ascls education & research fund, inc

Guidelines for Application Process
Whitaker Center Undergraduate Research Awards support Florida Gulf Coast University
degree-seeking undergraduate students in the pursuit of research with science, technology,
engineering, and/or math as a focus, as well as teaching and learning in these areas. Through the
quest of knowledge by research, it is believed that students gain intellectual growth and may continue
their endeavors throughout their undergraduate education and beyond.
Monetary awards will be granted to students by the Whitaker Center Leadership Team. Award
amounts are granted for applications that are deemed meritorious and will vary with the complexity
and need to support the research. Awards of up to $500.00 may be used for supplies and materials
needed to conduct the research. Monies may not contribute to financial assistance or support of any
person working on the project in salary or stipend. Awards may not be used for payment of indirect
costs to any institution or for projects deemed for profit. All funds must be expended in direct support
of the proposed investigation as approved by the faculty mentor. Awards are not to duplicate existing
funding from faculty grants or other sources. All awards are to be spent during the designated award
time period. Any monies not spent by the completion of the project are retained in the Whitaker
Center Undergraduate Research fund. Any equipment purchases will become the property of the
Whitaker Center for Undergraduate Research.
Awards are limited to degree-seeking Florida Gulf Coast University undergraduate students.
Students may be declared in any major; however, the focus of the research must be in science,
technology, engineering, and/or math as a focus as well as teaching and learning in these areas.
Application Process
All proposals must be submitted using the Whitaker Center Undergraduate Research Awards
Application Cover Page and follow the guidelines. Students may only submit one application per
year. If the applicant is also seeking funds from another source for the project, the source and the
nature of the requested support must be provided in the application materials. Students may apply as
a single applicant or submit proposals as collaboration between two or more students. All proposals
must be supported by an FGCU faculty mentor, who must be a member of Whitaker Center.
Students are required to seek the support of a faculty mentor prior to the submission of the
If the proposal is funded, student investigators must write and submit a final report signed by
the faculty mentor. The report is submitted to the to the Center’s Executive Assistant by the last day
of classes of the semester that the project was funded. The report will follow the Final Report
Revised: October 2007
There are no prescribed deadlines for undergraduate research proposals. Proposals will be
reviewed as they are received. Please note, however, that funds to support undergraduate student
research are limited; consequently, those proposals received late in the academic year may not be
supportable regardless of the value of the work.
Applications must be submitted in triplicate and electronically to:
Susan Fohs, Administrative Assistant for the Whitaker Center
Description of Proposed Investigation:
Limit description of proposal (II through V) to no more than three (3) single-sided, single
spaced, Microsoft Word typed pages in 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font with one inch
margins. The material essential to the application should be included in the description of the
proposal. References cited in your proposal should follow formatting guidelines specific to your
discipline and may include American Psychological Association (APA) accessed electronically at, the Modern Language Association (MLA) accessed
electronically at, American Medical Association
(AMA) accessed electronically at, or
the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) accessed electronically at Investigators must be especially careful to follow
accepted scholarly practices in providing citations for source materials relied upon when preparing
any section of the proposal. While there is no established page limitation for the references, this
section must include only references cited within the proposal.
Cover Page
Background and rationale: the investigator(s) should identify how the proposed project
addresses the Committee philosophy with designated research in science, technology,
engineering, and/or math as a focus or teaching and learning in these areas. A clear
demonstration of familiarity with existing research, knowledge of the project focus, and
personal expertise should be identified. Provide a clear and concise statement of the issue
and/or problem identifying the need for the project.
Research Objectives/Research Questions: the objectives and/or research questions should
be appropriate, stated clearly, and linked to the problem stated in the rationale.
Methods/Design: the methods/design should be described clearly, agree with objectives, be
specific and detailed, and identify strengths and limitations. It should describe the sampling
population if applicable; recruitment of subjects if applicable; data collection procedures;
methods used to minimize sample bias; indicate recording and reporting procedures; list
appropriate deadlines; and guarantee confidentiality. If human subjects are to be used, the
FGCU Institutional Review Board (IRB) Guidelines need to be followed
( If animals are used in the project the FGCU
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) guidelines need to be followed
( If a project proposal is deemed to need approval
from the IRB or IACUC, approval must be submitted and verified by application deadline.
Funded project awards will be with held until final approval from these committees is obtained.
Analysis Procedures: the analysis section should include identification of data collection
instruments and statistical applications, relate to the purpose/objectives, describe extent and
detail of analysis, list time frame, and describe written and/or verbal reporting procedures.
Revised: October 2007
Budget: the budget section should include itemization and justification of cost and relate to the
objectives and protocol.
Appendices: the appendices should include supplemental information including:
a. proposal cited references
b. most recent college/university transcript
c. personal statement indicating why you should be chosen as a recipient
Recommendation Form:
The designated faculty mentor must complete a Whitaker Center Undergraduate Research
Recommendation Form. The form is to be sent under separate cover by the faculty mentor to the
Whitaker Center Undergraduate Research Committee Coordinator. Recommendation forms must be
received by the application deadline date.
