Society of Health and Physical Educators AWARD RECIPIENTS (Through 2015) The Luther Halsey Gulick Award for long and distinguished service was established in 1923 and is recognized as the highest honor afforded a member. The Honor Award, which recognizes meritorious service by members of the Association and to the professions represented, was established in 1931. The Charles D. Henry Award, established in 1984, recognizes a member's contribution through distinguished service to ethnic minorities in SHAPE America. The Mabel Lee Award recognizes outstanding younger professionals who have demonstrated outstanding potential in scholarship, teaching, and/or professional leadership and was established in 1976. The R. Tait McKenzie Award, which honors members who have had significant influence beyond the profession, was first bestowed in 1968. The William G. Anderson Award, recognizing a person outside the profession, was established in 1949. The E. B. Henderson Award, established in 2010, recognizes minority members who have increased involvement of ethnic minorities and/or underserved populations within their profession, SHAPE America, or society. The LeRoy T. Walker Young Professional Award, established in 2010, recognizes outstanding younger minority professionals who have demonstrated superior promise in the areas of service, teaching, scholarship and commitment to the goals of the Association focusing specifically on under-represented and/or underserved populations and promotion of social justice and diversity. The Alliance Scholar Award, established in 1976 encourages and facilitates research and creative activities which will enrich the depth and scope of health, leisure, sport, dance and related activities; and to disseminate the findings to the profession and other interested and concerned publics. The Scholar presents the Alliance Scholar Lecture at the national convention. The Hall of Fame Award honors outstanding individuals who make significant contributions to maintaining physical and health education, physical activity, dance and sport as important parts of the total educational program. [Awarded by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE) through 2013] The Margie Hanson Distinguished Service Award is awarded for service and educational contributions to physical education in the early childhood or elementary levels. [Awarded by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE) through 2013] The Joy of Effort Award honors individuals who personify the concept that the effort made to enrich the goals and objectives of health and physical education, physical activity, dance, and sport is a labor of love, inspired by commitment and dedication. [Awarded by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE) through 2013] The Curriculum and Instruction Honor Award recognizes significant contributions through scholarship and 1 Society of Health and Physical Educators service in the area of physical education curriculum and instruction. [Awarded by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE) through 2013] The Channing Mann Outstanding Physical Education Administrator of the Year Award, first presented in 1974, honors administrators or supervisors for excellence and contributions to their profession. [Awarded by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE) through 2013] 2 Society of Health and Physical Educators LUTHER H. GULICK AWARD Abernathy, Ruth 1965 Adams, Lucinda W. 2006 Ainsworth, Dorothy S. 1960 Allen, Catherine L. 1970 Alley, Louis A. 1985 Anderson, William G. 1945 Bancroft, Jessie H. 1924 Beyer, Mary Katherine 1988 Biles, Fay R. 1998 Brace, David K. 1963 Brownell, Clifford L. 1962 Bunker, Linda K. 2004 Burchenal, Elizabeth 1950 Cassidy, Rosalind 1956 Clarke, H. Harrison 1978 Clarke, David Harrison 1996 Coffey, Margaret 1993 Cooper, John M. 1991 Corbett, Doris R. 1997 Corbin, Charles B. 2009 Cozens, Frederick W. 1953 Cureton, Thomas K., Jr. 1975 Davis, Elwood Craig 1965 Esslinger, Arthur 1967 Feingold, Ronald S. 2007 Fisher, George J. 1929 Forker, Barbara 1984 Gilchrest, Norman L. “Buddy” 2005 Glassow, Ruth B. 1964 Gulick, Luther Halsey 1923 Hanson, Margie 1992 H'Doubler, Margaret 1971 Hellison, Don 2008 Hetherington, Clark W. 1928 Holbrook, Leona 1974 Huelster, Laura J. 1986 Hughes, William L. 1954 Kinderfather, Kathleen M. 2000 Langton, Clair V. 1957 LaPorte, William