Comparing modern times to ancient times of Egypt

Essential Question: How do people and cultures influence our present world?
Standard: 2.WD.1.1 - Students are able to compare features of modern day
living (food, shelter, clothing, transportation) to ancient
21st Century Skills Utilized: Analytical Thinking, Communicating,
Collaborating, Finding and Evaluating
Information, Problem Solving
Objective: Students will compare the features of modern day living in Egypt
and China with ancient times of Egypt and China.
Vocabulary – ancient, transportation
Materials: -At Play: Long Ago and Today by Lynnette R. Brent
- The Story of Civilization – By Nicki Palin
- We’re From Egypt
- If I Were a Kid in Ancient Egypt
- The Great Pyramid
- Taking Your Camera to Egypt
- Read About Ancient Egyptians
- Civilizations Past to Present: Egypt
- Ancient Civilizations: Egypt
- Ms Frizzles Adventures in Ancient Egypt
WORD DOC –Egypt Homes Today and Egypt Transportation Today (See
Essential’s Guide for link)
-Chart – Egypt Long Ago and Today
Procedure (about 12-14 days)
-Review the Essential Question: How do people and cultures influence our
present world?
Day 1 – Discuss what is meant by long ago or ancient.
- Read: At Play: Long Ago and Today
- Discuss the activities in black and white pictures with the colored
pictures. Notice how the past has influenced our present day.
- Read The Story of Civilization to the class to help the students
understand ancient times.
Day 2 – Students will learn the location of Egypt, the importance of the
Nile River, and facts about Egypt today.
Using the website –
- Staring at the Introduction to Egypt, read about Egypt, then go down
to, click to find out more about the Nile River, and read information to the end
of the page. Click on Egypt today and read about Egypt. (Be sure to stress the
reading skills of reading a web page.)
Book -Read About Ancient Egyptians pg 4-5 –
Why did people live near the Nile River? It gave them water and food.
Day 3 – 7 (or more)
- Read various books or use the previous internet site to learn more about
Egypt. Complete the comparison chart -Egypt Long Ago and Today
(attached to Essentials guide page) compare Ancient Egypt to modern
day Egypt. Compare - Food, shelter, clothing, and transportation from
long ago to today. Attached below is a Teacher’s guide with book
names and page numbers. (Also, WORD DOC for pictures of Egypt
found on the Essential’s guide). You do not need to use all the
resources. Since not all resources are easy to obtain, we provided a
variety of possible choices.
Comparing Egypt Long Ago and Today
Long Ago – Food
Read About Ancient Egyptians pg 20-21
-fruit, vegetables, meat (fish, cows, wild birds, and animals)
-pastries and cakes
Civilizations Past to Present Egypt pg 15
-Mostly fish and vegetables
-Rich people roasted meats over fires
-A popular salad was made of cucumber and lettuce
-Breads were sweetened with honey and fruits
-Dried fish and meat (salted and dried)
(Also found in Egypt: Scholastic History Readers)
– (go to farming)
Today - Food
Taking Your Camera to Egypt pg 24-25
-Meat is eaten with flat bread
Civilizations Past to Present Egypt pg 15
-dried fish and meat
-variety of foods from around the modern world
(Also many canned and refrigerated foods)
Long Ago – Shelter
Read About Ancient Egyptians – pg 18-19
-thick mud, brick houses with wooden roofs covered with palm branches
(Thick bricks kept the home cool)
-Rich Egyptians lived in Villas with gardens and pools
-Craftspeople lived in simple houses with 1 to 2 rooms
Civilizations Past to Present Egypt pg 12
-some homes had cellars for storing foods and supplies
-they did not have much furniture/people sat on cushions or stools
Egypt: Scholastic History Readers pg 28-29 (great picture)
The Ancient Egyptians pg 24-25
Today – Shelter
Civilizations Past to Present Egypt pg 12-13
-large buildings/apartments in modern buildings
-some villas are found in the country
(Some of the homes made of dried bricks have electricity and air conditioning.)
