ROBUST ABF FOR LARGE PASSIVE SENSOR ARRAYS N. L. Owsley and J. A. Tague Office of Naval Research Code 321US C/o Mandex Corp 4001 N. 9th Str. Suite 106 Arlington, VA 22203 703 234 1160 N, and sacrifice little if any performance. The computational operation with the greatest burden in ABF is the inversion of the estimated sensor cross-spectral density matrix (CSDM) in the Mdimensional sample vector “snapshot” space. This potential savings in computation may not be realized if a separate matrix inversion is required for each beam steering direction as is the case for a reduced dimension beam space approach. This paper discusses a GSC method wherein only a single matrix inversion of the estimated auxiliary snapshot vector CSDM is required for all steering directions. A GSC algorithm for which the major computational operation, matrix inversion, is independent of steering direction is termed Steering Invariant Sidelobe Cancellation (SISC). ABSTRACT Broadband adaptive beamforming for arrays having a large number of sensors in the presence of sensor phase uncertainty requires both computational efficiency and signal model error robustness. A Generalized Sidelobe Cancellation (GSC) method with a Dominant Mode Rejection (DMR) implementation that is steering direction invariant in the major computational operation, matrix inversion, and robust to model error is presented. Steering (direction) Invariant Sidelobe Cancellation (SISC) is in contrast to the use of either GSC with a signal nulling, blocking matrix or beam-space approach that require the inversion of a different, albeit reduced-dimension auxiliary array data estimated covariance matrix for every beam steering direction. SISC robustness is achieved through a linear combination (blending) of the SISC filter weight vector and the inherently robust, nonadaptive conventional beamformer steering vector. Examples that illustrate and compare the SISC with alternative element space robust adaptation methods are presented. In the next section, the background of a traditional GSC ABF approach using presteering and a signal blocking matrix is presented and the important notation is introduced. Section 3.0 develops the steering (direction) invariant (generalized) sidelobe cancellation (SISC) algorithm and compares it to the traditional GSC approach. The SISC algorithm is discussed in a form that is robust to beamformer signal model error. Next, snapshot simulation results are given that compare the SISC performance to that of element space ABF with and without robustness features. Finally, a summary and direction of the current SISC research is included. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Implementation of broadband adaptive beamforming (ABF) algorithms in element space for arrays with hundreds to thousands of sensor elements is fraught with the curse of dimensionality including high computational burden, slow mean convergence and excessive steady state misadjustment noise [WMGG67]. Instead, ABF practitioners have sought reduced dimension adaptation space solutions that adapt on either beam output (space) data, linearly combined sensor or signal-free auxiliary sensor (space) data using generalized sidelobe cancellation (GSC) [VT02]. Such methods employ far fewer adaptively filtered channels, M, than the number of primary sensor elements, 2.0 GSC BACKGROUND The traditional form of the GSC is given in Figure 1. First, the N-dimensional element space sample vector snapshot, x(), is pre-steered to the b-th beam direction by the steering matrix S(,b) = diag( exp(-j(1, b)), exp(-j(2, b)), … , exp(-j(N, b))), where (n, b) is the time delay applied to the n-th sensor output to steer a beam at the b-th location. In the upper path, the pre-steered snapshot vector is accumulated to 1 form the Conventional Beamformer (CBF) output yc(, b) = (S(, b)1 N)Hx() = v(, b)Hx() . apertures and many beams even when subspace matrix inversion methods are employed [Ows85]. (1.1) (1.2) 1N = [ 1 1 … 1]T (N-by-1) x() The superscript “H” indicates the matrix complex conjugate transpose operation and 1N is an Ndimension column vector of ones. In the lower path, the N-by-M signal