Ralph 1951 Lee, Mabel 1948 Lockhart, Aileene 1980 Lynn, Minnie L. 1968 Manley, Helen 1958 McCloy, Charles H. 1944 Meier, Joel F. Methany, Eleanor Miller, Ben W. Mitchell, Elmer Dayton Morris, Harold H. Murray, Mimi Murray, Ruth L. Nash, Jay Bryan Neilson, Neils P. Nixon, John E. Nordly, Carl L. Oberteuffer, Delbert Osness, Wayne H. Pangrazi, Robert P. Perrin, Ethel Rink, Judith Safrit, Margaret J. Savage, Charles W. Scott, M. Gladys Shea, Edward J. Siedentop, Daryl Sliepcevich, Elena Smith, Julian W. Staffo, Donald F. Stein, Julian Steinhaus, Arthur H. Stier, Jr., William Storey, Thomas A. Trilling, Blanche M. Ulrich, Celeste Walker, LeRoy T. Williams, Jesse Feiring Wood, Thomas D. Wughalter, Emily Zeigler, Earle 2001 1977 1976 1949 2002 1999 1979 1940 1961 1987 1955 1959 2003 2015 1946 2011 1994 1952 1981 1989 2010 1979 1972 2012 1995 1969 2013 1926 1947 1983 1982 1939 1925 2014 1990 HONOR AWARD Abbadessa, Ellen Abernathy, Ruth Adair, Janice K. Adams, Lucinda W. Affleck, G.B. Ainsworth, Dorothy Aitken, Margaret H. Alderson, Curthis J. Alderson, Mary Buice 3 1996 1953 1988 1996 1940 1949 1982 1956 1969 Aldinger, A.K. Aldrich, Anita Allen, Catherine Louise Allenbaugh, Naomi M. Alletzhauser, M.E. Alley, Louis Anderson, H.S. Anderson, W.G. Annarino, Anthony A. Anspaugh, David J. Ashton, Dudley Atwell, Ruth H. Avery, Marybell Ayars, George W. Babbit, James A. Bailey, Edna Bain, Linda L. Baker, Gertrude M. Ballard, Danny Ramsey Ballinger, Debra Ann Bancroft, Jessie Baringer, Brenna O. Barker, Ruel Barnett Campbell, Mary Barrett, Kate R. Baughman, Willis J. Baumgartner, Ted A. Beiderhase, Josephine Bell, Margaret Bennett, Bruce Bennett, John P. Benton, Rachel A. Berkey, Debra S. Betts, Edith Beyrer, Mary K. Bezdek, Hugo Bishop, Roger M. Blackburn, Robert Blair, Steven N. Blanchard, Vaughn Bland, Hesster Beth Blatz, Phyllis Bolden, Frank P. Bookwalter, Carolyn Bookwalter, Karl W. Boulton, Iris Bourne, Margaret Bouve', Marjorie 1937 1960 1957 1965 1933 1967 1932 1931 1980 2010 1956 1961 2012 1947 1932 1939 1990 1957 2009 2009 1931 2006 1999 2002 2010 1968 2007 1933 1933 1979 2004 1976 2007 1983 1969 1935 1998 1999 1991 1935 1967 1995 1976 1953 1944 1951 1964 1932 Society of Health and Physical Educators Bovard, J.F. Brace, David K. Bragg, Mabel Brassie, Paul Stanley Braucher, H.S. Brazelton, Ambrose E. Brodbeck, Alfred Broer, Marion R. Bronson, Alice Oakes Brooks-Schmitz, Nancy Broome, E.C. Brown, John, Jr. Brown, Laura Mae Brown, Margaret C. Brown, Roscoe C., Jr. Brown, Virgil Kenneth Brown, Walter, H. Browne, A.D. Brownell, C.L. Bucher, Charles A. Buck, Marilyn Burchenal, Elizabeth Burdick, William Burkett, Lucille M. Burkhardt, C.H. Burnett, L.P. Burns, Harry B. Burt, John J. Butterfield, Stephen A. Button, Sherman Byler, Ruth V. Campbell, Laurie E. Carpenter, G. Jeffrey Cassidy, Rosalind Cates, John W. Caton, Irma Jean Cavanaugh, Patric Lawrence Cermak, Joseph Champlin, Ellis H. Chepko, Stevie Chrest, Helen Christian, Quentin L. Clark, Lydia Clarke, David H. Clarke, H. Harrison Clarke, Mark S. Clement, Annie Cobb, Louise Cobb, Thom L. Coker, Cheryl A. Colby, Gertrude Coleman, Mary C. Collins, Laurentine 1934 1933 1935 1989 1931 2006 1933 1960 1954 2011 1932 1931 1974 1956 1975 1938 1942 1939 1934 1977 2012 1931 1931 1980 1935 1934 1932 1980 2012 1995 1969 1953 1996 1937 1999 1990 1988 1931 1947 2010 1999 1994 1931 1977 1955 2003 1992 1942 2004 2013 1932 1935 1940 Cone, Stephen L. Cook, James E. Cooke, Louis J. Cooper, John J. Cooper, John M. Corbett, Doris Corbin, Charles B. Cordes, Kathleen Ann Cornwell, Oliver K. Corsi, Colleen C. Couturier, Lynn Cowell, Charles C. Cozens, Frederick W. Crasper, A. Lester Creswell, William H., Jr. Cromie, William James Cucina, Irene M. Culver, A. B. Cureton, Thomas K. Damro, Dianne M. Daniels, Arthur S. Darden, Joseph Samuel, Jr. Dauer, Victor Paul Davenport, Joanna Davis, Charles W. Davis, Elwood C. Davis, Ernest P. Davis, J.E. Davis, Michael G. Davis, Robert G. Day, W.E. Deach, Dorothy Francis Deane, Martha B. Delaporte, E.C. Della-Giustina, Daniel Dennard, Rebecca DePauw Karen P. Dill, Jo Docheff, Dennis Doerter, Julius Donnelly, Fran Cleland Donnelly, Irene Dougherty, M. Francis Dougherty, Neil J. Douglas, J. William Dowd, Karen Drew, Alice Gwendolyn Drew, Claire Drinkwater, Barbara Dudley, Gertrude Duggan, Anne Schley Dunaway, Donna L. Duncan, Margaret M. 4 2000 2008 1931 1983 1955 1995 