Thursday, November 5, 2009

Meeting: Ex Comm
Date: Thursday, November 5, 2009 6:00
Location: Grad House
Attendees: Angela, China, Jen, Jenna, Ken, Nick, Peter, Scott
1. Email addresses to add to the gpsoannounceme listserv
In the recent survey, there was a field where students could request to be added to the
gpsoannounceme listserv and approximately 125 students signed up. Nick asked who could help
input these names. Jenna suggested using a script to add multiple email addresses simultaneously.
Angela will use this script.
2. Date change for Ex Comm meetings in the spring
Nick proposed meeting on the first and third Thursdays of the month since the current practice of
meeting on the first and second Thursdays of the month creates long time gaps between meetings.
Also, there was a request to move to an earlier meeting time of 5:00 instead of 6:00.
3. Officer file server space
Angela is working on getting everyone access to common file server space. Nick requested that
every officer should upload files that are relevant to our position as a way to archive our work and
also to provide helpful information to future officers.
4. Graduate Student Conference ad hoc committee
At tomorrow’s Assembly meeting, Nick will ask for volunteers to serve on an ad hoc committee to
help plan next semester’s graduate student conference. Jenna volunteered to sit on the committee
and Jen will attend the first planning meeting.
5. Preliminary look at survey results
We reviewed the results from the recent graduate survey doing an informal comparison to last
year’s graduate survey.
6. Officer Updates
President - Nick
 Began a conversation with graduate organizations at other Big 10 schools regarding the
survey and as a result he will head a Big 10 graduate school coalition.
 Spoke with the Budgetary Affairs CEO regarding residency issues. IU compared to the other
Big 10 schools has a very strict policy. Nick will work with other Indiana universities to draft
a resolution to send to the state government.
Treasurer - Ken
 No update at this time.
Sustainability Officer - Scott
 Tomorrow he will give an update to the Assembly regarding sustainability issues.
 Reported that there has been no movement on the University Presidents’ Climate
 The Bloomington Campus Traffic Safety Task Force recent traffic recommendations include
an educational program and six new cross walks.
Ten thousand IU signatures/student ids are required to add the optional sustainability fee to
the registration process. He discussed the challenges of collecting these signatures by the
end of the semester.
Liaison - Jenna
 There is a Diversity Council meeting tomorrow at noon.
 Attended the BFC meeting held on Tuesday where office position and title name changes
were discussed.
 Attended cultural center planning meetings.
Parliamentarian - China
 No updates at this time.
Operations Coordinator - Peter
 IU Recreational Sports would like to partner with the GPSO to hold semester kick off events
for next spring.
 There are over 50 responses for tomorrow night’s Speed Dating event.
Vice President - Jen
 Asked for GPSO handbook feedback by Wednesday.
 Attended the Research Affairs committee meeting.
Communications Coordinator - Angela
 Added a plagiarism page, a GPSO committee’s page, a CAPS resource information page, and
all remaining items discussed at the GPSO retreat to the GPSO website. Next she will add a
family page to the site.
 Discussed a web service called which helps graduate students find jobs.
 There are issues with the site’s calendar. The issue has been identified as a bug with the
Google calendar and will hopefully be resolved soon.
 After a push by Angela and Nick to fill Assembly seats, 83 are full out of the 127 total.