Nina Gibson Raqueno

Nina Gibson Raqueno
54 Lomb Memorial Dr • Rochester, NY • 14623
(585) 475-7676
Employment History
Research Scientist, Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Center for Imaging Science,
Rochester, NY
1999 – 2005
Manage all GIS and GPS needs, including data collection, mapping, analysis, and hardware/software
Train DIRS staff and students on GIS technology and tools.
Manage the Thermal Calibration of Landsat TM and ETM+ Project, including student training, field
collection, atmospheric correction using MODTRAN, and presentation of results to NASA’s Landsat
Science Team Bi-annual Meetings.
Manage the Spectral Database Development Team to streamline data collection and delivery.
Coordinate large field campaigns such as DIRS MegaCollect. MegaCollect consisted of over 50
personnel collecting remote sensing ground and water truth simultaneously with 4 airborne imaging
Prepare flight and mission plans for RIT’s airborne imaging sensors (WASP and MISI).
GIS Consultant, Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Center for Imaging Science,
Rochester, NY
1997 – 1999
Explained and recommended the benefits of GIS technology as a tool to support numerous Remote
Sensing projects.
Provided support for software use, data collection, and data management.
Technical Illustrator, Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Center for Imaging Science,
Rochester, NY
1994 – 1995
Produced illustrations and images for Remote Sensing textbook.
Education History
M.S. coursework and research, Environmental Resource Engineering, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY
1992 – 1999
B.S., Imaging Science, RIT, Rochester, NY
1987 – 1991
Undergraduate credits, Oceanography & Nautical Sciences, Sea Education Association, Woods Hole, MA
Technical Skills
GIS Tools:
ArcView, ArcGIS, ArcInfo,
ArcPad, Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, Image Analysis
Database Tools: PostgreSQL and PHP
GPS Tools:
Trimble GeoExplorer (integrated GPS and field computer),
Garmin GPS12, Etrex Series, and Garmin MapSource software.
Remote Sensing Field Collection Hardware:
ASD Spectroradiometer, Precision Radiation Thermometer,
Inframetrics Thermal Camera
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
MS Office Products: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access
Operating Systems: UNIX, Windows (NT, 2000, XP), and MS Windows Mobile Pocket PCs
Professional Affiliations
SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering)
ASPRS (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)
GIS/SIG (Geographic Information Systems/Special Interest Group)
Great Lakes Research Consortium
The RIT GIS Steering Committee
Publications and Presentations
Raqueno, N.G., Smith, L.E., Messinger, D.W., Salvaggio, C., Raqueno, R.V., Schott, J.R., “MegaCollect 2004:
hyperspectral collection experiment of terrestrial targets and backgrounds of the RIT Megascene and surrounding
area (Rochester, New York),” Proceedings SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Vol. 5806, pp 554-565, 2005
Raqueno, R.V., Raqueno, N.G., Weidemann, A.D., Effler, S.W., Perkins, M., Vodacek, A., Schott, J.R., Philpot,
W.D., Kim, M., “MegaCollect 2004: hyperspectral collection over the waters of the Rochester Embayment,”
Proceedings SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Vol. 5806, pp 566-577, 2005
Smith, K., Raqueno, N.G, Using Mobile GIS to Populate a Spectral Database, presented at the GIS/SIG 14th
Annual Spatial/Digital Mapping Conference, Rochester, 2005
Raqueno, N.G., Schott, J.R., Landsat ETM+ & TM Thermal Vicarious Calibration 2005 update, presented at the
Landsat Science Team Calibration Meeting, Rochester, 2005
Raqueno, N.G., Schott, J.R., Landsat ETM+ & TM Thermal Vicarious Calibration 2004 Summary, presented at
the Landsat Science Team Calibration Meeting, Tucson, 2004
Raqueno, N.G., Schott, J.R., Landsat ETM+ & TM Thermal Vicarious Calibration 2003 Summary, presented at
the Landsat Science Team Calibration Meeting, South Lake Tahoe, 2003
Schott, J.R., Raqueno, N.G., “Landsat Radiometric Calibration: Towards a 20 Year Record of Calibrated
Thematic Mapper Class Data,” NASA Contract #NAG5-11298, Annual Reports 1999-2004
O’Donnell, E.M., Schott, J.R., Raqueno, N.G., “Calibration History of Landsat Thermal Data”, Proceedings at
IGARSS 2002, Toronto, Canada, IEEE Vol. 1, pp. 27-29
Schott, J. R., Barsi, J.A., Nordgren, B.L., Raqueno, N.G., de Alwis, D. “Calibration of Landsat Thermal Data and
Application to Water Resource Studies,” Remote Sensing of Environment Vol. 78, p. 108-117, 2001
Raqueno, R.V., Raqueno, N.G., Fairbanks, R.R., Schott, J.R., Vodacek, A., Hamel J.A., “Hyperspectral analysis
tools for the multiparameter inversion of water quality factors in coastal regions,” Proceedings SPIE Int. Soc. Opt.
Eng., Vol. 4132, pp 323-333, 2000
Schott, J.R., Barsi, J.A., de Alwis, D., Raqueno, N.G., "Application of LANDSAT 7 to Great Lakes Water Resource
Assessment," presented at the International Association for Great Lakes Research 43 rd Conference on Great Lakes
and St. Lawrence River Research, Cornwall, Ontario, 2000
Raqueno, N.G., Barsi, J.A., and Schott, J.R., "The generation of a GIS database to support cooperative Great
Lakes studies," presented at the Great Lakes Research Consortium’s Student Faculty Conference, Syracuse 2000
Schott, J.R., Barsi, J.A., Raqueno, N.G., Miller M.E., de Alwis, D., “Application of Landsat 7 data to Great Lakes
water resource assessment,” ASPRS 2000, Pecora14, Denver, 1999
Schott, J.R., De Alwis, D., Raqueno, N.G., “Improved Great Lakes temperature mapping using remote sensing
and a three dimensional hydrodynamic model,” abstract submitted to the International Association for Great
Lakes Research (IAGLR) Annual Conference, Cleveland, 1999
Raqueno, N.G., “Great Lakes K-12 Outreach Efforts,” presented at the Imaging Science Industrial Associates
Meeting, RIT, 1999
Raqueno, N.G., “Introduction to GIS,” tutorial for Great Lakes course, RIT, 1998
Raqueno, N.G., "GIS to support Great Lakes Research," presented to the New York State GIS Conference,
Rochester, NY, 1998
Schott, J.R., Raqueno, N.G., Barsi, J.A., Miller, M.E., Nordgren, B.L., “The generation of a GIS database for the
support of Great Lakes Studies,” presented at the International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR)
Annual Conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 1998