1982 2014 1941 2013 2014 1954 1936 1937 1966 1946 2006 1992 1945 1989 1957 1985 1970 1999 1944 1943 1971 1934 1996 2009 1932 1972 1952 1932 1991 1979 1998 2008 2011 1933 2005 1967 1986 2006 1994 1999 1956 1995 1979 1931 1952 2000 1968 Duncan, Ray O. Dunn, Diana R. Dunn, John M. Eastwood, Floyd E. Edginton, Christopher R. Elliott, Ruth Ellis, Carlos B. Ellis, Clayton Ellis, Kathryn Gladney Enderis, Dorothy Ennis, Catherine D. Espenschade, Anna Esslinger, Arthur A. Evans, Ruth Eyler, Marvin H. Ezell, Gene Fait, Hollis F. Falls, Harold B. Fantasia, Tilia J. Fauver, Edgar Fauver, Edwin Fehl, Patricia K. Feingold, Ronald Ferguson, Thomas C. Finlayson, Anne Fisher, George J. Fiske, Josephine Ella Fleming, Gladys Andrews Foret, Claire M. Forker, Barbara Ellen Forsythe, Charles E. Foss, Martin I. Foster, Henry M. Fox, Grace I. Fox, Margaret Franck, Marian Freer, Louise French, Esther Fritz, Kristine R. Frost, Reuben B. Furney, Steven R. Garrison, Jessie R. Gates, Edith M. George, Jack F. Giauque, C.D. Gilbert, Anne Gilchrest, Buddy Gimmestad, Wilma Glassow, Ruth Gorman, R. Scott Graves, E.V. Gray, Miriam M. Grebner, Florence D. 1957 1984 2002 1944 2001 1936 1932 2013 1986 1942 2013 1946 1952 1939 1978 1995 1969 1981 1991 1936 1936 1986 1995 1949 1964 1933 1972 1988 2005 1971 1951 1935 1947 1955 1958 1993 1932 1962 2009 1968 2008 1937 1936 1974 1939 1999 1992 1959 1943 2002 1939 1970 1984 Society of Health and Physical Educators Greim, Willard N. Greubel, Otto Griffin, Joy Groener, Emil Grosse, Susan Guiot, Germaine G. Guthrie, Luell Weed Hall, J. Tillman Halsey, Elizabeth Halverson, Lolas E. Hamburg, Marian V. Hanna, Delphine Harageones, Emmanuel Harris, Debra C. Hartman, Betty Grant Hartwig, Helen Katherine Harvey, Mark Hayes, Elizabeth Roth Haynes, Wilma Hazelton, Helen W. H'Doubler, Margaret Hebbert, Oliver Heitmann, Helen M. Henderson, Edwin B. Hennessy, Betty Frances Hennis, Gail M. Henry, Charles D., II Henry, Franklin M. Henschen, Keith Hensley, Larry D. Hepworth, Connie Jo M. Herauf, James A. Hermann, Ernst Hester, Donna J. Hetherington, C.W. Hewitt, Jack E. Hichwa, John S. High, Dorothy H. Hill, Katherine F. Hinman, Strong Hirsch, Mark Alexander Hiss, Anna Hjelte, George Hodgkins, Anne E. Hodgson, Pauline Holbrook, Leona Holland, Roert L. Holt, Rhonda Holt/Hale, Shirley Homans, Amy House, Howard H. Howe, E.C. Hudson, Susan D. Huelster, Lura Jewell 1945 1933 2004 1933 1993 1947 1959 1976 1940 1983 1989 1931 2000 1998 1989 1971 1999 1981 1948 1938 1934 1931 1986 1954 1990 1985 1982 1956 1996 2000 1982 2005 1932 2005 1931 1965 2005 1991 2008 1936 2006 1948 1939 1940 1948 1968 1982 2009 1993 1931 1941 1931 2003 1956 Huff, G.A. Hughes, W.L. Humphrey, James H. Hungerford, Charles W. Hunsaker, Hyrum B. Husman, Burris Frederick Hussey, Delia Patricia Hutchinson, Mary G. Hyatt, Ronald Wesley Ingram, Judith Watson Ireland, A.G. Irwin, Leslie W. Jack, Harold K. Jackson, C.O. Jackson, E. Newton Jr. Jacobson, Pauline Jacoby, Thomas S. Jefferies, Stephen C. Jernigan, Sara Staff Jewett, Ann Elizabeth Johns, Edward B. Johnson, Barry L. Johnson, Granville B. Johnson, John E. (Jack) Johnson, Karen M. Johnson, Lynn V. Johnson, Warren R. Jones, Edwina L. Jones, Grace Jones, Hiram A. Jones, Lloyd M. Jones, Mary Gertrude Sholtis Kallerberg, H.F. Kapral, Constance J. Keene, Charles Keller, Louis F. Kelley, Elizabeth Kerch, Barbara Kerst-Davis, Cam Kilander, H. Frederick Kilpatrick, W.H. Kinderfather, Kathleen McShane Kindervater, A.E. Kiphuth, Robert J.H. Kirk, Robert H. Kistler, Joy W. Kittlaus, Louis, Jr. Kluka, Darlene A. Kneer, Marian E. Knoch, A.A. Knopp, W.J. Kogut, Susan 5 1933 1934 1972 1984 1970 1974 1957 1942 1996 2004 1933 1951 1958 1949 2013 1997 2002 2012 1971 1974 1963 1982 1949 1982 1992 2012 1971 1956 1939 1938 1950 1982 1932 2007 1932 1948 1950 1969 2002 1968 1931 1988 1931 1946 1978 1954 1972 2004 1983 1933 1931 2001 Koss, Rosabel S. Krakower, Hyman Ladda, Shawn Lamb, A.S. Landis, Paul E. Landreth, Verne S. Landwer, Gerald E. Lane, Caro Lang, John Gilbard Langston, Dewey Francis Langton, Clair V. LaPointe-Crump, Janice LaPorte, W.R. Larson, Leonard A. La Salle, Dorothy Lawther, John D. Lawyer, Kathy Leake, Robert L. Leavitt, Norma M. Lee, Joseph Lee, Mabel Leighton, Jack Leighton, Ralph W. Lensch, Dorothea M Lewis, Andrew H. Lewis, Charles B. Lines, Colleen Jessen Little, Araminta Lloyd, F.S. Locke, Mabel Lockhart, Aileen