blocking matrix, B(), and M-dimensional unconstrained Weiner adaptive filter vector are applied to the snapshot to yield the CBF output coherent noise estimator H H ya(, b) = wa(, b) B() x(). B x Hx() y() + - ya(,b) = waHBHSHx() v(, b) = S (,b)1N Unconstrained Weiner Filter Figure 1. Generalized Sidelobe Cancellation (GSC) ABF with conventional beamformer (CBF) pre-steering matrix, S(,b), and an N-byMa signal blocking matrix B(). (1.3) v (b) x() x yc(,b) = v(, b)Hx() + y() + - wa(b, ) (1.4) A() a() x ya(,b) = waHAHx() va( b) = A()v(, b) The value of wa(,b) that minimizes the CBF noise cancelled residual variance Figure 2. Steering (direction) Invariant Sidelobe Cancellation (SISC) ABF with parallel CBF steering vector, v(, b), and an N-by-Ma auxiliary array selection matrix A E{ y(ω, b) } E{ y c (ω, b) y a (ω , b) } 2 + x yc(,b) = v(, b) wa(b, ) The signal blocking matrix must satisfy the constraint that a signal perfectly matched to the maximum response axis of the CBF be nulled by B() to prevent signal suppression. This is realized by making 1N, orthogonal to the columns of B() according to B()H1 N = 0. S (b) 2 (1.5) 2 E{ ( v(ω, b) B(ω) w a (ω, b)) S(ω, b) H x(ω ) } H 2.0 STEERING INVARIANT SIDELOBE CANCELLATION (SISC) (1.6) is Consider the modified sidelobe cancellation scheme given in Figure 2 wherein there is no presteering and the CBF beam output is formed entirely in the upper path. The auxiliary data vector is formed at the output of the matrix filter A() and there has been no previous steering operation. Robust SISC first requires a solution to the minimum noise residual variance problem as in the traditional GSC above. However, the problem is stated as a distortionless response (DR) linearly constrained quadratic minimum variance objective w.r.t. the constrained Weiner filter vector wa(, b) as follows: wa(,b) = [B()HS(,b)HRS(,b)B()]-1B()HS(,b) HRv(,b). (1.7) The N-by-N matrix, R = E{x()x()H}, is the element space snapshot vector CSDM. A crucial point is that Eq. (1.7) requires the inversion of only an M-by-M matrix as compared to an N-byN matrix in an element space implementation. However, even though M < N and the matrix inversion computational burden is reduced accordingly, the matrix to be inverted is a function of the beam steering index b. This requires a matrix inversion for every beam direction rather than a single direction invariant, albeit larger matrix inversion for an element space realization. This requirement becomes the dominant factor in the computational load for a high resolution ABF system for large array H minimize (v - Aw a ) R (v - Aw a ) w.r.t. (2.1) H subject to (v - Aw a ) v = 1, 2 (2.2) wa Note that explicit dependence of notation on frequency, , and steering direction index, b, has been suppressed. The vector v = S1N is the full N sensor array conventional beamformer (CBF) steering vector. The matrix A is and N(row)-byMa (column) auxiliary (sub-)array selection matrix and wa is the Ma (< N) dimensional auxiliary array adaptive filter vector. This solution is the reduced dimensionality Ma vector space. The DR constraint, w a v a 0 , is ensured for Eq. H (2.5) and the matrix Raa designated for inversion is the same for all steering directions. As a final reduced dimensional ABF option, the Sub-Array Pre-Processor (SAPP) ABF structure that implements the objective minimize: wpHPHRPwp = wpHRppwp (2.6a) subject to: wpH vp = wpH PHv = 1 (2.6b) -1 v H A A H RA A H Rv H w a = A'RA A R - H IN v -1 v A A'RA A H v (2.3) Robustness to signal model error is achieved with a blended CBF and SISC beamforming filter, w, formed according to -1 is also of interest for comparison. The solution wp = (vpH Rpp-1 vp) -1 Rpp-1 vp where P is a fixed N-by-Mp matrix that requires only a single Mp dimension matrix inversion for all beams and is algorithmically somewhat more simple than Eq. (2.7). The dimension reducing matrices A and P may or may not be equal in that for some aperture topologies A may not need to incorporate all sensors in linear combination to adequately estimate the yc coherent noise component. Whereas P must incorporate all sensors in linear combination to achieve the same