Master Gardener™ Examination 2012 Name: 1. Tree limbs should be pruned: a. flush with the trunk c. flush with the collar b. to a short stub d. and painted with a wound dressing. Source of information: 2. T Page: F Producers of certified organic foods are not allowed to use pesticides if they wish to have their food products classified as “certified organically grown” Source of information: Page: 3. A pesticide controls: a. insects c. weeds b. diseases d. all of the above Source of information: Page: 4. Sweet, sticky material on the leaves of a rose bush might indicate which three of the following? a. leafhopper d. leafrollers b. scales e. aphids c. sooty mold f. thrips g. weevil Source of information: Page: 5. When diagnosing plant problems, first: a. learn the name of the plant c. find out where the person lives b. look for insect damage d. call a nurseryman Source of information: 6. T F Page: Adding a 2 inch layer of silt loam over a base of sand is recommended to improve the soil moisture holding capacity and drainage for new lawns. Source of information: Page: 7. Where would you expect to find evidence of nitrogen deficiency symptoms on your favorite Rhododendron, which is growing along side your house foundation? a. emphasized in older foliage. b. on plant stems. c. scattered evenly throughout the plant. d. emphasized on newer foliage. Source of information: Page: 8. Which best describes Integrated Pest Management? a. Spraying when the first pest is seen. b. Using a combination of pesticides, predators and cultural practices. c. Leaving pest control to Mother Nature. d. Trapping moles and gophers, fencing for deer. e. Using only organic methods of pest control. Source of information: Page: 9. When pruning grapes, how much of the previous season’s growth should be removed? 20% 33% 50% 90% Source of information: Page: 10. Master Gardeners shall only make chemical recommendations that are listed in the three following sources: a. b. c. Source of information: Page: 11. Damage on a plant that occurs in a non-uniform or random pattern is usually caused by: Source of information: Page: 12. The only sure way to determine if lime is necessary is with a: Source of information: 13. T F Page: Adding lime to the soil raises pH while adding sulfur lowers the pH. Source of information: Page: 14. Name four conditions that allow moss to grow in a lawn. 1. 2. 3. 4. Source of information: Page: 15. Can Casoron be used where bulbs are planted? Yes Source of information: No Page: 16. List two (2) ways to control English ivy. 1. 2. Source of information: Page: 17. Black shrunken areas on the blossom end of tomatoes are caused by: It can be avoided by: Source of information: Page: 18. Large brown, irregular blotches or wedge-shaped blotches on the edges of dogwood leaves are a symptom of: They can be controlled by: Source of information: Page: 19. My squash flowers but does not produce fruit. Why? Source of information: Page: 20. Two major reasons for tilling organic matter into soil would be : a. it tends to lower pH. b. it improves drainage in heavy soils. c. it improves water-holding capacity of sandy soils. d. it is a source of exercise. Source of information: Page: 21. Rotenone is an example of what kind of insecticide? a. Chlorinated hydrocarbon b. Organophosphate c. Carbamate d. Oil e. Botanical Source of information: Page: 22. It may be necessary to re-apply a foliar fungicide several times during the growth period because: Source of information: Page: 23. The best way to control box elder bugs or ladybird beetles in the home is to: a. b. Source of information: Page: 24. Cone shaped mounds of dirt in the yard are caused by: Source of information: Page: 25. Which of the following plants need to receive pollen from another variety in order to produce fruit? Seedless grape Royal Anne cherry Gravenstein apple Newtown apple Comice Pear Veteran peach Colossal Chestnuts Barcelona filberts Source of information: Page: 26. In the Corvallis area, when is the last chance of a killing frost (10%) in the spring and first chance of a killing frost (10%) in the fall? Source of information: Page: 27. What USDA zone do we garden in? Source of information: Page: 28. The best weed control to use in a vegetable garden is: a. b. Source of information: Page: 29. Give two examples of systemic herbicides: a. b. Source of information: Page: 30. The term “Malling 26” refers to: a. an English sports car b. the prerequisite for Malling 27 c. an apple rootstock d. a popular make of tractor Source of information: Page: 31. Match the symptoms with the suspected pest. a. frothy mass 1. filbert worm b. hole in filbert shell 2. root weevil c. notching of leaf edges 3. Spittlebug d. black soot 