S. Lockhart, Barbara Day Love, Margaret E. Lowman, Guy S. Luehring, Fred Lumpkin, Angela Lunt, Joanne M. Lynn, Minnie L. Maetozo, Matthew E. Maitland Kimball, Mary Manchester, Gertrude Mancuso, Jo Manley, Helen Maroney, F.W. Martin, Joan Ellen Martus, Ethel L. Marvel, F. W. Massey, M. Dorothy May, G. A. Mayhew, Abby S. McCoy, C.H. McCraw, Lynn Wade McCristal, King J. McCurdy, J.H. 1991 1955 2010 1933 1953 1955 2001 1958 1955 1984 1940 2012 1934 1950 1941 1964 1987 1983 1970 1931 1933 1979 1953 1951 2009 1951 1988 1978 1935 1962 1963 2000 1977 1938 1939 1998 2005 1953 1988 1993 1947 1985 1943 1931 1995 1960 1934 1985 1934 1932 1936 1974 1966 1931 Society of Health and Physical Educators McDonough, Thomas E. 1944 McGill, Regina J. 1990 McGreevy-Nichols, Susan 2000 McHose, Elizabeth 1961 McHugh, Mary-Margaret 2002 McKee, Mary Rose 1957 McKenney, Joseph 1974 McKenzie, R.T. 1931 McKinstry, Helen 1932 McLaughlin, Robert D. 1983 McNeely, Simon A. 1963 Mehrhof, Joella 2015 Meier, Joel 1992 Melson, Bobbie J. 2006 Meredith, William F. 1943 Messersmith, Lloyd L. 1961 Metcalf, Thomas Nelson 1938 Metheny, Eleanor 1950 Meyer, Frances 1999 Meylan, George 1931 Miles, Caswell M. 1948 Miller, Ben W. 1950 Miller, Donna Mae 1974 Miller, Kenneth 1980 Miller, Mickey 1999 Miller, Perry Ford 1997 Minturn, Al 1986 Mitchell, Beverly Ford 2008 Mitchell, Carolyn 1999 Mitchell, E.D. 1932 Mize, Monica G. 2002 Mohr, Dorothy E. 1966 Montague, Mary Ella 1984 Montgomery, Katherine W. 1944 Montoye, Henry J. 1977 Moore, Joyce C. 1994 Moore, Mary E. 1959 Moorhead, W.G. 1934 Morgan, Cecil W. 1977 Morgan, William P. 1977 Morris, Harold H. 1994 Morrison, Patricia 2015 Morrison, Whitlaw R. 1948 Moss, Bernice 1951 Mosscrop, Alfreda 1938 Moulton, Gertrude 1931 Mueller, Grover W. 1941 Munro, Iveagh 1958 Murray, Mimi 1991 Murray, Ruth Lovell 1955 Musselman, Frances 1932 Naismith, James 1931 Nash, Jay B. 1932 Neal, Larry L. Neilson, N.P. Nichols, John Herbert Nixon, Eugene W. Nixon, John Nohr, Robert Nolte, Ann Elizabeth Nordly, Carl L. Norris, J. Anna Oberle, George Oberteuffer, Delbert Oglesby, Carole A. O'Dell, Griffith O'Donnell, Mary Patricia O'Keefe, Pattric Ruth Olds, Lloyd W. Olsen, Larry K. Orion, Harold Orr, Beatrice N. Overby, Lynnette Young Overdorf, Virginia Owens-Nauslar, JoAnne L. Oxendine, Joseph B. Pal, Dorothy Nyswander Pangrazi, Robert P. Panzer, Henry Parker, Melissa Passmore, Barbara Pate, Robert M. Patty, Willard W. Payne, V. Gregory Perrin, Ethel Perry, Jean L. Persson, Carol V. Pestolesi, Robert A. Peterson, Hazel C. Phillips, Madge M. Phillips, Marjorie P. Phillips, Paul C. Piper, Ralph Aldrich Poindexter, Hally Beth Poley, Margaret Polidoro, J. Richard Pollock, Michael Pomeroy, Janet Poos, E.A. Prentiss, Lory Pritzlaff, August H. Purcell, Theresa Rappa, Dianne L. Rarick, G. Lawrence Rath, Emil Rathbone, Josephine L. 6 1991 1935 1946 1937 1967 1933 1984 1945 1931 1993 1943 1989 1976 1954 1951 1949 2008 1943 1982 2009 2006 1987 1986 1949 1988 1931 2003 1993 1978 1942 2001 1931 1994 1997 1990 1987 1975 1958 1941 1985 1997 1963 1993 1979 1972 1933 1933 1941 1992 2002 1964 1932 1938 Raycroft, J. E. Razor, Jack E. Reed, Dudley B. Reuter, William Rikli, Roberta Roby, Mary P. Rockwell, Ethel Roell, Candace Lillian Rogers, F. R. Rogers, James Edward Rogers, James Frederick Roswal, Glenn M. Rothstein, Anne L. Rowe, F.A. Rugen, Mabel Ryan, Grace L. Safrit, Margaret Jo Salt, E. Benton Sampson, Barbara Sanborn, Mary Alice Savage, C.W. Savage, William Sawyer, Thomas H. Schellberg, Ruth Scherrer, Sally J. Schmidline, J. E. Schneider, E. C. Schneider, Elsa Schott, C.P. Schrader, Carl Schroeder, Louis Schwendener, Norma Scott, Gladys Scott, H.A. Scott, Phebe M. Seaman, Janet A. See, Gayle Seen, Eva Marie Seibert, Herman Seikel, George Sharman, Jackson R. Shaw, Fannie B. Shea, Edward J. Shenk, Henry A. Sherrill, Claudine Shields, Sharon Shirley, Mabel Juliana Sinclair, Caroline Sirnio, George J. Skarstrom, William Slautterback, Louis M. Sliepcevich, Elena M. Small, Clare H. Smith, Ernest Bethlahem 1931 1980 1932 1931 1992 1976 1933 1971 1935 1932 1932 2001 1990 1934 1947 1955 1987 1946 1997 1986 1931 1984 2004 1982 2007 1931 1931 1954 1935 1931 1948 1942 1950 1935 1987 1994 2014 1951 1931 1931 1936 1940 1985 1970 1979 2011 1965 1966 1959 1931 2001 1964 1941 1965 Society of Health and Physical Educators Smith, Julian W. Smith, Karen Lynn Smith, Sara Louise Snyder, Raymond