Voluntary Services Policy - Portsmouth Hospitals Trust

Name of responsible (ratifying) committee
Patient Experience Steering Group
Date ratified
17th January 2014
Document Manager (job title)
Voluntary Services Coordinator
Date issued
21st January 2014
Review date
August 2015
Electronic location
Management Policies
Related Procedural Documents
Key Words (to aid with searching)
Voluntary service; voluntary work; volunteers;
Volunteer organizers; Staff health and safety;
Security; Personnel procedures; Voluntary Services
Coordinator. Public and Patient Involvement
Version Tracking
Date Ratified
Brief Summary of Changes
Direct Volunteers Patients Experience Council
Members has been disbanded and replaced
with Public and Patient Involvement Group
FORT – No longer is within Q A Hospital
.Duties and Responsibilities
The Head of Patient Experience now has overall
responsibility for the management of the Trust’s
voluntary services
Volunteers Dress Code has been included
The management and support of volunteers is
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)
the responsibility of the senior staff within the
placement area. The VSO will support staff with
any serious issues.
Two references are now required (one from
present/past employer or Tutor, and volunteers
to attend or undertake online Trust Induction to
bring process in line with the NHS Employment
Check standards issued in September 2012
which refers to staff and volunteers
Changes in the process of CRB checking with a
change of name to Disclosure and Barring
Volunteers from In-Direct Groups wishing to
undertake voluntary roles elsewhere within the
Trust must undertake Trust Induction and have
D&B check if role requires, or have a written
statement from Lead of In-Direct Group
confirming checks have been made and
suitability to role.
New Volunteers must complete and three month
probation period undertaking patient feedback
Training Requirements.
New volunteers must undertake local Induction
and training with patient feedback.
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)
QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE....................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 6
PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................... 6
SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................ 6
DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 6
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................. 7
PROCESS ................................................................................................................................... 8
TRAINING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 10
REFERENCES AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION .......................................................... 10
EQUALITY IMPACT STATEMENT ............................................................................................ 10
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)
1. The lower age limit for volunteers is 16; higher age limits apply within certain departments
i.e. Maternity. Additional age restrictions may apply due to Health and Safety legislation.
There is no upper age limit for volunteers, provided the volunteer is able to maintain their
voluntary role and will not endanger themselves, staff, patients or visitors to the Trust.
2. All new volunteers are required to
 Complete a written application for his/her respective organisation using
either the Trust
volunteers’ documentation or a Voluntary Services
Department (VSD) approved alternative as follows:
Application Form
Declaration of Health Form
D&B/Disclosure and Barring Form (where applicable)
ICT Agreement (where applicable)
Attend a recruitment interview with the Voluntary Services Co-ordinator
(VSC), or their specific organizational manager or Co-Ordinator from Indirect
Volunteer Group.
Attend or undertake online the Trust Induction (to be in line with the NHS
Employment Check Standards issued September 2012)
Sign the ICT Security Procedures for Volunteers Agreement.
Sign a Voluntary Services Code of Conduct (see appendix 1)
Security Identity badges to be worn when undertaking voluntary role and
report any loss of ID badge or car parking permit to the VSC or Security
Provide two references, one from present/last employer or tutor (to be in line
with the NHS Employment Check Standards issued September 2012)
Complete and three month probation period undertaking the collection of
patient feedback
Undertake local induction and training in patient feedback.
3. Any volunteer who is absent due to ill health for more than a six week period must ensure
that they are cleared by Occupational Health before resuming their placement. The VSC
may refer a volunteer to the Occupational Health Department for review in respect of health
and safety.
4. Volunteers who commence a course of Hepatitis B with the Occupational Health
Department but discontinue their voluntary work before completing the course are required
to pay the standard charge for vaccine and associated blood tests.
5. Volunteers will not have a contract with The Trust nor will they be considered an employee.
When a volunteer does not receive payment or anything else of value, then there is no
contract in existence. There is no mutual obligation and therefore no contractual
relationship. A written volunteer agreement is signed to clarify the intended relationship
between the volunteer and The Trust. (see appendix 1)
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)
The Trust will end a voluntary placement with immediate effect in cases of misconduct or
breach of confidentiality.