4. slugs e. sticky, syrupy leaves 5. Camellia scale f. apple core 6. mites g. trail of slime 7. aphids h. stippling 8. coddling moth i. apple flesh 9. juniper webworms j. webbed twigs 10. apple maggot Source of information: Page: 32. What should you add to a compost pile that is not heating? a. nitrogen b. straw c. orange peel d. animal scraps e. electric heat coil Source of information: 33. T Page: F Crimson Clover and Annual Rye are legume cover crops that add nitrogen to the soil. Source of information: 34. T Page: F Fertilizers are plant food. Source of information: Page: 35. A caller is planning on seeding a lawn, which will be shaded. Which grass is recommended? a. Bentgrass b. Fine Fescue d. Kentucky Bluegrass e. Quackgrass c. Annual Rye Source of information: Page: 36. The most common lawn disease in western Oregon in winter is: a. Red Thread d. Powdery Mildew b. Snow Mold e. Rust c. Fairy Ring Source of information: Page: 37. Reasons for pruning a plant are: a. to train the plant b. to maintain plant health c. to improve the quality of flowers, fruit, foliage d. to restrict growth e. all of the above Source of information: Page: 38. Which of the following plants can (or should) be pruned during late winter (February or early March). roses apple trees grapes rhododendrons Source of information: lilacs blueberries Page: 39. Which of the trees below often fails to set fruit in the Willamette valley because they bloom too early? a. cherry c. pear b. apple d. filberts Source of information: e. apricot Page: 40. List two advantages of using raised beds for vegetable gardens: a. b. Source of information: Page: 41. Which of the following plants can be planted outdoors successfully before the frost-free date on the Oregon Coast or Willamette Valley? a. snap beans e. squash i. onions b. beets f. parsnips j. lettuce c. garlic g. cucumbers k. broccoli d. sweet corn h. eggplant l. tomatoes Source of information: Page: 42. What is the most important limiting factor in growing red raspberries a. They require acidic soil. b. They will not take heavy, poorly drained soil. c. They require large amounts of water d. They only live three years e. They require very hot days to ripen. Source of information: Page: 43. When should a Master Gardener give advice to a commercial grower? a. When the office staff transfers the call to the MG desk. b. When the County Extension Agent is out of the office. c. If you find the answer in the PNW handbooks. d. Anytime, just identify yourself as a Master Gardener. e. Never. Source of information: Page: 44. Mechanical (non-pesticide) ways of controlling insects would include: a. hand picking worms from the plants b. placing row covers over the row of beets c. trapping slugs in pans of beer d. using light traps to catch moths e. all of the above Source of information: Page: 45. Acephate is an insecticide. A common homeowner product containing acephate is Orthene™. Acephate has an oral LD50 value of 866-945 mg/kg for rats. Explain what this means. Source of information: Page: 46. With an oral LD50 value of 302-311 for rats, is carbaryl (Sevin) more or less toxic than acephate? Source of information: Page: 47. An aphid is a chewing or sucking or mining insect (circle one). Source of information: Page: 48. When do you wear your Master Gardener badge? a. Whenever you want b. When working at a horticultural business c. At Master Gardener™ activities d. Only in the Extension office Source of information: Page: 49. The Extension Service, of which you are a part of the volunteer staff, is a part of which of the following? a. University of Oregon b. Oregon State University c. Oregon Department of Agriculture d. Benton or Linn County Source of information: Page: 50. In which county office will you be serving? Source of information: Page: 51. How often do you report your volunteer hours? Source of information: Page: 52. To whom will you give this information? Source of information: Page: 53. It is important to report your volunteer hours. Why? Source of information: Page: 54. What is your advantage to keeping track of annual miles driven as a volunteer? Source of information: Page: Congratulations! You have just completed the first part of your learning experience with the Master Gardener Program. As you work as a Master Gardener this year, you will learn much more than we have taught in this eleven-week series. I hope your experiences will be happy ones that broaden and enrich your gardening skills. Suggestions for next year’s Master Gardener program: Suggested Sources of Information Sustainable Gardening Handbook Pacific Northwest Plant Disease Handbook Pacific Northwest Weed Control Handbook Pacific Northwest Insect Control Handbook website