potential for SAPP array gain as for the SISC. wSISC = (v –Awa) , when Aw a g 2 (2.4a) and wSISC = (1-)v + (v –Awa) (2.4b) 2 = v - Awa, when Aw a > g . (2.4c) 3. STATIC SOURCES EXAMPLE The parameter = g1/2/abs(v –Awa) and g is defined by the maximum allowable signal suppression due to signal model error [Ows02]. This method of achieving robustness places a maximum value on the magnitude squared value of wSISC that is referred to as the White Noise Gain Constraint (WNGC). The WNGC limit is achieved simply by selecting g in Eq. 2.4 in conjunction with the identity abs(v) = 1. Consider a passive linear array with forty-eight (N = 48) sensors uniformly spaced at one-half wave length at normalized frequency fo = 1.0. Conventional time-delay-and-sum beamforming (CBF) and candidate Adaptive Beamforming (ABF) techniques are performed at a single frequency of 0.2. A 201 beam set is formed with steering angles spaced uniformly in direction cosine from 0 to 180 degrees. The beam output power response as a function of direction cosine is calculated. There are six far field stationary sources present at angle cosines 0.5, 0.32, -0.1, 0.3, -0.5 and -0.9 and SNR levels referenced to the spatially uncorrelated noise at a perfectly matched CBF beamformer output of 40, 10, 15, 13, 17 and 11 dB respectively. This example is intended to compare various element space MVDR-based methods, SISC and SAPP methods using ABF algorithms that are rendered either robust and or non-robust to an independent, zero mean random phase fluctuation across the array sensors. The beamforming algorithms compared are: (1) CBF: conventional beamforming with -25 dB sidelobe Taylor sensor amplitude shading; (2) element space Minimum Variance Distortionless It is observed that the matrix inverse operation in Equ. (2.3) is independent of steering and that the form of Eq. (2.3) that would be appropriate for implementation is 1 v a v a R aa H w a R aa1 (I M 1 v a R aa va H (2.5) )rac where va = AHv and rac E A xy c . Eq. H H (2.5) ensures that the projection of rac onto the vector va is in the null space of wa. It is seen from Equ. (2.5) that the CSDM, Raa, for the auxiliary data vector a = AHx is estimated and inverted and the cross-correlation vector, rac, is estimated with both operations implemented in 3 Response (MVDR) [Ows85]: non-robust MVDR using full element space CSDM matrix inversion; (3) (Diagonal) Loaded DMR: element space Dominant Mode Rejection (DMR) [Ows88] with iteratively determined diagonal loading of the element space CSDM to achieve a specified WNGC [CZO87, CP97]; (4) Excision DMR: the eigenvector from the CSDM estimate that has the largest projection onto the steering vector for the beam [Kog02] is removed; (5) CBF-EDMR: element space blended CBF and DMR with infinite enhancement of the dominant signal eigenvalues [Ows02]; (6) SISC: nonrobust SISC with DMR processing of the auxiliary data CSDM; (7) CBF–SISC blend: robust SISC and (8) SAPP: subarray [Ows72] preprocessing DMR and (9) CBF-SAPP blend: robust SAPP . All blended robust processors have a WNGC = 12 db limit. independent and zero mean random phase fluctuation of 0.07 wavelengths standard deviation is imposed on the sensor outputs. Relative to Figure 3, the poor resolution CBF performance is unchanged, the MVDR response to the high SNR = 40 db source is suppressed by almost 20 db compared to the non-robust SISC by 10 db and the CBF-EDMR blend with suppression of less than 4 db. Note that there is minimal suppression of the response for any beamforming method due to a source with an SNR < 17 db. The nonrobust SISC is more robust than the nonrobust element space MVDR to signal suppression because the summation of four adjacent sensors in each subarray group to form one auxiliary channel. This averages the zero mean phase errors within the group and statistically reduces the signal model error. phase interval = 0.07; Sources at: 0.5 0.31 -0.1 -0.3 -0.5 -0.9 50 phase interval = 0; Sources at: 0.5 0.31 -0.1 -0.3 -0.5 -0.9 50 30 40 40 SISC (-) Power (dB) Power (dB) 40 CBF w/25 dB SLL (...) MVDR (---) CBF-EDMR Blend (-) DMR GSC (-) GSCmlm = 0 dB Hyd. Group Size = 4 WNGC = 12 dB 17 13 