Nursing Progress Log Skills list Note – students must be able to carry out all skills effectively and safely (this is assumed throughout) Important note regarding core unit skills Skills in core units must be gained in relation to the care of small animals, which should include dogs, cats and exotic species. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Understanding the operational requirements of a veterinary practice Manually handle and move materials and equipment loads safely Store equipment and materials in a way that enables safe manual handling Complete a risk assessment for one area of the practice and instigate appropriate action Maintain stock in the examination room Follow practice procedure for ordering supplies Identify and dispose of surplus and outdated stock Follow practice protocol to report damage to and malfunction of accommodation and/or equipment Ability to move a variety of loads demonstrating safe technique. Taking into account positioning of load, weight, stability, and handler factors. Taking into account accessibility, use of aids EC1B EC1B EC1A Keep stock in optimum condition for use taking in to account stock rotation, expiry dates and storage temperatures EC4A EC4A EC4A EC6A Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 Professional relationships and communication for veterinary nursing practice Make appointments for consultations and for medical and surgical Use a variety of means (face-to-face, procedures telephone) Reasons for appointment must include first opinion, emergency, follow up and a variety of surgical/medical procedures Register new clients and new patients Use a variety of means (face-to-face, telephone) Take and record payments accurately To include credit card, cheque and insurance claims Maintain client records and documentation appropriately Following practice protocol, to include dealing with insurance forms Exhibit client-focussed behaviour and personal presentation To include approach, personal appearance and attitude Communicate effectively with clients Use a variety of means (face-to-face, telephone). Follow practice protocol to achieve client satisfaction (pay attention to appearance, choice of vocabulary and non-verbal communication) Produce clear written clinical records (observations, nursing reports and client instructions) EC3A, EC3B EC3A, EC3B EC3A EC3A EC3A EC3A EC3A Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 -2- 1 2 3 Applied animal welfare, health and husbandry for veterinary nurses Demonstrate correct techniques for handling, holding, restraining, approaching, catching and moving of animals for examination. During the procedure ensure health, safety and welfare for the animals and people involved. Clean and maintain accommodation. To include cat, dog and a variety of exotics. Exotics may include guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, rodents and reptiles EC4B To include cat, dog and a variety of exotics. Exotics may include guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, rodents and reptiles EC6A Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 -3- 1 4 Infection control in veterinary practice Select and constitute appropriate cleaning and disinfectant solutions 2 Demonstrate methodical and effective cleaning technique in order to maintain hygiene throughout the entire practice 3 Handle and dispose of hazardous or offensive biological materials: body fluids faeces tissue cadavers Demonstrate methodical and effective hand hygiene 4 5 Exhibit personal hygiene, wear appropriate disposable protective clothing and dress appropriately to ensure minimal infection risk Taking into account safe and effective use, susceptibility of different classes of organisms such as viruses and bacteria To include consulting rooms, kennels, laboratory areas, isolation and operating theatres EC6A EC6A EC1A Using the World Health Organisation method Taking into account personal hygiene, appropriate personal protective equipment, infection risks of jewellery, nail varnish, hair, sleeves and footwear EC1B EC1B Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 5 Essentials of practical veterinary nursing care for hospitalised animals Prepare and maintain accommodation for in-patients taking into account species and clinical condition Assess and record overall animal condition and demeanour to include signs of pain and anxiety Assess and record temperature, pulse, respiration, colour of mucous membranes and level of consciousness Observe and monitor intake and excretion Groom and bathe patients appropriately according to species Provide food and fluids to patients taking into account: medical dietary requirements species and size of animal normal feeding regimes Hand feed patients Administer tube feeds Administer solutions for oral re-hydration Assemble fluid therapy equipment and materials Monitor the administration of fluid therapy and recognise problems with flow rate or catheter site should these arise Apply simple wound dressings using aseptic technique Apply simple bandages that: retain dressings effectively support limbs Observe and report the condition of wounds Use strategies and devices to prevent patient interference with wounds Interpret prescriptions and prepare medicines for administration: oral topical parenteral Administer oral and apply topical medications Administer rectal medication or enemata Correctly reconstitute medicines according to manufacturer’s instructions To include substrates and bedding materials To include