UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT TRAVEL GRANTS PROGRAM 2015-2016 PROPOSAL GUIDELINES AND APPLICATION FORM DEADLINES*: Fall Cycle: Friday, December 4, 2015 (Travel during funding period, July 1, 2015-December 31, 2015) Spring Cycle: Friday, June 3, 2016 (Travel during funding period, January 1, 2016-June 30, 2016) *Note: Applications may be submitted at any time but will be awarded based on the timing of the trip and availability of funds. If you have any questions regarding the CAS Student Travel Grants, please contact Sally Parry, Associate Dean, at 8-5669 (or e-mail: separry@ilstu.edu) 2015-2016 Guidelines for CAS Undergraduate Student Travel Grants Program PURPOSE CAS Undergraduate Student Travel Grants are internal awards intended to promote high-quality research, scholarship, and creative activity by undergraduate students of the College of Arts and Sciences at Illinois State University. This grant is intended to supplement travel funds provided by departments/schools or other organizations to help defray the costs of travel. The program is made possible through the reallocation of temporary funds on an annual basis and will be renewed in subsequent years pending availability of funds. AWARD DESCRIPTION Awards may be funded up to a maximum of $250 for travel to a professional conference or meeting to present the results of research or creative activity. SELECTION PROCESS AND CRITERIA The Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences will make these awards. Applications from all undergraduate students who have either a first or second major in the College of Arts and Sciences will be considered. Each proposal must include the endorsement of the student’s Chair/Director on the cover page of the proposal. PROPOSAL PROCESS AND SUBMISSION DEADLINES Two submission and review cycles will occur each academic year. A student may be funded once per academic year. E-mail proposals to separry@ilstu.edu. ELIGIBILITY Individuals eligible for an award must be undergraduate students who have either a first or second major in the College of Arts and Sciences at Illinois State University at the time of the conference or meeting. Students must be presenting, not just attending. PROPOSAL FORMAT Project Description: The description should be written in a clear and straightforward style and summarize the project/presentation. The abstract or summary should not exceed 350 words. Please also provide a summary of expenses for the travel, including airfare, lodging, and any other expenses associated with the trip. i ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT TRAVEL GRANT Cover Page Applicant: ______________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Department/School: _________________________________ Purpose of Travel: ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dates of Travel: ____________________ to ____________________ Abstract/Summary: (Please provide a copy of the submitted abstract of the work to be presented, or a brief (up to 350 words) description of the research or creative activity. If you have already presented, please attach a copy of the page in the program with your presentation. 1 Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________ Applicant Date Approved by: _______________________________________________________________________________ Department Chair or School Director Date BUDGET SUMMARY AND JUSTIFICATION Please provide the information requested below: Funds from Department/School: $________ Funds from Other Sources: $________ Indicate Sources and Subtotals: ______________________________ ______________________________ Unfunded Portion: $________ Total $________ Please list only major expenses associated with this trip up to the total amount of funds requested from the department/school and college. 2