ST AUGUSTINE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, BARKINGSIDE, ILFORD, ESSEX (Registered charity No: 234092) Tel: 020 8554 3568 Email: Website: PARISH PRIEST: Canon Paul Bruxby *************************************************************** FIFTH SUNDAY Mass Book Page 136 OF THE Eucharistic Prayer Page 28 YEAR Preface Page 68 *************************************************************** ASH WEDNESDAY marks the beginning of Lent which is a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter. In this Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis we could consider using the Sacrament of Reconciliation [Confession] to renew and strengthen our relationship with God especially if we have not done so for some time. The times of Masses and services this week are at the back of this newsletter. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION – The next meeting is on Saturday, 9th April 2016 at 10am in the Holy Family Chapel. If you would like to have your child baptised please put your name on the list at the back of the church and come along on the 9th. If you do not live in the parish it is essential to get your own parish priest’s permission before the meeting. Please have some alternative dates for the ceremony ready. It is also now essential that at least ONE parent provide a copy of their baptismal certificate. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – Next meeting for children only on Wednesday, 9th March at 5.15pm in the Youth Hall followed by Mass on Sunday, 13th March arriving by 8.45 am. OFFERTORY COLLECTION 30/31 Jan Gift Aid: £447.70 Standing Orders: £410.00 Other: £324.63 Total: £1182.33 Many thanks for your continuing generosity. PLEASE PRAY – for all the sick and housebound especially Adrian McCarthy, Gloria Phillips, Joel Butt, Mrs Falco, Cyril Beacon, Brian Watson, Margaret Crawford, Noreen Gilhooly, Hamilton Koylass, Sebastian Hack, Michael Brozhko, Eddie Nash, Rita Fernandes, Louisa De Souza, Anita De Sa, Caesar De Souza, Joseph Fernandes, Francis Noronha, Maria Smith, Doris Brigland, Veronica Stockwell, Kaye Fleetwood, Jimmy Davis, Monica Dias, Roland Dias, Martina Lewzey, Joan Marshall and Patricia Clydesdale. CRANVALE: Joan Sarfas and Pat Howie. SPRINGFIELD: Faye Fernandes and Mary Joseph. CHURCH CLEANING 7th Feb – Ms Esvin & Jenova Francis ROTA 14th Feb – Mrs Shah & Mrs Elilnesan OFFERTORY COUNTERS 7th Feb – Mr & Mrs. Simon ROTA 14th Feb – Mr & Mrs Fernandes PARISH COFFEE MORNING - The monthly coffee morning will take place today Sunday, 7th February, 2016, immediately after the 9.00am Mass in the Parish Meeting Room at the back of the church. Refreshments are free of charge. ALL ARE WELCOME!!! The monthly draw of the Fifty-Fifty Club will also take place at the coffee morning and there will be a raffle. COME AND JOIN IN BEFORE THE “DEPRIVATIONS” OF LENT START. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION [FIRST CONFESSION] Application forms [mauve] are at the back of the church. Please complete and return to the presbytery. The preparation will take place on Saturdays, 20 th & 27th February and 5th, 12th & 19th March 2016 from 9.30 – 11am. NURSERY APPLICATIONS – Fr Paul will be available to sign the Certificate of Catholic Practice on Saturday, 20th February 2016 in the Meeting Room [entrance at the back of the church] from 12 noon until 1pm on a first come, first served basis. Application forms for the certificate are at the back of the church. Please ensure the form is completed before attending the interview. Lourdes for young people - Summer 2016. If you are in school year 10 to 13 and would like to enjoy a week that includes times of serving pilgrims who need wheelchair assistance, lots of vibrant social time with more than 200 other young people, and times of reflective and powerful prayer in the wonderful setting of Lourdes, then now is the time to apply: or call 01268 515970 and ask for Clare or Natalie. INSTALLATION OF CATHEDRAL CHAPTER – Please remember in your prayers me and the other new members of the Chapter of Canons & Consultors as we are installed on Thursday in the cathedral on the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes, principal patroness of the diocese. Year of Mercy – Spring Events at Cathedral House, Brentwood 01277 265.285 Sat. 5th March 10.30 am – Bishop Emeritus, Thomas McMahon Wrestling with Forgiveness St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School – Nursery Applications Forms for children born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013 to attend the Nursery are now available. Children of this age will commence Nursery in September 2016. Closing date for completed applications is 4 th March 2016. Please contact Mrs. Brogan in the Infant Office on 020 8554 1919 for further details. MUSICIANS FOR SATURDAY VIGIL MASSES are interested in hearing from any young fairly experienced singers/instrumentalists to join them to play at the Saturday evening Vigil Mass each week. This is a great opportunity to take part in a wonderful ministry and to play with an established group of keen, friendly and talented musicians. If you are interested please call Bernard 0208 597 8043 or Edmond 0208 550 3811. HELP NEEDED to share in the Rota of those who launder the Altar Linen used at Mass. Anyone willing to help please leave your name/contact details in the Sacristy in an envelope addressed to Margaret Hammond. Thank you. APF RED BOXES Please collect your empty Red Boxes from the Repository. Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society – Quizzylympics final Saturday 19th March in the Hall at Brentwood Cathedral 7.30 pm. If you would like further information or to enter a team please call Julie Abbott on 01268 784544 ANNIVERSARIES OCCURRING THIS WEEK: 7th: Mrs Oejardin. 8th: Aileen Jordan. 9th: John Connelly, Paul Anthony Price. 11th: John Joyce, Ted Wright. 12th: Richard O’Flynn. 13th: Cyril Perkins, Edward Savereux, Marie Bullman, William Bradley, Wilfred Monteiro. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – Monday, 15th February at 7.30pm. If there is anything you would like raised at this meeting please see me or one of the councillors. MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS 7th February – 14th February 2016 VIGIL 6.30pm Rosa & Florencio Rodrigues & Pauline Vaz RIP Catherine & Joseph Gillham RIP Aileen Frances Jordan RIP 7th 9.00am 11.00am MONDAY 8th 8.30am Lily & Tony Sheridan’s Intentions TUESDAY 9th 8.30am Angie & Mike Lobo’s Intentions SUNDAY Fifth of the Year ASH WEDNESDAY 10th 8.30am 10.00am Paddy Dowding RIP Service of Reconciliation with the Imposition of Ashes 7.30pm Alice Drew’s Intentions 11th 8.30am Private Intention FRIDAY 12th 8.30am Josie and Family SATURDAY 13th 9.00am Imelda Collier’s Intentions THURSDAY Our Lady of Lourdes SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confessions 11am – 12noon VIGIL SUNDAY First of Lent 14th 6.30pm Juan Roca Mas RIP 9.00am People of the Parish 11.00am Thomas Regan RIP ooOOOoo