We’re from Egypt (read the book to class, focus on the pictures)
WORD DOC Egypt Homes Today – (see Essentials guide for WORD DOC)
Long Ago – Clothing
Read About Ancient Egyptians – pg 21-22
-women wore white linen dresses, black wigs or many braids, large necklaces, bracelets,
-some had tattoos
-men wore short skirts around the waist
-some shaved their heads and wore wigs
-sandals or no shoes
Civilizations Past to Present Egypt pg 13
-kids wore clothing the same as parents
-kids shaved their heads all but a piece of hair on the side
– (go to clothes)
Today – Clothing
Taking Your Camera to Egypt pg 9, 11,15,16,17,19,23,25
(Look at pictures to see the clothing)
-some wear pants, and shirts
-some people cover their heads with cloth
-some wear long dresses (both men and women)
Civilizations Past to Present Egypt pg 13
We’re from Egypt (read the book to class, focus on the pictures)
Long Ago - Transportation
Read About Ancient Egyptians – pg 17
-2 person chariots
Civilizations Past to Present Egypt pg 11
Today – Transportation
- Taking Your Camera to Egypt pg 8, 9, 10, 14, 17,
-boats pg 8-9
-subways pg 10
-trucks pg 14
-bikes pg 17
Civilizations Past to Present Egypt pg 11
WORD DOC –Egypt Transportation Today (see Essentials guide to find WORD DOC)
Day 8-10
Using a variety of materials, discuss contributions from Egypt. Using large
chart paper, teacher will list contributions from Egypt to be reviewed later.
Egypt’s Contributions
Book – Civilizations Past to Present: Egypt
Pg 20-21 - hieroglyphs – written language
– Papyrus – a kind of paper
Pg 22 – 1st pottery wheel
- Architects and builders – learned to move huge objects and rock with
- Ropes and pulleys, and incline planes
Book – Scholastic History Reader: Egypt
Pg 10 – calendar
Pg 21 – hieroglyphs
Pg 22 – papyrus
Book – The Ancient World: Egypt
Pg 42-46 – Mummies – embalming
Book – The Ancient Egyptians
Pg 18-19 – mummies
Pg 20-21 – Pyramids – architects
Book- The Great Pyramid
Pg 4-22 mummies and pyramids
Website: -
-Select mummies at the left side
-Interactive activities at the end
Preparing a Mummy and Making A Mummy
-kids go through the process of making a mummy and it explains the process
Review contributions
Day 11-12
Assessment: Students will create a poster that shows influences of Egypt long
ago to Egypt today. Students will present their posters to the class. (Share
rubric below before students start on their project)
-Posters may include a probe with the Essential question/ statement in the
middle and probes coming out from the middle that would have pictures and/or
statements. Students may work in groups or alone. Title, pictures, writing,
neatness, and oral presentation are scored. Ex. below
Ancient Egypt
influences our
world today.
-Rubric for scoring assessment
1- needs to
The poster is
difficult to read.
The poster is neat,
colorful, and easy
to read. A title is
visible. Poster
contains sentences
which explain the
The poster
contains 4 or
more details about
influences from
the past that are
still evident today.
Presentation to the
class, speaker is
loud and easy to
understand. The
speaker describes
all the parts of the
The poster is neat
and easy to read.
It may contain a
few sentences.
The poster is easy
to read with some
The poster
contains 3 details
about Egyptian
influences from
the past that are
still evident today.
The poster
contains 2 details
about Egyptian
influences from
the past that are
still evident today.
The poster
contains 1 detail
about Egyptian
influences from
the past that are
still evident today.
Presentation to the
class, speaker is
quiet and/or a
little difficult to
understand. The
speaker describes
some parts of the
Engaged in the
Off task some of
work most of the the time, needed
time, shared
reminders to
responsibility of
continue work or
creating or
had difficulty
presenting the
poster, but did not responsibility of
complete the
creating the poster
poster on time.
or presenting the
poster, poster not
completed on
The presentation
to the class, the
speaker is difficult
to understand.
Engaged in the
work, encouraged
others to work,
responsibility of
creating or
presenting the
poster, and
completed poster
on time.
Presentation to the
class, speaker is
loud and easy to
understand. The
speaker describes
some parts of the
Off task much of
the time, needed
many reminders
to continue work,
did not complete
task on time.