UNDERS TAND IDEATE BUILD REFLECT Counterfeit goods, sold under another brand's name without authorization, pose a significant health and safety threat to consumindustries like fashion, electronics, and pharmaceuticalsers and the economy in various. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC Counterfeit goods cause significant economic losses, stealing billions of dollars from governments for public services and infrastructure. They also lead to job losses and lower wages in affected industries, erode the value of trademarks and intellectual property, and discourage investment in research and development. Counterfeit drugs and cosmetics pose significant safety hazards due to their inferior materials and potential for health issues. These counterfeit products can cause accidents, illnesses, and even death, while also causing financial losses for consumers. Consumers may need to replace counterfeit goods, repair damages, or seek medical treatment, potentially losing their warranty or insurance coverage. The innovative approach of 3D printing technology is being used to combat counterfeit products by creating unique authentication features, such as codes or patterns, for high-value items like luxury goods and medical devices. This technology offers flexibility and customization options, making it a promising solution for creating highly personalized and secure authentication features. Thus,3D printed authentication is an excellent measure which can help in the decrease rate of counterfeit goods.The production and trafficking of counterfeit goods poses a significant health and safety threat to consumers and must be taken care of immediately. BY GROUP 6