You need Premium Quality Junk to build premium quality projects. (colorful, light, unusual shapes) From the supermarket: Colorful bottle caps and jar lids Interesting plastic packaging shapes Color toothpicks All kinds of nuts From a hardware store: String and wire 1” and 1.5” sheet rock screws ¼” , ½” and ¾” #4 flat head screws From your mother’s or father’s office: Red, blue and yellow color pencils Black ink markers White out Cardboard and colorful paper Paper clips Rubber bands Colorful bulletin board pins From your toy bin: Small toys that move Ping pong balls Slinky’s Bells and whistles Remote control car or truck From around the house: Packing Styrofoam, sponges and foam rubber Colorful ribbons, yarn and string Shiny jewelry, buttons and beads. Colorful pieces of cloth Baby bottle nipples Fishing gear (string, weights, bobbins) From a craft shop: Colored sheets of “Colorfoam” or “Foamie” Bag of wood pieces Feathers From the local restaurant: Spoons, forks, knives (plastic) and chop sticks Wooden coffee stirrer sticks Trunk your Junk! Sort your best stuff in plastic bags. Decorate a junk box and make a graffiti sign. Tools: glue gun (or scotch tape), scissors, colored pencils, black Sharpie pen Build-It-Yourself. 269 Pearl Street Cambridge MA 02139 Tel 617.547.9705