A. Somers, Florence Spencer, Charles E. Sprague, Vernon S. Staffo, Donald F. Stafford, Frank S. Stafford, George T. Stagg, A. A. Staley, S. C. Stecher, W. A. Stein, Julian U. Steinhaus, Arthur H. Stier, William F., Jr. St. John, L. S. Stoddard, Alexander J. Stone, William J. Stoneroad, Rebecca Storey, T. A. Strand, Bradford N. Streit, William K. Studebaker, John W. Stull, G. Alan Suder, Henry Swaim, Deve Swalm, Ricky L. Swedburg, Randy B. Sylvester, Rosie Templeton, Josey H. Templin, Thomas Thomas, Jerry R. Thompson, Donna J. Thompson, John C. Thornburg, Mary Lou Toman, Betty L. Trekell, Marianna Trilling, Blanche M. Tritsch, Len Turner, Clair E. Uhlir, G. Ann Van Hagan, Winifred Van Why, John B. Varnes, Jill W. Varnes, Paul Ray Vendien, C. Lynn Vescolani, Gelinda Vincent, William J. Vodola, Thomas M. Walker, Leroy T. Walsh, Eleanor A. Warden, R.D. Warren, Ned L. 1952 2010 1963 1960 1940 1952 1978 2007 1949 1944 1931 1938 1931 1983 1937 2003 1932 1945 1998 1934 1931 2006 1942 1943 1981 1931 2006 2007 2002 2011 2008 2011 1990 2003 1961 1989 1987 1985 1931 1989 1941 2000 1940 1957 1997 1996 1975 1967 2007 1980 1972 1987 1932 1969 Washke, Paul R. Wayman, Agnes Wear, Carl Wegimont, Colleen A. Weiss, Maureen R. Weiss, Raymond A. Wesley, Wallace Ann Wessel, Janet A. Weythman, Ruth Wiedow, Gale A. Wikgren, Scott Wiles, Richard A. Wiley, Roger C. Williams, J.F. Wilson, Charles C. Wilson, George T. Wilson, Ruth M. Wiseman, Douglas Wittich, George Wohlford, Mildred B. Woll, F.A. Wood, Thomas Woods Huber, Linda Wootten, Kathleen W. Worrell, Vicki J. Worthingham, Catherine A. Wright, Lilyan B. Wuestner, Marjorie Wughalter, Emily H. Yoho, Robert Yost, Charles P. Yost, F.H. Young, Carl Haven Young, Judith C. Zapp, August Ziegler, Carl Ziegler, Earle Zody, John 1942 1932 1970 2011 2004 1961 1965 1978 1961 2001 2007 2008 1976 1931 1945 1976 1958 1992 1931 1965 1934 1931 1997 1944 2001 1945 2006 2011 2011 1957 1980 1932 1975 1998 1931 1931 1981 2015 CHARLES D. HENRY AWARD Adams, Lucinda W. Armstrong, Ketra Barnett-Campbell, Mary E. Baughman, Willis J. Braxton, Jean Bridges, Dwan Marie Brooks, Dana D. Ciszek, Raymond A. Corbett, Doris R. Craig, Sr. Jean Marie 7 1998 2015 1997 1987 1999 2004 2000 1996 1992 2008 Crase, Darrell Darden, Joseph Samuel, Jr. Evans, Melvin I. Evans, Virden Fortune, Deborah A. Harrison, Jr., Louis Harvey, Mark Hellison, Donald R. Hodge, Samuel Kirk, Robert H. Kluka, Darlene A. Lewis, Andrew H. Moss, Bob Oglesby, Carole A. Oxendine, Joseph B. Sprenger, Joanne Staffo, Donald F. Walker, Leroy T. 1990 1988 1991 1993 2007 2011 1995 1994 2014 1986 2005 2010 2006 2002 1989 2001 2009 1985 MABEL LEE AWARD Adkins, Megan Andrew, Damon P.S. Bernard, Amy L. Bower, Glenna G. Brewer, Joan Brown, P. Timothy Brusseau, Timothy Bunker, Linda Burgeson, Charlene R. Cardinal, Bradley Carson, Russell L. Cinelli, Bethann Clopton, Aaron W. Connor-Kuntz, Fiona Crawford, Michael E. Culp, Brian Cureton, Kirk J. Dake, Joseph A. DePauw, Karen Dewald, Lori Lynn Duryea, Philip J. Elias Dusel, Joanne Hynes East, Whitfield B. Esparza III, Thomas Villa Feltz, Deborah L. Fennell, Reginald Fernhall, Bo Fisher, Michele M. Flink, Melanie Gao, Zan Flory, Sara 2015 2012 2002 2008 2004 1980 2014 1979 2001 1998 2011 1995 2013 1998 1987 2012 1983 2008 1983 1996 1988 1999 1986 2001 1987 1993 1991 2000 2015 2009 2014 Society of Health and Physical Educators Garbe, Kathleen Carole Geadelmann, Patricia Lou Goldman, Jill S. Gomez, Karen P. Goodway, Jacqueline Dawn Gorman, Dean R. Grappendorf, Heidi L. Grosse, Susan J. Gurvitch, Rachel Haywood, Kathleen M. Howell, Reet Johnson, Ingrid Kosma, Maria Krane, Vikki Leung, Raymond W. Lounsbery, Monica Fabian Lumpkin, Angela Magyar, T. Michelle Mak, Jennifer McCaughtry, Nate McCormack Brown, Kelli McCullick, Bryan A. McDermott, Robert James Mullin, Elizabeth Nelson, Tracy Lynn Nilges, Lynda M. O'Brien, Dianne E. Owens, JoAnne L. Page, Stephen J. Pastore, Donna Lee Pate, Russell Robert Paulls-Neal, Ann C. Pawlak, Amy E. Perry, Jean L. Plowman, Sharon A. Priest, Laurie Pruett, Diane M. Rimmer, James H. Robinson, Leah E. Rodman, John D. Sarvela, Paul D. Schempp, Paul G. Sholtis, Mary G. Shapiro, Deborah Smith, Lori Ann Stopka, Christine Boyd Teeple, Janet B. Tripp, April Underwood, Kristin Vigil, Debbie 1997 1981 2012 2008 2000 1985 2009 1982 2011 1984 1979 2004 2007 1997 2005 2004 1984 2007 2005 2006 1993 2006 1989 