appearance and behaviour EC6A To include assisting with recovery from anaesthesia To include urine, faeces, vomitus/ gastric reflux To include cleansing of orifices EC6B EC6B EC6B EC6B EC6B EC6B EC6B EC6B EC6C EC6C EC6B EC6B Written and oral communication Bandages, Elizabethan collars, bitter sprays and/or Equine cradles, rugs, bibs, cribbox application EC6B EC6B EC13B EC13B EC13B EC13B Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 -5- 20 Draw up medicines for parenteral administration with regard to safety, accuracy and asepsis EC13B 21 Administer medications by injection: subcutaneous intramuscular Dispose of used materials: ampules syringes needles Interpret care plans and deliver prescribed nursing care perioperative nursing medical nursing Communicate effectively on and record in-patient progress EC13B 22 23 24 EC13B Use a care plan to inform delivery of nursing care for medical and surgical related problems Report observations of animals effectively to colleagues to include oral and written communication EC6B EC6B Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 Supporting the supply of veterinary medication Interpret prescriptions and prepare medication for dispensing Handle, dispense and label medication taking into account health and safety, legal requirements and practice protocols Advise clients on safe and correct routes of administration, potential side effects, storage and disposal of medication Explain to clients suitable techniques for administering medication to include: instruction demonstration written guidance Maintain records of Schedule 2 medications (Controlled Drugs) in accordance with legal requirements and practice policy Dispose of unused pharmaceuticals Calculate and dispense the required dosage, quantity and frequency of administration of medication taking into account safe handling of medicines. To include appropriate use of personal protective equipment To include safe handling and personal protective equipment requirements Must include pitching level of instruction and guidance, checking owner understanding, appropriate follow up. To include withdrawal times for production animals EC13A EC13A EC13A EC13A EC13A EC13A Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 -7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 Veterinary Nursing Support of Diagnostic Imaging Maintain and ensure personal safety and that of others when working with ionising radiation: wear/place dose meters appropriately use and observe warning lights/signs use screens and observe a safe distance wear PPE check and care for PPE Prepare diagnostic imaging equipment for radiography to include: X-ray machine cassette +/- grid positioning aids markers Process radiographs according to practice policy Evaluate the quality of radiographs and identify faults Prepare and maintain ultrasound equipment Prepare, maintain, store and clean endoscopes Prepare and support animals during endoscopy or ultrasound investigations Demonstrate the position of anatomical landmarks in intact animals Position patients for the following views: carpus (dorsopalmar and mediolateral) elbow (craniocaudal and lateral) shoulder (craniocaudal) cervical spine (lateral) thoraco-lumbar spine (lateral) lumbo-sacral spine (lateral) hips/pelvis (ventrodorsal) stifle (caudocranial and mediolateral) hock (dorsoplantar and mediolateral) abdomen (ventrodorsal and lateral) thorax (dorsoventral or ventrodorsal and lateral) To include dosemeters, lead aprons, lead gloves and thyroid protectors PPE = Personal protective equipment EC9B EC9A To include scanner, probes and transducers Care of fibre optics, PPE To include cat, dog and a variety of exotics. Exotics may include guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, rodents and reptiles To include correct use of positioning aids and markers along with correct collimation and centring. Should include a range of small animal species EC9B EC9B EC9A EC9A EC9A EC9B EC9B Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 -8- 1 8 Veterinary nursing support of laboratory diagnostics Prepare animals for collection of the following samples: blood urine hair/skin tissue biopsies To include patient checks, safe handling and moving and appropriate positioning and restraint EC8 2 Take the following samples: urine faeces hair/skin blood 3 Prepare diagnostic test equipment and materials for the following sample: blood urine hair/skin tissue biopsies 4 Package and label the following samples: blood urine skin/hair tissue biopsies microscope slides EC8 5 6 Store specimens correctly prior to dispatch Complete the following laboratory documentation: internal practice records external laboratory request forms and documentation Prepare the following samples for evaluation: blood smear urine sediment swabs skin scrapes PCV Use the following laboratory equipment: analysers refractometer EC8 EC8 7 8 EC8 To include haematology and biochemistry on blood samples only EC8 PCV = packed cell volume EC8 Analysers to include biochemistry and haematology Commercial test kits could be SNAP© or EC8 Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 -9- 9 10 11 12 commercial test kits centrifuge Use a microscope: Low magnification High magnification Identify damage to laboratory testing equipment and materials and follow practice reporting protocol Identify inconsistencies and/or inaccuracies in test results Record laboratory test results and communicate accurately to the appropriate clinician reagent test strips EC8 EC8 