Meeting: Ex Comm Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009 6:00 Location: Grad House Attendees: Angela, China, Jen, Jenna, Joseph, Ken, Mike, Nick, Peter, Scott, Tony 1. Maternity Leave Update Ex Comm and Assembly passed a resolution to add a maternity clause to the GPSO Constitution and By-Laws based on the campus wide policy. Although this policy is not in the SAA handbook, the policy is in effect. Therefore, there is no need for advocacy or a resolution at this time. 2. Coffee before Assembly meeting This has been planned to give representatives a chance to meet each other in the half hour before tomorrow’s Assembly meeting. Nick asked any Ex Comm officers who are available to attend. 3. Campus Affairs - student ID, IUSA Aid GPSO Ex Comm has the power to create ad hoc committees and last month it created a Campus Affairs Committee to address the possibility of adding a graduate sticker to student graduate IDs in order to distinguish graduate and undergraduate students. The sticker would give graduate students membership and discount benefits. The chair of this committee is Luke Fields who will speak at tomorrow’s assembly meeting and will ask for interested parties to join him. 4. Newsletter Nick proposed to discontinue the GPSO newsletter and instead write a graduate student spotlight on the GPSO website. There was consensus among the Ex Comm to make this transition. 5. Travel Grant Amounts This year the budget for travel grants is $5000 per semester. These funds will be divided into six $500 awards and eight $250 awards. 6. Surveys Nick received unanimously feedback in favor of the streamlined, shortened survey. There was consensus in the Ex Comm that the shorter survey should be sent out to the IU graduate population. 7. Work-study Update Peter was not able to hire work-study staff this semester. He does know of an interested individual who could be hired as a regular employee. The current proposed wage is $10 an hour but could be lowered in order to prolong employment. 8. Officer Updates Vice President - Jen Will speak tomorrow at the Assembly meeting to discuss the BFC committees and ask for graduate involvement. Tomorrow there is an AUSA meeting which Jen is unable to attend. Nick will attend in her place. Parliamentarian - China Will report on the 2009 enrollment audit at tomorrow’s Assembly meeting. She is working with Jen and Jenna to update the GPSO representative handbook. Sustainability Officer - Scott Wrote an initiative for the Public Safety and Transportation Task Force, a committee he sits on. He will present the initiative tomorrow at the Assembly meeting. Liaison - Jenna Planning the second Diversity Council monthly meeting. She has three confirmed Diversity Council Assembly representatives. She is working with Peter on the Diversity Forum taking place next week as part of Graduate Survival Week. Benefits Officer - Joseph Two people are interested in sitting on the benefits committee. Grants Officer - Tony Drafted an event sponsorship proposal and would like the Ex Comm to read it and provide him with their feedback. He has three people interested in being on his committee. Communications Coordinator - Angela Office computer is working well and all data is restored. Updated the BFC committee page on the GPSO website. Did the paperwork to join NAGPS and added links to the NAGPS health plan from several places on the GPSO website. Added all Ex Comm and Assembly meeting minutes to GPSO website. Updated the travel awards survey to indicate that recipients might be asked to present their work to the GPSO community. Photos of GPSO officers will be taken at next week’s officer meeting. Treasurer - Ken has no updates at this time. Operations Coordinator - Peter All Survival Week events have been planned and announced. Jenna will help with Diversity Roundtable discussion event setup. Angela and Joseph will help to set up the Family Resource Fair. He is in conversation with the library about Grad Pad. Announced Graduate Prom event that Union Board asked GPSO to co-sponsor. GPSO will assist with advertizing. Awards Officer - Mike 16 people on committee. He would ideally like to have 20. Planning the first meeting of the year. President - Nick Announced that have GPSO officers have drive space available. Asked each member of Ex Comm to write a description of what they have done in the last several months to document officer’s duties, responsibilities, and accomplishments. Reviewed the agenda for tomorrow’s Assembly meeting. Read his statement that he will give tomorrow at the Trustees meeting regarding separating graduate and undergraduate fees.