2015 2006 2001 1980 1978 2002 1995 1981 2011 2006 1985 1976 1991 1982 1990 2010 2002 1994 1990 1976 2003 2003 1989 1978 1994 2007 1999 Waldron, Jennifer J. Weiss, Maureen R. Werch, Chudley E. White, Sally Williams, Shannon L. Wrinn, Abigail Wughalter, Emily H. Zhang, Tao Zittel, Lauriece L. 2010 1986 1988 1992 2008 2015 1992 2013 1996 R. TAIT MCKENZIE AWARD Ainsworth, Barbara E. Allen, Catherine L. Beaver, David Pierce Biles, Fay R. Blair, Steven Blaufarb, Celia Majorie Bunker, Linda Christian, Quentin A. Corbett, Doris Ree Cordts, Harold John Davis, Dana A. DePauw, Karen P. Edginton, Christopher Fanning, Leroy Feingold, Ronald Friermood, Harold T. Fritz, Harry Grant, Christine H.B. Griffin, Patricia Hall, J. Tillman Hein, Fred V. Hepworth, Holbrook, Leona Huber, Joseph H. Humphrey, James H. Hungerford, Charles W. Jernigan, Sara Staff Johnson, Warren R. Kirk, Robert H. Kozar, Andrew J. Lange, Janice L. Lee, Mabel Little, Araminta Anne Liu, Yuanlong Lockman, Evelyn E. Manley, Helen M. Matthews, Connie Jo McKenzie, Thomas L. Moore, Joyce C. Murray, Mimi C. Nixon, John E. 8 2004 1980 2007 1986 1995 1985 1995 2004 1989 1990 1994 2012 2003 2002 1993 1983 1984 2000 2011 1978 1973 1969 2013 1976 2014 1987 1981 1992 1997 2010 1968 1988 2015 1982 1970 1985 2005 2006 1997 1978 Nolte, Ann Elizabeth Oglesby, Carole A. Osness, Wayne Owens-Nauslar, JoAnne Oxendine, Joseph B. Partin, W. Clyde Polidoro, Richard Pollock, Michael L. Purcell, Theresa Roswal, Glenn M. Sallis, James F. Shields, Sharon L. Sills, Frank D. Singer, Robert N. Songster, Thomas Bernard Smith III, George S. Stein, Julian Swartz, Daniel van der Smissen, M.E. Betty Vendien, C. Lynn Viera, Barbara L. Wang, Jin Wessel, Janet A. White, Gene Wiedow, Gale Wilbur, Katherine Yang, Dong Ja 1988 1994 1992 2001 1993 2002 1999 1987 1996 1998 2000 2013 1969 1991 1990 2001 1989 2012 1991 1986 2005 2010 1983 2014 2011 2003 1998 WILLIAM G. ANDERSON AWARD Adams, Jack A. Allman, Fred L., Jr. Anglin, Trina Menden Bauer, William Waldo Bayh, Birch (Senator) Beiswanger George W. Bilheimer, Robert Bingaman, Jeff Brown, Ethel G. Brown, Margaret C. Brundage, Avery Bryant, Carroll L. Buell, Charles E. Burney, Leroy E. Carrasco, David L. Clarke, Stevens H. Clemmer, Leonard, Sr. Clinton, Hillary Rodham (Senator) Coen, Steve 1987 1976 2006 1955 2004 1984 2009 2002 1965 1953 1956 1962 1974 1958 1989 2011 1994 2006 2001 Society of Health and Physical Educators Conner, Forrest E. Cooper, Kenneth H. Cordellos, Harry C. Cousins, Norman Crampton, C. Ward Crowley, Joseph N. d'Amboise, Jacques Davis, Chuck Davis, Elwood Craig De Frantz, Anita Dietz, William H., Jr. Dill, David Dunham, Katherine Eisenhower, Dwight D. Fleming, Robert D. Fowler, Charles B Fox, James Rogers Fox, Samuel M. Fox, Samuel M. Gary, Charles L. Goldberger, I.H. Graham, Daniel Robert (Senator) Greenspan, Bud Hanna, Judith Lynne Hellebrandt, Frances A. Huckabee, Mike (Governor) Jacobson, Edmund Kelly, John B., Jr. Kessler, Henry Howard Langton, Clair V. Larimore, G.W. Lawrence, Ronald M. Lee, I-Min Leon, Arthur S. Lerman, Liz Lipton, Benjamin H. Loube, Brenda Caryn Lowman, C.L. Macera, Carol Mahlmann, John J. Manley, Helen Masters, Hugh McDonough, Thomas E. Menninger, Karl A. Meyerding, Edward A. Micheli, Lyle J. Mills, Billy Mitchell, Arthur Morrison, Robert Hugh Moss, Bernice R. Nash, Roderick Neal, Josiah G. 1963 1978 1980 1991 1959 1998 1991 2013 1954 1992 2000 1979 1990 1961 1982 1985 1966 1976 1987 1986 1963 1989 1996 1988 1960 2006 1974 1984 1956 1954 1964 1992 2007 1981 1999 1975 2005 1959 1999 1982 1951 1950 1953 1956 1956 1997 1993 1989 1955 1952 1988 1972 Nissen, George 1979 Nugent, Timothy J. 1976 Obama, Michelle 2011 Olds, Glenn A. 1986 Oswald, Genevieve 1987 Oz, Dr. Mehmet 2012 Paffenberger, Ralph S., Jr. 1991 Pfohl, Shellie Y. 2012 Randall, Harriett Bulpitt 1971 Rockefeller, David, Jr. 1983 Rogers, James E. 1954 Rohnke, Karl 2003 Ross, Barry J. 1994 Rusk, Howard A. 1960 Sabin, Albert B. 1963 Salk, Jonas E. 1956 Satcher, David 2004 Savitz, Peter S. 2001 Scanlan, Mazie V. 1949 Schmidt, William S. 1970 Shaffer, T.E. 1964 Shalala, Donna E. 1998 Shriver, Eunice Kennedy 1977 Smith, Jean Kennedy 1990 Staley, Seward Charles 1951 Steinhaus, Arthur H. 1951 Stevens, Ted (Senator) 1990 Strong, William B. 1993 Swedlund, Jr., Harold 2005 Terry, Walter 1980 Porter L. Troutman 2002 Villella, Edward 1992 Waksman, Selman A. 1962 Wayman, Agnes