Complex Real World Simulation with Human – Technology

Structure of subproject proposal (total length 4-10 pages, clarifying
figures are welcome)
1.1 Subproject full title:
Complex Real World Simulation with Human – Technology - Interface
1.2 Subproject Acronym:
1.3 RISKMAN Research Area:
Research Area 3: Human-Technology Interaction
2.1 Proposing organisation:
ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH
2.2 Contact person name:
Dr. Christian Wartha
2.3 Address:
A-2444 Seibersdorf
2.4 Tel:
+43 (0) 50550 3404
2.5 Fax:
+43 (0) 50550 3452
2.6 Email:
2.7 Web site:
2.8 Participating organisations and companies, name and country:
3. Proposal summary (1/3 page)
Complex Real World Simulations are becoming an effective and decisively important instrument of ITsupported solutions of numerous problems within the domains of science, economy and society. In the
field of Risk Research these simulations can particularly boost the search for criteria, concepts and
strategies for risk-prevention and risk-minimization through sustainable development, as well as the
dynamic design and verification of emergency plans. The methods of modern Information &
Communication Technologies provide our environment, economy and society for the first time with a
chance to find and test novel routes, visions, strategies for risk-prevention, risk-minimization and
emergency plans design through complex real world simulations.
It is beyond question that in the study, simulation and management of such complex systems, the human
social activity takes over a central role. A simulation system, that can realistically capture the latter,
must comply with the following requirements:
Reflect the active role of human actors, by contributing to the development and testing of
socially acceptable solution- and management-strategies for real world systems.
Hold a pedagogic functionality by enabling system changes, which are triggered by the personal
behaviour of the user and thus rendering the changes and personal consequences intuitively
Such a system must thus be able not just to simulate human behaviour – it should rather directly
integrate the real-time activity of the user in the simulation. The actors participate actively in the
simulation and are in the position to develop strategies in an utterly novel manner.
On the other hand they can directly experience the consequences of their decisions and, which allows
gradually improving the latter in the framework of an evolutionary learning process. A simulation,
which actively integrates the human user as described, is known as Man Model Measurement
This type of simulation combines the scientific approach of conventional simulation systems with
multimedia capabilities of up to date IT technology. While scientific simulation systems focus on the
most adequate modeling of real processes based on current measuring data and, in most cases, remain
abstract as regards the presentation of their results, applications focusing on interactive Graphic User
Interfaces (GUI) technique center on intuitively recognizable representation of objects or multimedia
communication and interaction of many actors in a common virtual world. Well-known examples for
this are the Multi User Dungeons (MUDs) that are spread on the Internet, where hundreds of players
communicate and interact with each other. Multiple communication and interaction structures of actors
(even in the absence of graphic interface) are what turn MUDs into virtual representations of social
systems. In contrast, the numerous simulation games are based on highly developed graphics attractively
visualizing whole worlds and restricted to a small number of simultaneous players with simple
interaction. The design of simulated processes in these play worlds is primarily dominated by their
entertainment value and can not be compared to reality-based modeling of scientific simulation systems.
However, it can be easily recognized that accuracy of modeling, graphic representation, complex
communication and interaction structures do not contradict and they can be combined to give rise to a
novel approach to simulation for Real World Systems. Essentially a framework of Real World
Simulation has to build upon network based integration of four basic functionalities:
 Modeling and Measurement of real systems and processes by means of scientifically-founded
simulation models, using current measuring data
 Visualization and Information by means of intuitive representation of simulation results using
GUI techniques
 Communication and Interaction by means of active involvement of people in the simulation, as
the actor decides as part of the simulated world and using all multimedia techniques for direct
communication in the simulation
 Extensibility and further development on the basis of a universal Application Programming
Interface (API), which allow the system, seen as an integral bundle of software and a human
actors, to be further developed on an evolutionary basis
The development of a prototype of a system as described above, requires the following workpackages:
Workpackage 1: Design of a Basic System-Concept
Workpackage 2: Modeling of selected concrete Systems
Workpackage 3: Development of a Model- and Database-server
Workpackage 4: Development of a Graphical User Interface
4. Objectives (1/3 page)
WP1: Design of a Basic System-Concept:
The central component of a system as described above is a communication (backbone) platform. On top
of this platform, the system itself is to be implemented using a consequent object-oriented approach.
