Thank you for volunteering to attend the parent policy meeting

FY15 Lake Elementary School
Title I Building Parent Involvement Policy
Lake Elementary has adopted the following parent involvement policy and plan in accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This policy and
plan was developed and written in cooperation with parents representing their served schools, staff and principals. This policy will be reviewed annually
and changed to meet the needs of the school and parents.
Lake Elementary’s Mission Statement: The Lake learning community will guide each and every child to reach his or her potential. Based on ongoing
assessments, we will provide strategic interventions and enrichment to meet or exceed Ohio Academic Standards/Common Core Standards ensuring the
success of all learners!
To involve parents in their children’s
Parents have the opportunity to participate and be involved
in the planning, review, and improvement of the Title I
program, parent policy, and school/parent compact. The
compact states that parents, students, and staff will share
the responsibility for improved student achievement.
To inform parents of academic
achievement standards, the school
curriculum, and research based
instructional practices.
The annual parent meeting will inform parents of the
school’s participation in the Title I program, explain
requirements of program, and inform the parents’ of their
right to be involved. Parent meetings will discuss content
standards, student achievement goals, assessments,
progress monitoring, and benchmarks that are included on
progress reports that are completed every quarter to show
academic achievement.
To provide materials and information
to help parents work with children to
improve academic achievement.
Parent meetings, workshops, and conferences will be held
at various times. (day/evening) Parents will be provided
information about Title One in the annual meeting to be held
in the Fall of each year. At the meetings/workshops, parents
will be provided training and materials to use with their
child. Transportation and/or childcare will be provided to
parents so they may participate in trainings/workshops
upon request.
To promote community service by
volunteering in the school.
“Helping hands Three for Me” is a school wide program
encouraging and celebrating volunteering in our school.
Family members are encouraged to give three volunteer
hours throughout the year. The service hours can be done
in a variety of ways and a variety of times.
Revised 11/22/2013
Revised 11/21/2014
Parent/guardian involved on committees
including school wide improvement plan
Parent/guardian surveys
District parent policy
Building parent policy
Title I annual review
Title I information packet ; i.e. AIMS web,
NEXT STEP,OAA scores, PARCC scores
Title I annual parent meeting/workshop
Parent-teacher conferences
Quarterly Report Cards
AIMSWeb progress monitoring
Title I parent meetings/workshops
Provide information to the extent possible
for ESL students in their primary language.
Social media (Twitter, website, Facebook)
Family nights events
Title I parent meetings/workshops
Title I newsletter (monthly)
Title I website and online texts
Educational materials sent home
Take home books and/or games
RTI process (parent and child)
3rd grade guarantee family interventions
Boo Bash Halloween Family event
Reading Buddies community volunteers
Pizza with Santa Family event
Preschool Toolbox
Quarterly Awards