6. Volunteers should not be out of pocket by undertaking voluntary work. In particular it
should not be a barrier to people on restricted incomes whereby additional expenses
prevent them from voluntary involvement. Direct volunteers may claim expenses for the
cost of travel to the Trust from their home. These will either be paid at public transport rate
i.e. the cost of the ticket or at a Trust approved rate if travelling by car. This is a
discretionary payment and a gesture of goodwill by the Trust. Meal vouchers would be
made available for those working in excess of 4 hours
7. Volunteers should adhere to the dress code of smart but casual with no jeans or trainers to
be worn. The Trust will provide Tabards and Polo Shirts should they be required for the
particular role.
8. Volunteers are indemnified through the Trust’s insurance scheme provided they are
carrying out activities with the agreement of their respective Coordinator/Manager and
within any codes of conduct or guidelines that have been issued to them.
9. Volunteers recruited by an In-Direct Voluntary Group, wishing to carry out a voluntary role
elsewhere within the Trust must undertake the Trust Induction Course and complete a
Disclosure & Barring Form if applicable. Or there is a written statement from the lead of the
In-Direct Voluntary Group, confirming all necessary checks have been completed and
suitability of volunteer for particular role.
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)
The purpose of this document is to provide reference and guidance in support of voluntary
activity within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (the Trust). The Trust recognizes volunteers
as a valuable resource as, whilst the service is non-essential, the service they provide is
invaluable. The Trust acknowledges their role is to complement, not substitute the work of
paid staff.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure:
Clear and recognized systems of accountability to enable the provision,
maintenance and delivery of an innovative, effective and supportive service.
Good standards of practice in the recruitment, retention, support and training of
those who undertake voluntary work for the Trust, on Trust premises.
This policy applies to all Direct and Indirect Volunteers. Independent organizations working
on Trust premises retain their autonomy whilst under the collective umbrella of the Voluntary
Services Department (VSD).
‘In the event of an infection outbreak, flu pandemic or major incident, the Trust recognizes
that it may not be possible to adhere to all aspects of this document. In such
circumstances, staff should take advice from their manager and all possible action must
be taken to maintain ongoing patient and staff safety’
‘an activity which involves spending time, unpaid, doing something,
which aims to benefit the environment, individuals or groups other
than, or in addition to close relatives’. The term volunteering also
includes formal activity undertaken through public, private and
voluntary organizations as well as informal community participation.
Direct Volunteers:
those people recruited and managed directly by the Trust Voluntary
Services Co-ordinator (VSC). i.e. meal time assistants, hospital
guides, General ward assistants, administrative assistants,
volunteers participating in public and patient involvement initiatives
Indirect Volunteers:
independent service providers e.g. League of Friends, Macmillan,
ROCKY, Chaplaincy, Rotary Patient Library Service, Hospital
Broadcasting and similar.
a “lawful visitor on Trust premises carrying out work on a voluntary
basis”, who choose to freely commit their time and energy to support
the work of the service, without receiving financial benefit beyond
reimbursement of expenses.
Registered Charity which raises funds to procure medical equipment
for departments across the Trust
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)
League of Friends:
National Charity which raise funds to ‘improve the care and comforts
given to patients, relatives and staff, above those which are provided
by the NHS
Public and Patient Involvement:
Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) activities (focus groups, public
representation on Trust committees etc.) support the spirit of section
242 (1B) of the National Health Service act 2006. The Voluntary
Services Coordinator will decide at what this level this policy applies
to volunteers involved in PPI activity with the exception of payment of
Head of Patient Experience
The Head of PE has overall responsibility for the management of the Trust’s Voluntary
The Voluntary Services Co-ordinator (VSC) is responsible for:
Recruiting, processing all applications and recruitment documentation
The placement, monitoring, and development of Direct Volunteers.
Promoting and developing good working relationships between the Trust and ‘on
site’ Service Providers.
Creating and developing clear channels of communication with external charitable
and statutory organizations to create good public and community links, by providing
a focal point and an information base for all voluntary activity on Trust premises.
This to ensure and maintain the diversity and quality of the services provided.
Ensuring that volunteers / voluntary organisations comply with this policy.
Taking appropriate action on receipt of the Occupational Health Review.
Processing requests for identity badges and/car parking permits.
Maintain a database for all volunteers working on the Trust premises
Registering and removing any volunteers on the Major Incident call out list.