R. 1952 Wechsler, Howell 2005 Wheeler, Cass 2001 White, Paul Dudley 1959 Wolffe, Joseph B. 1961 Woodford, Charles 2011 E.B. HENDERSON AWARD Presented by the former AAPAR Ethnic Minority Council and the AAHPERD Social Justice & Diversity Committee Adams, Lucinda Alston, Dorothy Bell, Lacy Bennett, Katherine Blum, William Braxton, Jean 9 Brazelton, Ambrose Brooks, Dana D. Cato, Bertha M. Corbett, Doris R. Coursey, Leon Daniel, Willie F. Darden, Sr. Joseph Davis, Howard Dawkins, Phyllis Worthy Evans, Melvin Evans, Virden Freeman, Vinna Gaines, Clarence Harrison, Louis Jr. Henry, Charles D. Heard, Robert A. Hellison, Don Houzer, Shirley Hunter, Milton James, Clifford Seymour Jackson, E. Newton Jr Jeffers, Margie Johnson, Joseph Kirk, Robert Lewis, Andrew H. McLeondon, Johnny Magee, Sadie Mark, William Mitchem, Jony Moss, Robert Paige, Roderick Page, Frank Payne, John A. Staffo, Donald F. Tucker, Delano I. Vaughn, Pearl Walker, LeRoy T. Weatherspoon, Marie Wheatfall, Dorothy Wilson, Harrison White, Mary Wright, William Presented by AAHPERD Allen, Beverly Bridges, Dwan Haggerty, Rose Hodge, Samuel 2011 2013 2013 2011 LEROY T. WALKER YOUNG PROFESSIONAL AWARD Presented by the former AAPAR Society of Health and Physical Educators Ethnic Minority Council and the AAHPERD Social Justice & Diversity Committee Abney, Robertha Airhihenbuwa, Collins Armstrong, Ketra Lekita Battle, Alicia Burden, Joe, Jr. Dawkins, Phyllis Worthy Eubanks, Beth S. Fuller, Vivian Hall, Chevelle Harrison, Keith Hodge, Jennifer Faison Jackson, E. Newton, Jr. Lindsay, Robert McCaughtry, Nate McNeil, Paula Oxley, Marcia Proctor, Larry D. Price, Sarah Robbins, Doris Rogers Robinson, June Robinson, Leah Scott, Hazel Shorter, Angela Walsh, David Scott Ward, Sheila Watson, Doris L. Webb, Daniel Yang, Richard Yee, Darlene Presented by AAHPERD Beale, Angela Columna, Luis Culp, Brian Gao, Zan Russell, Jared Kretchmar, R. Scott 1996-97 Kroll, Walter P. 1990-91 Landers, Daniel M. 2005-06 Lee, Amelia M. 2003-04 Malina, Robert 1992-93 McKenzie, Thomas L. 2001-02 Montoye, Henry J. 1976-77 Morgan, William P. 1983-84 Morrow, James R . 2011-12 Nelson, Richard C. 1982-83 Newell, Karl M. 2012-13 Pate, Russell R. 1999-2000 Park, Roberta J. 1991-92 Rarick, G. Lawrence 1979-80 Rink, Judith E. 2013-14 Sallis, James 2014-15 Spirduso, Waneen Wyrick 1987-88 Safrit, Margaret J. 1986-87 Sage, George H. 1985-86 Siedentop, Daryl 1994-95 Silverman, Stephen 2010-11 Thomas, Jerry R. 1989-90 Torabi, Mohammad R. 2008-09 Van Huss, Wayne 1984-85 Williams, Melvin H. 1997-98 Zeigler, Earle R. 1977-78 2014 2011 2013 2015 2012 ALLIANCE SCHOLAR AWARD Berg, Kris 2007-08 Beyrer, Mary K. 1978-79 Blair, Steven 1993-94 Bunker, Linda K. 2000-01 Clark, Jane E. 2006-07 Clarke, H. Harrison 1981-82 Corbin, Charles B. 1998-99 Costill, David L. 1980-81 Ennis, Catherine D. 2009-10 Glover, Elbert D. 2004-05 Green, Lawrence W. 1988-89 Greenberg, Jerrold 1995-96 Haymes, Emily M. 2002-03 10 Society of Health and Physical Educators HALL OF FAME AWARD Presented by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE) Albright, Tenley 1985 Alexander, Ruth 1987 Ashe, Arthur 1987 Auerbach, Red 1981 Brown, Joe 1980 Brown, Roscoe 1988 Brylinsky, Jody 2002 Bunker, Linda 1997 Ciszek, Ray 1994 Councilman, James 1980 DiCicco, Tony 2000 Duer, Al 1976 Enberg, Dick 1987 Flannery, Timothy 2012 Franck, D. Marian 2010 Fritz, Harry 1982 Gaines, Clarence 1990 Giese, Warren 1986 Gould, Daniel 1999 Hawthorne, Jesse 1983 Hellison, Don 1999 Hogshead, Nancy 1993 Holt/Hale, Shirley Ann 2002 Johnson, Rafer 1989 Kazmaier, Dick 1988 Kluka, Darlene 2010 Krause, Jerry 2000 Kuhn, Jo 1992 Lawther, John 1981 Ley, Katherine 1984 Lopiano, Donna 1985 Lumpkin, Angela 2011 Lund, Jacalyn 2013 Mandrell, Barbara 1983 Mann, Carol 1978 Martens, Rainer 2001 McKenzie, Thomas 2012 Merrick, Ross 1983 Miller, F. Don 1984 Miller, Shannon 2010 Missett, Judi Sheppard 2002 Mosston, Muska 1995 Munoz, Anthony 2001 Myler, Cammy 1999 Neal, Fred Curly 1991 Neal, Patsy 1981 Rink, Judith 2000 Roberton, Mary Ann 2011 Robinson, Eddie 1990 Rudolph, Wilma Samuelson, Joan Benoit Seefeldt, Vern Smith, Jackie Staffo, Donald Stevens, Sen. Ted Summitt, Pat Head Turner, Ted Vidmar, Peter Walker, LeRoy Weiss, Maureen White, Willye 1979 1989 1996 1997 2013 1993 1996 1986 1998 1977 1998 1994 Presented by SHAPE America Cooper, Kenneth 2015 Feingold, Ron 2014 Fosbury, Dick 2015 Joyner