Final Report Guidelines
All funded proposals require student investigators to write and submit a final report. The report
is submitted to the Committee by the last day of classes of the semester for which the project was
funded. The final report is to be signed by the project faculty mentor. This report should be two (2) to
three (3) single-sided, single spaced, Microsoft Word typed pages in 12 point Times New Roman or
Arial font with one inch margins. The final report should detail the project’s execution and should
discuss the project’s preliminary or final results using scientific formatting. The report should explain
the benefits derived by the recipient from the project. It should also include a summary explaining
how the project funds were used.
Final Project Presentation
All funded projects will be presented formally by the student investigator(s). Summer and Fall
funded projects will be presented by poster presentation at a Whitaker Center Undergraduate
Research event (end of fall semester) attended by all funded project investigators. Posters will
adhere to the submission guidelines and requirements of each respective college for FGCU Office of
Research and Sponsored Programs Research Day. Spring projects will be presented at the FGCU
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Research Day (end of spring semester) as a poster
presentation. All Whitaker Center Undergraduate Research award recipients will adhere to the
submission guidelines and requirements of their respective college, and will be submitted through the
Whitaker Center for the event.
Please note: some funded projects will be for discipline/major specific senior research
project/presentation courses. Requirements specific to the courses will not be used in lieu of
Whitaker Center Undergraduate Research guidelines for students. Students may be required to
present their research not only by the Whitaker Center, but also as an academic course requirement.
Revised: October 2007
Deadline Date:
Semester for which funding sought:
Title of Proposed Study:
Name of Investigator(s):
Anticipated Graduation Date:
Enter total amount requested:
Are requested funds for conference/travel presentation? Yes
Is IRB or IUCAC approval needed? Yes
□ No □
If needed, has application for approval been completed? Yes
Submit verification of application for approval.
Is proposal for satisfaction of a Senior Research or Presentation course required for your graduation?
□ No □
If yes, specify what course(s)
Previous awards received from the Whitaker Center:
Other applications pending for funding this project:
Applicant’s Signature
If this project is selected for funding, as faculty mentor on this project, I accept the responsibility for
oversight of the student throughout the project. I will assist the student in the employment of all FGCU
safety guidelines.
Whitaker Center Faculty Mentor’s Signature
Revised: October 2007
Faculty-Mentor Checklist
Dear Mentor: Please fill out the following questionnaire and return to:
Ms. Susan Fohs
Whitaker Center for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education
Florida Gulf Coast University
Faculty-Mentor’s Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Student’s Name:
Submission Date:
Title of Proposed Research Project:
How long have you known the student?
In what areas have you previously worked with the student? (check all that apply)
Teaching Assistant
Research Assistant
Please rate the student on the following categories.
How would you rate the student’s work ethic with regard to course work?
Very Good
Unable to rate
How would you rate the student’s work ethic with regard to research?
Very Good
Unable to rate
How would you rate the student’s ability to complete the proposed project?
Very Good
Please rate the project on the following categories.
Thoroughness of the student’s research proposal:
Very Good
Viability of the proposed research project:
Very Good
Worthiness of the proposed research project
Very Good
Please indicate your interest in mentoring the student during this project.
Very Interested
Somewhat Interested
Not Interested
As the faculty-mentor for this project, please indicate the following:
Do you agree to provide budget oversight for this proposal?
Do you agree to review and approve the student’s final report to the Committee?
Please verify that there is no duplicity of funding for this project
No duplicity
Not known
Please comment on any other factors that should be taken into consideration in reviewing
this proposal application.
Faculty-Mentor Signature
Revised: October 2007
Mentor Recommendation Form
Recommendation should be favorable and provide a clear indication of student capability and responsibility to
fulfill the requirements of the research proposed.
Background and Rationale
Familiarity with existing research
Subject known by applicant
Pertinent issues identified
Problem/concept clearly stated
15 points
Objectives/Research Questions
Clearly specified
Linked to problem statement in rationale
15 points
Clearly described
Agreement with objectives
Specific and detailed
Strengths and limitations identified
Sampling population described if applicable
Recruitment of subjects described if applicable
Data collection procedures described
Description of methods used to minimize sample bias
Recording and reporting methods
Appropriate deadlines
Doable project
Confidentiality guaranteed
IRB, IACUC guidelines followed as needed and verified with application
25 points
Analysis Procedures
Appropriateness of statistical instruments
Agreement with purpose/objectives
Extent and detail of analysis
Appropriate time frame
Description of written and/or verbal report
15 points
Itemization and justification of cost
Agreement with objectives and protocol
15 points
Personal Statement
Value of receiving award clearly identified
15 points
Total Points ____________
Evaluator’s signature ___________________________________Date____________
Revised: October 2007