15 20 11 10 30 CBF w/25 dB SLL (...) MVDR (---) CBF-EDMR Blend (-) DMR GSC (-) SISC (-) 40 GSCmlm = 0 dB Hyd. Group Size = 4 WNGC = 12 dB 10 17 13 15 20 11 10 10 0 -1 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Cosine Cosine 1 Cosine Cosine Figure 4. Beamformer response comparison with sensor 0.07 wavelength rms random phase error. Figure 3. Beamformer response comparison without sensor random phase error. phase interval = 0.07; Sources at: 0.5 0.31 -0.1 -0.3 -0.5 -0.9 50 Figure 3 compares the response of a CBF, element space MVDR ABF, element space EDMR-CBF blend and a SISC with Ma = 12. In Figure 3, the source propagation is known exactly and neither the MVDR nor the SISC include robustness. The reduction in the number of adaptively filtered channels from 48 in the element space MVDR to 12 in the SISC is accomplished by summing the outputs of all nonoverlapping (subarray) groups of four adjacent sensors. The element space MVDR and the non-robust SISC responses are essentially indistinguishable. The robust CBF-EDMR gives an increased deflection for the lower SNR sources with no significant loss of angular resolution to include robustness. Figure 5. Beamformer response comparison with sensor 0.07 wavelength rms random phase error and robustness. In Figure 4, the same algorithms as in Figure 3 are compared, however, a statistically In Figure 5, the phase randomness in Figure 4 is retained but robustness is provided to the SISC 45 Power (db) 40 35 CBF w/25 dB SLL (...) CBF-EDMR Blend (-) CBF-GSC Blend (-) Excision DMR blend (ooo) Subarray blend CBFSISCABF Blend (-) (-) CBF – SAPP Blend (-) 40 30 25 15 10 17 13 15 20 11 10 5 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Cosine 4 filter vector with a WNGC = 12 db by the use of the CBF blend process defined by Eq. 2.4. Also shown Figure 5 are the responses for Excision DMR and SAPP DMR (Mp = 12) wherein both algorithms have been blended with CBF to limit the WNGC to 12 db. All algorithms use a DMR with seven degrees of freedom, that is, seven eigenvectors are estimated in approximating the CSDMs R, Raa and Rpp respectively. and using sparse subarrays fits naturally into the broadband SISC approach. Accordingly, both computational and adaptation performance improvements result from the SISC method presented. The applicability of methods for ensuring robustness to signal model error to reduce strong source suppression in the presence of random and beam steering phase errors has been emphasized. Nine beamforming algorithms have been compared and the SISC method, which has at least a factor of four reduction in adaptive channel count, has been shown to exhibit beam response equivalent to a full element space ABF beamforming procedure. Figure 6 presents beam power response patterns for the random phase case of Figures 4 and 5 and includes the CBF, MVDR, diagonal Loaded DMR and Excision DMR algorithms for comparison. The element space Loaded DMR, robust auxiliary space SISC and robust SAPP DMR give equivalent responses except that the SAPP DMR has decreased sensitivity in the direction longitudinal to the linear array axis. This is because of the slight directionality of the four sensor summation group in the SAPP. Even though the SISC uses exactly the same subarray grouping as the SAPP, A = P, the SISC does not have decreased longitudinal direction response sensitivity. 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SUMMARY This paper provides a background and rationale for the application of reduced dimension steering invariant sidelobe cancellation (SISC) methods to the broadband passive sensor array problem for arrays with high sensor count and broadband beamforming over many octaves. The ability to form auxiliary array sensors by summing the outputs of adjacent sensors at lower frequencies 5 Multichannel Signal Processing, Arlington, VA, 5-6 August, 2002. [VT02] Van Trees, H., Optimum Array Processing: Part IV of Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory, Wiley, 2002, pp.860-863. [WMGG67] Widrow, B., Mantey, P., Griffiths, L., and Goode, B., “Adaptive Antenna Systems,” Proc. IEEE, v. 55, December 1967, pp. 21432159 6 7 8 9