Floodplain Management Australia

Twelfth 2008 Flyer, 8 June
Good Morning,
1. New Deputy Chairperson Elected
At the May meeting Mayor Betty Green was elected as Deputy Chairperson of the FMA.
Mayor Green is Mayor, Kempsey Shire Council. Chair Allan Ezzy conveyed his
congratulations from the USA noting the historic occasion that this was the first time that a
lady had been elected to the Executive in any capacity. Congratulations to Mayor Green who
may be contacted as follows:
Betty Green
Kempsey Shire Council
Phone: 6566 3320
Fax: 6566 3325
2. NSW State Budget
Since the last “Flyer” the State budget has been delivered. The FMA is attempting to
ascertain the specific allocation for flood mitigation and floodplain management in the
budget. As soon as advice is to hand information will be circulated to members.
In the meantime, with the extension of the NDMP for one year by the Federal Government
and the late calling of project nominations, the FMA has written to Ministers requesting that
consideration be given to allowing Councils to “carry over” flood mitigation funding.
With Councils in from all states proactively engaging local parliamentary members the profile
of flood mitigation/management has again been raised. Your representations saved the
NDMP funding in 2008/09; during this year we must make certain that all parliamentary
members understand that abandonment of flood mitigation funding will be done “at their
peril”. The time to keep up the pressure is now, tomorrow is too late.
3. Estimated Cost of ALL Outstanding Projects
The FMA needs your help urgently...This information is essential.
In order that the FMA can better undertake representations to the State and Federal
Governments we need your help to evaluate the estimated cost of know Flood Risk
Management and Flood Mitigation Projects.
The 2008 May meeting instructed the Executive to endeavour to find out the existing
unfunded liability of uncompleted projects. To this end we have attached a copy of the latest
FMA Prioritised listing with a column available for the Estimated Cost. Please complete the
spreadsheet and return to the Executive Officer.
If your Council has projects which have yet to be prioritised please list them together with
and estimated cost, or, alternatively provide the information to the Executive Officer by return
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4. Flood Risk Management Surveys
You are all requested to participate in the two following surveys ASAP. Please make some
time available to help the FMA help you.
a) 2009 FRM Workshop Survey.
All Workshop Questions to Duncan McLuckie
Duncan McLuckie
A/ Program Manager Urban Flood
Coastal and Floodplain Programs
Department of Environment & Climate Change
Locked Bag 1002
Dangar NSW 2309
Ph. 4904 2553
mob.0407 905 034
Fax. 4904 2597
email: duncan.mcluckie@environment.nsw.gov.au
b) Flood Risk Management Survey
All FRM Survey Questions to Nilmini de Silva
Nilmini De Silva
Natural Systems Manager
Fairfield City Council
PO Box 21
Fairfield NSW 1860
Tel: (02) 9725-0881
Mobile : 0418 238 786
Fax (02) 9609 3257
email: ndesilva@fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au
5. Marshall Frech DVD’s
Marshall’s DVDs, Flash Flood Alley and The Water’s Edge can be obtained through the FMA
Flash Flood Alley
in clamshell case
The Water's Edge
in full DVD case
Costs of the DVD’s, including postage & handling are:
 Single copy of both DVD’s $A 41.80
 Two copies of both DVD’s.....$A 77.96
Please contact the Executive Officer to order.
Marshall Frech’s website http://floodsafety.com
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6. Photo from ASFPM Conference
Daniela Heubusch has sent this photo from her recent trip to the ASFPM Conference, Reno
Sparks, USA in May, 2008. Paul & Al have both been Keynote Speakers at the FMA’s
From Left : Allan Ezzy, Paul Osman, Al Goodman & Daniella
8. Web Links to Members Web Sites
There should now be an active link from the members listed name to the members website.
Additionally there should be a link from the list of conference sponsors to their individual
websites. If your link does not function correctly then please let the Executive Officer know.
