1 2 3 S1. Calculations of diffusion coefficients The Kp, energy, and L shell dependent electric component (DLLE) and magnetic component (DLLM) of the radial diffusion coefficient are expressed as [Brautigam and Albert, 2000]: 4 1 cE T E DLL ( rms )2 ( )L6 , 2 4 B0 1 ( DT / 2) (S1) 5 DLLM 100.506Kp9.325 L10 , (S2) 6 respectively, where c is the light speed, B0 is the Earth’s equatorial magnetic field near the 7 surface (0.311 G), Erms is the root mean square (RMS) of the electric field amplitude, T is the 8 exponential decay timescale following the electric field fluctuations of the substorm activities 9 (2700 s), and ωD is the electron drift frequency. The total radial diffusion coefficient DLL is the 10 11 12 13 14 15 sum of DLLE and DLLM. When Kp > 1, ERMS is related to Kp as: ERMS = 0.26(Kp-1) + 0.1 mV/m. (S3) The electron drift frequency for 90° pitch angle is: D 3c , eL2 RE2 (S4) where μ is the first adiabatic invariant, γ is the Lorentz factor, and e is the electron unit charge. We used the UCLA Full Diffusion Code [Ni et al., 2008; Shprits and Ni, 2009] in a dipole 16 magnetic field to calculate the drift and bounce averaged quasi-linear diffusion coefficients of 17 electrons due to resonant interactions with plasmaspheric hiss. The hiss wave normal angles are 18 assumed to vary from field-aligned near the geomagnetic equator to highly oblique at higher 19 latitudes (45°), following the study of Ni et al. [2013]. The cyclotron harmonic resonances from - 20 10 to 10 and the Landau resonance are included in the calculation of diffusion coefficients. 21 Figure S1 presents the diffusion coefficients of 3.83 MeV electrons summed over different 22 ranges of harmonic numbers as a function of pitch angle at L = 4.5 and 5. At energies above ~3.5 23 MeV, although Ripoll and Mourenas [2013] have shown that higher order harmonics are needed 24 for a Gaussian wave frequency spectrum with a central frequency of 550 Hz, Figure S1 shows 25 that the summation of ten harmonics (black line) provides a reasonable estimate of the accurate 26 diffusion rates for the statistical wave frequency spectrum. The statistical hiss wave frequency 27 spectra during quiet periods are used for the 10-day period. The upper and lower cut-off 28 frequencies are 20 Hz and 4 kHz respectively based on the Van Allen probes observations. The 29 total plasma density ne is calculated using the empirical plasmaspheric density model of Sheeley 30 et al. [2001], which gives ne = 1390(3/L)4.83 cm-3. The pitch angle diffusion coefficients at L = 31 4.5 and L = 5.0 averaged over the 10-day period are shown in Figure 2b and Figure 2d, 32 respectively. 33 34 Figure S1: Diffusion coefficients for different ranges of harmonic number N due to 35 hiss wave scattering near noon at (a) L = 4.5 and (b) L = 5.0. Hiss wave amplitude is 36 10 pT; hiss wave power spectrum is adopted from the Van Allen probes survey 37 during quiet periods; hiss wave normal angle distribution is field-aligned near equator 38 and becomes oblique at higher latitudes, adopted from Ni et al. [2013]. 39 The hiss diffusion coefficients are calculated using the statistical magnetic power spectrum 40 obtained from the recent Van Allen probes survey, which is different from the previously 41 commonly used Gaussian distribution with a central frequency of 550 Hz and a bandwidth of 42 300 Hz. Figure S2 presents the normalized wave power spectrum near noon at L = 4.5, the 43 resultant diffusion coefficients, and lifetimes of energetic electrons (MeV). The statistical power 44 spectrum (black line) peaks below 200 Hz, thus increasing the scattering of higher energy 45 electrons over that for the Gaussian spectrum results. At lower frequencies, the statistical wave 46 power spectrum falls faster than the Gaussian spectrum; therefore the diffusion coefficients drop 47 faster from 1 to 3 MeV. Figure S2 suggests that the accurate hiss power spectrum is necessary to 48 quantify the scattering of energetic electrons. 49 50 Figure S2: (a) Normalized statistical hiss wave frequency spectrum near noon at L = 4.5 51 and Guassian frequency spectrum with a central frequency of 550 Hz and a frequency 52 width of 300 Hz. (b) Diffusion coefficients near the loss cone. (c) Electron lifetimes for 53 MeVs energy range. Hiss wave amplitude is 10 pT; -10 ≤ N ≤ 10; hiss wave normal 54 distribution is adopted from Ni et al. [2013]. 