Ensuring all information about volunteers is maintained in accordance with the Data
Protection Act and the Trust Code of Conduct for the handling, storage and
disclosure of confidential information
All volunteers
It is the responsibility of all volunteers to undertake all assigned duties in accordance with the
requirements of this policy. Volunteers will also be invited to support the Trust’s Major
Incident Plan, should this be enacted at any time.
Occupational Health Department (OHD)
The OHD is responsible for ensuring that a volunteer is fit and able to undertake the work for
which they are volunteering and for informing the VSC of the outcome of any Occupational
Health review.
Senior Staff in Voluntary Placement Area
The management and support of volunteers within their areas is the responsibility of the
senior staff within the placement area. This is with the support of the VSO for more serious
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)
Terms and Conditions
Age limits
The lower age limit for volunteers is 16; higher age limits apply within certain
departments i.e. Maternity. Additional age restrictions may apply due to Health
and Safety legislation.
There is no upper age limit for volunteers, provided the volunteer is able to
maintain their voluntary role and will not endanger themselves, staff, patients or
visitors to the Trust.
New applications
All new volunteers are required to
Complete a written application for his/her respective organisation using
either the Trust volunteers’ documentation or a VSD approved alternative
as follows:
 Application Form
 Declaration of Health Form
 D&B/Disclosure and Barring Form (where applicable)
 ICT Agreement (where applicable)
 Attend a recruitment interview with the VSC, or their specific organizational
manager or coordinator from Indirect Group
 Sign the ICT Security Procedures for Volunteers Agreement.
 Wear Identity Badges when undertaking a voluntary role and report any
loss of ID badge or car parking permit to the VSC or Security
 Provide two personal references (to be in line with the NHS Employment
Check Standards issue September 2012)
 Attend or undertake online the Trust Induction (to be in line with the NHS
Employment Check Standards issued September 2012)
 Complete and three month probation period collecting patient feedback via
Sickness absence
Any volunteer who is absent due to ill health for more than a six week period must
ensure that they are cleared by Occupational Health before resuming their
placement. The VSC may refer a volunteer to the Occupational Health
Department for review in respect of health and safety
Hepatitis B
Volunteers who commence a course of Hepatitis B with the Occupational Health
Department but discontinue their voluntary work before completing the course are
required to pay the standard charge for vaccine and associated blood tests.
Statement of Agreement (see appendix 1)
Volunteers will not have a contract with The Trust nor will they be considered an
employee. When a volunteer does not receive payment or anything else of value,
then there is no contract in existence. There is no mutual obligation and therefore
no contractual relationship. A written volunteer agreement is signed to clarify the
intended relationship between the volunteer and The Trust.
The Trust will end a voluntary placement with immediate effect in cases of
misconduct or breach of confidentiality.
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)
Travel Expenses for Direct Volunteers & Participation in PPI events
Volunteers should not be out of pocket by undertaking voluntary work. In
particular it should not be a barrier to people on restricted incomes whereby
additional expenses prevent them from voluntary involvement. Direct volunteers
may claim expenses for the cost of travel to the Trust from their home. These will
either be paid at public transport rate i.e. the cost of the ticket or at a Trust
approved rate if travelling by car. This is a discretionary payment and a gesture of
goodwill by the Trust. Reimbursement of taxi fares should be agreed in advance
and should only be used under exceptional circumstances.
Meal vouchers up to the value of £3 will be provided to those volunteers who
attend in excess of 4 hours
(Note: Indirect Service Providers will have their own policy in respect of
reimbursement of expenses.)
Patients, carers and members of the public who are invited to participate in Trust
PPI events, (excluding open days and open public meetings) committees or
working groups and are not reimbursed or paid by another organisation to do so,
should have related expenses reimbursed.
Where appropriate the cost of an interpreter and cost of care e.g. respite/child
care/carer/companion to enable participation in the PPI event will be met the Trust
at actual cost or at an agreed standard rate
Clinical Service Centres should carefully consider if Voluntary or Public and
Patient Involvement activities warrant overnight accommodation (up to a
maximum of £50 per person per night on production of receipts) or reimbursement
of lunch or evening meal (if not provided as part of the activity)
Any claims for reimbursement should be supported by receipts; however service
providers can use discretion on reimbursing expenses where receipts have not
been provided e.g. where a travel ticket is required for a return journey
Dress Code
Volunteers should adhere to the dress code of smart but casual with no wearing of
jeans or trainers. The Trust will provide Tabards and Polo shirts which can be
worn if the particular voluntary role requires for example General Ward Assistant or
Meal Time Assistant.
