The St Luke’s Mitigation Management Group will be a sub-group of the
Streatham campus Mitigation Management Group and will report back to that
group as necessary, it will also report to the St Lukes Campus User Group.
The St Luke’s Mitigation Management Group will develop a plan of operations
and communications for the University through the major infrastructure
development period of the St Luke’s Campus. This plan will:
1. Identify, manage, avoid and mitigate risks arising from the University
Infrastructure Strategy.
2. Maximise the look and feel of the campus during the investment period.
3. Maximise the operational functionality & minimize the impact of
development works during the investment period.
4. Ensure that campus users are informed of the potential disruption and
aware of the temporary plans to mitigate this disruption.
5. Consider and propose necessary health and safety initiatives to ensure
the campus remains a safe place to study, work and be entertained.
6. To be the owners of business continuity and risk assessments in
relation to the Infrastructure strategy.
7. Provide a communication brief (including exhibitions, web, leaflets,
hoardings and focus groups) for the University community at large so
that students, staff, visitors and the University’s neighbours are aware
of the noise, disruption and travel consequences of the University’s
investment and the plans to manage and mitigate this impact. This
should be prepared in association with Communications and
Partnership Services.
8. Consider mitigating actions and other remedies to identified periods
where the investment programme will adversely affect students.
9. Monitor the delivery of the plan and adapt it as circumstances require
following consultation with the investment project managers.
The St Luke’s Mitigation Management Group should prioritise this work in
respect of the central St Luke’s campus infrastructure projects:
Ongoing redevelopment of campus
Creation of Exeter Medical School
Roads and car parks
Utility Upgrades
Biomedical Facilities
Network upgrade
Teaching & Learning upgrades
Public realm works
Other minor or refurbishments projects as they arise
The St Luke’s Mitigation Management Group will presume that the impacts
caused by the site or site compounds of the above developments are being
managed by the project teams of each of the above developments, so that
each project team will mitigate its own direct impacts. Each project manager
will liaise and/or be part of the Mitigation Management Group.
The Mitigation Management Group membership will be:
Chair – Deputy Director of Academic Services, Jilly Court
University of Exeter Students' Guild, Norrie Blackeby
ACM for Social Science & International Studies, Joanna Lunnon
Grounds Operations Manager, Campus Services, David Evans
Sports & Health, Dr Elizabeth Dridge
University of Exeter Medical School, Principal Project Manager, Debbie
Estate Development Service, Impact Mitigation Manager, Mahesh
Head of Learning Spaces, Elaine Cordy
Communications Office, Communication and Marketing, Louise
Secretarial Support – Sally Griffiths
In order to satisfy the above group will need to consider:
The timing of work and consequent noise levels and dirt levels
Lorry and site vehicle movements for both deliveries and waste
Building site hoardings and compound areas
Student and staff access and movements about campus
Health and safety issues
Synchronisation and prioritisation of works between investments where
conflicts arise.
7. Restoration works to campus during and after investments are
8. Identifying mitigation methods where high risks are identified.
9. Considering remedies or palliatives for students where inconvenience
for them is identified.
10. Communication plan for staff, students, visitors and neighbours of the