Plate Tectonics Simulation --- TEACHER NOTES OVERVIEW Students will explore the theory of plate tectonics and demonstrate their knowledge by creating an simulation illustrating the theory of plate tectonics. PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE: This Learning Resource assumes the student has a basic knowledge of the Internet, Image Creation Software. TEACHER PREP TIME: minimal If you have not worked with Image Creation Software before you may want to become comfortable. DELIVERABLES: Students will submit their Plate Tectonics Simulation. EVALUATION / GRADING: Student's simulations will be evaluated using a checklist /50. Variations on a Theme Running short on time? In the Steps section have students pair up. Clip art licensed through Plate tectonics is the geological theory that states sections of the Earth’s crust are in constant, slow motion. When a plate moves it affects the other plates surrounding it. As the plates move, they collide, pull apart or grind past each other. This movement produces spectacular changes in the Earth’s surface, including volcanoes and mountain ranges. For this activity, you will explore the theory of plate tectonics and demonstrate your knowledge by creating a simulation illustrating the theory of plate tectonics. Clip art licensed through A computer with access to the Internet, image creation software and word processing software. /Continents.shtml Enchanted Learning PBS - Tectonics Enchanted Learning Plate Tectonic Animation Try the Plate Tectonics Simulator Berkeley – Plate Tectonic Animation Extreme Science Big Chalk .html The Plates Major Tectonic Plates of the World Be sure to document the source of your Internet research. Last Name, First Name of Author (if known). “Title of work/article/page.” Title of Complete Document (if applicable). Date last modified. URL (date visited). Clip art licensed through Use the websites listed in Resources to complete a short essay (one page) using a word processor on Plate Tectonics. Provide an explanation of how the plates move and interact. How was the theory of Plate Tectonics developed? What was Pangaea? Where is it now? What are the names of the plates? How does plate movement contribute to other geological formations (i.e. mountains, volcanoes etc? Clip art licensed through In Steps, you explored the theory of plate tectonics. Now is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge by creating a simulation illustrating the Theory of Plate Tectonics. Use image creation software to create your simulation demonstrating how plates have moved to create the world we know today. Put some thought into how you will demonstrate how the continents move, what happens when they move, what areas of the globe are most affected and how you will differentiate between each of the regions. Include images, narration and content from your essay written in Steps. Clip art licensed through Your teacher will use the following checklist to mark your simulation. Plate Tectonics 5 Use of Class Time 10 Research Thorough 5 Creativity 10 Knowledge of Image Creation Software 20 Quality of Simulation - End product Notes: Clip art licensed through Organise a Plate Tectonic Exhibition with your class. Compare and contrast your classmates work. Invite other classes in for demonstrations. Clip art licensed through