EC8 EC8 Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 - 10 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9 Supporting veterinary operating theatre practice Clean the operating theatre, including after infected cases Behave appropriately in the operating theatre: personal hygiene theatre clothing movement and speech personal safety and safety of others Prepare the theatre for use: equipment materials Position animals on the operating table in line with the planned procedure Carry out final skin preparation Assist the surgeon to don sterile gown and gloves Open and pass sterile materials: directly to scrubbed personnel onto a sterile field Assist, handle and pass instruments and equipment during surgical procedures Demonstrate methodical hand-hygiene: hand-washing for theatre practice surgical scrubbing procedure Scrub up to assist with a surgical procedure: wear sterile gown gloves cap and mask maintain sterility of self, other operator(s) and materials Keep track of materials during surgery: swab count EC10A Personal hygiene to include general cleanliness, jewellery, hair, nail varnish. Theatre clothing – use of scrubs Movement in relation to the sterile field and scrubbed personnel. Speech in relation to droplet aerosol contamination and use of masks To include laying out a surgical equipment trolley EC11A EC10B Including the use of aids, table position and lighting According to practice protocol Maintain asepsis Avoid leaning over sterile fields, dust aerosol and sliding pack contents over unsterile edges To include: passing items, including blades managing powered equipment mounting and demounting blades ancillary surgical equipment EC10A EC10B EC11A EC11A EC11A EC11A Competent in both open and closed gloving methods EC11A EC10A Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 - 11 - 13 14 15 16 17 18 instrument count blade and needle count Handle tissue during surgical procedures Dispose of used equipment: sharps swabs tissue body fluids Clean and disinfect surgical instruments Identify and report wear or damage to equipment and instruments Prepare and package instruments and materials for sterilisation: drapes and gowns single instruments instrument sets Sterilise surgical equipment and instruments For example retraction techniques and use of swabs EC11A EC11A Taking into account working surfaces, care of hinges and delicate items, to include hand cleaning and ultrasonic cleaning EC10A EC10A EC10A Operation of the autoclave to include safety, loading and monitoring of effective sterilisation EC10A Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 - 12 - 1 2 10 Practical monitoring of small animal veterinary anaesthesia Check and prepare anaesthetic machine, breathing system and scavenging system according to practice protocol Locate and select the appropriate preparation and concentration of pharmaceuticals 3 Prepare materials and equipment needed for induction of anaesthesia 4 Restrain an animal and present a suitable raised vein for cannulation or injection of an induction agent Prepare and present the animal for intubation Introduce endotracheal tubes: check position of tube inflate cuff secure tube attach to circuit Transfer anaesthetised animals safely into the operating theatre Set up and use monitoring equipment:- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Monitor patients and accurately record observations during the course of an anaesthetic. Interpret and report observations to the directing veterinary surgeon: TPR depth of anaesthesia Checks monitoring equipment during anaesthetic procedures if the patient observations suggest that there may be a problem in the : breathing circuits and endotracheal tube gases and volatile agents patient monitoring systems Calculate, administer and alter gaseous anaesthesia under veterinary direction Disconnect patients from anaesthetic equipment and materials according to practice protocols To include cleaning and care of EC12A Following veterinary instruction to include consumables, medications and intravenous fluids To include consumables, drugs and intravenous fluids, laryngoscope, endotracheal tubes Taking into account positioning EC12A All points to be completed to achieve the skill May include: pulse oximeter capnograph ECG oesophageal stethoscope Use of anaesthetic monitoring charts. Depth to include palpebral reflex, eye position, muscle tone and pedal reflex TPR = temp, pulse, resp Check power supply, connections, supply of gases and volatile agents and the correlation of equipment readouts with the condition of the patient EC12A EC12B EC12C EC12C EC12B EC12A EC12C EC12C EC12C EC12C Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 - 13 - 13 14 15 16 Set up a suitable recovery environment for anaesthetic recovery Position patients for recovery according to species and surgical procedure undertaken Extubate patients at appropriate stage of recovery Monitor and record animals recovery and identify abnormalities. Report findings to the supervising veterinary surgeon EC11B EC11B Recognition of when to extubate Key observations and changes EC12C EC11B Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 - 14 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 Practical peri-operative veterinary nursing support Hand patients over for anaesthesia: information calming patient Prepare operation sites: care and use of clippers identification of site initial skin scrub foot bandaging Receive patients from the operating theatre/recovery area: handover