Climate Change sea level rise is directly related to flooding. The principles of flood risk
management are generally applicable to this form of flooding. Whilst there is a focus on
flooding due to sea level rises there is little being said regarding the problems of other forms
of flooding resultant from Climate Change. If modelling and mapping are part of the answer
to sea level rises, why are they not part of the answer to flooding?
a) Pittwater Seminar
A very successful Seminar was sponsored recently by Pittwater Council. Congratulations to
Mayor David James of Pittwater and to FMA Executive member Allan Gear who moderated
the event
If you would like a pdf copy of the speakers powerpoint presentations and any handouts that
were available on the day please go to:
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or to www.pittwatercouncil.gov.au and refer to the Notices section on the right hand side of
the front page and click on to Sea Level Rise Seminar.
b) IPWEA Conference
The IPWEA is holding a conference @ Coffs Harbour (3 to 5th August 2008) aimed
specifically at what is being done about climate change issues in local government
“Responding to Sea Level Rise: Engineering Practical Climate Change Solutions”.
Further information on the Conference can be found at www.ipwea.org.au/coffs2008.
10. A DUTY of CARE: Protection for our
In the last month we have seen further flooding of properties, particularly in Queensland &
We have also seen the introduction of new planning legislation in NSW.
There is no reason why it should not be compulsory to disclose to any property owner any
flood risk’ where flood risk exists there is no reason why a flood risk management plan for
the community should not exist, be known and be required to be complied with. What good
reason is there not to ensure that each property owner knows the flood risk. Why not tell
everyone who is exposed to flood risk that it exists and allow them to make informed
decisions? Why not disclose?
Flood Mitigation begins with good land use planning, to undertake good land use planning
the flood risk MUST be evaluated, flooding provided for and flood risk MUST be disclosed.
Climate Change simply demonstrates and demands no less a response.
Let’s return to basics and question what decisions and legislation is being based upon. The
so called 1 in 100 year “standard” had its origins where???
 Was this standard an insurance actuarial exercise???
 Was it simply a “number” base upon “nominal” infrastructure life expediency???
 Was it “adopted” because “its as good as anything else”???
 Was it rather like “Topsy” and simply “grew”????
Before the Parliament adopts the proposed legislation despite all our knowledge of Flood
Risk Management Principles and Policy we need to at least have Parliamentarians
acknowledge that
 Climate Change says that what is now the 1 in 100 year event will shortly be a more
frequent event
 Historically, when every review of “design” rainfall intensities has occurred over the
last 50 years, rainfall intensities have became greater for the same probability of
 It is well demonstrated that attempting to retrofit flood mitigation is a costly and
sometimes impossible (as demonstrated by the existing house purchase projects)
 USA experience shows that insurance is not the panacea or the answer.
 Modern homes are more susceptible to major flood costs
 There are a large number of deaths on roads in times of flood caused by people
entering floodwaters
What price are we as a community being expected to pay in terms of lives and property
damage for poor policy???
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It is up to Members to LOBBY your local STATE PARLIAMENTARIAN and request support;
ultimately it is the parliament where these issues must now be aired.
Last flyer contained the following item:
“People in Emerald (Qld) have recently experienced rejection of their flood
claims by the Insurance industry. A major insurance company is running TV
Advertisements in Queensland regarding their “flood protection
option”. A quick survey of
several Insurance company websites shows that
 Flood Insurance does not “feature” in the lists of coverage/non coverage when
opening the webpage.
 Flood insurance is an “optional extra” if offered
 You need to read the Product Disclosure Statement/Information to find out the flood
coverage entitlement of the Policy
With the existing capacity for modelling and mapping there is an ability to be able to tell
people that they have a flood risk and the risk involved. Flood risk mapping is a first line of
flood management and mitigation. People should not be facing ruin from manageable flood
Full disclosure is a duty of care for all business (developers) and all levels of government;
without a duty of care there is no accountability.
Councils have and must be able and free to exercise a duty of care to disclose flood risk.”
Recent events have simply highlighted the need for Flood Risk Management and a coherent,
comprehensive and consistent Flood Policy.
FMA Newsletter.
At the May Quarterly meeting it was resolved that the FMA would enter into an agreement
with Molino Stewart for the production of the FMA Newsletter “Sudden Rises” in association
with the currently circulating “Floodplain Manager”.
This is a bold step in a new direction for the FMA. Full details of arrangements for news
items etc will be forwarded shortly.
Wilton C Boyd
Executive Officer,
Floodplain Management Authorities.
e wilton@ausengineers.com.au
m 0448 199 828
35 Carlton Road, Greenbank. Qld. 4124
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