TONY LINDSAY Judge 280TH District Court Harris County Civil Courthouse Houston, Texas 77002 713-368-6420 FAX TO ALL COUNSEL AND GUARDIAN AD LITEM: NO MINOR SETTLEMENT HEARING WILL BE HELD UNTIL each attorney and each Guardian Ad litem has executed and submitted to the clerk (the clerk who sits in the clerk’s office of the 280th District Clerk on the 14th floor of the Civil Courthouse – not merely filed downstairs) a statement in the following form: I am the _________________________________ for the _______________________________________ attorney/GAL/whatever Defendant/Plaintiff, etc. __________________________________________________. the names of party or parties I have carefully read the Court’s instructions “Regarding Form Of Judgment in Minor Settlements” dated 2-15-07; and I have carefully read the proposed judgment that will be submitted to the Court for signing at the minor settlement hearing. I have carefully compared the proposed judgment with the Court’s instructions. The form of the proposed judgment fully complies with all of the Court’s instructions. In addition, the form of judgment actually orders the Minor’s money to be paid (is not merely an “apportionment”.) I understand that the Judge will review the proposed judgment before the hearing actually takes place. I further understand that, if the proposed judgment does not comply with the Court’s instructions, no hearing will be held and everyone’s time will have been wasted. I understand that, if anything needs to be signed by anybody, it must be done before the time set for the minor settlement hearing. If we wish to sign papers at the minor settlement hearing, then we will come early enough so that this can be accomplished before the time set for the minor settlement hearing. We expect the Judge to go to lunch if we are not ready at the time set for the minor settlement hearing. Date signed: _____________ (signature)________________________________________ [Printed signature block] _____________________________________________________________________________________________ You may leave blanks for amounts of money, if appropriate. The Court will no longer allow the D-attorney to submit a form of judgment after the minor settlement hearing to correct items addressed in the Court’s instructions or the above statement. Each attorney shall read and sign his own stuff; and shall not rely on paralegals, secretaries, or other attorneys. The clerk will NOT set the hearing until all required statements have been submitted. THIS IS NOT THE PIECE OF PAPER YOU SEND BACK TO THE COURT. THIS IS A FORM FOR YOU TO USE IN DRAFTING YOUR STATEMENT. YOU WILL ADD THE PROPER STYLE OF THE CASE AND CAUSE NUMBER AND SIGNATURE BLOCK. Drafted 5-13-08