Volunteers are indemnified through the Trust’s insurance scheme provided they
are carrying out activities with the agreement of their respective
Coordinator/Manager and within any codes of conduct or guidelines that have
been issued to them.
Major Incident
Every new volunteer will be given the opportunity to register their name on the Voluntary
Services Major Incident ‘call out’ list.
Right to desist/relocate
The Trust, through the Chief Executive, reserves the right to ask volunteers / voluntary
organizations to desist/relocate activity in respect of legislative or organizational changes.
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)
All volunteers
 Undertake Health & Safety training via e-learning
 Are provided with an information booklet
 Receive specific instruction regarding their role within the organisation
 Are provided with a task list to enable them to carry out their role safely
 Undertake local Induction and training in Patient feedback
“Volunteers across the NHS: Improving the Patient Experience and Creating a Patient-led
Service” (Volunteering England February 2006) website www.volunteering.org.uk.
‘Investing in Volunteers’ the UK quality standard for all organisation that involve volunteers
(website investinginvolkunteers.org.uk).
The Compact and Code of
Data Protection Act
Trust Code of Conduct for the handling, storage and disclosure of confidential information.
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that, as far as is reasonably
practicable, the way we provide services to the public and the way we treat our staff reflects
their individual needs and does not discriminate against individuals or groups on any
This policy has been assessed accordingly
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)
1. In the course of your voluntary work you may gain knowledge of a confidential nature relating to the private affairs,
diagnosis and treatment of patients, information affecting members of the public, matters concerning staff and details
of items under consideration by the trust. Under no circumstances should information be divulged or passed to any
unauthorised persons. This includes discussions with colleagues concerning patients in situations where the
conversation may be overheard. Any breach of confidence or unauthorised disclosure will result in disciplinary
action, which may result in your dismissal from voluntary work on Trust premises.
2. You will be issued with an ID badge and this is for your use only. You are required to wear this at all times whilst
volunteering. Under no circumstances do you allow access to any other individual using your ID badge, and please
be aware of the importance of preventing ‘tailgating’.
3. If you have been given access to the Trust’s car parks, you are only permitted to use this access for the purposes of
your volunteering only.
4. You have a legal obligation to take reasonable care of your own health and safety and the safety of other people who
may be affected by your acts or omissions. All volunteers are given the opportunity to access information, instruction
and induction training necessary to enable the safe performance of prescribed safe systems of work practises within
the department/unit you enter.
5. Should you be involved in an accident in your capacity as a volunteer whilst on Trust premises, you or someone
acting on your behalf should notify the Department Manager or the Voluntary Services Co-ordinator (VSC). An entry
must be made in the departments Accident Book.
6. Fire precaution in Portsmouth Hospitals is everybody’s business. Please ensure you are familiar with the hospitals
fire procedures. It is your responsibility and/or your group/unit manager/co-coordinator to ensure you are aware of
relevant fire procedures/induction training.
7. Patient’s rights must be respected at all times. No abuse of patients or users of our services will be tolerated.
8. Portsmouth Hospitals accepts no responsibility of any items of personal property that are lost or damaged on the
premises whether through fire, theft or otherwise.
9. Under no circumstances must Portsmouth Hospitals’ property be removed from the premises without first obtaining
the approval of the Head of Department or the VSC. Any items issued to you i.e. identity pass, site permit, protective
clothing etc. remain the property of Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust and must be returned to the VSC when you
cease to undertake voluntary work at the hospital. You are also asked to conserve energy as appropriate by
switching off lights, closing windows, etc.
10. Portsmouth Hospitals requires you to observe our No Smoking Policy. Any volunteer found to be smoking on one of
our sites will be asked to leave.
11. The Trust reserves the right to ask you to desist/relocate your voluntary activity in respect of complaints, legislative or
organisational changes that may occur.
I agree to completely abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the above statement. I understand that
should I fail to comply with these terms, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS trust has the right to terminate my
voluntary activity on Trust Premises.
Signed and print name:…………………………………………………………………….…………….Date: ……………………
Policy for the Recruitment and Retention of Voluntary Staff Version 9 21/01/2014
(Review date August 2015)