow by setting priorities and meeting deadlines.
Ability to use initiative and to resolve problems.
(Related to the job description and expressed in a way which allows objective assessment)
(Including community experience)
Experience working in a transfusion laboratory, with experience performing pre-transfusion compatibility testing and
investigative blood group serology.
Knowledge of the requirements for providing a client-focused, high quality laboratory service.
Knowledge of pre-transfusion compatibility testing procedures and perinatal blood group serology test procedures.
Knowledge of blood group systems and their clinical significance.
Knowledge of the blood products used for transfusion.
Knowledge of laboratory information systems and their application in transfusion medicine.
Knowledge of OHS&W principles and practices.
General knowledge of the operation of medical pathology laboratories.
Desirable Characteristics
(To distinguish between applicants who have met all essential requirements)
Personal Abilities / Aptitudes / Skills
Ability to supervise the work of more junior staff.
Ability to deal with and resolve inter-personal conflict if it arises.
Ability to give presentations at meetings.
Experience supervising staff.
Experience working in other pathology disciplines.
General knowledge of Haematology.
Educational /Vocational Qualifications
(Considered to be useful in carrying out the responsibilities of the position)
Membership of appropriate professional society [s].
Completion of PC and word processing or spreadsheet training program[s].
Other Details
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