information observation handling of patient Prepare suitable post-operative nursing environments, taking into account: species condition procedure Observe and monitor post-operative patients: vital signs wound appearance/drainage pain and stress fluid intake and nutritional status Plan, implement and evaluate nursing care plans to address needs of post-operative and convalescent patients: fluid and nutrition urination and defaecation mobility, exercise pain management, alleviation of stress Deliver species specific peri-operative nursing care to patients, for example, to include: elective surgery emergency surgery minor procedures major procedures orthopaedic procedures Care for surgical wounds: observation management of drainage EC12B EC10B EC11B EC11B EC11B EC6B Immediate post-operative care to include food and fluid intake, elimination, pain management and wound management. Should include a range of cats, dogs and exotics EC11B EC11B Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 - 15 - 9 10 dressing and bandaging removal of drains, closures preventing interference Plan for discharge and home care, taking into account: condition of patient home circumstances Provide discharge information and guidance to owners: oral written teaching of practical techniques e.g. giving medication EC7C EC7C Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 - 16 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 Practical veterinary nursing support of small animal patients Plan, deliver and evaluate care for animals with a range of conditions, using an appropriate model and framework, to include a minimum of four of the following conditions : Circulatory or respiratory disorder Urinary tract disorder Endocrine disorder Neurological disorder Alimentary tract disorder Reproductive tract disorder Disorder of the sense organs Prepare and maintain a suitable environment for patients taking in to account: species age condition normal routines of the patient welfare considerations Communicate with the veterinary team in relation to the evaluation and review of nursing care Carry out effective isolation nursing to include: preparing accommodations protective clothing hand hygiene fomites cleaning and disinfection caring for isolated patients Provide wound management to include: accurate assessment taking swabs irrigation selection and application of dressings selection and application of retaining bandages client education Administer complex medications to include: infused medications intravenous bolus medications Include a range of species, age ranges and medical conditions to demonstrate overall competence. EC6B Include a range of species, age ranges and medical conditions to demonstrate overall competence. EC4A Written and oral EC6B Isolation nursing and/or reverse isolation nursing Caring for isolated patients to include reduction of stress and keeping patients company EC6B EC6B EC13B Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 - 17 - 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Place or assist with placement of and management of naso-gastric or oesophageal tubes Manage indwelling urinary catheters Manage bowel function to include: Administration of laxatives Enemas Provide physical therapy/rehabilitation Devise appropriate home-care plans for animals with chronic illness: in consultation with the owner and veterinary team including verbal and written guidance providing information for emergency contact Provide care for terminally ill animals and their owners: preparing the owner for loss caring for the animal sensitively supporting an owner through euthanasia providing follow-up support for a bereaved owner Conduct effective nursing consultations to include: history taking appropriate examinations identifying cases for referral to a veterinary surgeon administering treatments communication with clients record keeping EC6B May include placement of urinary catheters but must include catheter care EC6B EC6B For example thoracic coupage, passive limb exercises and active exercise EC6B EC7A EC7A EC7A Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 - 18 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 Principles of small animal veterinary nursing emergency and critical care Triage patients to include: unconscious patients compromised airway haemorrhage fractures Demonstrate first aid treatment techniques, to manage:Use simulation and first aid mannequins unconsciousness where appropriate in the interests of compromised airway animal welfare haemorrhage and wounds fractures Prepare for the admission of emergency patients, to include:Take into account access for observation suitable environment and nursing, bedding, proximity of equipment and materials electrical supply and oxygen and observation charts Placing peripheral intravenous catheters: dog cat Care for animals with an in situ intravenous catheter to include: catheter site observation and care maintaining patency on-going fluid therapy Provide care for a critically ill patient, to include:Include a range of species, age ranges breathing and cardiovascular function and conditions to demonstrate overall nutrition and fluid balance competence. mobility and positioning hygiene maintaining body temperature pain and stress Monitor critically ill patients To include basic vital signs, blood pressure monitoring, pulse oximetry and neurological observations Administer oxygen therapy EC5 EC5 EC5 EC5 EC5 EC5 EC6B EC5 EC5 Final draft April 2010 Amended April 11 - 19 -