General Specifications (For use in extreme climatic and

A10 – Suppliers Declaration on
Counterfeit Prevention
Call for Tender No.
Instruction to bidders: Declaration to be printed on supplier’s letter head; signed and stamped
We, [supplier’s name] confirm that we have an SOP in place regarding counterfeit products to ensure the
Counterfeit prevention:
-Purchasing only from manufacturers directly or suppliers with valid wholesales license.
-Periodically analysing of medical goods by an independent pharmaceutical laboratory
-In case of suspicion of counterfeit arrange additional analysis of the suspected lot
-In case of proven counterfeit, reject the batch(es) containing counterfeit, and change vendor
status to unacceptable if deemed necessary.
-Notify the inspection authorities of the country of origin.
-When imported into the Dutch territory, notify the Dutch Health authorities (IGZ )
-Register proven counterfeit in complaints registration file
Name of authorized signatory, place, date, stamp
Special Conditions
Annex A-I
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