Each object would be characterized through its state, the possible processes that can bring about changes
in the state and its relations to other objects. This approach, bearing from state of the art IT architectures,
appears to be very promising for solving the “coupling problem” in the modeling of multi-component
systems. The necessity to define all states, processes and relations for the development of a functional
object classes, provides the modeler with a standard development framework in the design and
integration of the required simulation models. The design and implementation of models can be oriented
along the guidelines of the existing structure, assuring thus successive consistent extensibility of the
WP2: Modeling of selected concrete Systems:
Selected system from the domains of Agriculture, Soil science, Hydrology, Meteorology, Transportation
or Economy would be modeled using an object oriented, component-based tool (AnyLogic) The
Simulation tool generates the java-code simulation application files, which would be subsequently
integrated as self-contained object in the backbone platform.
WP 3: Development of a Model- and Database-server:
The models, which simulate the considered fields of application, e.g. Agriculture, Soil, Hydrology,
Meteorology, Transportation or Economy, and thereby draw the necessary data from the uniform system
database, are interconnected on the basis of the relations between the objects. The control of the models
and their communication would be realized by employing specialized markup languages, which
implement the XML technology. This (distributed) network of simulation models constitutes the Model
Server of the system.
The modular design of the Model Server simplifies the integration of models that are already available,
and are firmly established in the respective fields, which in turn allows interconnection and crossfertilization of different knowledge areas. Based on standardized interfaces the model server is
extensible. It is also flexible and adaptable as separate models can be exchanged by more appropriate
ones. The modular approach allows thus a seamless system modification and avoids a necessity to adapt
other modules when altering a particularly selected one. This enables an evolutionary model building
process, which leads to a robust, consistent and adequate system of models.
WP 4: Graphical User Interface
The Model server generates a Simulated World, which is inhabited by the real actors, represented by
their virtual mirror images (avatars). To come into virtuality the actors use a specialized configuration of
the Multi-Purpose Graphical User Interface - a special view - providing a graphical visualization of the
simulated world and the ability to act in it. Each specific user group is in the position to observe the state
of simulation by different views individually adapted to the kind of required information. For example,
the scientific experts and modelers need a much more detailed view of the simulation results for
interpretation and model improvement; the view of the decision maker should provide summarized
information, general options and consequences.
The interactive character of the simulated world itself provides an efficient environment for
development, fast communication and cooperation. Due to the fact that the system allows integration of
real actors, it is not just software, but also a self-organizing system, which has the ability to evolve. A
necessary condition for enabling this quality is the design and implementation of an Application
Programming Interface (API), which allows the user to adapt the system itself and the interaction with it
on the basis of his particular current requirements. The ability to run several “test worlds” (instances) of
the whole system, which can be arbitrarily modified and extended by the user to take over the best
extensions with respect to functionality, stability and utility in the “Virtual World” development enables
de-facto a process of evolutionary improvement of the system itself.
5. Deliverables (new products, new processes and services, radical innovations; prime deliverable is
expected to be a breakthrough in applicable knowledge to be transferred to industry and society)
Prototype of platform for complex real world simulation with multi-purpose graphical user interface.
6. Justification and potential impact (economic impact, direct and indirect economic benefits, European
dimension, training and education, conformity with EC societal objectives: quality of life, health, safety,
working conditions, employment, and environment)
7. Description of the work (technological approaches and methods, work tasks, their description,
deliverables and work effort in person months) marked according to the following components (RTD =
Research, technological development and innovation-related activities, DEM = Demonstration activities,
TRA = Training)
8. Partners involved, partner profiles (business idea, size, competence) and the role of each partner
9. Resources for total subproject and for each partner (resources needed: personnel, equipment etc; costs,
work effort in person months)
10. Duration (starting date, duration in months)
Starting date: January 2004
Duration in months: 36
Workpackage 1: 6 months
Workpackage 2: 12 months
Workpackage 3: 18 months
Workpackage 4: 12 months
11. Financial plan
Workpackage 1: € 50.000,-Workpackage 2: € 150.000,-Workpackage 3: € 250.000,-Workpackage 4: € 150.000.-1-12 month: € 150.000,-12-24 month: € 150.000,-24-36 month: € 150.000,-36-48 month: € 150.000,-12. Other issues (e.g. ethical, gender, EC policy related issues)
KH\RISKMAN PLANS\Call-For-Subprojects-01-03