Kersee, Jackie 2014 Metzler, Michael 2015 Kruger, Hayes Kruger, Jane Lambdin, Dolly Logsdon, Bette Mehrhof, Joella Owens, Martha Pangrazi, Robert Peterson, Lois Pye Porter, Lorena Ritson, Robert Roberton, Mary Ann Rockett, Susan Sakola, Sally Sanborn, Marion Schneider, Elsa Seefeldt, Vern Sinclair, Caroline Smith, Paul Tillotson, Joan Werner, Peter Young, Jane 1991 1991 2012 1985 2011 1992 1996 1988 1988 1995 1994 1992 1995 1989 1989 1998 1990 1991 1992 2002 1991 MARGIE R. HANSON DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD JOY OF EFFORT AWARD First presented in 1984 by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE) Abitanta, Sal 1992 Allen, Catherine 1989 Allenbaugh, Naomi 1988 Allsbrook, Lee 1999 Barrett, Kate 1987 Bennett, John 1999 Blaydes, Jean 2013 Boucher, Andrea 1993 Brazelton, Ambrose 1993 Carson, Linda 2010 Colleran, Renee 2015 Corbin, Chuck 1998 Dauer, Vic 1987 Fleming, Gladys 1990 Fleming, Robert 1990 Gabbard, Carl 1997 Gallahue, David 1994 Graham, George 1997 Hanson, George 1994 Hanson, Margie R. 1984 Harageones, Emmanouel 1995 Hennessy, Betty 2001 Hoffman, Hugh 1987 Holt/Hale, Shirley 1993 Hutchinson, Doris 1990 Kirchner, Glenn 2000 Presented by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE) Allenbaugh, Naomi 1974 Allsbrook, Lee 1995 Arnold, Beth 1977 Arnold, Elisabeth 1975 Barker, Ruel 2002 Barry, Patricia 1984 Biles, Fay 1978 Brazelton, Ambrose 1999 Bryant, Tom 1994 Burkett, Lucy 1981 Button, Sherman 1996 Carr, Robert 1982 Clement, Annie 1986 Cusimano, Barbara 1998 Dennard, Rebecca 1976 Flinchlaugh, Elizabeth 1980 Franck, Marian 1989 Fritz, Kris 2012 Fuertges, Don 1997 Griffen, Ellen 1978 Halverson, Lolas 1989 Heitmann, Helen 1988 Henderson, Doris 1990 Hennis, Gail 1985 Hichwa, John S. 2010 Hixson, Chalmer 1974 11 Society of Health and Physical Educators Huelster, Laura Ingram, Dorothy Jefferies, Stephen Johnston,Vera Kneer, Marian Laurie, David Lawther, John Lohmiller, Virginia Maetozo, Matt McGill, Regina Metheny, Eleanor Miller Freeman Mitchell, Beverly Partin, Clyde Pease, Dean Razor, Jack Riley, Marie Schwank, Walter Seefeldt, Vern Smith, Glenn Stevens, Ann Tannehill, Deborah Wolf, Jake 1974 1987 2013 1984 1982 1983 1975 1983 1976 1990 1974 1975 2001 1987 1991 1993 1985 1975 1988 1976 1992 2000 1979 Presented by SHAPE America Reeves, Jennifer 2015 Roberts, Georgi 2014 CURRICULUM &INSTRUCTION HONOR AWARD First presented by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE) Anderson, Bill 1995 Barrett, Kate 1992 Ennis, Cathy 2002 Graham, George 1996 Haichun, Sun 2011 Hellison, Don 2000 Housner, Lynn 2012 Jewett, Ann 1991 Lee, Amelia 1998 Locke, Lawrence 1993 O’Sullivan, Mary 2001 Rink, Judith 1999 Rovegno, Inez 2010 Siedentop, Daryl 1994 Solmon, Malinda 2011 Van Der Mars, Hans 2013 Zakrajsek, Dorothy 1997 Presented by SHAPE America Graber, Kim 2015 Ward, Phillip 2014 CHANNING MANN OUTSTANDING PHYSICAL EDUCATION ADMINISTRATOR AWARD Presented by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (1974 through 2002) Adams, Lucinda W. 1993 Austin, Dean 1983 Avery, Marybell 2011 Avedisian, Charles 1977 Barringer, John 1974 Bartlett, Jeanne 1999 Bolden, Frank 1975 Brault, Donald 1977 Bride, Cresent 1976 Brown, Laura 1978 Canham, Dorothy 1978 Capon, Jack 1984 Carpenter, Jeff 2002 Christenson, Robert 1995 Cole, Clyde 1974 Daughtrey, Greyson 1975 Dennard, Rebecca 1985 Eddy, Bob 1980 Ennis, James 1976 Farkas, George 1976 George, Jack 1975 Haragoenes, Emmanouel 1992 Haroldson, William 1974 Hayes, Ashel 1976 Hennessy, Betty 1991 Houston, Lawrence 1977 Hucklebridge, Ted 1979 Hungerford, Charles 1988 Jacoby, Thomas 1992 Kerch, Barbara 1976 Kittlaus, Louis, Jr. 1975 Kohl, Fred 1982 Kozak, George 1977 Lewandowski, D. 1986 LoBianco, Judy 2013 Long, Edwin 1984 Lord Ralph, Jr. 1994 Luby, Robert 1978 Marsh, David 1990 McKenney, Joseph 1975 12 McLaughlin, Robert Mohnsen, Bonnie Mozzini, Lou Oestreich, Harry Orr, Bea Pate, Robert Piskula, Grace Rosenthal, William Roberts, Georgi Rowley, Lloyd Rusin, Jim Sakola, Ron Satterblom, Audrey Schaffer, Robert Sirnio, George Smith, Paul Stevens, Ann Thompson, Hilda Tobin, Irwin Turner, Bud Tweit, Alward Vernier, Elmon Vescolani, Gelinda Willett, Loyce Wuestner, Marjorie 1984 1997 1987 1975 1985 1974 1980 1975 2010 1978 1998 1989 2012 1992 1975 1988 1995 1975 1979 2000 1986 1974 1974 1981 2001 Presented by SHAPE America Larson, Eric 2014 Reyna, Mario 2015