55 The diffusion coefficients due to the helium band EMIC waves are calculated from L = 4.0 56 to L = 5.5. The wave central frequency, frequency bandwidth, and lower and upper cutoff 57 frequencies are set as 3.6 fo+, 0.25 fo+, 3.35 fo+, and 3.85 fo+, respectively, where fo+ is the Oxygen 58 gyrofrequency. The wave normal is assumed to be field-aligned, and the waves have a maximum 59 latitudinal distribution of 45°. The multi-species magnetospheric plasma is composed of 70% H+, 60 20% He+, and 10% O+, following Meredith et al. [2003] and Lee and Angelopoulos [2014]. The 61 EMIC wave intensity is Bw2 = 0.1 nT2 with an occurrence rate of 2% and a MLT coverage of 62 25% during modest periods when Kp ≥ 2, consistent with the recent study of Meredith et al. 63 [2014]. The pitch angle diffusion coefficients due to the EMIC waves at L = 4.5 and L = 5.0 64 when Kp ≥ 2 are shown in Figure 2c and Figure 2e, respectively. 65 S2. The 3 dimensional radiation belt model 66 The evolution of the radiation belt particle phase space density (PSD) due to the radial, 67 pitch angle, and energy diffusion processes can be described by the modified Fokker-Planck 68 equation [Schultz and Lanzerotti, 1974]: f f L *2 (DL*L* L *2 ) t L * ,J L * ,J 69 1 S( eq )sin eq cos eq eq 1 S( eq )sin eq cos eq eq 1 p2 p 1 p2 p ( p 2 D L*, eq eq p ( p 2 D pp L*, eq (S( eq )sin eq cos eq D p,L* (S( eq )sin eq cos eq D p,L* f eq f p eq eq ) p,L* ), L*, eq eq p f eq f p ) p,L* ) L*, eq (S5) 70 where f is the PSD and related to the differential flux j as f = j/p2, t is the time, αeq is the 71 equatorial pitch angle, p is the particle’s momentum, L* is the distance from the Earth’s center to 72 the field line at the equator if the magnetic field was adiabatically relaxed to a dipole field, μ and 73 J are the first and second adiabatic invariants respectively, Dαeqαeq, Dpp and Dαeqp are the 74 drift and bounce averaged pitch angle, momentum, and mixed pitch angle-momentum diffusion 75 coefficients, and S(αeq) is a function related to bounce period and in a dipole magnetic field it can 76 be simplified as S( eq ) 1.38 0.32(sin eq sin 2 eq ) [Lenchek et al., 1961]. 77 The Fokker-Planck equation (S5) is numerically solved in the radial distance from 2.5 RE to 78 5.5 RE with a step of 0.25 RE, and in the equatorial pitch angle range from 0° to 90° with a step of 79 1°. The energy range increases from the outer radial boundary to the inner radial boundary. To 80 cover the essential energy range in which the Van Allen probes measured the gradual diffusion 81 processes, the energy range is set to be from 0.18 MeV to 5.8 MeV at L = 5.5, from 0.3 MeV to 8 82 MeV at L = 4.5, and from 1.1 MeV to 20 MeV at L = 2.5. We set the p grid as 90 logarithmically 83 spaced points from the lower to the higher energy boundaries. 84 We solved the radial diffusion process along the constant μ and J lines in the radial grids. 85 The time step for radial diffusion is set as 60 s. The lower L shell boundary condition is set as f 86 (L = 2.5) = 0, and the PSD at higher L shell boundary is set to be the particle data from the Van 87 Allen probes measurements. To simulate the radial diffusion process of PSD at each (L, α, p) 88 point, we calculated the PSD with the same μ and J values at different L shells by interpolation, 89 and used the fully implicit method to solve the radial diffusion equation. Therefore, the PSD 90 evolution at each (L, α, p) point is solved independently, and the results are directly used to 91 perform the local diffusion calculations. 92 We used the alternative direction implicit (ADI) method [Xiao et al., 2009] to simulate the 93 local diffusion processes due to the interactions between energetic electrons and the plasma 94 waves. The calculation at each L shell is performed independently. The PSD at the lower energy 95 boundary is set to be the particle data from measurements, and the higher energy boundary 96 condition is set as f (p = pmax) = 0 due to the absence of high energy electrons, where pmax is the 97 momentum corresponding to the highest energy. 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